season avatars 01 - seasons beginnings (37 page)

Read season avatars 01 - seasons beginnings Online

Authors: sandra ulbrich almazan

BOOK: season avatars 01 - seasons beginnings
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Gwen might be a Season Avatar for the Goddess of Spring, First of

the Four Gods and Goddesses of Challen, but by herself, her magic was

limited to healing. Linking with the other three Avatars—one each for

Summer, Fall, and Winter—would allow her to share thoughts with the

others, pool their magic, and spread it throughout the country. But there

was already a quartet of Avatars taking care of Challen. They’d been in

place for decades. Surely the Four meant for Gwen and the other Ava-

tars of her birth year to replace the current Avatars soon. After all, as

her father and aunt were fond of pointing out, she was already eighteen,

old enough to be married and start raising a family. They didn’t under-

stand she felt more ready to be an Avatar than a wife. She remembered

magic from her previous lives as an Avatar. As for what she remem-

bered about her personal lives...she’d been married to the Summer

Avatar more often than not. William was a sometimes childhood friend,

sometimes childhood tormentor, but he was no Avatar. Plus he wanted

her to start having children, and she knew she wasn’t ready for child-

birth, not after the way her mother died.

Gwen rubbed her head. This wasn’t the time to be fretting over the

wedding or children she hadn’t conceived. She had to learn what was

giving her a magical headache. Was it a Chaos Season, when all of the

seasons appeared at once, and the Avatars had to return everything to

normal? It had never given her a headache before. Besides, the flowers

around her were still normal. But the air felt cooler now, bringing up

goose bumps on her arms.

Gwen rubbed her skin, using her magic to feel warmer. As she did

so, she surveyed the garden. A brown form lying in the path several

yards away caught her eye. As she approached it, it resolved into a hu-

man figure. One of the gardeners, judging by his clothes and the trowel

by his side. He wasn’t moving, and the flowers around him were brown

and wilted.

A mini Chaos Season. Maybe this is why my head hurts. What hap-

pened to the gardener? I’d better check.

Sea so n s’ Be gin n in gs
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Gwen stripped off her gloves, then knelt by the prone man. He was

still breathing, but a gash on his forehead streamed blood into the soil.

Perhaps he’d been hit by a hailstone. If so, it must have already melted.

She pressed her hand against the cut, sealing it. Once that was done, she

focused her magic inward, checking for more serious damage. The in-

jury didn’t seem serious compared to others she’d healed during her

several lifetimes as Spring Avatar, but she would still recommend to

the butler—Lady Shellinda would consider herself too far above her

servant to be concerned about him—that the gardener be given a day or

two to rest. Since this was a head injury, someone should watch him for

any unusual symptoms so she could heal him again if necessary.

Not that it will be.

Gwen used a withered leaf to wipe some of the blood off of her

hands before she accidentally stained her silk gown. As she stared at the

soil, she noticed a pottery shard next to one of the frostbitten tulips.

What would something like that be doing in the middle of a carefully

managed flower bed? She pressed her lips together when she noticed a

rust-colored edge on the shard. No hailstone had assaulted the gardener.

But where had the shard come from? Maybe this Chaos Season had had

strong winds, strong enough to fling small objects about. That was quite

common. The shard, however, wasn’t. It was lighter in color than the

dirt, and it had marks on it that Gwen had never seen before.

Gwen picked up the shard to look at it more closely. The air was

still, eerily still. She was careful not to touch the edges, but it turned in

her hand as if it was alive. She let it go, but it clung to her.

By All Four…
“Get away from me!” She shook her hand, but the

shard bit into her palm. Gwen reached for it, then thought better of

touching it with her bare skin. She covered her free hand with part of

her skirt, then tried wrenching the shard free. The gardener stirred be-

side her, and Gwen wondered if she would need him to help her pull the

piece of pottery away. Then it snapped. She could tell that a corner was

missing—a corner shaped like the bulge in her skin. How had it slipped

in? More to the point, would she be able to get it out? Normally that

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S a n d r a U l b r i c h A l m a z a n

shouldn’t be a problem, but this Chaos Season, though small, was any-

thing but normal.

