Sebastian: The Complete Series (8 page)

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nthony took his time over my body. He enjoyed just feeling me, touching me—mainly my arse, but he must have touched every inch of my body twice with his soft fingertips and lips. He mainly kept his fingers inside me, only two and never moving too deep or fast. To be honest, it was torture.

Waiting isn't my strong point, delayed gratification had never been a thing I'd practised or wanted, but then, what nineteen year olds do enjoy it?

It was actually difficult to keep hard because even though his touches were pleasant, they weren’t enough, which could be what he was aiming for. I kept waiting for him to get hot and bothered over me, even when I played up the moaning and thrust into him, getting my cock nice and hard for him, it didn’t change his pace and I slowly lost interest.

Eventually, and I mean, two hours later, he slipped his fingers back into me and hit my prostate. Finally, I thought. My excitement was short lived when he shifted his angle and stopped hitting me where I wanted him. I even released a frustrated sigh and he tilted my head up by my chin and stared firmly into my eyes.

“Young ones are so impatient. Too ready for the end and not experiencing the journey.”

“I'm sorry. Thank you for teaching me this.”

I bit my cheek when he smiled and nodded down at me. I hated it. I wanted it over, or I wanted him to hurry the fuck up and get me off. At least he was enjoying himself, he moved in between my legs, spreading my thighs so he could watch his fingers moving inside me. It was around this time I noticed he never got a full hard on. Not once. It made me wonder why he didn’t enjoy penetrative sex, was he unable to fuck me?

When he hit me deeper and gave me three fingers, I woke up, or my cock did. My face was in the mattress and my arse up in the air. He took hold of my cock and fisted it in his hand, working me slowly and in time with his fingers inside me. It lasted ages. I'd never taken so long to come before. He was good at taking his time, and knew just how much, or not enough in my case, to give me.

When I was pushing back on him and burying my face in the sheets to stop myself from telling him to hurry the fuck up, he quickened his movement and I came. Not the mind-blowing, body-shuddering type of orgasm I was expecting either, more like a slow release. Almost like a professional milking of my balls. I was exhausted and slumped onto the bed. He laid over me, rubbing his body on mine, breathing against my neck as he slipped his cock in between my arse cheeks. Even then he didn’t get hard. I was beginning to panic. Had I done something wrong? What if it was me who had pissed him off and failed to get him hard?

I wanted to ask, but if it wasn’t me and he had some sort of issue, me pointing it out wouldn’t go down too well. He sat astride my hips and massaged me, feeling every muscle and working them loose with those amazing fingers of his. I fell asleep, I shouldn’t have, but I was tired and he was relaxing my body. All the tension left me and I closed my eyes, just for a moment, but it was an hour later when I woke up to find him fully dressed and reading in a chair beside the bed.

He smiled when I lifted my heavy head from the pillow. “Welcome back.”

“I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to fall asleep. You should have woken me.”

“Sebastian, you deserved to sleep. It’s been a long time. Thank you for your patience. I enjoyed myself a lot. You're young and I know how difficult it was for you to restrain yourself. You can shower if you want.”

I showered quickly, more to wake me up than anything. I wanted to get out and get back to the office then go home. I had to talk to Suzie or Harriot about tonight. They wanted to chat to me about my first time before they booked me in for any more dates. They always spoke to the client afterwards to check up on me. No doubt they would do it in the morning because it was late now.

All my clothes were in the bathroom where I left them earlier, so I dressed and combed my hair before I made my way back out. Anthony stood and shook my hand before I left and told me he'd book me again the next time he was in Leeds. As soon as I was in the lift, I was calling the driver to come get me. It was two a.m., and I didn’t know if he waited for me all night or went around with other escorts, so I waited for him the lobby. Five minutes later, he arrived and I jumped in the car, already calling Harry to give him the rundown of the night, and to check up on the guy’s limp dick issues.

“Harry.” I whined really long and loud down the phone and he chuckled.

“Hey.” He sounded sleepy. “You okay?”

“It took forever!”

“Yeah, he takes his sweet ass time, right?”

“That's putting it mildly. Look, I need to know something. Have you or the others who’ve been with him heard anything about him not getting it up?”

Harry yawned. “He doesn’t do anything but touch. It was ages ago when I saw him. I think he got hard, not sure. Why?”

“Shit! I think he hated me. I did everything wrong. I got bored.”

