Second Chance SEAL: A Bad Boy Military Romance (2 page)

BOOK: Second Chance SEAL: A Bad Boy Military Romance
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Chapter 2

awaii was hot as fuck
. Not as hot as the Afghanistan desert, or fucking Fallujah, but pretty damn hot. I stepped out into the heat and slipped on my sunglasses, looking around for Greg.

He was late, of course. Couldn’t trust that guy. I moved over to a shaded pillar and leaned up against it. The other passengers slowly filtered out, getting into taxis and shit. I caught sight of that cute girl, the sexy one with the gorgeous lips. I kept thinking about her the whole flight, although I was pretty busy trying to get in that stewardess’s panties. I watched as the pretty girl gathered her bags, and I was treated to a lovely view of her tight little ass. She stood in another shaded spot, waiting for someone to get her too.

Briefly, I considered going up to her, but I already had that stewardess’s number in my pocket. Plus, I was exhausted from the flight.

I wondered how she’d look sliding up and down my hard cock. She was slim, with great breasts and a gorgeous face. I loved her pouty lips, and wanted to slowly slide her down the length of my cock until she moaned for more.

Instead, I was stuck standing out in the heat, waiting on that asshole.

Twenty minutes. He was fucking twenty minutes late. Finally, he pulled up in this black convertible, grinning at me.

“You’re late,” I said, throwing my pack into the trunk.

“I’m here, ain’t I?”

I climbed into the passenger seat. “Good to see you.”

“Good to see you too, brother. Surprised you’re still in one piece.”

I grinned at him. “You know me. I’m made of tougher stuff than the average grunt.”

“That you are.”

Greg and I did a tour of Iraq together two years back. He’d been home for a year, while I just got back from my second tour a few weeks ago.

It was good to see him, even if he was a bastard. We were both in Hawaii for some wedding. It wasn’t normally my thing, but when a brother at arms got married, I made it a point to get there. That was a bond no normal person could understand, and I took it seriously.

“What are we waiting for?” I asked him.

“Got one more passenger.”

I laughed. “Oh yeah?”

“Yeah. Laura’s friend, Piper. You know her?”

“Nah,” I said. “Been too busy getting shot at in the fucking desert to meet your future wife’s friends.”

“Fair enough.” He craned his neck, looking around, and then waved. “Hey, Pipes!”

I watched as the pretty girl from the plane looked up, smiled, and walked over.

My heart started hammering in my chest. What were the fucking chances that it was her? She gave me this look, and I only caught it because I was trained to read people’s faces. She looked as surprised as I felt, and there was something else in that glance. I couldn’t tell what it was since I was too busy staring at her.

She was more gorgeous than I thought. Up close, she was fucking perfect. She smiled at Greg.

“Nice of you to show up,” she said.

“I’m here now,” he grumbled.

She laughed. I got out to help her with her bags.

“Pipes, this is Gates. Gates, Pipes. She’s the maid of honor.”

“Good to meet you,” I said to her, smiling.


She let me put her bags in the trunk and climbed into the back. I got into the passenger side.

“Ready, kids?” he asked.

“Let’s roll,” I said.

Greg pulled out into traffic. I glanced back at Piper and grinned as the wind whipped her hair. She didn’t seem to mind, though, and smiled back at me.

“You two have a good flight?” Greg asked.

“Perfect,” Piper said. “Except there was this creepy guy that kept flirting with the flight attendants.”

I stared at her for a second then burst out laughing. “I didn’t see any creeps,” I said.

“Oh, he was hard to miss. Soldier type. Big camo backpack, thought he was the coolest thing in the world.”

“Sounds like an okay guy to me.” I smirked at her. “Are you jealous that he was flirting with that stewardess and not with you?”

“Not at all,” she said.

“That sounds like a lie to me.”

“What makes you so sure?”

“I’m a Navy SEAL, you know. I’m trained for these things.”

“Oh, are you?” She smiled. “You just seemed like a muscle-brained jock to me.”

“Ouch,” I said, still smiling. I liked her fire. I had to admit, it excited me way more than that vapid stewardess had. “Truth is, I’m very good at advanced interrogation techniques. I’d love to show you sometime.”

“No, thanks. I’m not into torture.”

“Don’t worry. I’d make it fun.”

She rolled her eyes. Greg started to laugh.

“Okay,” he said. “Enough of that. Be nice. You two have to get along at this wedding or Laura will fucking castrate me.”

“Thought she already did?” I asked him.

“Funny,” he said. “Just behave. Got it?”

“Aye aye,” I said, glancing back at Piper.

