Second Chances (10 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Second Chances
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“I’m Chloe,” she said, looking up at Luke.

“Well, nice to meet you, Chloe, I’m Luke.” Dustin led them to the dance floor that had filled up quite a bit.

Luke looked to Dustin for help on what to do. Dustin just shrugged his shoulders, but they were saved when the girls came over. They danced in various combinations; Stacy and Dustin, Luke and Bellamy; Chloe, Luke and Bellamy; Stacy and Luke, Bellamy and Dustin. They danced and laughed, especially when Bellamy and Stacy were dancing together while Stacy sang along to the song.

Once the applause stopped, Luke heard Garrett’s voice in the microphone. “Hey, y’all, we’re gonna ask my sassy niece Stacy to come up here so she can make all of us look bad. Come up here, girl.” Dustin watched Stacy’s cheeks turn a dark shade of pink.

She pulled her shoes off and handed them to Dustin. He looked at her with what he was sure was question in his eyes. Stacy leaned forward. “It’s just my thing. I can’t stand my shoes being on while I sing.” She surprised him, but it was a good one when she reached up and kissed his lips.

He watched her hips sway as she walked up to the stage. Her dad handed her a bottle of water, which she took a couple of long pulls from and then sat it by the drums. There was some hushed whispering and then they all got into place.

Stacy looked like a natural as she walked up to the microphone. “Hey, everyone. I just want to again thank you all for coming tonight, also for the love and support you’ve given us this past year. We’re going to start with one of my mom’s favorite songs, so, Daddy, come help me.”

Gary stepped up to the microphone close to Stacy’s. Dustin saw him shoot her a wink and then the music started. He recognized the song as soon as Garrett started playing his guitar and Stacy opened her mouth and started belting out “Sweet Child of Mine.”

The band was naturally talented and sounded great together. Stacy held him captivated, though. She had a natural stage presence. Even though they were just her family and family friends, she still played to the crowd. Dustin caught sight of Stacy’s mom right next to the stage, swaying side to side with Carter in her arms.

Even from where he stood, Dustin could still see the love she had for her husband and daughter.

When they finished the song, Dustin whistled and Stacy smiled at him and then went to retrieve her bottle of water.

Stacy sang two other songs: “Who Knew”
by Pink
and “Decode”
by Paramore. He could tell she was having a good time. Her voice was killer. He’d only ever heard her sing along with the radio, but he didn’t realize her voice was so pure and raw. Dustin wasn’t sure why she never auditioned for one of those singing shows because she’d win hands down.

She danced around as she sang her last song, “Call Me” by Blondie. Stacy leaned against Garrett’s back as he played and then she’d move over to her dad. When the song ended she gave a dramatic bow at the end and the crowd applauded her.




Stacy was hot and sweaty and needed to cool down. She grabbed Dustin’s hand. “Do you want to come outside with me? I need to cool off.”

“Sure, let’s grab you a drink first.” Dustin led her to the bar and got her a beer and then placed his hand on the small of her back as they headed for the French doors leading to the huge, partially lit deck.

Stacy accepted the beer and took a generous sip. “Ahh…this tastes so good.” Stacy realized the Dustin was staring at her. She touched her face. “Do I have something on my face?”

She watched him shake his head and then walk towards her. He reminded her of some sort of predator stalking its prey. Dustin’s movements were slow, but determined.

Stacy couldn’t tear her eyes away from his as he reached up and stroked her lower lip with the pad of his thumb.

“You were amazing up there, Stacy. I never realized you could sing like that.”

She smiled and stood up on her tiptoes to kiss his lips. What started out as a simple kiss turned into something more passionate, more…urgent.

Stacy started when she realized that Dustin had backed her up against a wall. She slowly opened her eyes to see that they were in a corner out of view from inside. Her breath came out in shallow pants as he started kissing down her jaw and to the base of her throat.

She couldn’t help the moan that left her lips, but he was trying to make her crazy. His hand caressed down her back until he reached one of the firm globes of her ass. Stacy felt him press his hard erection against the top of her mound and started grinding against her.

His other hand rubbed and squeezed at her breast.
Oh god
, she thought. He was making her lose it. Her family was only on the other side of the French doors and Dustin was about to make her come.

