Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas and Hidden History (2 page)

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Authors: Jim Keith

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And so, in this spirited panel discussion about “Censorship” — in which, over the course of the next hour, it was agreed that aforesaid practice was a Very Bad Thing indeed, engaged in only by the worst examples of a Puritanistic society like unto that of Saddam Hussein’s — there were subjects, certain subjects that we dared not touch upon.




It is precisely here … that the culture of the individual has been reduced to the most rigid and absurd regimentation. It is precisely here, of all civilized countries, that eccentricity in demeanor and opinion has come to bear the heaviest penalties. The whole drift of our law is toward the absolute prohibition of all ideas that diverge in the slightest from the accepted platitudes, and behind that drift of law there is a far more potent force of growing custom, and under that custom there is a national philosophy which erects conformity into the noblest of virtues and the free functioning of personality into a capital crime against society.


It is almost impossible to join the mainstream media without getting a BA in Journalism. One might think that this is done to ensure that the “cub reporter” has learned the basic technical skills needed for the job. It’s not. It is to ensure that the new kids have been indoctrinated into the correct mindset. That they think right.


Objective reporting seems to be passé. Now the kids are given a lot of ideas about “social responsibility” and other buzzwords that sound awfully close to thought control in a do-good disguise. The indications are that the current crop of reporters are being taught not to tell us what happened, but how to think and feel about it, and how to put the event in a context of right and wrong. Inclinations, feelings, not facts. The distortion of reality if it doesn’t fit the program. White lies. Gentle lies, and in some guises with “hated” personalities, vicious lies.


Secret and Suppressed is meant as a hopeful alternative to so much silence and so many lies. It is an anthology of documents and ideas hidden from view by people and institutions who know what’s best for you. By virtue of being important enough to hide, this information has proven itself important enough to print. Culled from a wide variety of sources (including telephone poles), the articles in this collection span an enormous range of ideologies.


On occasion I have included a particular piece in this volume not for its absolute validity, which is often nigh-impossible to determine, but for its quotient of unacceptability in the reality tunnels of the mainstream. We refuse to patronize you by playing Time/Life and deciding what is real and what is bogus. That is for you to decide. Please do not confuse the map with the territory, nor the editor or publisher with the contents of the book.


To go beyond the brainwash requires only a modicum of curiosity and self-motivation. Picking up this book is perhaps not a bad start. It seems fair to warn you, however, that even a tentative scratching at the gargoyle-façade that passes for reality will likely unleash a clutch of demons from the far side of Truth.


This book, you might say, is an attempt to create doors for a few of those gibbering entities … where once there were walls.


— Jim Keith

Gary Stollman

On August 19, 1987 a gun-carrying Gary Stollman entered the studio of Los Angeles’s KNBC television, crashing consumer reporter David Horowitz’s live newscast. Stollman handed Horowitz a written statement and ordered him to read it while holding a gun on him. Unbeknownst to Stollman, KNBC immediately switched to a commercial, not permitting the statement to be transmitted. When Horowitz finished reading the statement, Stollman surrendered his gun, which turned out to be a toy pistol. Stollman, the son of a pharmacist who appeared on KNBC newscasts as an expert on drugs, was sent to Los Angeles County Jail. This is the text of his message:


The man who has appeared on KNBC for the last 3 years is not my biological father. He is a clone, a double created by the Central Intelligence Agency and alien forces. It is only a small part of a greater plot to overthrow the United States government, and possibly the human race itself. The CIA has replaced and tried to destroy my family, and those of my friends.


Although I have known about this since 1981, I have not taken any action about it for fear of the lives of my family. I have been forced into CIA-run mental hospitals, such as Cedars-Sinai Thalians, where I am shown being interviewed by many different doctors, although I spoke to nobody there for two weeks. At UCLA-NPI, I attempted to have myself released by a court several times, but was asked by a Dr. Martin Zsuba to keep removing my requests for a writ-hearing. I have been unable to obtain records from several other hospitals, including Ben Taub Hospital in Cincinnati, where all the phones were turned off for 48 hours after I arrived.


I do not know where my real family or others are being held, but I believe it is somewhere in California. The records for Ben Taub Hospital, I have been informed, no longer exist, or have been misplaced.


I heard an interview a few weeks ago, on radio station KPFK, in which a former CIA official told a college audience in San Diego how the CIA has towed barges filled with diseases across New York Harbor, placed lightbulbs in the subways to create vertigo, and cameras to observe the reactions, and may have created the AIDS virus to wipe out the gay population.


