Second Chances (19 page)

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Authors: Evan Grace

BOOK: Second Chances
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When the sobs faded into hiccups, Stacy sat up in bed. “You can go home, Dustin. I’ll be fine,” she whispered.

“Stacy, don’t do this. Every time something happens you try to pull away from me. Quit it. I’ll leave when I’m ready, and I’m not ready to leave you. What part of I love you didn’t you get the other night? Baby, I’m not going anywhere, especially when you’re so upset.”

“He’s right, Dustin. I am a stu-stupid bitch. If I would’ve told my family, they could’ve made extra precautions. Sebastian could’ve come down to stay with me, too.” Tears began to fall from her eyes again. She got up quickly from her bed and went looking for her phone.

“What are you looking for, baby?” Dustin asked as he followed her through the house.

“I need my phone. I’m calling that asshole and tell him if he ever comes near me or those I care about, I’ll end him,” she shouted.

“Baby, I know you’re upset, but remember the restraining order you filed against him. They said that you weren’t to contact him, either. You don’t want to give him any more ammunition to come at you with.”

“How do we even know if he received those papers, Dustin? Shouldn’t they have contacted me with a court date yet? I hate him so much and all I can think about is what if he would’ve hurt Chloe. I’d die before I let anything happen to her. He took them away from me. I fucking hate him and myself for even seeing him.”

Stacy let Dustin hold her as they stood in her living room. She felt Dustin stiffen and pull back to look at her face. “I need you to go put together a bag of your clothes and whatever else you may need. I’ll come back tomorrow for your computer and camera.”

“Why?” was all she got out when he led her back to her room.

“Baby, remember the other night when you woke up because you thought someone was in the house?” She nodded her head slowly. “Well, I think he was in here, which means he’s seen us together. I don’t want you staying here until we get the locks changed, okay?”

Stacy swallowed past the lump in her throat and nodded. She walked silently to her room, pulling her duffel bag out of the closet. She packed clothes for two days at least, her toiletries, and even her book she was reading from her nightstand. Glancing in the drawer, she saw her favorite cream she put on before bed and the box of condoms. Grabbing both, she threw them in with the rest of her toiletries. Throwing the strap over her shoulder, Stacy walked into the living room and found Dustin looking around.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Her voice was scratchy and hoarse from crying earlier.

“Nothing, baby. Just looking around.” Dustin grabbed her hand and led her out of the house. After a quick drive, they were back at Dustin’s. Stacy was tired and mentally exhausted. She let him help her out of the truck and carry her bag into the house.

Dylan was sitting on the couch watching TV when they walked in. Stacy put on her brave face and smiled at him. He got up and walked over to them, but Stacy just didn’t want to talk about it anymore. “Can I—can I go to bed please?” She looked up at Dustin and hated feeling the pity rolling off of him.

“Sure, sugar, go get settled. I’ll be there shortly,” Dustin said as he handed her the bag and kissed her quickly on the lips.

As she walked towards his room, Stacy heard Dylan. “What the fuck happened?” She was in Dustin’s room with the door shut before she could hear his response.

Stacy sat on the edge of his bed, staring at nothing. There wasn’t a whole lot that Stacy regretted in life. She always believed that everything that happens to you makes you who you are, and sometimes bad stuff has to happen to help you find your direction. Not this, though. This would be one of the only things in Stacy’s entire life that she 100% regretted. She never should’ve been Mark’s friend and she never should’ve dated him. Her other regret was being too chicken to pursue things with Dustin. He was an amazing man and had already treated her better than she ever thought possible.

She was going to get through this one way or another because she couldn’t stand for any more relationships being ruined because of Mark and his actions. Stacy started to softly cry when it hit her that she’d no longer see her little munchkins when she went to see her grandma. Stacy wouldn’t stay with Garrett and Ian and be spoiled with one of Ian’s decadent desserts he loved to make her. She wouldn’t get to sit up late at night talking to Garrett about everything and anything. He wasn’t her uncle: he was her brother, and Mark ruined it.

The door opened and Stacy watched Dustin walk into the bedroom. He got down on his haunches in front of her. “Why aren’t you in bed, baby? You need your sleep.” His thumb was drawing imaginary circles on the side of her knee. It felt like Dustin was putting her in a trance thanks to his ministrations.

