Read Secret Submission Online

Authors: Diana Hunter

Tags: #Romance, #erotic

Secret Submission (28 page)

BOOK: Secret Submission
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The leash fell from the door and its sudden weight on her collar brought her up short. The collar. It was his collar. It anchored her mind and the struggles slowed. He had called her his slut once before. Not “a” slut—”his” slut. His slave. His to do with as he wanted. To be put on display before his friends, if he so desired. She had given him that right when she’d accepted the collar this evening. She had given him control.

Sarah’s struggles stopped. Drool had fallen onto her breasts, leaving darker black streaks against the black fabric. Several wisps of hair had come loose and had fallen in her eyes. Tears streaked her face, but no more fell as she came to accept her place. Slowly, with great effort at first, then with more assurance, she raised her head and held her chin high.

Phillip grinned and his heart soared. Bending, he lit a candle and passed the light from candle to candle around the room as the others joined him to spread the brightness. The masters all expressed their congratulations to him.

He spoke quietly to Master William and Sarah saw Jill rise and leave the room. She returned a moment later with a small towel and approached the cage. Deftly she reached between the bars and wiped the drool from Sarah’s chin, neck and breasts. Smiling her thanks, Sarah watched her hand the towel to Phillip and return to her seat.

Having the candles lit made it a little easier to be in the spotlight. She was still the brightest thing in the room by far, but no longer the only point of attention. Phillip now brought out the vegetable trays he’d earlier prepared and Sarah watched them, behaving as if it were a perfectly normal get together between perfectly normal people who just happened to have a semi-nude woman chained in a cage as their decoration.

After a while, her muscles began to grow tired, but she could not move to give them rest. She thought about moaning to get Phillip’s attention, but that would put the attention on her again, and she wasn’t quite ready for that. So far, she was just the object of some glances now and again as they talked of normal things one talks of at a gathering of friends.

Except for Cora. The slave’s eyes never looked up, never strayed from the floor. The other two slaves, Jill and Anton took part in the conversation, although Sarah noticed they always deferred to their respective “owners.” In fact the more she watched, the more she learned about how slaves behave—and how each master apparently had different expectations.

Anton’s attention focused on his Mistress. She never had to request a refill of her drink, never had to ask for the vegetables or cheese and crackers to be passed to her. Anton anticipated her needs flawlessly and always had them ready before Sarah had even known the Mistress would want them. Each time he served her, his eyes lit up with a merry look and Sarah understood there was a great deal of respect and love in that relationship.

Master William and Jill also showed love to one another, but it was louder and more boisterous than Lady
and Anton’s. “Will and Jill,” as Phillip had called them, laughed frequently and Sarah noticed Master William usually had to tell his slave what he wanted. She would tease him and he’d playfully pinch her arm, at which she’d squeal an obviously fake cry of pain. Then they both laughed as if it had been hilariously funny. Several times Sarah grinned around the gag. A gag that was beginning to irritate her.

Cora and Master Dominic did not seem to enjoy each other at all. Most of the time he did not participate in the discussion, instead sitting off to the side, a permanent scowl on his face. When he wanted a drink, he pulled on Cora’s chain and thrust the glass at her. She would dutifully perform her task, returning again to kneel stiffly at his side. Neither cracked a smile the entire evening.

Phillip kept an eye on Sarah, without being obvious about it. He kept his face mostly in the shadows as the conversation became increasingly sexual in nature. That was the usual course for these evenings. First they spent time catching up, then reminiscing, then playing. He had already talked to Will and Lady
about what type of play he wanted for the evening—he counted on Master Dominic to leave early.

And he was not disappointed. Sarah was tiring in her cage and Phillip needed to take her out soon. But he was loathe to do so while Dominic remained. After a few words of parting, the disliked master pulled on his slave’s leash and departed.

Sarah could feel the collective sigh in the room. No one commented on him, there was no gossip about him from either the remaining slaves or their owners. She wondered at that, because if her mouth had been free, she was sure she would have had a comment or two to make.

She did see, however, some very wicked grins among them all. With a long stretch, Master William stood. “Slave, what are you still doing in your clothes?” His grin belied the sternness of his voice.

“Many pardons, Master,” Jill replied, pulling off her sweater with one move. She was amply endowed and Sarah tried not to stare as the woman, with absolutely no shyness whatsoever, stood and stripped off her pants, panties and all. A quick twist and her bra lay with the rest of her clothes and Jill stood before them all, naked and completely at ease.

“Got any rope?” Master William asked Phillip.

“Some,” Sarah’s master grinned. He jerked his head toward the dungeon. “If you’ll follow me…”

Will turned to his slave. “Stay.” There was a twinkle in his eye and Sarah saw the laughter in Jill’s face as she dropped to the floor in a position of servitude that lasted till her master turned the corner.

stretched and Anton was right there to tend to her. “It seems my slave is the only slave left in the room still clothed,” she purred.

He smiled, his dimples dark shadows in the candlelight. “With your permission, my lady…” His voice was like deep velvet and Sarah smiled behind the gag.

His Mistress nodded and Sarah watched, fixated, as the tall slave slowly peeled off his shirt revealing the fine, muscled chest it had hidden. His muscles rippled in the candle’s light as he turned for them to see, though his own attention remained focused on his Mistress.

Facing her again, he undid the clasp on his belt, letting it remain in the loops of his pants. He now flicked his thumb against the snap at the top of his pants and it sprung open. Never looking anywhere but at his mistress, he unzipped his pants and let them fall.

Sarah forgot herself and strained to see him, but her bindings brought her up short and reminded her of her position as the display. With Anton facing Lady
, Sarah could only see his ass—and what a magnificent ass it was. Only once before had she seen a rear end so beautifully formed, and it had been made of marble. Even her own master’s, wonderful as it was, did not compare to the masterpiece that stood before her now.