She reached down, stroking his hard cock through his pants. Her body tingled as he groaned against the skin at the base of her neck. “Dustin, what are we doing?” she moaned.

Right then they heard talking and footsteps. Stacy buried her face in his chest, he moved his hands and slowly stroked her back.

Both of their breathing was erratic. Dustin lifted Stacy’s head so he could rest his forehead against hers. He kissed the tip of her nose.

“Sorry, baby. I got carried away. Will you come home with me tonight?”

Stacy stood there, shocked, and he must’ve realized what he said because his eyes got big. “Stace, I’m sorry—I’m not trying rush you into anything. We’ll just hang out, I swear; no pressure.”

She didn’t have to think twice. Stacy took a step closer to Dustin, wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his for a brief kiss. “I’d love to come home with you to hang out or whatever.” She watched his eyes lower to her mouth as she slowly licked her lips.

Dustin leaned in and smiled against her lips then kissed her quick and hard. “Let’s get back in there before they send a search party,” he told her as they walked back towards the door.

Stacy smiled wide when they walked back in and saw her cousins all up on stage playing their instruments. Garrett and her dad were dancing with Chloe, who was smiling and laughing.

It warmed her heart to see Chloe acting like her normal self again. Stacy turned and saw Dustin talking to her mom and his. The ladies were laughing and carrying on. He turned and saw her watching him. Dustin said something to his mom and walked back over to Stacy.

He slid his arm around her waist and gave her a squeeze. “Let’s go get a drink.” Dustin led her to the bar and grabbed them a couple of more beers.

They both took healthy sips and watched as the band finished and the DJ got set up. Stacy’s mom came over to tell her she was leaving. She was taking her grandma, Chloe, and Carter back to Stacy’s parent’s house.

Stacy turned to Dustin. “I’m gonna help them out to the car. I’ll be right back.”

Dustin kissed her cheek and then went to talk to Luke and Bellamy.

Stacy walked outside and found Garrett and Ian helping her mom get the kids buckled in the backseat. Stacy went to the passenger side of her mom’s car to say goodbye to her grandma.

“You have fun with the cute boy, Stacy.”

“I will, Grandma, but he’s not a boy,” Stacy said.

Her grandma smiled and kissed her goodbye. Stacy opened the back doors, first kissing Carter, then going around to other side to kiss Chloe goodbye.

“You be a good girl for Auntie Ren and Grandma, okay?” Stacy said.

“I will, Tay Tay. You be good for Dustin, he’s so cute,” Chloe said with a giggle.

“Okay, little stinker. You’re really funny.” Stacy kissed her quick and got out so Ian and Garrett could say goodbye to the kids. After they did, they both headed inside.

Stacy leaned in and gave her mom a kiss. “Bye, Mom. I love you.”

“I love you too, baby. You and Dustin are invited to dinner tomorrow night. Be there at six.” Stacy couldn’t even respond before her mom rolled up her window, flashed her a smile and drove away.

Stacy stood there for a minute enjoying the night. The sun had already set and the trees lining the walk way were decorated with twinkle lights. There weren’t too many people out front milling around as Stacy made her way back towards the doors.


She knew that voice and felt her body tense. Stacy slowly turned to see Mark standing next to a tree. He looked better than the last time she saw him, but she still didn’t want anything to do with him.

“What are you doing here, Mark? I thought I made it clear that we’re over.” Stacy made sure she didn’t get anywhere near him.

He just stared at her for a minute not saying anything. Mark took a step towards her, but she put a hand out to halt him.

“Stop; don’t come any closer. Wait, you know what? I’m going inside. I don’t care why you’re here.” Stacy turned and walked away from him.

“Stacy, please, I’m sorry. I love you, and I’m sorry I hurt you. Please take me back.” Great, now Mark was begging.

“No, Mark. Goodbye.” Stacy turned and walked back into the building. She couldn’t be sure, but she swore she heard him yell ”You’re mine, Stacy.”

Stacy shook off her Mark run in and smiled when she found Dustin. He was talking to Luke, but her smile faltered when she saw the serious expression on his face. Luke was nodding his head and his expression was one of understanding.

