Second Chance (Enduring Kiss) (13 page)

BOOK: Second Chance (Enduring Kiss)
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My smile vanished as Rebecca walked back around the corner and continued past me to the left side wing. I held my breath for a reaction
, but when there was nothing but silence, I almost panicked. Cautiously I went to see.

She sat in the only chair in the large alcove. The same chair I sat in nightly looking at the portraits that filled all three walls. Every one of the pictures had Rebecca in them. Some were of the two of us, others were group shots of us with our friends, but most were just of her. Snap shots at the beach or in the woods. There were a few from our many picnics by the river.

After glancing over all the pictures my gaze focused back on Rebecca sitting in my chair. Those pictures did not do her justice. She was much more beautiful in person. God, I had missed her.

She took her time looking over all the pictures until finally her eyes collided with mine. I could read awe and disbe
lieve in on her face and a little fear. I hoped that fear wasn't for me. She already feared the vampire in me; I could not handle it if she feared all of me.

"Tell me what you're thinking,
" I said

She looked away gazing at all the pictures again before answering. "I'm thinking this is insane and yet sweet. I don't know what to think." She looked back at me. "Why don't you tell me why you have all this set up the way you do."

"I was angry when I heard you had left. I did not know you had thought I was dead. I only knew you left me."

"I'm sorry,
" she interrupted softly.

"No, there's no
thing to be sorry for Rebecca."

I wanted to go to her
, but I wasn't sure if she would accept me yet so I stood still.

"Like I said, I was angry
, but the love I had for you never died. I kept busy with renovations, adding touches I thought you'd like in the hopes that you would come home one day."

"Really?" She asked looking
at me with bright hopeful eyes.

could not hold out any longer. I walked over and dropped to my knees in front of her.

"I built this
whole bedroom for you, for us."

Her eyes widened
, but then she abruptly stood up and walked over to one of the pictures hanging on the wall. I stood as well and started towards her, but she turned and held out a hand to stop me.

"I have to tell you something,
" she said seriously

I nodded for her to continue
, but I had a feeling I wasn't going to like what she had to say.

"It's about Pack Master Dawson wanting to question me over Logan's murder."

"Don't worry over it. I promise nothing is going to happen to you. If they question you, it will only take a few minutes. Just tell the truth. You were not even here when he died; you couldn't have had anything to do with his death. Why they want to question you in the first place makes no sense," I said, feeling angry all over again.

Rebecca bowed her head and I noticed she took a deep breath. When she raised her head
, I saw guilt shining in her eyes. She was usually so easy to read, but guilt? That made no sense.

"What's going on Rebecca? You look like your hiding something."

Nodding she said, "Yes, you're right. I have been hiding something. I killed Logan."

I was speechless. I stood staring at her trying to read any hint
of joking on her face. Nothing, she was serious. The next thing to pop into my head was how? How was she able to pull off killing a Master vampire? How could this sweet innocent woman resort to murder?

"Can you tell me about it?" I finally asked.

"Yes, there was a lot of planning and truthfully, I didn't do it all alone. But I will not tell you names," she said vehemently. She waited for me to nod before continuing. "When I found out you were dead, I lost it. I felt like nothing mattered anymore."

Seeing the pain cross her features
, I was compelled to comfort her, but again she refused, holding out her hand to stop me.

"Just stay there and listen. You may not want
to be near me when I'm finished."

I shook my head. Never would that happen
, but she ignored my protests.

"As I was saying, when I thought you were dead, nothing really mattered to me anymore. I was beginning to hope Logan would go too far and kill me too
, until he started torturing more guards and their mates. I knew then he had to be stopped and I won't deny that I also wanted revenge. Like I said, I planned and was able to gather items and information. I made a stake and on the morning of my turn to stay with him I killed him in his sleep."

She turned away hiding her face from my view. I
was having a hard time wrapping my head around what she had said, but I knew without a doubt she was not a murderer and I would protect her from this.

I strode toward her briskly and gathered her into my arms. She tried to free herself
, but I was not going to allow her to run away.

"Baby, you did what had to be done. You were only trying to survive."

She shook her head. "No, I did it out of revenge. That was wrong and I know that now. It was wrong," she sobbed.

I held her tightly
, rubbing circles over her back. "You did it to save your family. Our pack mates were being tortured. Someone had to stop it. I'm just so sorry you were the one who had to kill him."

She softened in my arms pres
sing her head against my chest.

"You mean you don't hate me for what I did?" She whispered.

"No baby, I don't hate you. I love you more than anything or anyone on this earth."

She lifted her head and
looked up at me. "But I'll have to leave you. When I tell them the truth, they'll surely kill me."

She looked so scared and my heart squeezed in my chest. Never would they get their hands on her, I vowed.

"I won't let them kill you Rebecca. We'll find a way out of this."

"There is no way out Drake. When they question me, I won't be able to lie. If I run
, they'll know anyway and may start questioning others. I can't do that to my friends."

She was right and it frustrated the hell out me. W
hat could we do? I would not lose her; not by death or running.

I suddenly thought of something that would save her
. I knew she would probably protest and I had to convince her it was necessary.

"The Enduring Kiss,
" I said softly.