She drew a line over the bump, willing her skin to split. But for once,

her healing magic refused to obey her. Pressure built in her head. If she

wasn’t already squatting, she might have fallen over. Was the pottery

shard poisoned? She hadn’t detected anything unusual when she’d

healed the gardener. Still, something was interfering with her magic.

Have I ever come across anything like this before?
Gwen searched

her memories from previous lives. No, nothing had ever gotten stuck

under her skin—or anyone else’s—and refused to come out. However,

the farther back she went, the more familiar the pottery shard seemed.

She’d always considered her oldest memories the least trustworthy and

least complete, so even this information didn’t help her.

Goddess of Spring, what do I do now?

A trail of cold reached past her wrist and up her arm.

“Freeze it!” Never had swearing felt more appropriate. Gwen

grasped her affected arm with her other hand and pressed down, trying

to block the cold. For a moment, it seemed to work, but then the cold

shot past her elbow, then to her shoulder.

“What happened?” Finally, the gardener opened his eyes. “My flow-

ers! My precious tulips!” He blinked as he gaped at her. “Lady lo Havil?

What are you doing here?”

Cold squeezed her throat closed. She gestured toward the house,

even though no one there would be able to help her either.

Then the cold numbed her head, halting her pain—and everything


Other Works By the Author

Science Fiction: Catalyst Chronicles Series

Lyon’s Legacy

The Mommy Clone

Twinned Universes

Fantasy: Short Stories

The Book of Beasts


Letters to Psyche

Silver Rain


Life at Seventeen Syllables a Day: A Journal in Haiku

Fantasy: Season Avatars Series

Seasons’ Beginnings

Scattered Seasons (tentative publication 2015)

About the Author

Photo taken by Aleks Bienkowska of Polka Photos, 2012

Sandra Ulbrich Almazan started reading at the age of three and only

stops when absolutely required to. Although she hasn’t been writing

quite that long, she did compose a very simple play in German during

middle school. Her science fiction novella
Move Over Ms. L.
(an early

version of
Lyon’s Legacy
) earned an Honorable Mention in the 2001

UPC Science Fiction Awards, and her short story “A Reptile at the Re-

union” was published in the anthology
Firestorm of Dragons.

published works by Sandra include
Twinned Universes
and several sci-

ence fiction and fantasy short stories. She is a founding member of

Broad Universe, which promotes science fiction, fantasy, and horror

written by women. Her undergraduate degree is in molecular biol-

ogy/English, and she has a Master of Technical and Scientific

Communication degree. Her day job is in the laboratory of an enzyme

company; she’s also been a technical writer and a part-time copyeditor

for a local newspaper. Some of her other accomplishments are losing

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S a n d r a U l b r i c h A l m a z a n

and taking a stuffed orca to three continents. She lives in

the Chicago area with her husband, Eugene; and son, Alex. In her rare

moments of free time, she enjoys crocheting, listening to classic rock

(particularly the Beatles), and watching improv comedy.

Sandra can be found online at the following links:





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Table of Contents

Book One of the Season Avatars

Part One: The Magicians

Part Two: The Avatars

Part One: The Magicians ...................................................................... 7

The Meeting ..................................................................................... 9

Salth ..............................................................................................

An Apprentice? .............................................................................. 22

Breaking the Spell .......................................................................... 28

The Magic Institute ........................................................................ 32

A Midnight Visit ............................................................................ 41

The Golden Haze ........................................................................... 58

Part Two: The Avatars ....................................................................... 65

Pagli ..............................................................................................

The Four ......................................................................................... 7

Timeless Artifacts .......................................................................... 83

The Crystal House .......................................................................... 96

A House for Thirteen ................................................................... 107

The Avatars .................................................................................. 118

Chaos Season ............................................................................... 127

Spring Returns ............................................................................. 136

The Summer Avatars ................................................................... 143

Crystal, Gold, and a Shell ............................................................ 163

Departure ...................................................................................... 174

A Sinking Boat ............................................................................. 189

An Encounter ............................................................................... 196

Two Krons ................................................................................... 224

The Water Clock .......................................................................... 240

Afterword ..................................................................................... 250

The Season Avatars of Seasons’ Beginnings ................................ 251

Scattered Seasons (Book Two of the Season Avatars) ................. 252

Other Works By the Author ......................................................... 257

About the Author .......................................................................... 259

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