“Uh oh.” Harry laughed. “You need to learn how to pretend you're into it, but I know he takes hours and that's hard. Just don’t panic. Harriot knows what he's like, she’ll understand.”

“He said he wanted to book me again though.”

“He won't, he never does. Just don’t worry. Go see the office tonight and call me tomorrow.”

“Sorry, I know it’s late.”

“I just got to sleep.”

“How’d your night go?”

“I was working with Shannon, double teaming a regular. Easy, but he always books us in for ages. We were there for almost six hours.”

“Get back to sleep. Fancy coffee at Starbucks tomorrow?”

“Sure, eleven okay with you? The usual place?”

“Yeah. See ya.”

The car jerked to a stop and I woke up with a jump, not even remembering falling asleep. Somehow, I made it up to the office and slumped into one of the chairs as Suzie laughed at me from the other. Her legs were pulled up underneath her and she was holding a cup of what smelt like very strong coffee.

“Okay, Anthony called me up.”

I groaned loudly. “Go on. Tell how bad I am.”

Suzie laughed loudly. “Chicken, he loved you. He booked you in for next month. He never does that.”

“Really? But… He didn’t seem that into me, you know. He kinda… well, he didn’t get hard, or sound like he was having a great time.”

“Everyone’s different. He’s not into the whole ‘moaning and groaning, getting sweaty and fucking.’ You gave him what he wanted and he liked you as a person. He mentioned he wanted to see you develop, help you learn patience. He’s a good teacher in taking your time.”

“You bet he bloody is. I don’t know if I want to go through it again. It was fucking difficult.”

“Yes, but this is a good client. He pays a lot. He uses different men all the time. You'd be his first regular. Take him up on the offer. In a month, you'll have learned a lot. I have three more appointments booked in already. One man wanted you tonight, but I knew you'd be worn out.”

“Yeah, I need sleep. Besides, I'm not really ready for him. I need to take me time and get to know their profiles.”

“You won't have that option for long. Most men here read their clients profiles as they’re going to the job. We email them to you on your phone.”

“Harriot said I'd be given time to adjust.”

“Yes, but not long, sweetie. You're here to make money, aren’t you? Take the bookings and get the jobs in. She’ll love you for it. Newbies earn more in their first three months than any other time because clients want you fresh. I could have a job every night if you wanted.”

My head fell back and I closed my eyes. That would be a lot of money. “What about three a week?”

“Five day week or seven?”

“Seven.” I groaned out.

“Okay. I know you have your studies to fit in too. That’s understandable.”


“You did good. Go home and sleep it off. I’ll email you the details of the clients I have waiting for you and we’ll speak tomorrow afternoon.”


hat the f—”

“Morning, beautiful.”

“Harry? Get the hell off me.”

Harry was sitting astride my hips.

I shrugged him off my back and rolled onto my front, hiding my face in the pillow. “It feels early. Is it early? Tell me this is a dream and you're leaving me to sleep for another three hours.”

“It’s seven.”

“Holy shit!” The pillow I was hiding in slammed into his face and he fell off the bed with a bang. I don’t how the hell he got into my house, but I’m pretty sure he used some kind of ninja style technique, because Tony and Bruce wouldn’t be up to let him in.

“Sebastian. You promised.”

“Oh, God. It’s the wedding today, right?”

“How could you forget? We’ve talked about it for the last three days.”

“I dunno know. Just…” I was closing my eyes again, letting myself drift off when he slapped my arse. “Fuck!”

“Get up. You can sleep in the car. I packed for you.” He was waving a bag at me.

I groaned. “What did you pack?”

“Correct attire for a wedding.”

“Fine!” Getting up at seven after spending all night working wasn’t what I agreed to when I told Harry I'd go to his uncles wedding three days ago. “Can I have a shower?”

“You're clean. Get dressed. We can shower at the hotel. I have a four drive ahead of me and I need to get it over with so I can relax and get to the hotel in time for the pre-wedding meal.”

“Pre-wedding meal? Who does that? What! The wedding itself isn't good enough? You have to have a whole night before to make it even better?” I huffed as I slung my legs into a pair of skinny jeans. “You posh people just like making shit up to spend money on, don’t you?”

“Oh shut up, scrubber. I need you to be on your best behaviour and lie to my family for me. You're my friend from work remember? I wrote a list because I know how you lurve lists.”

