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Authors: Bonnie Hopkins

Seasons (47 page)

BOOK: Seasons
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“Amen!” her cousins shouted.

Their husbands heard them praising the Lord and quietly entered the room. Personal testimonies of God’s goodness flew from
person to person. They had all been through difficult seasons and were grateful for God’s delivering power. It wasn’t long
before they were in the midst of praise and worship—the most rewarding season of all.

“And let us not get weary in well doing, for in due season, we shall reap if we faint not.”
Galatians 6:9

About the Author

is a retired management and community relations consultant who resides in Houston, Texas. She is a graduate of Arkansas A.M.&N.
College, Pine Bluff, Arkansas (which has since become the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff).

In addition to writing, her time is spent with family, volunteer work, reading, and travel.

BOOK: Seasons
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