SEALs of Honor: Cooper (5 page)

Read SEALs of Honor: Cooper Online

Authors: Dale Mayer

Tags: #Fiction, #Military, #Romance

BOOK: SEALs of Honor: Cooper
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ow do you
know him?” David asked when they were settled in the back of the SUV. Theresa turned to listen when Sasha answered.

“I did surgery on him a lifetime ago – about a year ago,” she said with a smile. “He was a decent size back then but not like he is now,” she admitted.

“Looks like he recovered well.”

She laughed. “He had to do a fair bit of physical therapy as part of his recovery. He wanted to return to work and was chafing at the bit, so I pointed him toward power lifting. The man was a SEAL and in incredible shape anyway, but all that downtime while his team was on active duty pissed him off. He needed the outlet.”

“Well, I’d say it worked out,” Theresa said admiringly. “How come I never get patients who look like that?”

“Hmm, maybe because you specialize in pediatrics,” David said with droll humor.

Theresa nodded slowly. “I’m sorry about the divorce, Sasha. They suck at any time.”

“They do indeed,” Sasha said in a noncommittal voice, hoping the conversation would move on.

They were stuck in the SUV, waiting for something or someone. She studied Cooper outside the vehicle. He stood beside her door with his back to her.

Could they leave already? This might be safer than before, but it sure as hell wasn’t safe yet. And she didn’t do
right now. She needed it locked down – to know for sure she wasn’t going to be spirited away. She’d been okay with the edge of uncertainty while married. Not now. Now she had to know where she stood at all times.

Was there anything more devastating than betrayal – especially times two?

She sank down into the seat aware of the stilted silence around her. Then David, dear David who wouldn’t hurt anyone piped up. “The first thing I want is a hot shower.”

“Food,” said Theresa. “I’m starved.”

“Water for me,” Sasha admitted.

Cooper popped his head inside. “That’s one thing I can help with.” He opened a pack from the front and handed around several bottles of water.

Sasha smiled her thanks when he gave her one. His searching gaze made her realize he might have heard some of the earlier conversation. That was okay. If he didn’t hear it now, he’d hear it soon enough. Divorce was like that. Not that he’d care. He hadn’t seen her on anything other than a professional footing and likely didn’t know her ex anyway.

At least she hoped he didn’t.

Divorce was hard on everyone, not just the couple involved.

Then again a dead love was just that – dead. She almost laughed. Talk about being morose when it came to her marriage. Not bitter, but sad. Knowledgeable about hurt and pain in a way she’d never experienced before. And not sure she liked the way she’d changed. But once a hard lesson is learned well, you do anything you can to avoid being forced to learn it again…

And now here on the other side of the world, the size of the planet was brought home to her again.

Cooper was a good man. She’d seen him when he was down and he’d never given up. A smile broke free and made her laugh. The smiles had been coming on more and more. Good thing. Her family hadn’t known what to do with her. She’d lost her sunny disposition when she’d lost her husband.

It had taken a long time to get over him, she wasn’t proud of that, but she loved very deeply and any deep wound took time to close.

Now, she realized she’d hit a turning point.

One she’d been waiting for. It
time to go home.

Not because of the hostage taking. Not because of the volunteer work – but because she could.

She’d healed. Become whole again.

And now she could return to her old life.


Cooper took the
driver’s side and started the engine. He glanced behind to make sure all passengers were buckled in. His gaze lingered on Dr. Sasha’s profile as she stared out the window. Fatigue lined her face, but there was a small smile playing at the corner of her mouth.

He’d heard the others. But wasn’t sure if he’d heard right. The good doctor was divorced?


If the man couldn’t make her happy then he didn’t deserve to have her.

She was a hell of a doctor. Of course that didn’t make her a hell of a woman – but he’d love to find out.

They had several hours ahead of them. He’d heard the comment about needing food, but they didn’t have anything with them. He figured they’d get a few hours under their belt and then stop. They were heading deeper into Turkey. But would have to go past to the camp the team had been snatched from. Behind him the rest of the men were in the second vehicle. Backup had arrived to help the Turkish team handle the scene. Cooper and the rest of the SEAL team had the three doctors and were taking them back to safety.

He’d hope for a military helicopter and maybe a quick exit to Germany, but that hadn’t pulled together. At least not yet. Still they were a short distance away. Good enough for him.

Swede motioned at the turnoff for the highway. “Once we’re on the road we’ll need to stop for gas.”

Cooper nodded. “Coffee and food too.” He nodded to the back of the vehicle. “With any luck they’ll sleep that far.”

Swede nodded, but he’d turned and was studying the passengers. “They aren’t out yet, but will be soon.”

His headset crackled.

“That’s Markus checking in. Says the Turkish team have searched the freighter. They’ve picked up three men only.”


Swede nodded. “Should have been twice that many.”

“Not our problem.” He knew that’s what the bosses would say. But he hated to leave a job half finished. “And our orders?” he asked. “Did Mason get any update?”

“No change. Get the hostages to safety.”