“I need to piss. Bugger off and wait for me in the car. And there had better be two large lattes in there with caramel, or I'm not going.”

“I got you a double shot of expresso.” Harry grinned at me, proud of himself and his mind reading skills.

“Okay… that makes it better.” I kissed his forehead as I passed him to go pee. “I knew you were good for something.”

“A lot of things actually.”

“Yeah, I remember.” I smiled at him as I closed the door.


“Whatever, prep boy, just get in the car.”

An hour later, I was awake and telling Harry about my first threesome as we drove to London. In the past week since I had my first date with Anthony, I’d been on a few more, but always with other people. “Marc is amazing in bed.”

“Yeah, I know. He knows it too.”

“I loved fucking him. So did the client. I can't even remember his name. That's bad, right?”

“Nah, I'm shit with names. Unless I've seen them a few times, they flicker out of my mind pretty quickly. What was the client like?”

“Good. Really funny. It was easy. Marc was so good. I swear I felt like paying him myself when I'd finished fucking him.”

“You're lucky to get paired with him. He's popular and doesn’t double team often.”

“He did it to help me out.”

“I think he did it because he wanted you to fuck him.” Harry laughed. “He has this thing about you, if you hadn’t noticed.”

“Yeah, I noticed.” I grinned at him. “He was awesome and the guy loved watching us fuck.”

“I bet. You and Marc.” Harry made some Homer-Simpson style drooling noises and I laughed.

“I want to work with you too.”

“Nope. I won’t do it. Not even for you. Well, especially not with you.”

“Awww, baby.”

“Just… don’t, Sebastian.” He gave me the middle finger and I laughed.

“You worried about seeing the family?”

“Yes. Have you read the list?”

“Doing it now.” I flicked my eyes over the neatly written list of lies which I had to memorise. “I can't pull this off, Harry. I can't even pronounce half of these. Can't I be the boyfriend who loves you and supports you but knows fuck all about what you do, except you're good at it?”

Harry sighed. “Come on, Seb. You really think this is the best time to come out to my family?”

“You're not out?” I laughed so hard I had to hold my ribs. “That's so funny.” I wiped a tear from my eye while he scowled at me. “Shit! Okay, teach me these words.”

Three hours of extreme cramming on the basic of biological tech and I was getting out of the car with Harry. We were in Mayfair, the super posh part of London, even I knew that, me who had never been to London before. The Connaught was an exclusive hotel which would set you back five hundred pounds for a teeny room… for one night.

“I'm so glad you're paying for this, Harry.”

“It’s lovely, isn't it? My grandma lives just down the road.”

I glanced around and sighed. “Why do you work as an escort when you’ve got so much money?”

“I don’t have money, my family does.”

“You could actually have a job where you didn’t sell your arse and be legit.”

“Yeah, but less money, more hours, less fun.” He grinned at me. “I can go back and do the boring stuff when I'm old. Right now I'm having fun. They just don’t need to know about it.”

I shook my head, but I was lying my arse off to my family too so I couldn't speak really. “What's your uncle’s name again?”

“Geoffrey and his future wife is called Alicia.”


“Everyone’s really nice.”

“I believe you.” I nipped his arse and he jumped against me, growling as he shook his head.

“Do not do this to me. You can be gay, fine! Whatever, but do not expect me to come out.”

“I won't. I can be the overly friendly gay bloke who wants his straight friend. Can I turn you, Harry Warry?”

“Fuck off!”

“You could be gay for me. That's fine.”

“It’s not. Shut up. There are my parents.
, Sebastian. Please be good.”

“Oh, okay.”

One quick shower and change later, and I was dressed in a stupid skinny fitted, three piece, too-bright-for-me blue suit and sipping a glass of champagne with Harry and the bride-to-be, who looked stunning and would really have to pull out all the stops to outdo her cream cocktail dress tomorrow at the wedding.

His parents were nice enough, and so far, I'd remembered all my fake lies and thrown in enough big medical-sounding words to keep them thinking I knew what the hell I was talking about. Harry was busy talking to his soon to be auntie as I looked around the room. It was good practice for me Harry kept telling me. I had to get used to being in places where I would never normally go. I needed to expand my knowledge of more upper class places and people. I should walk into a room and own it, which he does and I don’t. Not yet anyway.