She smiled up at me, and in that moment I knew exactly what she wanted.

The girl wanted to fuck me.

Despite that prissy attitude, she wanted to suck my thick cock until I fucked her rough from behind. I knew she was probably sitting back there, dripping wet and imagining all the fucking dirty shit I’d do to her body.

Right then and there, I knew I was going to give her what she wanted. Fuck that stewardess, I didn’t need her. Piper was the only girl that I wanted to taste at this wedding, and I was going to get what I wanted.

Greg drove us back to the hotel where we dropped Piper off. She left with a smile and a wave, though her gaze lingered on me for a second. When she was gone, Greg sighed.

“Fuck, man,” he said. “Why are you always such an asshole?”

“To be fair, she did start it.”

“I don’t care. That’s Laura’s best friend. Like I don’t get enough shit as it is.”

“Sorry if I blew up your spot, man. But I’m not the type to take shit like that.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever.” He grinned at me. “You ready for this?”

“Ready for what?”

“Bachelor party time, motherfucker.”

I laughed. “Seriously?”

“Seriously. It’s last minute, but I waited for you. The guys are already at the bar getting fucked up in my honor.”

“Well then, soldier, we can’t keep them waiting.”

He laughed, put the car into gear, and pulled out. We sped off into the hot Hawaii day, an afternoon and night of debauchery waiting for us.

But despite that, I just kept thinking about Piper. That attitude, those looks, those fucking lips. Maybe I’d been in the damn desert for too long, but Piper had somehow infected my brain, and all I could think about was getting her into my hotel room.

I was going to make that happen, and she was going to thank me for it.

Chapter 3

was so exhausted
that I crashed almost as soon as I got into my hotel room. I stopped off to check in on Lauren first, but she was too busy getting swarmed by relatives to notice if I was around or not. So I went back to my big comfy bed and collapsed.

I slept straight through the night, and had one dream. In it, Gates took me by the hand, smiling that cocky smile, and dragged me into a tiny bathroom. He kissed along my neck, and even though I called him an asshole and a jerk, he just kept going. Soon, I was moaning as he fucked me, his cock thick and deep between my legs.

I woke up around five in the morning, completely rested and soaking wet.

I rolled over onto my side, trying to forget about that dream. It had been so intense and vivid. I didn’t know why I kept thinking about Gates like that. He was a total jerk and a cocky asshole, but that didn’t seem to matter. All I kept thinking about was his handsome face, his ripped body, his confident smile.

He was a Navy SEAL. That was impressive all by itself. He clearly wasn’t some empty-headed soldier, since you couldn’t be stupid and still become a SEAL. They had incredibly high standards for the SEALs, and I knew that only the best of the best could become one. They went through some serious training, and I believed him when he said that he knew some things that would impress me.

I couldn’t think about that as I got dressed. I headed over to Lauren’s room around seven and the marathon morning of hair and makeup began.

It was a total whirlwind. Lauren’s relatives were coming and going and the other bridesmaids were busy making jokes and laughing about who they were going to sleep with. We started drinking around ten, and although I limited myself to one glass of champagne, the other girls were pretty tipsy by the time the ceremony came around.

I had to admit, it was gorgeous. For all my mental complaining about destination weddings, and how much I dreaded it all, I was incredibly impressed. More people showed up than I would have guessed, and every chair was taken as everyone gathered out on the beach. The sand was perfect, smooth, and white, and the waves lapped against the shore in a gentle rhythm.

I liked her almost-husband, Greg. He was a soldier, too, and a really good guy. I’d never seen someone so devoted to someone else before, and although Greg could be a hothead at times, I really did like him. I knew they were a good match.

I stood next to Lauren just before everything about to begin. I smiled at her.

“Ready?” I asked.

“As ready as I’ll ever be.”

“No second thoughts?”

She laughed. “More like fifth and sixth thoughts.”

“Please don’t run away.”

“I won’t. I’m going to marry that man.”

“Good.” I smiled at her. “See you out there.”

I hurried to my place, and everything began.

Greg looked nervous, but that was to be expected. I couldn’t pay much attention to him, though, since I kept stealing glances at Gates.

He was wearing his dress uniform, and he looked so damn handsome. He kept looking at me, smiling at me, and I kept looking away. I couldn’t get too distracted by that asshole, even if I wanted to. Still, in that uniform, I knew Gates could get any girl he wanted. And for some reason, he kept looking at me.

Soon, Lauren walked down the aisle, and the priest started in with the ceremony. It was really lovely, short but perfect. I had to admit, I had tears in my eyes when they kissed.

