Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2) (12 page)

BOOK: Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)
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  Sebastian laughed. Raelynn smiled
in return. God, she was getting in too deep. Everything about this man called
to her. She wanted to be there for him when he was having trouble. She wanted
him to confide in her. She wanted to kiss him, hold him, and make love to him.
She needed to put some distance between them. Nothing good would come out of
staying close.









  Sebastian brought his empty plate
to the sink. Raelynn was washing the dishes, bowls, and silverware that were in
there. Sebastian sidled up behind her, setting the dish on the counter, as he
nuzzled his face in the side of her neck. He pressed his body against hers and
wrapped his arms around her tiny waist. Luckily, she had heels on; otherwise,
he'd be bending over a lot farther to get to her. She was a short little thing.
Sebastian sucked in a deep breath through his nose, pulling in her fragrant
scent. He loved the way she smelled.


He kissed her neck and Raelynn tensed.
"Uh, Sebastian, I don't think this is a good idea," she said,
shutting off the water.


"I think it's a great idea,"
Sebastian murmured against her soft skin. He was already hard. Everything about
her turned him on, it didn't take much.


"No, we can't keep doing this. It
was only supposed to be a onetime thing," she argued half-heartedly, while
tilting her head to the side to give him better access to her neck.


  Sebastian didn't bother arguing
with her. She obviously wanted him. He sucked and nibbled at her neck while he
used one hand to cover her breast, and the other to cup her mound through her pants.
Raelynn's breath caught and Sebastian smiled against her neck. He so had her.


"Sebastian," she whined.


"Rae," he whined right back,
grinding his erection against her ass.


Raelynn groaned. "You so don't play
fair," she grumbled.


Sebastian chuckled. "I can't help
how incredibly irresistible you are." He licked a line up to her ear,
making her shiver. "I just can't seem to get enough of you." He
breathed, lips brushing her ear.


  Raelynn’s breath caught again and
her body melded into him. Sebastian hummed his satisfaction. He wanted her so
badly. He couldn't understand why, but there was just something about her that
pulled him in. Since his divorce, he never slept with the same woman twice, but
he was now going on five times with Raelynn. It's not like he hadn't had the
chance to sleep with the same woman twice. He has bumped into plenty of his
ex-lovers - most of them hinting that they wanted seconds - but he had always
refused. He didn't want them to get attached. Was he getting attached to
Raelynn? Nah.


  Sebastian spun her and lifted her
tiny body. Raelynn gasped and wrapped her legs around his waist. Her wet hands
gripped his shoulders. He slanted his lips over hers, kissing her languidly.
Raelynn's hands slid to the back of his neck as she opened her mouth to him.
Sebastian groaned when their tongues met, loving the way she kissed. She was
passionate and seductive. He wondered if she kissed other men the same way, he
seriously hoped she wasn't kissing anyone else. The thought actually turned his
stomach. He wasn't usually the jealous or possessive type, but something about
Raelynn possibly being with someone else other than him made him want to break


A phone ringing cut through his thoughts
and their kiss. Raelynn pulled back and Sebastian put her down. She reached
into her back pocket and pulled out her phone.


"Detective Reynolds," she
answered, sounding a little breathless.


Sebastian watched her as she listened to
whoever was talking on the other end. She sighed as her eyes lifted to his, a
mixture of relief and regret in her blue gaze.


"Okay. I'll be right
there...okay...bye," Raelynn said then hung up. She looked at up
Sebastian. "I'm sorry. I gotta go."


Sebastian frowned but nodded. He followed
Raelynn to the door. "Thanks for feeding me," he murmured.


She turned and gave him a soft smile.
"You're welcome. Don't forget to call Jared."


"I won't," he promised as she
stepped out into the hall.


"I'll see ya," Raelynn said quietly.
She started for the elevators without a backwards glance.


  Fuck him! Sebastian shut the door
and leaned his forehead against it. What the hell? He was seriously disappointed
that she had to leave, but that was only because he wanted sex. Right? It had
nothing to do with wanting to spend more time with her. He just wanted to lose
her for a
little while. Maybe he shouldn't see her anymore, he was having too many
unwanted feelings when it came to Raelynn Reynolds. Yeah...he should just
forget about her and go pick up some other chick to fuck. First, he needed to
get a hold of Jared.


  When Sebastian called, Jared
insisted he come right over, so Sebastian shoved his feet into his sneakers,
grabbed his keys, and headed out the door. Jared's office was attached to his house,
but had a separate door on the side. It took him about fifteen minutes to get
there. He pulled into the driveway behind an SUV that usually parked there.


  As Sebastian got out of his truck,
he noticed a woman pulling a grocery bag out of the back seat of the SUV. She
was pretty, with light blonde hair to just below her chin, and bangs swept to
one side. She was tiny, no taller than five feet three inches, one hundred and
ten pounds. Her face was familiar looking, and Sebastian searched his brain for
where he's met her before, because this was the first time seeing her at
Jared's place.


She turned when he shut his door, a
bright smile spread across her face. "Oh hey! You must be Sebastian. I'm
Bianna, Jared's wife," she said in her sweet little girl voice. She held
out a hand to him.