"What?" She asked

"If we do the Enduring Kiss
, Dawson can't touch you no matter what you did. It's against our law."

Rebecca looked around the room nervously. "I...I don't know if I can do that," was her soft reply.

I pleaded with my eyes for her to trust me. "Please Rebecca, think about it. There is no other way. I won't lose you," I said fiercely.

"Tell me Drake, why aren't there any other bedrooms down here?" She asked.

I pulled back at her sudden change of subject.

, I said, "Because I'm the only one who sleeps down here."

She nodded. "But why don't you have feeders staying close by?"

"I don't like being crowded," I replied, but I could tell she was leading to something.

"Do they sleep with you?" She asked nervously picking at my shirt.

I could feel my brow smooth out as it dawned on me what she was getting at. I smiled gently.

"No, no one sleeps with me and no one has since you left."

Her eyes glistened with unshed tears, but her smile was radiant even if it was faint. She laid her head back on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist. I held her close and ran my fingers through her hair. She was so precious to me and no matter how angry I had gotten after she left I could never touch another woman. It had not felt right. I was hers and she was mine. Of course, I fed, but I always made sure never to cross the line.

" she said, breaking the peaceful silence. "I'll do the Enduring Kiss with you, but please be gentle with me. Sometimes Logan's attacks feel fresh in my mind."

"I would never hurt you Rebecca and I will always do everything in my
power to make you happy." I squeezed her hard, saying a silent prayer of thanks for giving me the woman I held in my arms.




Chapter 9




"I would never hurt you, I promise on my life."

I knew Drake meant what he said and I trusted him with my heart
, but my body was wracked with nerves. I could feel myself shaking at the idea of being bitten, but underneath my apprehension, I could also feel a slight stirring of arousal. I was unsurprised by my desire for Drake. He was always able to distract me that way.

I tried to relax into Drake's arms. The slow circles he drew over my back helped. It also sped up my libido. I snuggled into his
chest and breathed his scent deeply. I held my breath a moment, wanting to keep the smell with me. His scent was like a flavor on my tongue. It was so masculine yet sweet on my taste buds. I blew out the breath I was holding and rubbed my nose against his chest.

Drake growl
ed deep in his chest and I could feel the rumble under my cheek. "Are you sure Rebecca?" He asked.

could not live without him and I refused to push him away any longer.

"Yes, I'm sure Drake."

I looked up into his desire-filled eyes, seeing concern and hope cross over his features. I loved him no matter what he was now. Vampire or werewolf, it made no difference to me anymore.

"This isn't about keeping me safe. Although
, that is a plus," I said smiling. "But really, I want to be with you Drake. I want us to be together forever. I trust you and I love you."

The concern I had just notice on his features melted away
, leaving his desire for me burning dark in his eyes.

"Rebecca, I love you with all that I am and I will continue to love, cherish and p
rotect you for all of my days."

Drake's tone was serious and felt very formal and I knew we were about to begin The Enduring Kiss.

Drake led me to the massive bed. The colors he chose for the bedding were vibrant and yet carnal. I wanted to roll and caress every fabric and feel the different textures on my skin. Drake switched my thoughts of touching the fabric to touching him when he gently caressed my cheek. The love that was showing through is baby blues made my breath catch.

I reached up and pushed back a lock of dark hair that fell over
his left eye. The hair was so soft I ran my fingers through it. He closed his eyes relishing my touch making me want him even more.

When he opened his eyes
, I knew he was ready from how the blue had darkened with passion. He was waiting patiently though and I took it upon myself to begin undressing him. I had to touch his skin.

I ran my hands down his chest until I reach the hem of his blue t-shirt the
n slowly lifted it revealing his tight stomach. I could not wait one more second. Before the shirt reached his chest, I knelt down and ran my tongue around his belly button fascinated by the tightening of his muscles.

I looked up watching his reaction. He stood perfectly still letting me take control
, but I could see the tension in his jaw. He wanted me to hurry up. I smiled wryly to myself. I could do anything I wanted to him right then and he would let me.

"Take the shirt off,
" I commanded huskily.

He didn't waste any time. He shucked off his shirt quickly
, dropping it to the floor without a second glance.

I brought my gaze back down to his waist and followed the line of muscle to his belt buckle. The impressive bulge under his jeans let me know he was ready for me to touch him
, but I wanted to go slow.

I undid the belt then started on the snap of his jeans. The zipper made a hushed sound as it slid down revealing dark blue cotton. Sliding my hands just inside the waist band of his jeans and around to his back, I pushed them down car
essing his tight butt as I did.

I felt him hard and ready as my chest pressed against him and my head rested on his stomach. I nipped and nibbled knowing I was torturing him. He groaned letting me know I was right.

Enough of this, I thought. I wanted to see and touch all of him. After getting his jeans completely off, I reached for his boxer briefs. He hissed out a breath as I released him from the confines of the tight cotton. He sprung free and I sighed at the sight of the beautiful naked man standing before me. It had been too long since I touched him.

I wrapped my hand around him
, my fingers barely coming together he was so wide. I caress him from root to tip then rubbed my thumb over the head spreading the glistening drop of fluid that had beaded there. He jumped in my hands and I squeezed him tighter enlisting a groan from his lips.

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