He also spoke of secret teams that were created after World War II. I say that the CIA assassinated John F. Kennedy and the 22 material witnesses that day, who all died within 2 years of each other, a mathematical impossibility. What they are capable of, I know only too well. I demand the public release of all secret Air Force files concerning UFOs, which were kept secret even from Senator Barry Goldwater. On my way back from Expo 86 last year, I heard a broadcast in Oregon that he once asked to see the files and was told, “Hell, no!” I demand the release of information concerning the objects contained in Hangar 18 at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, now obscurely referred to as the Environmental Control Building, the most highly guarded building in the world. Why has the knowledge of such advanced beings and equipment been kept so secret that even the United States Congress does not know?


I would have been satisfied to let my situation stand if it were only I and my family who were at stake here. However, I spoke to a girl at Florida Junior College two summers ago, who related the story to me of how seven of her friends had also been replaced. She said that she had written absence excuses for them when they weren’t sick, then they disappeared for a week, only to come back with different personalities. Unless we act swiftly, there may not be very much hope for any of us. These people, or whatever they are, are taking over the phone services right now. The CIA is either doing this themselves, or are helping them.


I was warned in 1981 by someone with connections to the CIA to stay off computers, that they didn’t trust people on computers. Then I began receiving disturbing calls from my parents, which led me to believe that something terrible was going on. I was forced into a mental hospital in Tallahassee, where I learned that my brother in law had been driven insane in the same manner that someone was trying to do to me. I eventually was released, but then my mom came down to visit me and I knew it was an imposter. I know that the secret service is involved in this as well, so who knows just how far this has gone in five years. I know of a counselor named Pat, who worked at the Optimist Boys School near Pasadena, who was involved in recruiting members for some secret group of people. Apparently they adopted orphans and gave them fake IDs and birth certificates. Since we already know of a secret group led by the President’s own staff, someone had better find out what is going on and fast. I only know that there are beings around us now with the power to teleport instantaneously and do the same to others, who can read and control minds, and transform matter into other forms or create it at will.


I ask for a Congressional Investigation and Federal protection for my family, and those involved. There is no way I can harm anyone with an empty BB gun.

This X-ray shows five transmitters implanted in Robert Naeslund’s brain.
Robert Naeslund

November 19, 1992


Prime Minister Carl Bildt

Stockholm, Sweden


Ever since an operation at Söder Hospital in Stockholm at the end of the 1960s, I have been used in a medical experiment which has meant a lot of suffering and has been very painful. The operation was performed by Dr. Curt Strand, who inserted a foreign object, a so-called brain transmitter, into my head through the right nasal passage. For many years I have tried to get help from Swedish physicians and even from the National Board of Health and Welfare
However, I was confronted by doctors who became my enemies and I was, among other things, declared mentally ill and placed in a mental hospital. In 1983 I came in contact with Prof. P.A. Lindstrom at the University of California, San Diego, in the United States, who examined my x-rays. Many Swedish doctors had given written opinions about these, and stated that the x-rays were completely normal, that there were no foreign objects in my head.


Prof. Lindstrom wrote in one of his many statements that, “I can only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain transmitters, have been implanted at the base of your frontal brain and in the skull. In my opinion, there is no excuse for such implantations. I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence who, in his book on page 27, wrote, “There are two particularly dreadful procedures which have been developed, those working and playing with them secretly call them R.H.I.C and E.D.O.M — Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory.” These, as well as ESB, Electronic Stimulation of the Brain, constitute what is included in biomedical telemetry, the complete mind control.


After Prof. Lindstrom wrote his opinion, about ten other doctors in different countries have given written statements which attest to the implanted transmitters in my head. The statements clearly show that Swedish doctors have given false reports concerning my case. Despite the evidence which proves the outrage, I cannot get surgical help in Sweden to remove the many transmitters implanted in my head, which are active day and night, year after year. This was the reason why I sought help in Djakarta when I visited Indonesia. But we will clearly see the few helpful physicians’ intentions are worthless when secret police are acting on their information from mind control.


On August 4, 1987, I visited St. Carolus Hospital, Ji Salemba, Djakarta, and I met Professor Hendayo to whom I showed my x-rays, as well as reports from various doctors. He, obviously, could see the implanted foreign objects and more x-rays taken the same day confirmed the fact, so Dr. Hendayo agreed to operate. I stayed at the hospital until the following day. They took blood tests, etc., and informed me to come back on August 11th.


On the morning of the 12th, I was shown to the operating room. Right outside of the door, I met Dr. Hendayo. He told me that something had happened which would cause the postponement of the operation. He would not say why. Considering how important this was to me, I insisted that he keep his part of the agreement and do the operation. His behavior and attitude that morning was much different than earlier. The complaisance and friendliness of the previous meeting were gone, replaced by irritation and stress. But he changed his mind and agreed to perform the operation. As soon as we entered the operating ward, two people entered from another room; they were western middle-aged men. One of them had a syringe and gave me the sedative without a word or any preparation.

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