Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2) (24 page)

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Authors: Mary Wasowski

Tags: #Forever

BOOK: Second Chance at Forever (Forever Book 2)
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Believe me, son, I know exactly how you feel. I promise you will see your girl again. This time around, I do not plan on letting Reese walk out of my life to never be heard from again. Her running days are over, and the only running she is going to do is right back into my waiting arms…where she was always meant to be.

I REMAINED AS quiet as I could without alerting Samuel that I was actually awake. I squeezed my eyes closed and remembered what I was awakened to.

After leaving Walker, my heart was racing. My head was spinning and my heart was screaming to turn around and run back into the arms of the man that I love. I kept walking and foolishly never looked back. Another mistake I can add to my long list of wrong choices that only brought me the feeling of pain and loss. All these feelings were connecting to my past and now present with Walker.
He must have tried calling me by now?
I thought silently to myself. What about Jackson? He must be upset with Riley as well. She had never missed a call with him, and I’m sure he must be confused about why she is not returning his calls.
I’m back there again, how did this happen?
This was always the question I kept asking myself. I had left Walker again, and not by choice. I was being forced again to leave him, and he had no clue as to why.

My stomach hurt, my head hurt, and I wanted off this plane. Today was supposed to be very different. I had led Riley to believe that we were going to have a spa day, but really we were going to Central Park to see Freddy’s show and reunite with my best friend. I had planned this out very carefully with Marsha, and now with the unexpected turn of events, how will she ever understand me not showing up today? Once I had my time with Freddy and Riley, I would reunite with the man that I loved. I had planned on telling Walker that I did intend to move forward with divorcing Samuel, and would join him wherever he wanted me to be. As long as Walker and I were together, I wouldn’t care.

Samuel showing up unexpectedly was the game changer in our story. I had awakened to a cold bed, missing Walker, and remembering all of my time with this amazing man who I loved all of my adult life. I touched myself in the places he did when he explored my body. I almost made myself come with the naughty fantasies that were entertaining my mind. I glanced over at the alarm clock, and it was nearing nine am. I showered quickly and got dressed. I glanced at my image in the mirror and what I saw was a different woman. This woman had light in her eyes again, a smile on her face, and renewed hope for her future.

I can’t wait to see the look on Riley’s face when I tell her what we are really doing today. Then…I will be with Walker tonight
. I whispered to myself and walked out of my room to greet Riley.

“Good morning baby, how did you sleep?”

“I slept fantastic, mom, and I can’t wait to spend lots of daddy’s money today.”

“Now, Riley, let’s not go crazy. Your father doesn’t have you on an unlimited budget.”

“I know, mom, but it’s fun to say it.”

“Riley, I wanted to talk to you about something very important, I’m hoping you will hear me out and let me explain.”

“Of course, mom, you know you can tell me anything. I wanted to talk to you too and…” She was interrupted by a knock on the door. “Who can that be? Are you expecting anyone, mom? Is this my surprise?”

“No, that’s later on, but we’re not going to know who’s on the other side of the door unless you answer it.”

Riley opened the door, and to our surprise, it’s Samuel, standing there with a huge bouquet of flowers.
Oh shit.
What the hell is he doing here?
A few days ago, this wouldn’t have been my reaction. I had wanted him to be here for Riley, but now everything had changed.

“Daddy!” Riley screeched as she hugged her father with pure happiness on her face. What are you doing here? Oh my god, mom, daddy’s here!”

“Oh, sweetheart, I’m so happy to see you. How about you lighten the choke hold you have on me and invite me in?”

“Oh geez, daddy, I’m sorry, please come in. Forgive me, I’m just surprised that you’re actually standing in our hotel room in New York City. What about your work? Is someone covering your surgeries? What about your patients? Oh my god, daddy, did something happen?”

“Riley, wow my head is spinning with all that. Take a breath and calm down. Everything is fine, patients are good, and I left my hospital in capable hands. I’m here because I missed my girls, and I’m an ass for not joining you on this trip. Can you forgive me for not having the sense that the good Lord has given me?”

Riley, in tears, again lunged at her father and hugged him and kissed his cheek. One thing I was sure of, my daughter loved her father.
He has made her so happy with his arrival, how can I tell her now that I’m divorcing him?

“Baby, can you let go of daddy’s neck, so I can give a proper hello to your mother. I think she is still stunned that I’m here.” Riley laughed and released her father. Samuel put his bag and flowers down, and slowly walked over to me. He’s right…stunned would be the appropriate word that would describe this scene, among the other fifty thousand words going through my head right now.

“Hey, baby,” Samuel whispered in my ears as he pulled me into a tight hold, caging me in with his vice grip fingers around my arms.

“Hi,” I whispered back as he caressed my neck with kisses. I tried not to tense up with his sudden assault on me. Samuel released me and stared into my eyes, as if he secretly knew what I had been up to. I blinked back at him to break the connection.

“What are you doing here, Samuel? I thought you couldn’t get away.”

“Yes, that’s true, but after we ended our call last night, I couldn’t stay away from you…not one more minute. I should have never stayed behind and let you come here without me. My place is with my wife and daughter. I was selfish, and for that I’m truly sorry. Riley, please forgive me for not being here from the beginning. I want to hear all about your trip, from the minute you arrived.”

