Second Base

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Authors: Raven Shadowhawk

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Slippers & Chains:

Second Base


Published in November 2015 by Little Vamp Press

Cover design: ravenink

Editor: Leah Osbourne


All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, electronic, mechanical, printing and subsequent photocopying or otherwise. It is intended for the use of the purchaser only.


In other words, if you bought this book yourself, well done and thanks very much.

If you didn’t, and came by it through nefarious means, for shame! Go buy yourself a copy so I can afford to feed my children. ;-)


All characters and words the work of Raven ShadowHawk


All characters, locations, names or incidents appearing in this work are fictitious and a product of the author’s overactive imagination. Resemblance to any real persons, living, dead, vampire, ghost, zombie, lycanthrope, faerie or daemon is purely coincidental. Promise.


This book is sexually graphic and intended for a mature audience. This book, and others in the series, should only be purchased and/or read by those for whom it is legal, according to the laws in their country of residence.


The moral right of the author has been asserted.


Copyright © Raven ShadowHawk 2015

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To my Funk Master

Chapter One

Karen breathed deep and sank deeper into the embrace of the ropes. Soft cords bit the skin on her arms and set it tingling
Does it have to be that tight

Yes, it does
’ Shirtless, Dan stood to her right, his eyes bright in the dim light. The fine dusting of hair across his chest formed a trail that teased along his belly before vanishing into the low slung waist of his trousers. Sweat glistened on his forehead and shoulders in tear-drop sparkles.

God, h
s hot.

—’ A low buzz caught her attention. The egg. She almost forgot. The wet hum of it made muscles low in her body clench. The dull vibration made everything else ache. Even her teeth.

Do you want to fall out

A ripple of fear thrilled through her body
No . .

Then relax and enjoy it.
ve watched the videos; I know what
m doing

Though he spoke with quiet, easy confidence, Karen could
t help but whisper a small prayer. Videos on YouTube, filmed and executed by professionals differed greatly to an impromptu bondage session in their living room. Even with proper hooks, knots and ropes. She eyed the thick, metal hook screwed into the ceiling, supported by a wide base
What did it say about blood supply

Dan laughed
Stop worrying. You wo
t be up there much longer. I just want to spank you a bit
’ He stroked her rear, teasing the edge of her lacy red knickers. The other hand flicked at the crystal weights dangling from the clamps on her sore, puffy nipples
And maybe, if yo
re good,
ll use the wand again

Karen bit her lip. She fucking loved that wand. The smell of ozone still hung in the air and her back prickled at the memory of fizzing sparks dancing over her skin.

Do it. Please

Have you earned it? Done everything I told you

A burst of copper-sweetness flooded Kare
s tongue. Sh
d bitten too hard

Have you
’ Da
s voice roughened. Gruff. His eyes narrowed as he leaned close, tossing his head to flick a curlhair from his eyes
I do
t think so, little miss. You could
t even finish a decent blow job

s not my fault
’ Karen kicked out with both legs. The ropes binding her prevented more than inadequate flailing an inch in either direction, but her shifting weight swung her body in a small circle. She moaned, relaxed into the ropes and watched the floor spin beneath her
Please Sir, that was
t my fault. You teased me


With a vibrator.How can I concentrate when you push that thing into me

Dan licked his lips and gave a feral grin
I do
t remember pushing anything into you

Another moan.Kare
s skin tingled with the memory.

Kneeling on a cushion with hands and arms bound, a ball gag pressed against her teeth, Karen watched as Hannah appeared beneath her. Naked but for a tiny thong, the curvy, curly haired woman raised a long wand with a vibrating head and shoved it against Kare
s screaming pussy. The thrill of it, the delicious pressure against her sensitive clit made her come on the spot, even with her mouth full of Da
s solid, pulsing cock.

Back in the present moment, Dan swatted her backside, sending her spinning in a fast, tight circle
God, I love this thing. You look great in it

The wand
’ A hopeful lilt lifted her voice.

Fine. Just once more
’ He stepped back, retrieving the long black stem from the sofa. When he fitted the glass rod and switched it on, a loud crackle filled the air.

Karen tensed.
This is it. Here we go.

She watched Dan, wary of the wand. Part of her longed to linger on his face but the rest could
t bear to be unprepared when the rounded glass nub neared her skin.

Tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood to attention. A shudder rippled through her bound body, shoulders to toes, then back up again. She clenched her fists
Oh, God . .

