SECRET BABY (A Billionaire Romance) (11 page)

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“What kind of present?” she asked. I reached over and turned on the radio, but she turned it off. “Am I going to have a new mommy?”


“Okay, that’s enough of your mouth, young lady,” I told her sternly, at which she giggled.


“So just tell me what you got her,” she cajoled. “All the articles say a girl learns how she should be treated by a boyfriend from watching her father. I’m just trying to learn how a man should treat me.”


“First of all, there is no man who’s going to treat you any way anytime soon. You aren’t dating until you’re thirty,” I lectured, giving her the stern, father look.


“Thirty? That’s ridiculous,” she insisted.


“Get over it.” I glanced at her, grinning like a fool. “I got her a gift card to iTunes and a list of songs.”


“A list of songs? What if she doesn’t like them?”


I shrugged and said, “I think she will.”


“Are we still going to dinner with Nana and Grandpa tonight?”


The abrupt change of subject surprised me. “Of course. I need to run home and change first. They’re dying to see you. According to Nana, it’s been ages.”


“It’s been two weeks since I stayed over there,” she said. She reached over and turned the radio on again. She flipped until she found her favorite station, a pop station that I did not enjoy.


“None of this nonsense was on Mel’s list,” I murmured, but she couldn’t hear me over the music. I thought about Mel and the list I’d given her. She said the Turnpike song was one of her favorites, so she liked Texas country. Of the sixteen or seventeen songs I’d put on the list, more than half were country artists I liked. I hoped the smile I’d left her with remained on her face for the evening. Thursday couldn’t come too soon.


My phone vibrated in the cup holder in the console, and I glanced down at it, frowning when I saw the name on the screen.
Why would Denise be texting me?
At the next stoplight, I opened the message.


Hey, Will! Been a long time! I saw you at the school today picking up Cara and thought I’d text you to see how the two of you are doing?


So she was at the school this afternoon. Had she seen Mel and me chatting? The small kiss we’d shared after I’d given her the gift? Irked by the seemingly innocent text, I knew better than to answer and start a conversation with her. When we had broken up, it had not been amicably. She hadn’t wanted the break up but I had, and it had been ugly for a while. Rumors spread all over town, and her daughter and Cara hated each other now. If she was texting me, she was just being nosy.


After nine months, you would think the woman would be over this
, I thought with a frown. For the first couple of months after, when we ran into each other, she’d been cold, bordering on rudely inappropriate. I had avoided her as best as I could after that, and eventually, she ignored me at any social or school event we might both attend.


With a sigh, I pulled through the gate at the ranch, automatically scanning the fields as we drove toward the house. I noticed that Cara did it, too. She had picked up my habit. I thanked the stars that Cara had her grandparents and Carol’s sister, Ruth. Otherwise, she may have been the tomboy that beat up the boys. She loved riding horses and would help work with the cows in the summer, but she also enjoyed dancing, shopping and other girly things just as much.


As soon as I pulled up to the porch, Cara hopped out and rushed inside. I called to her. “You’ve got thirty minutes before we have to leave.”


“Gotcha!” she called as she continued inside and down the hall to her room.


I chuckled as I moved at a much slower pace, pausing to close the front door behind me. I meandered down the hall to my bedroom and dug in my closet for a change of clothes. I wasn’t disgustingly dirty, so I didn’t need a shower. My clothes, though, were dusty and stained from mending a fence on the north pasture.


After washing up and changing, I had fifteen minutes before we needed to leave, so I texted Mel.


Hey gorgeous. You like the songs?


I haven’t downloaded them yet, but I read the list. There’s only one I don’t know, and none I don’t like.


This was meant to be. We like the same music.


Haha! You’re such a romantic. What are you doing tonight?


Cara and I have dinner with her grandparents.


Well, enjoy! I’m leaving school in a few. Call me tonight?


Always, beautiful.


With a smile on my face, I stepped into the hallway. “Cara! Let’s go!”




“Cara, you look lovely,” Nana said when we stepped into the restaurant. They were waiting to be escorted to a table, and we arrived right on time.


“Thank you, Nana,” Cara said, kissing her grandmother on the cheek.


“Hello, Will. How are things?” her grandfather asked as he shook his hand.


“Going well, Ed. How about you?”


“Always good when you’re retired,” he chuckled.


We were interrupted by the hostess offering to show us to our table. We followed, our footsteps quiet against the background mariachi music playing over the speakers. The table was in the back near the bar and bathrooms, the same table Ed and Julia sat at every time they ate there. Their drinks were delivered without them having to be asked what they wanted, and Cara and I ordered sweet teas to match theirs.


After ordering food as well, Cara announced, “I have some news.”


I looked at her, wondering what news she might have. Julia looked up from squeezing the lemon in her drink. “Something exciting?”


“I think so,” Cara replied, her eyes twinkling at me. Before I could kick her under the table to silence her, she proclaimed, “Dad has a girlfriend!”


Ed’s eyebrows lifted, and he and Julia exchanged a glance. I hurried to explain to my dead wife’s parents. “She isn’t my girlfriend. We’ve been on one date.” I glared at Cara, who grinned back, and at that moment, I was grateful she didn’t know I’d bought Mel a bed.

“He’s dating my dance teacher, Ms. Ulrich. You met her this summer, remember?” Cara added.