“What can I say, daddy? This trip has been amazing, and I can’t wait to come back to live and attend school here. I toured the whole campus and met with my professors that I will have for my first and second semesters. I can’t even tell you how many friends I made from my last time I was here until now. Jackson has a circle of friends that he has known since childhood. We have spent lots of time with them, a great group of people. Daddy, I can’t wait for you to officially meet Jackson. He is so wonderful and smart. He has taken me all around the city, dinner, a night at the theater, and even a horse and carriage ride in Central Park.”

“Wow, that sounds great honey, but haven’t you spent any alone time with your mother? Wasn’t this one of the reasons you gave me when asking my permission to come here?”

“Mom and I had planned on spending today together. We have a spa appointment, lunch, and shopping planned. We were just about to head out when you arrived to surprise us.”

I remained quiet until Samuel turned back at me with his happy expression now turning glacial. He can be so mercurial at times.

“Reese, you approved of our daughter roaming the streets at night with her boyfriend, whom you just met? Where were you when this was all happening?” Samuel’s tone was now accusatory. I could see from across the room that he was beginning to tense up.

“Samuel, our daughter was not roaming the streets of New York by herself. She was with Jackson, and both were accompanied by his father’s driver and security detail. I knew at all times where our daughter was, so why all the questions? She hasn’t done anything wrong, but be eighteen and enjoy herself.”

“I’m sorry to both of you for my behavior, but Riley, this is New York, and you never really have left home before. Give your father a chance to process all the change that is happening in your life.”

“Daddy, why are you so paranoid? Did you forget that I grew up in Baltimore? That’s a city too. I was perfectly safe with Jackson’s driver. His father made sure we were watched over by him, and we never even got a chance to walk the streets. Richard drove us everywhere.”

“I’m happy to hear that. It sounds like Jackson’s father is just as protective of his son as I am of you. Reese, how was the luncheon? Did you meet up with some of your old friends from the alumni group?”

“Mom didn’t make it, daddy. She missed all of the events.” Samuel whipped his head around and shot daggers right at me.
Stay calm Reese, stay calm.

“Why did you miss the events? Where were you?”

“Samuel, I missed the events because I got sick, and came down with a vicious migraine that incapacitated me for the entire day. I had forgotten my migraine medicine, so I was at the mercy of over-the-counter meds. I rested all day in bed and time got away from me.”
Please god let him believe me.

“Oh, honey, why didn’t you phone me right away? I would have had my nurse call in a prescription for you. You went days with a migraine and without the proper medicine.”

“Samuel, I’m fine now. I guess I needed the rest, and Riley was having so much fun, why spoil it for her? We met up later that night and caught up.”
I was silently praying this would appease Samuel.
“Anyway, I think we have pretty much covered everything, how about we go downstairs for some breakfast, or we can go out somewhere?”

Samuel still eyed me with suspicious eyes, but he finally pried his eyes off of me and turned to Riley. “How about we order some room service, and then I tell you both the other reason why I’m here?”

“Sounds great, daddy. I’ll order some food while you talk with mom.”

“Reese, can I speak with you privately?” I looked at Samuel, and he mouthed, “Now.”

“Of course, let’s go into the bedroom where we can talk.” I shakily turned the knob and Samuel entered behind me. The door closed rather loudly, and Samuel swung me around and took me in his arms.

“Oh, baby, I have missed you so much. I need you right now. Let me show you how much I love you. I can’t begin to tell you how embarrassed I am with my callous behavior when you left. After you left my office, I felt sick to my stomach. You’re my wife, and I shouldn’t have done that to you. I have never been so rough with you, and I feel ashamed by my actions.”

“Samuel, you didn’t hurt me, but it did scare me.”

“Again, I am so sorry, please let me make it up to you. I love you, Reese. I know we have issues to work out, but please tell me that you didn’t mean what you said back at home?”

“We said a lot of things to each other, Samuel. Refresh my memory.”

“Don’t be prevaricating with me, Reese. You know damn well what I’m asking. Divorce, you asked me for a divorce! Which will never happen by the way. I am not just going to let you end our marriage without a fight.”

“Samuel, you can’t make me stay in a marriage that I’m no longer happy in. Don’t you see how far we have grown apart? We have become more like roommates than husband and wife.”

“Reese, how can you say this to me? Were you ever happy with me?”

I was about to answer him when Riley called out to us.

“Samuel, breakfast is here, let’s talk about this later.”

“No! Dammit, we will talk about it now.”

“Samuel, let go of my arm before this gets out of hand again. Our daughter is in the next room and waiting for us to join her for breakfast. We will talk later.”

He let go of my arm and his body relaxed instantly with the mention of Riley’s name. He would never cause a scene in front of our daughter, but his actions were alarming me.

“This looks wonderful honey, you ordered all of my favorites. So after we enjoy our meal, we are checking out and heading to the airport. I have a jet on stand-by to fly us down to the Caribbean for the next four days.”

Riley and I were both rendered speechless.

“Come on, you two, I thought you would love this idea? We haven’t had a family vacation for a few years now, and what better way to wrap up spring break than go to a beautiful island?”

“Daddy, that sounds great, but mom and I already extended our stay here. What will I say to Jackson?”

“Well, it sounds like you have already have spent a great amount of time with your boyfriend and no time with your mom, so now you get both your parents on this trip. It’s only for four days, and I have cleared my schedule at the hospital, so we’re going.”

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