Secret Worlds (384 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Hamilton,Conner Kressley,Rainy Kaye,Debbie Herbert,Aimee Easterling,Kyoko M.,Caethes Faron,Susan Stec,Linsey Hall,Noree Cosper,Samantha LaFantasie,J.E. Taylor,Katie Salidas,L.G. Castillo,Lisa Swallow,Rachel McClellan,Kate Corcino,A.J. Colby,Catherine Stine,Angel Lawson,Lucy Leroux

BOOK: Secret Worlds
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He stepped back and ducked his head in deference to Gabrielle’s authority.

She flicked her wings once then closed them back into her body. “Raphael,” she said gently as she bent down and placed a hand on his head. “Would you like to seek an audience with Michael to request a reprimand of Lash and his attack on you?”

Raphael wore a haunted look. “No, it is what I deserve.”

Lash’s head shot up at the statement.
He admitted it.

“You have already been forgiven for your past.” She helped him up and pressed a hand against his cheek. “There is no need to punish yourself further.”

Lash glanced at Gabrielle with surprise at the softness of her voice. It was unlike her to be so kind. A look of tenderness briefly flashed across her face as she looked at Raphael. Why hadn’t he noticed it before?

Raphael patted her hand. “The past has a way of catching up to the present.”

Lash’s eyes darted between them, wondering what they were talking about. Again, more secrets kept from him. It was infuriating.

She blinked and cleared her throat. The expression disappeared and was replaced with the severe look Lash was familiar with. “Don’t make excuses for Lash. His wrongdoings are his own.”

“Gabrielle, I am sure you can you can understand the shock of the situation. I haven’t had the opportunity to share with him all that has transpired.”

“I have no interest in listening to your explanations, Raphael.” Lash then turned to Jeremy. “Or yours.”

“Silence!” Gabrielle roared, the word echoed down the hall. She took a deep breath then turned to the others in the hallway. “Leave us.”

They all scurried away, whispering to each other.

“Lash, please do what they say,” Rachel said. “You’ll feel better if you do. I promise.”

He smiled weakly at Rachel, and she flittered away.

“Come with me. All of you.” Gabrielle turned on her heel. When Lash didn’t move, she turned and threw him a glare. “Now.”

Gabrielle stopped in front of the doors in the Hall of Judgment and turned to Raphael and Jeremy. “You two wait out here.”

Lash laughed. “What am I going to get this time? Fifty years? A century? No, wait. You’re going to send me to Lucifer. That’s it. Right?”

She gave him a firm look. “It’s beyond me why those around you care for you so much. They see something special in you. I don’t.”

She turned toward the door and placed her hand on the handle. Keeping her back to him, she said, “Although I admit one thing, and this is the last time you will ever hear it from me. I have never seen such courage as I’ve seen from you these past couple of days.” She then swung open the doors and turned to face him. “Whatever happens next, know that you have most definitely earned it.”

She stepped aside and gestured for Lash to go into the room.


The door slammed behind Lash as he stepped into the Hall of Judgment. There was little light in the room as there were no windows in the area. Candles lined the walls, providing the only illumination in the room. This was part of the old traditions, and one of the few that Lash was glad they kept. It made it easier to hide your face in the shadows, to hide from the shame angels were supposed to feel at their own wrongdoing. It also allowed Lash to hang his head and give the appearance of shame when he was being reprimanded. Michael, who sat in the seat of judgment, wasn’t able to see the smirk on his face whenever he was brought in. In the past, he’d thought it was a joke because he never felt he deserved any of the punishment he’d received—until now.

The shadows that lingered in the corners of the large chamber were a reflection of what he felt inside—an empty shell of darkness. Of the last three decades of his punishment, this was the first time that he felt forsaken. Now, he truly knew what it felt like to be one of the fallen, without the light of having or giving love. Without Naomi, there was nothing, just darkness to consume him.

He looked at the seat in the back of the room where Michael sat and passed judgment on him so long ago. It was empty. As he headed toward the back of the room, he saw a shadow move.

He looked over to his right. The shadow moved into the candlelight, and he saw an angel with dark hair pulled up into the intricate style Rachel often wore. Her wings were an exquisite downy white, accentuating the curves of her body. He took in the slender neck, and his eyes trailed down to a familiar patch of freckles.

