Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (15 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

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The site of King Arthur’s castle was not far from Tintagel, the Camel River and Camelford. The Camelot White House stories are symbolical fecal matter. Vice President Lyndon Johnson invited a Pakistani camel-driver to the White House and JFK, responding with his flashing good humor said, “If I tried that, I would have ended up with camel dung all over the White House lawn.”


The officer in charge of the first camel corps in the U.S. Army was a certain Lt. Edward F. Beale. JFK was born on Beals Street and Jacqueline Kennedy’s poor aunt, Edith Bouvier, was a Beale by marriage. In Quartsite, Arizona is a pyramid-shaped monument with the bones of a camel in it and buried beneath it is a Syrian camel-driver named “Hi Jolly.” The camel and Hi Jolly pyramid burial site is in Yuma County, Arizona. Yuma, Juma and Yama are names of a Tibetan god of death who is the King of the Dead in W.Y. Evans-Wentz’s
Tibetan Book of the Dead.
This god is given the power of reading the past and future in a mirror similar to that of the black magician Tezcat of Mexican mythology.

The Warren Commission

Gentlemen, don’t pass me by!

Don’t miss your opportunity!

Inspect wares with careful eye;

I have a great variety.

And yet there is nothing on my stall.

— Witch in


Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason Earl Warren to investigate the death of Catholic Kennedy. Mason and member of the 33rd degree, Gerald R. Ford, was instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information to the commission was Mason and member of the 33rd degree, J. Edgar Hoover. Former CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his agency’s data to the panel.


Is it paranoid to be suspicious of the findings of the panel on these grounds? Would it be paranoid to suspect a panel of Nazis appointed to investigate the death of a Jew, or to suspect a commission of Klansmen appointed to investigate the death of a Negro?


Representative Hale Boggs, the only Catholic on the commission, at first agreed with its findings and when he later began to seriously question them, he was “accidentally” killed in a “plane crash.”


Hoodwink (definition). A symbol of the secrecy, silence and darkness in which the mysteries of our art should be preserved from the unhallowed gaze of the profane. — Dr. Albert Mackey, Mason, member of the 33rd degree, foremost Masonic historian of the 19th century, writing in the
Encyclopedia of Freemasonry.


That is how they see us, as “profane” as “cowans” (outsiders), unclean and too perverted to look upon their hallowed truths. Yes, indeed, murder, sexual atrocities, mind control, attacks against the people of the United States, all of these things are so elevated, so lofty and pure as to be beyond the ken of mere humans.


The cryptocracy is a brotherhood reminiscent of the ancient secret societies, with rites of initiation and indoctrination programs to develop in its loyal membership the special understanding of its mysteries. — W.H. Bowart,
Operation Mind Control

Hertz / Hartz

As seen from Dealey Plaza, a large Hertz sign looms over the Sexton building, apparently dividing it into two right angles at the time of JFK’s murder.


Joseph Patrick Kennedy, father of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, rescued the Hertz Yellow Cab Company during a “stock crisis.”


The name “Hertz” is traceable to Hartz or Harz. In the Hartz Mountains in Germany is a place called the Brocken where sorcerers were believed to gather. Sometimes an optical phenomenon or illusion is glimpsed at the peak of Hartz Mountain and persons see what is known as the Spectre of Brocken.


In the 18th century, representatives from witch-cults all over Europe made their way to a fertility and death ritual on this mountain and some were alleged to have been Masons. Masons were believed to have been able to communicate in some voiceless way, which was called telepathy by some and empathy by others. Empathy can be described as the feeling of entering into the spirit of a person or thing and so empathy is synonymous with the Rapport of Mesmeric Masonry. The witches at the Hartz Mountain festival came together in sympathetic understanding (Rapport) and were in non-verbal communication. In fact, at a given signal, the occult gathering began to cling together in a sort of “Epoxy” of “Agape” (“Love-In,” if you will) that became a rite of magica sexualis and ritual intercourse.


Hertz is a name “renowned in the field of communication.” Heinrich Hertz was a German physicist who was the first to investigate “electromagnetic waves produced in luminiferous ether,” which is a rather archaic way of describing electrical waves which are now known as “Hertzian waves.” Hertz was instrumental in the theory which led to the development of radio.


JFK’s ancestry is traced to New Ross, a port town approximately four miles from Duganstown, Ireland. In the hamlet of New Ross is a tavern named the “Radio Bar,” which is owned by one Gus O’Kennedy; Patrick Kennedy, the President’s grandfather, frequented this establishment and the proprietor was a distant relation.


The long-running advertising battle which droned over the Hertz waves between Avis and Hertz Rent-a-Car corporations involves fertility symbolism.


By consulting the Masonic encyclopedia, one will encounter a brief blurb by Dr. Mackey which is probably one of the “thinnest” cover-ups in the entire work. It is the category of “Inversion of Words”: apparently, the Masons wanted to be able to explain away various phrases “cowans” (outsiders) might have come across in conversation or study which, without such explanation might be pondered to a degree detrimental to Masonic secrecy. Thus, the definition for word-inversion is a sort of bewildered disclaimer running along the lines of “How did this get here?” Poor, befuddled Dr. Albert Mackey of the “exalted” 33rd degree would have us believe that word inversion is not a central part of Masonic ritual. Anyone recognizing the link between Masonry and Jewish Kabbalism, a connection which might be termed slave-master, will note that a central dogma of the Kabbalah is the principle of the Inverse Sephiroth as personified by the Qlipoth or “Lords of Chaos.”