She decided to not interrupt them, so Stacy went to talk to her dad and Uncle Dan, Dan was next oldest to her dad. They could’ve passed for twins because they looked the most alike out of all four brothers.

Stacy went and wrapped her arms around her Uncle Dan’s arm. “Hiya. I’ve missed you.” She missed her family like crazy, but life sometimes made it too crazy for them all to get together.

“Hey, beautiful. You keeping an eye on your daddy for me?” He had taken it the hardest when Stacy’s dad had his heart attack.

“Of course I am. Isn’t that right, Daddy?” Stacy gave him the sweetest smile.

“Okay, if you call making me eat rabbit food, chicken or fish and exercising every damn day keeping an eye on me, then I guess you and your momma are experts.” Stacy’s dad grabbed her and lifted her off of the ground with a huge bear hug.

Stacy kissed them both before she turned to walk away and ran smack dab into Dustin.

“Whoa!” he said as he grabbed her upper arms to steady her. She immediately felt herself flush. “Sorry. Daddy was having a pity party, so I was trying to make my escape,” she said with a laugh.

Stacy leaned up and whispered in his ear. “Things are winding down. Do you want to get out of here?” She nipped the lobe of his ear and then stepped back giving him her most mischievous smile.

Dustin studied her for at least a full minute. Maybe he was rethinking when he’d asked her to go home with him. Maybe that’s what he was talking to Luke about. He probably wanted advice on how to let her down gently.

Stacy could’ve kicked herself. She should’ve known better than to think that Dustin wanted anything real with her. She shook her head and backed away from him. “Forget it.” Stacy turned to make a quick getaway, but Dustin’s hand around her arm stopped her.

“Wait, what’s wrong?” He had a concerned look on his face.

“Listen, Dustin, you’ve changed your mind. I get it. Just let me leave in peace and don’t make a big deal of it.” Stacy tried to keep her voice down so no one would hear them.

“Come on, we’re going outside.” Dustin led her towards the doors leading her out into the dark night.










Chapter 8



Dustin didn’t know what had happened. Stacy wanted them to leave and all he did was look at her to make sure that was what she really wanted and then the spark in her eyes seemed to go out.

She held her body rigid as they walked out into the night. There were people milling around out front, so they went to talk by his truck. Stacy had the defensive stance down. Her arms were crossed protectively over her breasts.

Dustin wanted to smile because she looked so adorable when she was trying to be all indifferent. He turned away from her to get his face under control then turned back towards her as she was staring at the ground.

He walked towards her and reached out to tip her chin up so he could see her eyes.

“What happened, Stacy? Why the sudden turnaround?"

Stacy looked up at him. “I-I thought you changed your mind.”

Dustin rubbed a hand through his hair. “You thought I changed my mind?” He didn’t even know what else to say.

“Well, when I asked you to get out of here, you looked at me like I’d grown another head, and earlier you were talking to Luke and you didn’t look real happy, so I figured you were trying to figure out a way to let me down easy.” Stacy wouldn’t even look at him when she said it.

“Baby, I want nothing more than to get out of her with you. I was quiet when you asked me because I wanted to make sure you weren’t feeling any pressure from me, that this was what you truly wanted. Earlier I was talking to Luke about a job. I wasn’t really confident about the plans I put together and Luke was just humoring me while I talked it out pretty much with myself.”

Dustin noticed Stacy start to mumble under her breath and then she looked at him. “I’m an idiot.”

He couldn’t help but laugh and then pulled her towards him. Dustin slid his hand up into her hair so he could pull her head back and take her lips in a crushing kiss. He pulled away. “Yep, definitely an idiot.” Dustin lowered his lips again to hers.

Dustin licked and nipped at her lips until Stacy moaned and opened to him. His tongue licked at the roof of her mouth and Dustin groaned when Stacy moved closer to him, flattening her breasts against his chest.

Her scent was intoxicating him and the desire to be closer to her was overwhelming him. Dustin backed her against his truck, sliding a hand down her leg until he picked it up and wrapped it around his hip.

With Stacy open to him he ground his cock against her core. He let go of her leg to slide his hand across her and grabbed her ass, squeezing and rubbing it as their breaths were coming out harsher and faster.

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