Seaside Sunsets (13 page)

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Authors: Melissa Foster

BOOK: Seaside Sunsets
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“What is this place?” She took in the cedar-sided offices. The windows were filmy, the offices void of all signs of life.

“I’ll show you.” He took her hand and led her up a set of stairs between two buildings, to the entrance of an office. Above the door was a sign painted to look like a baseball and the words
written in black.

“Oh.” Her breath left her in a rush of hot air. “Jamie, how did you find this?” She ran her hand along the flat metal door.

“Bread crumbs.” He pulled his phone from the pocket of his shorts and checked his text messages. “Leanna said the owner, Steve, isn’t at the flea market, but she got his phone number from the flea market admin staff.” He smiled at her and handed her his phone. “You can call him.”

“Jamie, you did this. I can’t believe you did all of this for me.”

They sat on the top step. “I like puzzles.”

The way his eyes darkened and his voice softened told her that wasn’t the only reason he’d done it.

“Thanks for helping me try to solve mine.”
In so many more ways than one

“Are you going to call?”

“Yeah, in a second.” She reached for his hand. “I don’t have a lot of friends outside of work, and I want you to know that I really appreciate what you’ve done. It means a lot to me. I’m a little nervous about calling, though. When I came to the Cape it was with the intention of figuring out how to be normal, and finding my dad’s ball was supposed to be something for me to focus on so I didn’t think about playing the cello day and night.”

“What are you worried about? That if you find the baseball you’ll suddenly begin practicing for hours on end?” He gathered her hair in his hands and laid it over her shoulder, then kissed her cheek. “What’s so bad about that?”

“What’s so bad? I’d lose this. You. The ability to be normal.” Her stomach twisted.

“Babe, there are twenty-four hours in a day. Two, three, four, or even five hours of practice? That’s nothing.” He touched his forehead to hers. “Besides, I’ve just found you. There’s no chance in hell that I’m going to let you get away that easy.”

“You don’t get it. Practicing is just a piece of my life. I work crazy hours. Maintaining friendships outside of other musicians is nearly impossible, and musicians can be cliquey, like any other industry, I guess, but they can be whiny and bitchy.
. It’s a whole different world.”

“That doesn’t sound very different from any other industry. Maybe you just think your life is really different because it’s the only one you know. I work at night all the time, and every office has cliques and complainers. You just rise above it, work around it, ignore it as best you can and move on.” He pressed his leg against hers. “What else?”

“Maybe you’re right. I don’t know. As you said, playing with an orchestra is really all I know. All I’ve ever known. I could go on and on, but it’s not that I hate what I do. I
it. There are times when I crave it like addicts crave a fix. But there are aspects that make it difficult. There’s a lot of travel, some international. It can be exhausting, and…lonely.” She hadn’t realized that until just now, but after spending time with Jamie, she knew what she was missing out on. “Listen to me. I have a job millions would give their eyeteeth to have, and I’m complaining like a child. I just want a little break from it, and the baseball was supposed to distract me from playing, because I really am drawn to it like it’s my drug of choice.”

“Okay, so what I’m hearing is that you love playing, you get lonely, and you want this vacation to be about something other than playing. So if you find your dad’s baseball, you need another distraction until you figure out what you really want to do with your career, right?” He had a serious look in his eyes.

She rolled her eyes. “Ridiculous, right?”

He folded her into his arms and touched his lips to hers. “Not at all. I’d say it’s my lucky summer, because I’m really good at being distracting and even better at keeping you company.” He took her in a deep, passionate kiss that made her tingle all over.

“You are incredibly good at that,” she said against his lips.

“Here, let me distract you again.”

She melted against his lips, her whole body warm and wanting. He was so much more than a distraction. He was becoming the air she needed to breathe.

She made the phone call, hardly able to believe she was getting that much closer to finding her father’s baseball. Her father didn’t even know she was looking for it. She’d struck it lucky when she found what she was sure was his baseball on eBay, and she’d only found eBay because a fellow musician said she was selling her violin on eBay and they got to talking about the website. She’d shown her how to find the site on her phone and how to bid. Luck had been on her side—even if she hadn’t won the baseball, she’d met Jamie, and that made it all worthwhile.