“Oh, yes. A lovely woman,” Julia said, patting Cara’s hand.


Ed looked at me and winked. “It’s about time you dated a nice woman.”


I smiled at him, grateful. “She agreed to go out on a second date with me, so I’m not sure she’s the smartest gal. But you’d like her.”


“Are you okay with it, Cara?” Julia asked. She had always been concerned about Cara’s well-being above anyone else’s, which was fine by me.


Cara nodded. “I love her! She’s funny and nice, but she’ll get on our butts if we act up. She’s a good teacher.” She sipped her tea and continued. “Of course, like I told Dad, I wish he would date my algebra teacher. Maybe she’d give me an A.”


Julia chuckled and asked her husband, “Ed, is it time to reveal our surprise?”


“I think so,” Ed nodded, winking at me again. He had called me earlier in the day to tell me about the surprise, of which I wholeheartedly approved.


“Surprise?” Cara asked, looking from one to the other.


“We’re taking you to Mexico over Thanksgiving break!” Julia exclaimed, clapping her hands. “You and one of your friends! Happy early birthday!”


Cara looked from me to them and back, her grin so wide I thought it must surely hurt her cheeks. “Dad, can I go?”


“Of course!” I said with a laugh. “You’ll love Mexico!”


“Nana, Grandpa, thank you so much!” She ran around to the other side of the table to hug both their necks. “Oh, gosh, we’ll have so much fun.”


“Yes, we will,” Ed said, winking again, his trademark habit. “Ah, here comes our food. Let’s fill our bellies before we talk about this anymore.”




I had left my phone in the truck, so when we climbed in, I glanced at it. Three missed text messages from Denise. Sighing, I returned my phone to the cup holder and turned the ignition. Cara saw my movement and snatched my phone up.


“Why is she texting you?” she asked angrily. “I certainly hope you aren’t planning on dating her again.”


“No, Mom. I have no idea why she’s texting me,” I answered as I pulled my phone out of her hand and dropped it in my lap. “I’ll deal with it when we get home.”


Cara sniffed and looked out the window, her displeasure clear before she spoke. “Dad, she’s awful.”


“I thought you liked her.”


“I pretended to like her, but I never did,” she replied stiffly. “And Brittani is just the worst.”


“I’m sorry to hear that, Cara. I really wish you’d told me before this,” I said to her. When Denise and I had been dating, the girls had seemed to like each other, and Cara often went shopping with both of them.


“I’m sorry, Dad. I thought you were happy with her and didn’t want to mess it up.”


“Well, honey, you don’t have to worry about Denise. I will not be dating her again,” I promised.


“Okay, good. I like Ms. Ulrich better, anyway. How long before I can call her Mel?” she asked.


“When she says you can. Or at least not until she comes to the house for dinner,” I told her, nodding my head as if this was the best option.


At home, she again ran into her room and closed the door, the typical teenager, and I changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I planned to veg out on the couch and watch some ESPN until time for bed. I had forgotten about the text until I reached for my phone to play Bubble Shooter, my favorite time-wasting game. Each text was spaced about an hour apart.


Hello? I’m hoping that after all we’ve been through we can still be friends. Just wanted to check on you and Cara.


So Brittani told me a little piece of gossip about you and a certain teacher. I was just wondering if maybe she was mistaken about seeing the two of you kissing in the front parking lot.


It doesn’t matter to me if it’s true or not, but rumors are rumors. Don’t want any negativity spread about you or the dance teacher.


I snorted when I read the last text. The irony of her statement was probably completely lost on her. She was the rumor monger in Brayman, and everybody knew it. The texts did give me pause though. She was fishing for information for a reason, and that reason probably wouldn’t be a good one. Sneering at my phone, I debated—answer her or ignore her? Once again, I chose to ignore her, hoping she would fade into the background of my life where she belonged.



I rushed home Thursday afternoon to shower and change for my date with Will. He’d texted me earlier and told me to dress casually. I chose a pair of jeans and a diaphanous top with a similarly colored tank underneath for modesty’s sake. Again, he hadn’t told me what we were doing or where we were going, but in Texas, jeans and boots were a good choice for any casual evening.


I sat at my table with my laptop, my phone playing the music he had paid for, checking my email. My mom had been bugging me about coming home for a weekend, even though I had been there right before school started. More than a million times, I had reminded her that I couldn’t get away during football season. Thanksgiving was truly the first break I would have. Again, I answered her email with this reasoning, knowing full well when I called her this weekend, as I always did, she would bug me about it.


I pressed
just as Will’s knock sounded on my door. I hurried to open it without turning off my music so he could hear that I had downloaded his list of songs.


“Hello, handsome,” I said in my best sexy voice.


“Hello, beautiful,” he replied. He stepped inside and pushed me against the wall, his mouth attacking mine. Our tongues danced together, and my arms linked around his neck as his hands clasped behind my back. His hips pressed into mine, and I could feel his cock pressing into me. I wanted him immediately and wondered if I’d get him tonight.


When our lips separated and he stepped back, I murmured, “Wow.”


“I’ve been dying to do that since Monday,” he told me.


“Do we have to go out?” I asked somewhat facetiously. If he crooked his finger at me, I’d be naked in an instant, though I didn’t say that out loud.


Will pretended to consider. “Well, I’m kind of hungry. Want to cook for me?”

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