My eyes fell on the broad back of a guy standing at the bar with his arm around a lovely looking woman. I checked him out from behind, enjoying the view of his v-shaped body in his suit. He was exactly my type. Shame he had a wife with him. I was still staring when he turned around, his champagne glass at his lips, and my breath caught in my throat and my heart fell into my shoes.


Before I could turn, our eyes met and he gaped at me, his arm falling from the woman and we just stood there, staring at each other until I came back to life and spun around, grabbing hold of Harry’s arm and breathing hard.

“Harry, there's a client here. What do I do?”

“What? A client? Who? Show me, he might be one of mine.”

“He's not. Don’t worry about it, just tel—”

“Who is h—Wait, is he a George Clooney-looking, gorgeous thing?”

“How the fuck?”

“He's steaming towards us. Thank God he's not one of mine. Okay, have fun.”

“What?” I grabbed his arm tightly and shook him. “Help me, bitch. Now!”

“Just take deep breaths and…” He drifted off and I could smell the aftershave which had been in my mind since I last saw him.


I turned around with a sigh. “Hi… Robert.” I rolled the r and t off my lips and he growled a little. “Fancy seeing you here—”

“Is he with you?” Robert cut me off and glared at Harry.

“Sort of, but… not really.” Harry smiled and shook his arm from my hand. “Can you take this somewhere else, Seb?”

“Sure.” I leaned in and whispered in his ear. “Bitch.”

“Takes one to know one.” He stuck his tongue out at me then threw Robert a sexy smirk. “Don’t keep him too long and stay where I can see you.”

“He’s safe with me.” Robert had my arm now, being all possessive and sexy and making my knees shake.

“I'm sure he will be. But…
to be sure.” Harry had a serious edge to his voice, one neither Robert or I could mistake.

“I’ll be over there. Come on, Robert.”

He was right there—on my back the whole time as we walked out of the room. He affected me immediately, just like the first time I saw him. By the time we made it into the small hallway outside the private room, I was hot and bothered and semi hard for him. I was spun around and pressed up against the wall, his big body inches from mine. When those brown eyes met mine, I felt my knees shake again and leaned back, taking in a deep breath.


“Hi?” He looked around. The only person sort of watching us was Harry from the other room while he chatted to his mum. “Are you working right now? He works with you, right?”

“It’s nice to see you too. I'm fine. I've been busy. Thanks for asking.”

“Look…” He turned back to me, pressing his large, heavy hand on my chest and staring into my soul with those deep eyes. “Are you free right now?”

“I'm never free, Robert. You know that.” I took his hand from my chest and turned from him, moving further from the room and leaning against the wall in a corridor which was out of sight and panted into my hand while I calmed myself.

“Sebastian…” He was there again, invading my space and pushing me up against the wall. I could see the need in his eyes, feel it in his cock when he pressed against me, crushing me between the wall and his hard body. “Are you with someone?”

“Sort of.” I shook my head when he pressed firmly against me. He had one of my arse cheeks in his meaty hand and was holding me against his rigid cock.

“Speak plain English and tell me if I can have you tonight.”

“What?” I was lost again. My body took over and I was all animal instinct. “No… not tonight.” I tried to move from him, but I didn’t want to and stopped. “Robert…” When I looked into his eyes, he could see I wanted him, knew I wanted to say yes.

“Fuck, Sebastian.”

Our mouths clashed together, our primal need spilling out as we both ground into each other, rubbing our bodies into a frantic state far too quickly. The first rule broken already. I loved his tongue in my mouth—he tasted like liquid sin and I couldn't get enough. I wanted to spend all night having him pound me into the mattress.

I wanted him for being him. He wanted me because I was a whore. An easy fucking whore who he could grab hold of and fuck. I pulled off him and turned my head. If he wanted to pay, then that's what he'd get.

I moaned as he lifted me up, sitting my arse on his hard cock. I quickly wrapped my legs around his hips and held onto his neck as he kissed me again. This guy was driving me insane with his lips. He'd sucked the air from the room and made me dizzy with lust.

“Robert… please.”

“Sebastian… I need you now. I don’t care what it costs, or how long I have you for, but I need my cock inside you in the next five minutes. So find us a room or be prepared for me to fuck you up against this wall right now. Understand?”

I stopped breathing. The low growl in his voice and his cock breaking through my pants held me hostage and I threw every sensible thought from my brain and looked into those dark eyes. “I have a room.”

“Then get us there, and quick.”

“You're going to get me in trouble, Robert.”

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