Steve didn’t answer. She left a message with her name and phone number and gave Jamie back his phone.

“Now we wait, I guess.” She told herself not to be too hopeful, but she couldn’t help it. Hope swelled within her.

“Hardly. Now we go enjoy life a little.” He drew her up to her feet and took her in another delectable kiss. “You’ll be sick of me by the end of the day.”

“Not a chance in the world.”

“This is our second date, you know.” He dragged his eyes down her body lasciviously as they descended the stairs.

She felt naked under his heated gaze, and she could hardly believe how much she wished she was.

They ate lunch on the lawn of the Orleans Windmill, overlooking the water, and soaked in the sun before heading across the street to the Bird Watcher’s General Store. By the time they got back to the car at the Salt Pond Visitor Center, it was nearly six o’clock.

“Do you mind if I call Vera and make sure she’s okay?”

“Not at all. I’m going to use the ladies’ room.” Inside the ladies’ room, the fluorescent lights were bright and unforgiving, and as she patted her face dry, she assessed herself in the mirror. Even in the harsh lighting, she noticed a difference in her looks. Her eyes were brighter, and despite being up half the night thinking about Jamie, the fine lines she’d seen around her eyes for the past few months were gone. Not only did she feel happier and more at ease, she was pleased to see that she looked less stressed as well. Before coming to the Cape she’d begun to feel twice her age, and she wondered how much of what she was seeing was caused by Jamie and how much was a result of taking a break from the orchestra.

When she came out of the restroom, Jamie was waiting for her.

“How’s Vera?” she asked, feeling a little guilty for monopolizing his day.

“She’s fine. She spent a few hours at the pool, and she’s already eaten dinner.” He wrapped his arms around her waist. “How do you feel about wine tasting?”

She glanced down at her clothes. “I should probably shower and change first, but it sounds fun.”

“You’re such a tease. You really need to stop talking about showering together.” His eyes darkened.

Her mouth went dry at the idea of being naked beside him.
Beneath him. Oh God.
“I…I never used the word

“Maybe I made that part up in my fantasies.”

His lips met hers in a succulent kiss that turned her mind to mush. His hands slid to her lower back as their hips came together, and her entire body flushed at the feel of his arousal. He was so hot. Everything he said and did was hot, sensual, sexy. No wonder her brain melted every time she was near him. If this kept up, he’d have to pour her into bed by the end of their third date.

Chapter Seven

THE TRURO WINERY wasn’t normally open in the evenings, but this was the week of the annual wine festival, and tonight they had tastings and tours until midnight. The event was sold out, but Jamie knew the owner of the winery, Cliff Warner, and after calling Vera, he’d put a call into Cliff, who was thrilled to hear from him and more than willing to open their doors for them. Like every other event on the lower Cape, it was a casual affair. They could have come directly from their bike ride, but Jessica had insisted on showering—
, unfortunately. She was a sight for sore eyes in a midthigh-length, forest-green tank dress that gathered at the waist. Her simple gold bracelet and matching necklace were dainty and feminine, and perfectly accented with a pair of dangling earrings.

They moved with the crowd from one room to the next in the old captain’s house. The interior boasted cathedral ceilings with views of thick wooden trusses and roughly finished hardwood floors and cabinetry. In each room they were given a different type of wine to taste while the staff explained the origin.

Jessica held Jamie’s arm as they shared a glass of strawberry wine. She licked her lips after taking a sip, leaving them glossy and inviting.

“That’s so sweet. Taste it,” she urged, flashing her baby blues at him.

He ignored the glass and went straight for her lips. As Cliff and his wife led the tour out of the room, Jamie ducked into an alcove with Jessica. She had a tentative look in her eyes as he backed her up against the wall in the dark area.

“We’re going to get in trouble,” she whispered.

“No, we won’t.”