Anton pivoted and Sarah held her breath. The candles cast their beams softly upon his beauty. With a wisp of black hair that curled around his ear, the hard muscles of his chest and thighs, his perfect ass and his thick cock now resting at ease, he was a
model come to life. A soft moan escaped from Sarah’s gag and Lady

Phillip and Master William entered precisely at that moment and Sarah almost jumped, her breath coming back to her in a rush. Could her master see the guilt in her eyes?

But he didn’t seem to be paying attention to her as he cleared the coffee table of its contents. If she had known Phillip had watched every move of hers, she would have been shocked and dismayed.

Phillip had to turn his back to her momentarily as he cleared the trays from the short table. Indeed, all this had been carefully orchestrated between and among the dominant members of the group long before any of his guests had arrived this evening. Because of the lights that were focused on the cage, Phillip knew she could not see much beyond the center of the room. Going for the rope had been a ruse to get the two of them out of the room so Anton could perform. Phillip had watched her from the other end of the room and had seen the lust forming in her eyes.

He now touched the wall switch that controlled her lights, slowly dimming them until they only gleamed, making her skin glow against the blackness of her bra and stockings, the iron bars of the cage casting dim shadows on her figure. Grasping one end of the coffee table, he motioned to Will to take the other end and they moved it to the center of the room, right in front of the cage where Sarah would have a clear view of what was about to happen.

It was a sturdy piece of furniture. Phillip had purchased it when heavy pine furniture in a faux colonial style was all the rage. Except this one was oak—much better suited to his temperament. Pine was too soft a wood and would gouge easily. He wanted something sturdier, something that could take a little beating. His taste in furniture was similar to his taste in women, he realized with a grin. With a solid oak top and four solid oak pillars for legs, joined underneath by another solid level of oak for a shelf, this table was the epitome of sturdy.

The table properly positioned, Phillip nodded to Will, who held several lengths of rope in his hand. “On the table, slave, hands over your head.” His voice was a bit gruff and Sarah realized with a start that he wasn’t joking around now. There was a seriousness to his manner that would brook no disobedience.

Jill sat on the table at once, her bottom near one end. She lay the length of the table and stretched her arms over her head without a shred of embarrassment. Master William spent several minutes tying first one wrist, then the other to the thick oaken legs at one end of the table.

Her knees were bent over the end—the table wasn’t long enough to take her entire prostrate form. Sarah saw the woman’s nipples were hard and round in the candlelight as she obeyed her master’s commands. Master William passed between the cage and the table, but ignored Sarah, giving his attention to his own slave instead.

Holding her by her buttocks, Master William pulled Jill down the table until her arms were stretched as far as they could go. Her body stopped with her pussy poised just at the edge of the table. Folding her legs under the table, he tied them to the two thick table legs, taking time to spread her knees apart so her most private parts were bared to the room.

Sarah’s intake of breath was quiet, but Phillip heard it. Stepping back into the shadows, he watched his slave as the others put on their show for her. Many times he would join these four as they simply got together to do mundane things—go to dinner, see a movie, go bowling. But many more times they would get together as they were now: two Masters, a Mistress and their slaves. It had been quite a while since Phillip had a slave of his own…

Jill was thoroughly tied down now and could do little more than squirm on the tabletop. Will finished the knots on her ankles and now knelt at her side—the side away from Sarah, who could not take her eyes from the sight before her. Heedlessly, her own juices flowed freely, filling the space between her labia, and spilling over to run along her thigh.

Master William took a nipple in his fingers, pinching it slowly, letting the pressure build until he forced a moan from the helpless slave woman before him. Rolling it in his fingers, he made sure it was good and hard before he turned to Lady
and nodded.

Receiving her signal, Lady
knelt between Sarah and Jill, but subtly angled herself so Sarah’s view was not blocked. Now the mistress leaned forward and licked Jill’s other nipple, sucking it softly into her mouth. Master William leaned down and did the same on the other side.

Sarah’s breathing had become shallow and fast. She could imagine herself on that table and the two of them working on her in such a manner. The sane, rational side of her shouted to be heard, but came through her desire as only a tiny voice:
“No, this is wrong, you shouldn’t want to be on display, you shouldn’t want to have others touch you.”
Jill’s moans became louder as Lady
took her nipple in her teeth and pulled it up, stretching the buxom breast until the slave cried out. Caught up in the scene before her, Sarah’s little voice was drowned out. In the darkness, she did not see Phillip’s smile.

“You are mine, slave,” said Master William roughly kneading Jill’s breast. “Your body is mine to play with—and if I chose to let others play with you, then that is my choice, is it not, slave?”

“Yes, Master,” Jill breathed, “yes, it is your choice.”

Sarah could hear the desire in her voice. The woman wanted them to play with her, and she found herself wanting to watch them play with her. If Phillip had tried to take her away now, she would have fought as hard to remain as earlier she had fought to be released.

“My slave is particularly good with the flogger,” Lady
said casually.

“So you have mentioned before, Lady,” Will said, as if they were discussing a friend’s bread recipe. “I would very much like to see it demonstrated, if you wouldn’t mind?”

“Of course not.” The Lady leaned back on her heels and gestured to her slave. “Phillip? May we borrow a flogger from you?”

Her master moved back into the light and Sarah’s heart beat hard. Oh, how handsome he looked in the soft light—how handsome he looked in any light for that matter. But just now, the candle threw a shadow over his features as he took another step in and, for an instant, his face changed; she saw the animal that lurked within. Hungry it looked, lustful. She knew what it was like to be on the receiving end of that animal and she wanted to see it again.

BOOK: Secret Submission
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