Seal of the King (44 page)

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Authors: Ralph Smith

BOOK: Seal of the King
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David looked up at his mother with an expression of relief, and said, “I took Aurora to the rooftop for lunch, and she didn’t care for the elevator too much.”

"Honestly, I was terrified,"
Aurora said with a chuckle “it was amazing to look out at the city, but standing in that glass room sliding up the side of the building was too much for me.”

“If it makes you feel any better, it took David years to get over it too.” Gabe said.

“He told me, but I have to admit I was very happy to get back on the ground again.”

“I don’t blame you, dear. I still don’t like it” Molly said. “Where else did you go?”

“We walked around the city, and David took me clothes shopping, so I don’t have to keep borrowing yours” Aurora said looking at Ruth. “Then we went to a park by the river and sat for a while.”

“That must have been nice. The weather was perfect for it.” Ruth said

He took me to this lovely place for dinner, and had the piano player play a song for us so we could dance. Then right in the middle of the place with everyone watching, he got down on his knee, and asked me to marry him.” Aurora said smiling brightly at the memory.

“Oh! So romantic” Molly said
, and David noticed the slightest tick of her eye as she glanced at Michael.

“Thankfully she said yes.” David said with a sly grin

“Of course I did. I can’t resist you.” Aurora said playfully.

“So Aunt Molly, what about you and Michael? Are you two going to get married?” David said with a cat that ate the canary grin.

Michael choked on a sip of coffee at which Molly hit him on the arm. Red in the face Molly said
, “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Aunt Molly, it’s written all over you two.”

and Molly looked at each other dumbfounded, and Ruth exclaimed “is it true? Oh how wonderful.”

Michael said, in an embarrassed stutter, “We have been spending a lot of time together
, and...”

Molly, taking on an air of defiance, added
, “we are very fond of each other yes.”

That’s great news. Now, I don’t have to worry about you becoming the old cat lady, anymore.” Gabe said.

“Ha, ha,” Molly said without a hint of laughter, “I don’t even like cats.”

"I'm truly happy for both of you." Gabe said earnestly “Michael is one of the finest men I’ve ever known.”

Molly, trying to hide her pleasure at his words
said, “Thank you Gabe.”

David stood up
, and said, “Before I get into any more trouble, I’m going to go unpack the car.”

"I'll give you a hand,"
Gabe said, “it might help keep me out of trouble too.”

"Not likely,"
Ruth said.

"I'll come too,"
Aurora said.

"I think I need some fresh air,"
Michael said, “I’ll come too.”

“You can put Aurora’s dress in our room so she can get ready in private later.” Ruth said.

Gabe waved at her as he, Michael, and David headed out of the door. Aurora stopped to talk to Ruth and Molly “would the two of you please help me get ready later? I’ve never actually gotten dressed up before, and …”

“I would love to.”

Molly added “oh yes! I can’t wait to see you in your dress. We’ll have you sparkling like a jewel.”

Aurora smiled “thank you so much. I guess I’d better go help.” Then she turned
, and headed out to the car.

First they unloaded all the clothes
, and then they uncovered the camping equipment. David pulled out the bow and quiver, and handed it to Aurora “would you like to show Dad, and Michael a little of what got Bob so excited yesterday?”

“Oh they don’t want to see me show off.”

“Oh yes we do!” Gabe said with a big grin.

“Just once, I don’t want to keep your mom waiting. Pick a target for me.”

“How about that fence post down at the end of the drive,” David asked “it’s further than Bob’s targets, but I’m sure you can do it.”

Giving him a sly grin she
said, “all right.”

David handed Gabe
and Michael each an arrow. He took one positioning each of them a full 4 feet apart. Then he nodded to Aurora. She walked over to Michael who was on the opposite end of David smiled then took the arrow, and spun. She let the arrow fly, turned, and grabbed Gabe’s, then turned again, and grabbed the one from David. While they were all still in the air, she handed him the bow and gave him a kiss.

"See you later,"
she said as she walked off.

Each arrow hit the post clustered together. Gabe
and Michael stood speechless for a second then Gabe said, “wow! That was something.”

David said a little breathlessly still tasting her lips on his as he watched her walk off.

"You'd better not get on her bad side,"
Michael said.

The three of them laughed
, then walked down the drive to retrieve the arrows and inspect her precision. “You should see her when she’s fighting. Fluid motion. I’ve never seen anyone like her.” David said, “I couldn’t have made the journey without her.”

Gabe knelt down to look where the arrows struck “Look at that
, almost no wood between the tips. I thought Bob was exaggerating.”

“I never saw Bob giddy before.” David
said, “I guess I should get back and organize our gear for the trip. I’m hoping to make it to Tom’s before midnight.”

"I'll give you a hand,"
Gabe said.

“I’ve got her ID
, and the marriage license at the house. I’ll get it for you.” Michael said.




Aurora walked into the kitchen and found Molly and Ruth. “Do you need help with anything?” She asked.

"We're all done,"
Ruth said. “Did the boys bring all of your clothes inside?”