He lowered his mouth to hers and kissed her like he’d been aching to do all evening, as he’d been forced to watch every man in the place steal glances at her. He couldn’t blame them. She was so gorgeous he wanted to devour her right that second. He had to at least taste her, and as he deepened the kiss, she rocked her hips into his and slid her hands into the back pockets of his jeans. He was so hard, and her body was so soft. He wanted to disappear into their kiss and let their bodies take over.  It was all he could do to tear his lips from hers.

“Definite trouble,” she said in one hot breath against his lips. “We’ll get caught making out like teenagers.”

He ran his hands up her sides and brushed her breasts with his thumbs.


Holy hell. He heard the plea in her voice for him not to stop—he loved her voice and loved the way she looked at him like she could barely think when they were close—but he saw a shadow of worry flash in her eyes, and he knew she was worried about getting caught.

“Okay, we’ll stop.” He slid his hands back down her sides and clutched her hips.

“No. I meant,
kiss me
, Jamie.”

She pressed her lips to his and held on to him like she was never going to let him go. Their mouths crashed together in a tangle of tongues and clashing of teeth, and he couldn’t help it. He had to have more of her. He slid his hand beneath her dress and felt the sweet curve of her bare ass. He drew back and stared into her eyes, suppressing a groan at the tease of her bare flesh.

“Thong.” She hungrily pulled his lips to hers again.

He fondled and grabbed, and dear Jesus, his fingers swept between her thighs and she was hot, damp.

“Above…” She kissed him again. “The waist.”

Goddamn it
. With a groan, he let her dress drop and gripped her ribs over the top of the thin material.

“Weren’t rules made to be broken?” he mumbled against her lips.

Voices neared in the room they’d just escaped. Jessica sucked in air and stilled. He pressed his body to hers and covered her lips with one finger, then used his mouth to silence the question in her eyes. His tongue swept hers until all of the tension rolled from her body and she warmed to his touch once again. The voices became louder, closer, and they both opened their eyes, mouths still pressed together. Jessica began to giggle, and he kissed her harder. Her eyes closed and a moan of pleasure escaped her lungs. Then her eyes flew open and she squeaked. Squeaked! Which made him laugh as she covered her mouth with her hand. He smoothed her dress, save for the points of her nipples giving them both away.

With her hand in his, he led her past the elderly couple talking beside the alcove.  “Excuse us.”

They laughed as they hurried into the next room. As soon as they cleared the doorway, he swept her into his arms again.

“Too close for comfort?”

She nibbled on her lower lip. “Kind of exciting.”

“Holy…Come here, you little vixen.” He took her in another greedy kiss, then peeled his lips from hers. “Another whole day?”

“Another whole
,” she corrected.

“By the time we come together, I’ll be so hot for you I’ll barely last.”

She raised her brows with a blush on her cheeks. “Maybe I need to rethink this whole relationship.”

“Maybe you have to...” The hell with that. “You’re such a sweet and naughty girl. Everything you do turns me on.” He ran his knuckle down her cheek. “Trust me, baby. I can last so long you’ll be begging me to stop. But that first time we come together? It’s not going to be sweet or careful.” Jesus, the way his heart swelled with emotions every time he was near her and the desires that raged through him, he couldn’t even begin to imagine how good it would feel to finally sink into her. He settled his cheek against hers and held her so close he felt every breath. “But the next time, and the next, and every time thereafter? Sweet, hot, sensual, rough, playful. We’ll do everything you’ve ever dreamed of. Only better.”

She sucked in a jagged breath. “Promise?”

Christ Almighty, he’d died and gone to heaven.

Chapter Eight

JAMIE REED WAS patient to a fault. He was kind, generous, and just about the best friend a person could have. He was as loyal as a puppy and as trustworthy as the law. Or at least he always had been, until that very second. He’d spent half the night working through company issues again, and the other half of the night convincing himself not to beat off. His patience shattered about five thirty Sunday morning, when the crows started cawing and images of Jessica lying in her bed played in his mind like a pornographic rerun. Of course, in his fantasies she wore nothing but a silky little negligee and every word out of her mouth had to do with fucking her or sucking him. By the time it hit six o’clock, he was ready to burst. Even a cold shower didn’t help.

He tossed a few bagels into a paper bag, threw in a jar of instant coffee, and headed for the door.

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