Everything felt like a blur, it just happened so fast. The beautiful beach, the beautiful people, the beautiful ceremony, it was all just so perfect. I couldn’t believe it, but I was actually becoming a destination wedding convert right there that afternoon.

Eventually, the ceremony ended, and the guests began to head back toward the hotel for the reception.

“Picture time!” Lauren announced, grabbing my hand. “Come on.”

“Where are we going?”

“To the beach. Greg and Gates are going to join us.”

“Oh,” I said. “Gates?”

“Of course. You’re the maid of honor and he’s the best man. You have to get pictures together.”

“Right. Obviously.”

Lauren gave me a look. “You okay, Pipes?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.” I gave her my best weather girl fake smile. “I’m just so happy for you.”

She looked at me for a second, and I knew she saw right through me. “Come on,” she said, choosing not to push. “Let’s go.”

She took my arm and I followed her along, relieved that we didn’t have to have that conversation. It was her wedding, anyway, and I didn’t want to be another issue that she had to deal with.

The photographer was standing with Gates and Greg. The two boys looked handsome, though Gates was two inches taller, much broader, and just looked more rugged, despite the dress uniform. Lauren deposited me next to him, and the photographer began to position us.

“Nice ceremony,” I said to Gates. “You did a good job.”

“Thanks,” he grunted. “Didn’t have much to do, though.”

“You stood there. That’s pretty much all you had to do.”

“Stand there and look pretty. I can do that.”

I smiled at him. The photographer pushed the two of us closer, and he smirked at me as he took my waist and pulled me against him. I bit my lip slightly as his body pressed against mine, and I prayed that my cheeks weren’t as red as I thought they were.

The photographer started to take pictures.

“Have you been thinking about this?” Gates whispered in my ear.

“About taking pictures? Constantly.”

“Pretend all you want. I know you’ve been imagining my body pressed against yours.”

My eyes went slightly wide just as the camera clicked, and I knew there was going to be a picture of me looking surprised.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

“I mean, you’ve been dripping wet since the moment we met. I know you’re dying to let me peel that dress off your sexy fucking body.”

“Gates,” I said, turning toward him.

“Look at me,” the photographer said.

Lauren gave me a look. I obeyed, clenching my jaw.

“Go ahead,” Gates whispered in my ear. “Give in to it. Let me taste that nice, tight little pussy of yours. Let’s skip the reception.”

“No,” I hissed. “Cut it out.”

“You two,” the photographer said to Gates and me. “Get a little closer.”

“Can do,” Gates said, pulling me tightly against him. The camera clicked.

“I’m not going anywhere with you,” I said. “Pushy jerk.”

“Not being pushy. Just stating a fact. You want to taste my cock and let me fuck your little cunt until you scream. I can see it in your eyes.”

“You can’t see a thing,” I said whirling on him.

Gates grinned at me as the photographer, Lauren, and Greg all stared. There was an awkward moment as I realized that I was standing there, glaring at Gates like I wanted to tear him to pieces. I took a deep breath and smiled.

“Why don’t you two get some pictures?” I asked Lauren and Greg.

“Of course, you two, come here,” the photographer said, diving in.

Lauren and Greg were taken away by the pictures and I quickly walked away, cheeks burning. I could hear Gates laughing as I quickly headed up toward the hotel.

I couldn’t believe he’d talk to me that way. I knew he was a cocky asshole, but I had no idea how far that went. No man had ever spoken to me that way before, especially not one I barely knew.

And yet it seemed totally natural coming from Gates. He said these things like he knew they were the truth, like there could be no doubt in his mind. It was so crazy that I could barely stand it.

I couldn’t deny the truth, though. Every word Gates said was totally accurate.

I did want him to strip me down and take me. I wanted to feel his strong hands on my hips as he kissed me and pressed his thick cock between my legs. He was so crude and arrogant, and yet I wanted to see if he could back his words up with action.

I suspected he could. The man was a Navy SEAL, after all. He was trained to work bodies. Just looking at him, I could only imagine what he could do with mine.

I got into the hotel and walked into the reception, breathing deep. I went right up to the bar, grabbed a glass of champagne, and downed it.

I was going to have to get a hold of myself. This wasn’t about me. This was Lauren’s night, and I was her maid of honor. I had to get over this crap with Gates and put on a happy face for Lauren. I took a deep breath and nodded to myself.

No matter how I felt about Gates, it didn’t matter. I was going to be civil, even if he wasn’t. I was going to make this night work, if at least for Lauren’s sake.

Somehow, I was going to have to resist that cocky bastard.

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