, they put them in your room.”

good, I can’t wait to see. You’re going to be such a beautiful bride.” Molly said excitedly; then taking Aurora’s arm led her out of the room.

Aurora gave Ruth a quick glance
, and she said, “I’m right behind you. I don’t want to miss a thing.”

They walked into the room to see the wedding dress
, which was hanging on the closet door carefully wrapped in a white plastic bag. Stacked in another corner were bags of clothes, and shoeboxes waiting to be unpacked.

Molly, letting go of Aurora, hurried over to
the dress, and stood staring at it, as if trying to see through the plastic wrapping. "I see they wrapped it well enough to keep David from getting a look at it before the wedding," she said a little absentmindedly.

Aurora gave Ruth a smile
, and said, “Aunt Molly, would you like to open it up?”

Molly flushed a little
and said, “Oh dear, that’s alright. I’m sure you…”

said, “Please, I’m afraid I might mess it up. I really don’t know about these things.”

“If you insist, dear
.“ Molly said, and quickly turned to the wrapping.

Ruth placed a hand on Aurora
, and smiled at her as Molly meticulously began unzipping the plastic bag. Then with a deep breath she pulled it off the dress. Aurora felt a gush of excitement when she saw the dress again that was amplified by the ooing, and ahhing from Molly and Ruth.

Molly, positively beaming
said, “It’s magnificent. So elegant, and look at this fabric. You will look like an angel.”

Oh yes. It’s magnificent. No one will be able to keep their eyes off of you.”

“I was a bit nervous. Most of the other dresses had so much lace
and material, I was afraid I might have made a poor choice.”

“Not at all” Ruth
said, “This dress is perfect for you; elegant and pure just like you. You don’t need all that extra stuff to show how beautiful you are.”

Aurora flushed, “I’ve never thought of myself as beautiful, I just hope David likes it.”

Molly said, “You might have to revive him after he sees you in it” Then she chuckled.

“If you don’t mind, can I show you what else I got, so you can help me figure out what to bring on our trip?”

The three of them went through each of the packages as Molly and Ruth helped her sort the clothes into groups for occasions; day to day wear, evening wear, etc. They put a selection together of enough variety for her to wear while they were gone. When they got to the last 2 bags, Aurora said a bit embarrassed “oh, these are undergarments.”

Let’s see what you have. Did you get something special for tonight?”

Ruth said in a slightly exasperated tone “you are going to embarrass the girl to death.”

“Thank you, Ruth
, but the truth is I don’t know anything about well … a wedding night. What if I’m terrible, and do everything wrong?” Aurora said in a rush then looked down to hide her eyes hoping they wouldn’t think badly of her.

Ruth put a comforting arm around her
, and said, “I was terrified on my wedding night too, but Gabe and I loved each other very much, just the way you and David do, and nothing will change that. You’ll know what to do. Intimacy between a husband and wife is an extension of that love. It brings you closer together because it’s something you only share with each other. I’m sure David is just as nervous because he’s never been with anyone either.”

Aurora looked up at her, tears in her eyes
, and said, “Since my Mother couldn’t be here on this day I’m so thankful to have you here in her place.”

Ruth hugged Aurora tightly
, and Molly let out a wail “oh that’s lovely. I want the two of you with me on my wedding day, too.”

At that Aurora
and Ruth chuckled a little, and Ruth said, “I wouldn’t miss it.”

“Neither would I

Molly threw her arms around the two of them so forcefully she almost knocked them over. “I never thought at my age that I might meet someone. I just didn’t want to make a big thing out of it because it’s your special day.”

“It’s wonderful, and only adds to the occasion. I’m so very happy for you. I never thought I’d meet someone either.”

The three of them were startled by a knock at the door
, and all giggled a little. “Who is it?” Ruth asked.

Through the door
, they heard David “I was just thinking of getting in the shower, and wanted to know if Aurora needed anything from our room.”

Aurora looked at Molly
and Ruth, and smiled, then said, “I have everything I need.” The other two beamed back at her.

“Ok then, I’ll see you in a little while.”

“Oh my, look at the time!” Ruth exclaimed, “I guess we’d better start getting ready. Why don’t you use our bath to shower dear, and Molly and I will go check on things, and come back in a bit to help you finish getting ready.”

“All right, a hot bath does sound nice.”

“I’ll grab Gabe’s suit, and if Molly can take your bag for the trip, he can put it in the car for you, so we don’t forget later.”

“Thank you for everything.”

“You’re welcome.” Ruth said as she and Molly left the room.

Ruth put Gabe’s suit in Michael’s room
, and the two of them headed out into the living room where they found Gabe coming in the front door.

“Gabe, here’s Aurora’s bag. Can you please put it in the car?” Molly said

“Of course
, the cavalry’s here in full force getting everything set up in the garden. How’s the bride?”

“She’s taking a shower
, so we’re going to check on things, then go back and help her get ready.” Ruth said, “I put your suit in Michael’s room so you can change when you’re ready.”

“That’s my Ruthie. Always on top of things.” Gabe said as he gave her a kiss on the cheek
, “David’s getting dressed so we can greet the guests. Is there anything else you need us to do?”