If one inverts the letters of the word “Avis,” as in the rental car corporation, one encounters the “Siva.” Siva is Sanskrit for “happy” or “auspicious.” Siva is also the name of one of the gods in the Hindu triad and in character represents “become-death, the shatterer of worlds” as a certain alchemist once said. The symbol of Siva is the Lingam or penis. Siva, like Neptune and Satan, is usually pictured with a trident.


The words “Wizard” and “Golden File” are formally registered trademarks of Avis Rent-A-Car System, Inc. The “Wizard of Avis,” according to advertising propaganda, is a “sophisticated computer” that “remembers everything you tell it” and the “Golden File” is “the Wizard’s permanent file” (memory bank).


In Latin, “Avis” means bird or omen.


Avis is a member of a corporate conglomerate, the center of which is the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, which is engaged in millions of electronic exchanges involving the Masonic principle of Rapport, the Hartz Mountain principle of empathy, and the fundamentals of Magnetic Masonry.


All of this reminds this writer of the killing of our President on Bloody Elm Street in front of the Sexton building divided by the looming Hertz sign; a tragedy which also wounded Governor John Connally and car salesman James Thomas Tague.

Ferrie and Shaw

David W. Ferrie and Clay L. Shaw were habitués of the old “Storyville” section of the French Quarter of New Orleans. One could say that the entire official assassination investigation is a story of the Ferrie Tale genre.


Discharged from Eastern Airlines for homosexual activity, David Ferrie (Farie, Faerie, Feerie, Fairy) was said to be completely hairless and often resorted to pasting hair on his eyebrows and his head with, appropriately enough, spirit gum. He was also reputed to have been an exotic loser who failed in everything he did and who engaged in various impostures. So, the mystical charade of the Killing Of The King, Ferrie plays the role of a “medicastro” (quack).


Shaw was also a homosexual and flagellant, and since both men were centered in New Orleans, we can begin to understand the influences they were slated to represent in this most publicized of all American murders.


New Orleans, Louisiana, is known as “Crescent City,” in reference to the moon and is closely connected to lunar (lunacy) rites, prostitution and every other inversion of the so-called American dream. The CIA station-house connected to Oswald, Ferrie and Shaw as well as to the formulation of the JFK killing is, or was, located in a Masonic temple building in New Orleans, LA.


New Orleans will continue to play a major role in the murder, mayhem and perversion of the coming years. It is invariably in the limelight as a supposedly quaint and “spooky” place and which the public encounters in a film called
Pretty Baby
about prostitution and a 12-year-old child, and in Ishmael Reed’s
Shrovetide in New Orleans,
a mother-lode of Voodoo rites which have no end of fascination to foolish people everywhere.


On December 20, 1947, Jacob Rubinstein changed his name to Jack L. Ruby by decree of the 68th Judicial Court of Dallas, Texas.


The etymology of the term “Ruby” runs: (French) rubis; (Spanish) rubi; (Latin) rubinus, carbuncle.


In old law books it was once the practice to print some of the titles of the statutes in red and these were termed rubrics or a ruby and hence any fixed, formulated or authoritative injunction of duty was apt to be designated as being a rubric or ruby.


As a rubinus or carbuncle, Ruby pertains to the “Breastplate of Judgment” used by the Chosen Mispet (High Priests) of Jewish sorcery, enabling them to receive “divine” answers regarding the welfare of Judaism; some interpretations claim that the “Breastplate of Judgment” manifested the immediate presence of Jehovah and was also worn by Masons in Royal Arch chapters.


This “breastplate contained twelve stones,” each symbolizing one of the twelve tribes of Israel. The carbuncle or ruby was connected to the tribe of Judah (Nopech).


The term “Jack Ruby” was once used by pawn brokers to indicate a fake ruby. In iconography, a ruby or carbuncle symbolizes blood, suffering and death.

Truth or Consequences

District Attorney for New Orleans, James Garrison, is alleged to have been an ex-FBI agent and to have been mentally disturbed at one time. Jim Garrison was an outsider in the Secret Society machinations of the FBI and may very well have been pharmacologically or hypnotically induced to set-up his ill-fated investigation in the “Truth and Consequences Commission.”


Truth or Consequences, New Mexico, is a town located on the 33rd degree of parallel latitude, and near the same latitude John Fitzgerald Kennedy became an oblation, and on the same latitude as the chief Temple on this planet in the minds of sorcerers, namely the Temple of Solomon at Jerusalem, which is sworn to be rebuilt on this 33rd degree.


This method and process of Masonic machinations is summed up in the principle of the “Making Manifest of All That is Hidden,” which is to seal for all time the allegedly irresistible force of the eternal pagan psychodrama.


In a literal, alchemical sense, the Making Manifest of All That is Hidden is the accomplishment of the Third Law of the Alchemists and is, as yet, unfulfilled or at least not completed. Two laws have been manifested — the creation and destruction of primordial matter (the detonation of the first Atomic Bomb at the Trinity Site, at White Sands, New Mexico, on the 33rd degree of parallel), and The Killing Of The King (at the Trinity Site, at Dealey Plaza, Dallas, near the 33rd degree of latitude).

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