“I’m so tired,” she whispered. Stacy angrily wiped the tears away from her eyes.

“Come here, darlin’.” She took his offered hand and let Dustin pull her against his body. “We’re going to fix this, I promise.”

Dustin took her lips slow and gentle. Stacy let herself be swept away even if it was for only a moment. She felt his hands slide under the back of her shirt, unhooking her bra with too much ease. Stacy gave in to the desire for him she felt and sighed as Dustin lowered them both to the bed.










Chapter 14



Dustin woke up to a warm body wrapped around his and smiled. Stacy’s soft, warm body was draped across his. Her warm, naked skin against his was the way Dustin wanted to wake up every day. Dustin was glad Stacy was sleeping so soundly. The night before had been hard on her. After they got back he had wanted her to lie down and sleep, but his body had other ideas. She had been so responsive too. Every touch with his hands, lips or tongue had her crying out.

He had chuckled softly when he heard the volume on Dylan’s TV go up. Throughout the night they’d consumed each other. Stacy had woken him up the last time sucking his cock into her hot little mouth. She’d held firm when Dustin tried to pull her off of him, but when he came down her throat and she moaned around him, he was so lost. He’d flipped her over onto her stomach and thrust his still hard cock into her with an urgency he’d never felt before. Dustin had lifted her hips and slapped one of her beautiful cheeks as he watched his dick slide in and out of her. Her startled yelp turned into a moan. He could feel the sudden heat around his cock so he slapped the other cheek. Dustin smiled when he got the same result. Stacy was burning him alive.

When they had both finally came, Dustin felt like he had had his first out-of-body-experience. Stacy had gone quiet and still. He pushed her hair out of her face and smiled when he realized she was out like a light.

Dustin pulled her sleeping form closer to his and smiled when she made a sound that sounded a lot like a purr. He grabbed his phone off his nightstand to look at the time. It was only a little past seven. Dustin couldn’t go back to sleep, but didn’t want to wake Stacy, so he laid there thinking. There had to be a way to make this whole Mark situation go away. She didn’t deserve any of this shit. It was clear the guy had a screw loose.

He’d love more than anything to take her away for a long weekend, but his brother had just got home, so it really wasn’t fair to leave him, although Dylan would tell him he should do it. Dustin had told his brother what went down at her parents’ house and Stacy’s reaction to it after she’d gone into his room. Dylan may be hard-assed sometimes, but the guy cared about others. He’d been agreeable to Stacy staying with them for a couple of days. Dylan even offered to go replace the locks himself, that way Stacy wouldn’t have to pay a locksmith. Dustin agreed and gave him his credit card so he could go over there during the weekend.

Dustin had to go to the bathroom. He hated to leave the warmth of his bed and the beautiful woman sleeping soundly in it. Dustin slid and rolled to the side of the bed. He turned to look at her and she snuggled into his pillow and sighed. Dustin got up and grabbed a pair of basketball shorts, slipping them on. He made his way into the bathroom. When he was done, Dustin went out to put coffee on. His brother must’ve had the same idea because he was already sitting at the kitchen table drinking a cup. Dustin grabbed a mug, filled it, and joined his brother at the table.

“Morning,” Dylan said. “How’s Stacy?”

“Sleeping, so that’s good. When did you get up?”

“About twenty minutes ago. I’m gonna head out to the hardware store in a while so I can get her locks switched out. Is she going to be here all weekend?”

“Hopefully she is. That’s not a problem, is it?”

“Not at all, man. I honestly feel better knowing that she’s here after hearing about him being in her house while she was sleeping.”

“Me too. She’s got to work at The Waterfront tonight. I was planning on just taking her and picking her up so I didn’t have to worry about her. Thanks again for changing her locks. I’m gonna head back to bed for a little bit. Do you want to go have lunch later?”

“It’s no problem at all, and yeah, lunch would be good. I’ll call you if I’m still out around noon.”

Dustin went and brushed his teeth quick and then slowly crept back into his room where Stacy was still sleeping. Her hair was spread out all around her. Dustin stripped off his shorts and slipped back under the covers. She immediately rolled into his side, snuggling against him. Dustin kissed her forehead and let himself slide into a peaceful sleep.




