Seared by Desire (36 page)

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Authors: Jennifer T. Alli

Tags: #vampire, #paranormal romance, #magic, #fire, #vampire romance

BOOK: Seared by Desire
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I’ve taken enough.”


I won’t change my mind about this. I’ve taken enough. If I
took any more tonight you’d be putting your life at risk. There’s
only so much you have to give. I’ve been greedy and careless with
you tonight. I’m sorry.”

Lucian, there’s no need to be sorry. If you ever need, don’t
hesitate to take. I want you to take better care of yourself. I
heard what you did while I was asleep. You haven’t been feeding or
sleeping. Just because something has happened to me doesn’t mean
that you should stop functioning. One day you’re going to be King.
I know there isn’t a better person for the job but sometimes you
have to put your feelings to one side so that you can survive. You
have to live Lucian, regardless of what happens to me.”

I don’t want to keep living if you’re not here.” He gulped,
letting more of the armour around his heart melt into nothing and
braced himself for rejection. “I love you.”

The rejection never came.

Sara wrapped her arms around him, pressing her lips against
his in a gentle kiss intended to convey the wealth of emotion she
felt for him. Her heart fluttered within her chest at his words.
Her soul felt as though it were flying free from her body to soar
above the clouds. She pulled away, smiling at the picture he made
as he blinked dazedly. “Love you too.”

Even though I’ve made you so weak you probably won’t be able
to lift a sword for the next week?”

She smiled seductively, making Lucian's heartbeat stumbled as
anticipation built within him. “I’ve found much more interesting
things to lift in the last few days.” Her hand drifted down his
torso, wrapping around his hardening shaft.

Lucian groaned, wondering where the seductress in front of
him had come from before he kissed her and all thoughts fled before
the rising passion that filled them.

Lucian's prediction proved to be wrong. It only took Sara two
days to recover enough strength to work her craft once again and as
soon as she was able to, she worked her newly recovered body
tirelessly. She woke up early every morning after Lucian had fallen
asleep and set to work on his armour and at night crafted swords
for his army and the armourer. She had grievously underestimated
the amount of effort her project would involve. When she had first
acquired the armour she’d been certain that she could temper all
the necessary pieces at once but she soon learned the folly of her
over confidence. It was too draining to channel the heat of her
flame into all the pieces simultaneously, she had to temper them
individually. After her exertions with Lucian's armour, she would
return to bed, resting for a few hours so that she would have
enough energy to keep up with Lucian when night fell. Since he’d
taken her blood Lucian seemed to have boundless energy.

Lucian had always been strong, if he hadn’t been then there
would have been no possibility of him surviving as long as he had
done, but with his bride’s blood in his veins he felt invincible.
His every sense was enhanced, he could move faster than the eye
could see, he was able to fly to heights he had never been able to
reach before and the strength in his body had tripled, all thanks
to Sara. With his new strength he began a systematic hunt for the
Malachites. They were a threat not only to Sara but to his people
and the peace he’d managed to give them. He’d offered them peace
and they had rejected it, it was clear to him now that only
annihilation would make them change their minds. He offered any
malachite he came across two choices, join him or die. Strangely
enough most chose to join him and were currently being taught the
value of life and how to feed without killing. Those that chose to
continue as they were met his blade. Sara’s blood had given him the
strength of body to carry out his task and her presence had given
him the will to see it through. With her blood in his veins, Lucian
the Lord was beginning to fade away and with each day that passed
King Lucian became increasingly evident and as soon as he found
William, he would claim his throne.


Chapter Eighteen – Collisions with the


Lucian, are you sure you won’t bite me? You must be thirsty.”
Sara pulled back her hair, running her fingers sensuously up and
down her throat.

Lucian groaned, his eyes were drawn to the smooth skin of her
neck and his fangs began to throb. She had been tempting him for
the last two days, encouraging him to drink from her, to take her
blood into his body but he forced himself to resist. Though he had
become intimately acquainted with her body, he resisted biting her
again. Despite the fact that she was now up and moving, her body
was still weak. He had taken far too much the first time and if she
were to fully recover she would need at least a week without him
sinking his fangs into her skin. It didn’t help that she had
enjoyed his bite so much but still he resisted. There was no need
to take her blood, even though it had been a few days since he’d
last fed from anyone he still felt strong. With her blood in his
veins, he felt invincible and with a strong force of conviction he
was determined to drive the Malachites to extinction.

He shrugged on his black overcoat, ready to go out into the
night and hunt down his enemies. “I’m not going to bite you Sara.”
She pouted, making it impossible for Lucian not to kiss her. When
he pulled away she blinked dazedly at him, the pleasured expression
making Lucian smile. His heart lifted as it always did when Sara
was involved. “I’ve explained this to you already. Your body isn’t
strong enough yet. Have patience, it’s only a few more days and
then…” He pulled her close, whispering heatedly in her ear. “I’ll
drink you until I’m drunk on your blood and you’re mindless with

She shivered with anticipation at the promise. “Fine,” she
breathed. “I’m holding you to that. Give me my sword back and off
with you.” She reached for the blade strapped around his waist but
was stopped short by his hand, the movement so fast she hadn’t even
seen it.
Is it just me or has he gotten
she mused as she began to struggle
against him.

Sara, I need my sword. I’m going on patrol again to hunt the

She looked towards the estate’s entrance where a contingent
of Lucian's army waited patiently. Sara supposed that if their
positions were reversed and she was forced to listen to the nightly
ritual of her encouraging him to bite her and he constantly
refusing she would complain, yet they never uttered a word. Instead
they looked on happily, enjoying the amusing actions of their Lord
and his Lady. Forcing her eyes to look away from their captivated
audience, Sara let her attention return to Lucian and the firm grip
he had on her. “I told you Lucian, that sword isn’t complete. I
won’t let you keep wandering about with an unfinished blade, now
give it back to me.”