Dan stroked the air near her shoulder with the end of the wand. Her skin prickled. The wand crackled. From the corner of her eye, Karen glimpsed a jagged spike of purple light flash between the glass and her skin. The stinging sensation struck her shoulder and spiralled outward.

She yelped
Wait a minute

His hand froze

Words caught in the back of her throat. She fought to form a coherent sentence
The egg.Each time you prick me, you turn up the egg, you promised

Smug knowing filled Da
s eyes
why you want it
’ He switched off the wand. The crackling died away. Silence filled the room, broken only by Kare
s harried breathing.

No, no, no
’ she whined, jerking against the ropes
You have
t let me come yet. Please

You do
t need an egg for that

Dropping to his knees, Dan reached up between her bound legs and dipped his fingers into her hot slit. He wriggled them around. Karen whined and thrashed against the ropes. The harsh bite of the knots chaffed her skin while both weighted nipple clamps swung to and fro. When he flicked, Karen could
t hold back a shriek.

Please, please, please

His fingers pushed further, finally touching the vibrating egg pushed deep into her moist centre
Not yet.
m considering leaving this here

God, no.You ca
’ Desperation gave her voice a shrill edge. The thought of having to endure an entire evening of intermittent stimulation made her half mad with the desire to come. Especially when she considered the plans for the rest of the evening.

My mum
’ she whispered
mum . .

What about them
’ Dan flicked the weighted clamps one last time before pulling a tiny remote from his pocket. He pressed a button near the top.

The eg
s rhythm intensified inside Kare
s body, an incredible pace that thrummed inside her with such intensity that white spots danced before her eyes. She tried to draw her legs together, but the knot work prevented even that small mercy. Her fingers twitched. Toes curled. The wet squelch of her overexcited pussy soon drowned out the buzz.

’ she murmured
Fuck, fuck, fuck

s hand twitched and the egg reached its most intense setting. Karen spluttered and squirmed in her bonds as his hands stroked and pinched her body. At irregular intervals he paused to flick the crystal weights. Mostly he stroked every inch of her exposed skin.

Come for me, Kaz

Karen jerked in the ropes, then let herself go, clenching her teeth to hold back the scream. Wave after delicious wave of ecstasy flooded her body and the egg wedged inside her gave a moist burble before bursting free of her spasming pussy. It hit the floor and buzzed across the carpet.

The sensations faded slowly.

She opened her eyes far enough to see Dan crouched nearby, watching her through hooded eyes
You have no idea how sexy you look when you do that

Karen licked her lips. She wanted to speak but the words would
t come. Instead she nodded and relaxed fully into the ropes. The shift in tension made her swing back and forth, a naked, gasping pendulum in the middle of the room.

Warm pleasure filled her stomach. Not the skin-tingling, lust-firing sort of pleasure. Softer. Gentle. Rooted in the loving expression of Da
s eyes and the softness of his voice. Her Dom melted away to leave Dan himself; the man who loved her. The man she loved back more than she ever thought possible.

While her body drifted back from its physical high, her mind took a spiralling journey of its own.

His gaze settled on her face and she drank in his features. The dark shadow of stubble flecked with grey. Crooked nose. Dimpled chin.

re incredible
’ she whispered.

He lowered his head until a familiar curl of hair flopped down and hid his eyes
No more than you

Kiss me

He cupped her cheek, steadying her long enough to feed his tongue into her mouth. She sucked on it, kissing deep and long until her over excited groin stirred to request an encore.

I love you
’ she whispered.

Right back at you, Kaz.And
m sorry

She blinked
For what

The answer came as an explosion of pain from her left nipple. Dan loosened the clamp and pulled them away, allowing blood to rush back into the sensitive nub.  Karen shrieked and thrashed. Nonsensical babble fell from her lips as the raging pain crested a peak and became pleasure. The right nipple roared to join the first. Her sudden orgasm crashed in and left stars dancing across her eyes.

s tongue lapped against the soreness, hot moisture flicking over and over. It hurt. God, it hurt. But it hurt so good.

She moaned and shuddered through the little after-shocks while he teased her with his tongue.

Fuck me
’ she breathed.

Are you sure? Are
t you tired
’ Dan gripped his cock through the front of his trousers and gave a crooked smile
I was saving this for later, but if you really ca
t wait . .

No, no, please, I need a break

’ He grabbed a bean bag from the other side of the room and shoved it beneath her. Only then did he winch her down via the rope looped into the ceiling.

The leather surface kissed her sensitive skin and brought another moan from her lips. But the ropes around her thighs, arms and stomach allowed her no more than a wiggle.

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