Lash inhaled sharply. Was this a cruel joke? Not even Gabrielle would stoop so low as to do this. Was this his punishment—to be forever reminded of all that he’d lost? Yet a glimmer of hope flickered within him as he took in the curves of her back, the porcelain skin that glowed with perfection in the candlelight.

“Naomi,” his voice cracked as he tried to reign in his hope that she was actually there.

The woman turned. Light blue eyes met his. Red lips curled into a smile. “Lash.”

Naomi. My Naomi.
His heart jumped to his throat, and for a moment, he couldn’t move. It was as if his feet were frozen to the floor.

She looked puzzled at his hesitation and took a step forward.

“Don’t,” he said. “Let me just look at you for a moment.”

She frowned. “You’re being silly.”

He sighed. Only Naomi would be irritable in Heaven. It really was her.

He walked to her, and his fingers brushed over her face as if he was touching delicate glass. Without a word, he took in every inch of her face: her tilted nose, the flush on her cheeks, her sculpted lips.

Her breath quickened as his thumb slid over the bottom of her lip.

The heat of her breath against his skin sent a shiver of desire to the pit of his stomach like he’d never felt before. Lash pulled her into his arms and kissed her passionately. A mixture of heat and electricity passed between them, making him come alive and sending away the cold and dark shadows that had taken root in his chest.

“It’s you. I can’t believe you’re here,” he said in between the trail of kisses he planted along her jaw and down her neck.

“I can’t believe it either,” she gasped, trying to catch her breath. “One moment I saw Jeremy about to attack us then the next he’s sitting by my side when I woke up in a strange bedroom, then he brought me here.”

“Jeremy brought you here?”

“Yes. I asked him what happened and he said that Raphael wanted to tell us both together. We were waiting for you.”

Lash shook his head. “What’s going on?” He placed a hand on the small of her back. “You know what. I don’t care. All that matters is that you’re here with me.” His hand traveled up her back and to her hair. “What’s with the new hairstyle?”

“I looked a mess when I woke up. Rachel helped me put myself together. It’s my first time here, and I don’t know the dress code. Unlike you”—she rubbed her nose against his—“I’d like to make a good first impression with the boss.”

He laughed and ran his fingers through her hair, loosening it from the braids. She shook her head and her hair cascaded down into waves over her shoulders.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as he kissed her gently. “You’ve nothing to worry about. You’re magnificent.”

“That she is.”

Lash and Naomi turned to see Raphael standing behind them.

He pulled Naomi closer to him. “If you’re here to take her away, forget it. Where she goes, I go.”

Raphael shook his head. “You have always had a problem listening to what people say to you.”

“Can you blame me? I did exactly what you said and I thought I lost”—he swallowed, unable to say the word, and instead, ducked his head to kiss her.

“There is a purpose for all that has occurred. I promise to answer your questions,” Raphael said.

Lash looked at him skeptically. Naomi patted his chest and pecked him on the cheek. “Let’s listen to what he has to say.”

Chapter 24

Sitting on a bench in the courtyard, Naomi looked around in awe. She’d never imagined that Heaven would look like this. Even paintings of what people hoped Heaven would look like couldn’t compare to the lush landscape, the intoxicating smell of the flowers, and the vivid blue sky. It was as if they were in a tropical paradise, minus the mosquitoes. When she had a chance, she was dying to ask if anyone knew why mosquitoes even existed.

She’d hoped that she would awake in Heaven after she died. Most people did. She admitted there was a tiny bit of doubt that it would happen, until she’d met Lash, blowing any doubts she’d had out of the water.

Naomi beamed as Lash covered her hand with his. As beautiful as Heaven was, she wouldn’t have been nearly as happy as she was at that moment if he hadn’t been by her side.

“We’ve been out here for ten minutes, Raphael,” Lash said. “I’m listening. Spill it.”

She studied Raphael as he paced in front of them, his golden hair glittering under the light. He looked like an older version of Jeremy. Even Lash looked a bit like Jeremy, except for the dark hair. She wondered if they had any familial ties to each other. Could angels be related?

“There is so much to tell you. I’m not quite sure where to start,” Raphael said.

Lash smirked. “Raphael at a loss for words. That’s a first.”

“Lash, be nice.” She warned. “Why don’t I ask some questions and you answer them. Maybe that will help.”

“Yes, that would be fine.” Raphael sat down in the seat across from them.