“Just behave
yourself.” Ruth said with a grin.

"Scouts honor,"
Gabe said.

“You were never a scout.” Molly

"Oh, don't be so picky
." Gabe said, “I’ll go get dressed, and help usher everyone to the garden after I put this bag in the car.”

“Thank you dear.” Ruth said as he walked off

The two women headed back to the kitchen
, and found it alive with people getting dishes of food together. The entire council had come the day before, and were back today to help with all the preparations. They were greeted by a number of people and said their thanks for all the help. Everyone was pleased to be participating in the event. All of them knew what had transpired over the past couple of weeks.

They walked out through the kitchen door, to the garden, to find even more people organizing a buffet
, and all the chairs, and tables for the reception. It hadn’t been difficult to keep David and Aurora from going outside since they came back so late, and were busy this morning. They wanted them to see it for the first time after everything was in place.

They used a grape arbor at the edge of the garden as the backdrop for the wedding vows. Rows of neatly placed white chairs were lined up for all the guests
, with a number of floral arrangements of red and white roses running along the perimeter.

Off to the left was a large tent with tables
and chairs for the reception where the buffet was being set up. From the looks of it, enough food was being put out to feed a small army. The tables were all set with linen tablecloths, and napkins, and a few people were placing the last of the silverware.

“It’s amazing what you can get done on short notice with 50 people helping.” Ruth said

“Especially 50 motivated people. If you’d been here that first night before they set out to find you, Ruth, they’re all so proud of what these two have accomplished.”

“So am I.”

Michael said. Ruth and Molly turned to see Michael approaching with a woman and a young man.

“Michael, it looks
as if everything is coming together nicely.”

“Yes it does. I want you to meet someone. This is my sister Abigail
, and my Nephew Charles.”

“Oh, it’s very nice to meet you.” Molly said
, “Michael has told me so much about you.”

“It is very nice to meet you too.” Abigail
said, “Unfortunately Michael hasn’t told me anything about you.” Then she gave him a reproachful look.

“I just haven’t had the opportunity Abbey.” Michael said weakly

"We'll just have to sit together then,"
Molly said, “I’m sure there are loads of things he hasn’t told me either.”

, in an exasperated tone, said, “I guess I’ll go get ready now.”

“So, Charles, is there anyone special in your life?” Molly asked.

“No, mam, I just got back from overseas.”

, and what were you doing overseas?”

“Charles has been running a mission in Guatemala for
the homeless, abused women, and children for the past few years. I’m so proud of him.” Abigail said, “but I have to admit I’m very happy to have him home for a while.”

was so lovely meeting you, but I have to check on a few things, and get back to the bride. I hope we get to spend time together before you leave.” Ruth said.

“Yes, so do I, please sit with me after the ceremony.” Molly said

“You can count on it. I need to find out what my brother
has been up to lately.”

"Nice meeting you both,"
Charles said.

and Molly hurried off to take a quick walk around the garden. “Either we did a really good job organizing everything or they don’t need us.” Ruth said.

“Who cares? It just gives us more time with the bride.” Molly said, huddling in close to Ruth.

“I’m not complaining.” Ruth said, “After all the things that young girl has been through, and she’s still so kind and sweet. I’m so happy for David.”

“Let’s go then. I can’t wait to see her in that dress.” Molly said
and giggled a little.

The two of them headed back into the house
, and upon entering the living room saw David coming from the other end wearing his tuxedo.

Molly squealed a little
, and Ruth said, “David you look so handsome.” And she walked up and gave him a big hug.

“Thanks Mom. How’s Aurora doing?”

“We’re taking good care of her, don’t you worry.” Molly said.

“Thank you, Aunt Molly.”

“We’re just on our way back to help her get dressed.” Ruth said, “Why don’t you help your father greet the guests while we finish getting ready. By the way, Michael’s nephew Charles is here. He just got back from running a mission overseas for the homeless, and battered women and children. You might have something in common.”

“You didn’t tell him about the mission did you?”

"No, of course not dear," Molly said. “Have a little faith in us.”

“Just asking, Aunt Molly, I know you get excited sometimes.” David said with a smile

“I have plenty of other things to be excited about today.”

“I’ll see you both outside.” David said as he walked off, and Molly and Ruth headed back to the bedroom.

David went out the front door deciding to avoid the crowds in the kitchen. As he walked out onto the porch
, Rebecca was coming up the drive. He waved, and walked down to meet her.

She had a slightly stunned look on her face as she saw him dressed in his tuxedo. Remembering what Aurora had told him, he tried to lighten the conversation. “I know I look strange in a suit.”

She gave him a brave smile, and said, “You look dashing. I just never expected to see you dressed up ever.”

“Thank you. I’m so glad you came. Hopefully the mission can survive without you for the afternoon.”

“Sam and Doris are there, and they’ll keep everything in order.”

“Come on. I’ll escort you to the back. I haven’t seen what they’ve done yet so I may need a shoulder to lean on if it’s too much.”

As they walked back to the garden, Rebecca was unusually quiet, but he didn’t press her. When they turned the corner, they both let out a breath.

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