Sebastian shook it, his hand practically
engulfing hers. "I am. Nice to meet you," he said then gestured to
the heavy looking plastic bag in her hand. "Can I carry that for


Bianna smiled brightly. "You're
sweet, but I can handle it. Jared's waiting for you."


Sebastian nodded. “Okay...if you're
sure?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.


"I got it,” she replied, her pretty
smile still on her face. She gave him a wink then headed into the house.


  Sebastian racked his brain some
more about where he has seen her before, as he walked down the side of the
house, and into the door that led to Jared's office. There was a little foyer
with a couple of chairs, and on the opposite wall was another door that led to
Jared's office. It was open, so Sebastian walked up and knocked on the


  Jared was sitting at his desk
looking over some notes. He glanced up and gave Sebastian a small but genuine
smile, waving him forward. Sebastian walked in and shut the door. Jared was a
good-looking dude, with short copper colored hair, eyes as green as Sebastian's,
and in decent shape for being forty-one. He put down his notes and stood,
skirting the desk to shake Sebastian's hand.


"I'm glad you could make it,
Sebastian," Jared said. His voice was always so soothing; when Sebastian
had first heard it, he was a little freaked out about how much it affected him.


"Yeah, sorry about earlier. I had a
rough day yesterday and decided to drink myself to sleep last night."
Sebastian winced.


Jared nodded and motioned to the leather
wing backed chair behind Sebastian. "Have a seat."


Sebastian complied, sitting in the
comfortable chair, propping his ankle on his knee. Jared grabbed his notebook,
sitting across from him in the chair's twin. "So tell me about
yesterday," Jared said.


"It was Victoria's
funeral," Sebastian said, raking a hand through his hair.


"How was it?"


"It was a nice funeral, I guess. Her
parents did everything so..." He trailed off with a shrug.


"And that bothers you," Jared
said, more as a statement than a question.


Sebastian huffed. "Well, yeah...I
guess a little bit...I mean I was married to her for five years. I was there
when she died."


Jared nodded. "Did they say anything
to you yesterday?"


"Who? Her parents?"




"God, no." Sebastian snorted
bitterly. "They think I'm the reason she's dead."


Jared frowned and nodded. “How did you
feel yesterday? Being there."


  Sebastian dropped his foot then
leaned forward, elbows on his knees. He scrubbed his face with his hands before
dropping them so they hung between his knees. Sebastian sighed. A dull ache
took root in his chest.


"I was a mess, especially when they
put her casket into the ground. It was as if I was hit with a ton of bricks. I
am never going to see her again, or hear her voice again. I mean...we weren't
on good terms, and I would have been fine with both of those things if she was
still alive. But her being dead makes it all so permanent, you know?"


Jared nodded again.


  Sebastian sighed, flopped back
into the chair, and closed his eyes for a moment. Raelynn popped into his head.
He was hoping that she would call him later when she finished at work. He
really wanted to see her again, despite knowing that it was probably a bad idea.
When he looked back at Jared, he found Jared studying him, a hint of an amused
smile on his face. Sebastian gave him a curious look.


"What?" Sebastian asked.


"What else is on your mind?"
Jared asked with a knowing smirk. That was one thing Sebastian thought was
annoying about him, the man was way too perceptive.


Sebastian pursed his lips, debating on
whether or not to tell Jared about Raelynn. What the hell, why not? He
shrugged internally.


"There is this woman I've been
sleeping with..." Sebastian started.


"Just sleeping with? You're not in a


"No, no relationship. I don't want
one, and I don't think she does either. I wouldn't even say we're seeing each
other. It's just sex."


"Okay. So what's the problem?"
Jared asked curiously, raising one copper eyebrow.


"I just...I'm not sure if there is a
problem. I mean, she's the only woman since my divorce that I've slept with
multiple times. I feel like I can't get enough of her. I'm just...confused. I
don't understand what it is about her that draws me in." Sebastian sighed


"How long have you known her?"
Jared asked.


Sebastian smiled. "Well, I first met
her in a bar over a year ago. It was right after my divorce finalized. She came
into the bar where I was hangin’ with my brothers, and I couldn't help myself.
I went over to her and offered to buy her a drink. She basically told me to get
lost. I then noticed she was wearing a badge, and I went to touch it. She bent
my finger back to my wrist, almost breaking it!"


"She's a cop?" Jared asked,
frowning slightly.


"Detective," Sebastian said,
and then remembered. "She actually gave me your number. Raelynn


Jared blinked, keeping his face blank as
he replied. "Ah...yes. I do know Raelynn. Anyway, go on."


Sebastian narrowed his eyes at him. There
was something the other man wasn't saying, but Sebastian decided to let it go.
"Right. So as you know, I saw her again when I shot the first guy. Then I
was out one night - with my brothers again - and she was there with some
friends. Actually, a couple of the girls looked kind of like her, so I guess
they were her sisters or something. Anyway, one thing led to another, and I
took her back to my place. We ended up doing the nasty three times that night,
which is a first for me. I usually get my rocks off then hit the road."

BOOK: Sebastian (The Beck Brothers #2)
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