“Based on Lash’s surprise in finding me here, I assume this is not the typical place people go to after they die. Is that right?”

“Yes, that is correct. Most people go to another part of Heaven and are separate from the seraphim and archangels that live here.”

“Now don’t get me wrong. I love it that I’m here with Lash,” she squeezed his hand. “But, why am I here?”

Raphael smiled widely. “Because you, my dear, are the seventh archangel.”

“Seriously?” Lash studied her. “Isn’t she, you know, small?”

She frowned at the ridiculous way he was looking at her. “I may be small, but now that I’m like you I can probably whip your butt anytime. Wait, what’s the seventh archangel?”

“The archangels are protectors of all that is good. When we go to battle, we are the ones that take the lead. It’s akin to generals in a human army,” Raphael explained. “There are seven of us. There is Raguel and Uriel.”

“Uriel and Ragu—what?”

“Raguel is Rachel, and Uri is her partner,” Lash said.

“Oh, Rachel. I like her. She’s sweet. Who are the others?”

“Myself, Michael, Gabrielle, Jeremiel. I mean Jeremy.” Raphael continued. “And of course, you.”

“So are you saying I outrank Lash?” She turned to him and grinned.

“There must be some mistake. Uh, I mean,” he stammered when she threw him a glare, “I didn’t think a human could become an archangel.”

“There’s no mistake about it. Naomi, show him your wings.”

She looked confused as she stood. “Can’t you see them?”

“Spread them to their full length,” Raphael instructed.

“Oh, like this?”

Lash watched in shock as she expanded her wings to twice the size of his own. They were almost the size of Gabrielle’s. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as her hair and feathers moved gently in the wind. She looked powerful—stunning. He’d never loved her more than he did at that moment.

“It’s true. You are the seventh angel. It suits you.”

She blushed and folded her wings flat against her body. “I guess Welita was right. My mark is lucky.”

“Not luck,” Raphael said. “A mark of who you really are.”

“That is why I was assigned to look over her,” Lash said. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

Raphael let out a rush of air. “I couldn’t. It was part of a test to see if you would have faith enough to do what you were told.”

Lash stiffened. “Jeremy knew.”

“Yes, but that was all he was told. He was told to bring her over. Lash, it was one of the most difficult things he ever had to do. He hated having to hurt you, not knowing what would happen after he struck you down.”

“I’m sure it was,” he mumbled.

“He cares for you greatly. Talk with him soon. I know you two can work it out.”

“Okay. Okay.” Lash leaned back and crossed his arms across his chest.

Naomi sat next to him with a worried look. “I thought he was your best friend. He was only doing his job.”

“I thought you didn’t trust him,” Lash said.

She sighed. “That was before all this.” She swept an arm over the courtyard. “He was very worried about you when he escorted me to the hall to wait for you.”

“What did he say?” He leaned forward.

“Only that he wanted to work things out with you when you were ready and that he misses you. He’s actually quite sweet.”

He grunted and fell back into his seat. She leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”

“I’m not, jeal—” Lash started then turned back to Raphael. “So, back to the topic at hand, what assignments will she be working on?”

“She won’t work on any assignments yet. She will be too busy training.”

“Training?” She sat at attention.

“Yes, we will need you to assist when we go to battle against Lucifer.”

“Uh, I’m all for helping you guys out, but I don’t know anything about fighting.”

Lash snickered.

She whacked him playfully. “I mean about military fighting and all that stuff.”

“We will give you training. Gabrielle and I will help you,” Raphael said.

“Threats of an impending battle with Lucifer have been going on for centuries,” Lash said. “Why now?”

Raphael looked down nervously.

“We’ve been able to divert Lucifer from taking over Earth entirely. Admittedly, for the past few decades, it has become increasingly difficult.” Raphael paused and threw a glance at Lash. “Something happened a few years ago that placed Lucifer in a position to have more power than ever before.”

“What was that?” Naomi asked.

“He’s positioned himself with Jane Sutherland of the American Federation Party. I believe that is why Lucifer was after you. With you on our side, we have a better hope of bringing him and his army down.”

Naomi furrowed her brow. “I don’t understand. I mean, I know she has a lot of money and power. She was able to con everyone into thinking that it was my father’s own fault that he got killed. But what does Lucifer want with her? I mean, isn’t he powerful without her?”

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