Cooper glanced in the rearview mirror. Dr. Sasha’s eyes were closed, her head learning against the window. He’d have hated to find out that Dr. Sasha perished because his country hadn’t done enough to save her when she’d done so much for her countrymen. He wasn’t the only military man to end up on her table. He didn’t know what had happened to her a year ago, but he was damn sorry for it.

She was good people.

Chapter 6

asha’s neck ached
and her butt throbbed. For a moment she was afraid she was still in the hands of the damn terrorists. But a quick glance around reassured her she was riding in the vehicle and Cooper was driving her and the others to safety.

The vehicle slowed yet again and made a turn.

The change in the engine had woken her. They’d taken a ramp off the highway and were now rounding a large corner to a gas station and restaurant up ahead.

Even SEALs needed gas.

She smiled as the large SUV pulled up outside a pump.

Twisting to look behind her she saw David and Theresa both slumped in their seats sound asleep. There was no sign of the second SUV and the rest of the tem. But they were out there somewhere.

Swede and Cooper hopped out. She opened her door. Cooper was there in an instant.

“I need a bathroom,” she confessed. “And if there’s a chance of a coffee…”

Cooper nodded. “I’ll escort you in.”

She beamed. “Thank you.” With a backward glance at the other two still sleeping, she walked with him to the restaurant and on to the ladies room at the back. There, she used the facilities and washed her hands, staring at her face in the mirror. She looked like shit.

No, actually she looked like she’d been attacked and grabbed, a hood thrown over her head and tossed in the back of a vehicle then held hostage for several hours before being forced out to a ship.

And subsequently rescued. Thank God for the last part. Her face looked pale, but her eyes twinkled so something had improved.

She grinned.

At least she hadn’t lost her sense of humor.

She took advantage of the hot water and towels to do a quick wash. She ran her fingers through her hair and froze. She’d never once considered her personal belongings. Her purse, wallet. Passport. She groaned. Replacing that stuff was going to be a bitch.

After freshening up as much as possible, she straightened her clothing and went back out to the restaurant.

Cooper stood outside the door.

“Hey, thanks for waiting.”

He hooked her arm in his. “I won’t be leaving your side until I know you’re home safe and sound, Doc.”

She laughed. “It might have been doc before, but do make it Sasha now. I don’t plan on cutting up your muscled body any time soon.”

“I should hope not.” He grinned. “I went to a lot of effort to put this body back together again.”

She poked him. “So did I, so did I.”

Laughing, he led her to the front counter where a large paper bag and a tray of takeout coffee sat waiting for them. As he paid, the door opened letting in a large group of men dressed like Cooper. Instinctively she wedged up beside Cooper and the counter.

He glanced down at her inquiringly. She nodded to the noisy group.

Cooper spun, his stance alert, wary.

And then Cooper relaxed. “What kept you so long? Markus, you drive like my grandmother.”

At that, the guy standing on the left looking like a cross between a Hell’s Angel and a real angel snorted. “Maybe so, but you’ve never driven with my granny and you drive like her. Those
speed signs back there, you know?”

Cooper’s voice was wry as he answered, “What signs?”

The guys smirked. Then their gazes shifted to her.

One after another they tilted their heads and said, “Ma’am.”

She raised an eyebrow and studied the group. They were all Americans and likely Cooper’s team. She nodded back to them and said in a low voice, “Thank you for rescuing me and my team.”

They nodded. She walked forward carrying the coffee tray. They instantly moved to the side. She beamed in thanks. They were extremely respectful. Maybe too much so. It raised her suspicions. But then again there was a feeling of walking a gauntlet as she exited the restaurant.

Cooper walked behind her, and a few of the men made some kind of comment but in a low voice. Cooper snorted and raced to catch up. “Hey, wait for me. How can I protect you if you race ahead?”

“I’m always racing around,” she said with a grin as he caught up to her. “You should remember that.”

“I remember. You ran from point A to point B without ever slowing down.”

She laughed. “That’s about the sound of it.”

“You don’t have to rush here. We’re not going anywhere until the others are ready.”

At the SUV, she found David and Theresa standing outside the vehicle stretching with Swede standing guard.

His eyes lit up at the coffee in her hands. “Is one of those for me?” he asked hopefully.

“Actually Cooper has yours.” She smiled up at him. “And he’s got food.”

Swede spun toward Cooper, hands out.

“Oh no you don’t.” Cooper backed up slightly, holding two bags of food. “You’re driving from here on in. Keeping your hands on the wheel is the only way the rest of us are going to get any food.”

Sasha handed out the coffees to the others as she listened to the men’s banter. It added a sense of normalcy to a very non-normal situation. She appreciated it.

Swede growled. “If that’s all the food you got, I’ll go order more when I take these two in.”

And true to his word, he shepherded David and Theresa into the restaurant for their own bathroom breaks. Sasha placed her coffee on the hood of the SUV then turned and did a couple of stretches. She was sore and bruised but knew she needed to stay active. She’d already stiffened up more than she was happy with.

As she straightened from touching her toes, she winced.

“Shit,” she whispered under her breath.

“Are you okay?” Cooper asked in a sharp voice.


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