It’s served me fine the last few nights. I’ve forced many
Malachites to see reason with this sword, clearly it works just
fine as it is.”

Lucian, that sword hasn’t been properly tempered and I need
to fix it.”
I need to see if it can
withstand the same treatment as your armour, it will be completely
useless to me otherwise.

His free hand clenched reflexively around the hilt. How did
he explain to her, without sounding insane, that when he wielded
her sword in battle it felt as though she were at his back silently
lending him her support?

Lucian, at some point or other I’m going to have that sword
back. I promise that I’ll return it to you as soon as I

And if I give up my blade what do you expect me to take into
battle tonight?”

She turned to George, beckoning him eagerly. He placed a
blade in her hands and though the silver gleamed in the moonlight,
Lucian frowned deeply at the poor substitute. He didn’t want

George went to one of the sword smiths in town and found this
for you.”

I don’t want to exchange my sword for that,” he spat. “If I
must surrender my blade then why can’t you replace it with one of

I have no more swords to give Lucian. I’ve rushed through
four swords already this week. Two days? Four swords? That’s a
record for me.”

It was amazing what one could accomplish when there wasn’t a
vengeful spirit trying to escape and wreak havoc on the world.
Seraphina had been distinctly quiet the last few days, so quiet
that Lucian had even for a moment thought that she had simply faded
out of existence. There had been no episodes, no fires ragging
uncontrollably and bringing her to her knees but Sara knew better.
Seraphina was still within her, her flames simply simmering until
an opportune moment. She wasn’t sure what it was that had made the
spirit calm down but she knew with certainty that her peace was
short lived. Even now she could hear Seraphina’s voice getting
louder within her mind, the emotions behind her words stronger,
soon she would break free. Sara was determined not to distract
Lucian any more than she already had. He didn’t need another burden
to carry, not when he thought that he had finally become free of

And where are they now? Why can’t I have one?”

Three are with the armourer and I’ve set one aside for when
you forgive Russell and free him from the dungeons.
But you don’t need to know any of that.
Her lips pursed together in stubborn

If you can’t give me a reason then I’m going to keep this

An idea came to her and though she shuddered in embarrassment
at the very thought of going through with her plan she knew it was
necessary. Lucian needed the armour she was making, it would save
his life in battle one day she was certain but if he found out what
she was doing Sara had no doubt that he would stop her. Tempering
Lucian's armour was draining her body of strength she could ill
afford to give up when her body was already weak from a lack of
blood but she wouldn’t be deterred from her course. The longer
Lucian was without protection, the more likely it was that harm
would come to him.

She stepped away from him, smiling seductively before her
hands dropped to the sash of her gown. Slowly, she unravelled the
knot, letting the gown drift to the floor, exposing the vast
amounts of bare skin revealed when she wore her sword making

Lucian's eyes flashed red as his heart began to race and as
when he heard other hearts beginning to beat as fast as his own, he
hissed loudly. “Avert your gazes.” He didn’t even need to look to
know that his instructions were being followed, the promise of
death was clear in his words.

Sara sauntered towards him, rubbing her body sensuously
against him. “Lucian,” she purred, her skin burning in
embarrassment. “I need that sword, are you sure you won’t give it
to me?” Her hands rose, her fingers sinking into the thick strands
of his dark hair to pull him down for a kiss.

The instant her lips touched Lucian's her temperature spiked,
pleasure beginning to course through her veins. Sara let herself be
aggressive, taking the lead in the kiss. Lucian's pleasured groans
washed over her, music to her ears as she stroked the seam of his
lips, silently pleading for entrance. Helpless to resist, Lucian's
lips parted letting Sara’s tongue mesh with his own. Her tongue
roamed over every corner of his mouth before she lapped gently at
one of his fangs. The tooth lengthened and sharpened in an instant,
nicking Sara’s tongue as she retreated. The brief taste of her
blood disorientated him, his mind becoming fevered with ideas on
how to better drink from her.

Thank you Lucian,” Sara purred as she pulled the sword from
his hip.

For what?” he groaned confused.

For letting me have my sword back.” She smiled as she
replaced her sword with the one George had obtained for

Sara,” he growled as he came back to his senses.

She pressed another kiss against his lips, running her lower
lip against the sharp edge of his fangs. He groaned again, his
hands reaching for her to hold her close but he only found empty
space. She had escaped him with his sword in tow. Sara laughed,
pulling her gown around her body again as she skipped happily down
the halls.

Be safe Lucian,” she called as she disappeared from sight.
“Come home to me quickly, I’ll miss you.”

The sexy lilt of her voice teased him as it floated to his
ears and on a resigned sigh Lucian palmed the hilt of his new
sword, rolling his eyes at her actions though a smile appeared on
his face. “What does she do to me?” he chuckled before turning his
attention to the men at his back. “Enough dawdling, let’s go,” he
ordered, striding out of the estate.




It wasn’t just Lucian's physical abilities that had improved
since he’d drunk Sara’s blood; his awareness of his surroundings
had also undergone a radical change. He could sense the presence of
his enemies from a great distance now, faint echoes of their
thoughts acting as a beacon and leading him to their locations. His
new ability made it simple to track and hunt the Malachites before
forcing them into submission or summarily dispatching them.
Therefore it was with confidence in his ability that Lucian led his
army into the lower town. There was a derelict building that had
attracted his attention the moment he’d risen. The thoughts he
could hear were strange, the words spoken foreign and confusing but
despite that he knew an enemy awaited him there. He could feel the
malicious intent deep into his bones. The occasional familiar
presence of a Malachite only served to reinforce his

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