Stacy had Dustin drop her off a little early at the restaurant. She was hoping she didn’t have to close. It wouldn’t be fair to make Dustin sit around all night waiting for her to get off. Stacy was wearing her usual uniform for bartending. She had on a white button up shirt with the waterfront logo on it, black leggings and her black ballet flats. It was still hard to get used to the long hair again, so she wore it in a pony-tail.

This morning had been heaven when she woke up wrapped in Dustin’s arms. He’d held her so tightly against him she felt like they were one. He’d told her that Dylan was going to change the locks at her house for her. The fact that Mark had been in there while she slept had creeped her out and she was grateful to Dylan for doing that. They had met him for lunch since Dustin had taken a couple of days off to be with his brother.

She’d loved the camaraderie the brothers shared. Stacy always knew they were close, but getting to see it up close and personal was really a sight to behold. She knew they weren’t identical, but they certainly looked it. Especially since Dylan’s hair was starting to grow out. Stacy had wanted desperately to ask him to see the picture on his phone of him with the girl he met on his vacation.

After lunch they went back to Dustin’s so Stacy could get ready for work.

When she walked into the restaurant she found Greta, the other bartender, stocking shelves. The girl was a laugh riot and the male patrons seemed to love her. She was a beautiful woman. Greta was petite and her features were almost angelic looking. Her hair was a deep copper, her eyes were emerald green, and she had an innocent looking smile. It wasn’t until Greta opened her mouth that you knew she was a spitfire. The girl had a mouth worse than most men she knew, but no one seemed to mind.

“Hey, Greta.” Stacy greeted her as she came around to put her purse behind the bar.

“Oh my god, Stacy, your hair looks fucking awesome,” Greta proclaimed as she hugged Stacy. “How has your week been?”

Stacy wasn’t about to drag anyone else into the drama that was her life right now. “Thanks, and it’s been okay. Just busy as always. Can I ask you a favor?”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Well, is there any way that you could close up tonight? I’ve got some stuff going on and it would help a lot if I could leave at nine tonight.” Stacy chewed on her lip, waiting for Greta’s answer.

“You know what, sure, that’s fine. I’ve got a date tonight, but he can just sit here and wait for me to get done. Wait until you meet him. He is so hot. I actually met him here the other night. He came in and sat at the bar and we talked until closing time. Anyway, now you’ll get to see him.”

“Thank you so much. I promise I’ll trade with you whenever I can.” Stacy hugged her quick and went to get everything ready for the evening.




The night had flown by and Stacy was busy enough that she didn’t have time to think about anything other than work. She was making some good tips and that money would go right into her savings account. Stacy checked her watch and saw that it was ten to nine. Dustin would be there soon to get her. Stacy grabbed her cellphone out of her purse and sent him a quick text so he’d know what time to get her. Greta told her that her date was there so she was stepping back into the employee bathroom to fix her makeup. She asked Stacy to entertain him. Stacy agreed and put her cellphone back in her purse. When she stood up she felt all of the blood rush from her head.

Mark was standing in front of her with a nonchalant smile on his face. “Why are you here, Mark?”

“Well, it just so happens that I have a date with the fiery little redhead.” Stacy felt her stomach roll. She wouldn’t let Greta make the same mistake she did.

“Well, good for you, but you’re not going out with her. I won’t let you hurt her like you did me. You just better leave.” She wanted badly to confront him about Chloe, but she wouldn’t do it at her job. Stacy decided that she just wanted to get out of there. She asked one of the servers to watch the bar for a minute and went in back to find Greta. The other woman was touching up her lipstick.

“Hey, Greta, your date’s here, but I don’t think you should leave with him. There’s just something about him that doesn’t seem right.” Stacy wasn’t going to tell her that he was her ex.

“Oh, Stacy, you’re so sweet to worry about me, but don’t worry. I won’t go home with him. At least not tonight,” she said with a laugh.

“Oh, okay. Well, be careful,” Stacy said and then went back out to grab her purse. She wasn’t staying and Skeeter would be okay with her clocking out a few minutes early.

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