Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1)
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He laughed softly and kissed her neck, sending a chill through her body.

“What do you want to know? Oh, that feels so good.”

“Mmmm. You taste so good. Tell me about why a beautiful woman has only been with one man.”

Damn, he’d overheard Monica’s blowup. “It is what it is.” She smiled, knowing he wouldn’t let her get away with that answer.

He laughed. “You’re good at avoiding.”

She settled herself so she could look into his eyes. “All right. Ask me anything, and I’ll tell you the truth.”

“The day at the restaurant.” His look told her he would like nothing more than to repeat what happened in the meeting room.

“That was amazing.” Just remembering it made her shiver.

dio mio
! You responded so intensely. I need to know, Valerie.” He touched her face, looked into her eyes. “Would you have followed me here?”

“Yes. That day, I would have.”

“But now? Why the change? Why do you want to wait?”

“I think at first I was infatuated with you. You were larger than life. Sexier than should be legal. I wanted to be with you, even if it was only one night.”

“You wanted to use me.” He was serious.

This was a very sober mood for him. “I would never intentionally hurt you. But we both felt such a strong attraction for each other, I knew it would be spectacular.”

“And then I blew it.”

“The scene in the casino?”

“Mm hm. You were repulsed by me.”

“Actually, just the opposite. That night when you picked me up on your motorcycle, I planned to let you seduce me. But then at the casino, when I realized what a complicated, profound man you are, I knew I wanted more than just sex from you. And it confused me.” She touched his thigh. “Personally, I want to explore every inch of you, but professionally, I know you need guidance to get through whatever is going on in your life right now.”

“That’s why you wanted to wait? To see what happens with my therapy?”

“Not just the therapy, but to see what’s happening between us.”

happening between us?” His brow furrowed, his eyes questioning. He covered her hand with his.

“Antonio.” She bit her lower lip, and when she saw him look at it, she released it. “When I’m with, you I feel so alive. My heart beats faster. I want to touch you.” She squeezed his leg. “I want you to touch me.”

“It’s more than just physical, Valerie.” He lifted her hand and kissed it then gazed into her eyes. “We’re not ready to admit it yet.”

“It’s too soon.”

“It is. But sometimes that’s how it happens.”

“Have you ever been serious about a woman?”

“Yes, many times.”

It took her a second before she realized he was teasing. She pulled her hand out of his. “By ‘serious,’ I don’t mean ‘slept with.’ I’m wondering about your heart.” She tapped her index finger to the spot over his heart.

He grabbed her finger and bit it. “As a boy, I fell in love at least once a month with beautiful Italian girls.” He kissed her palm. “Sometimes older women—seventeen- or eighteen-year-olds.”

She laughed. “I bet the girls noticed you, too. Were you always this handsome?”

He nibbled her wrist. “Yes. I actually was.”

“Oh, seriously.”

He smiled. “No. Truthfully, I was a mess until I turned sixteen. Then my older brother gave me advice on how to attract women.” He kissed a path up her arm.

“And it’s been your passion since?”

“You could say that.” He dropped her hand. “How do you always do this? Change the conversation so we’re talking about me?”

“I’m a shrink. That’s my thing.”

“I have to watch you more closely. Learn your tricks.” He set their empty wine glasses down. “What about you, Valerie? When did you start noticing boys?”

“That was good, Antonio.” She brushed her finger along the stubble of his beard. “You’d make a great therapist.”

“Answer the question.” He put his hand on her bare thigh.

Her blood warmed. Her belly started the flipping that made her so susceptible to him.

“I attended a boarding school for academically advanced girls. We only saw boys on field trips, but our chaperones were strict.”

He laughed. “‘Academically advanced girls’ brings a lot of pictures to my mind. Like thick, black glasses, uniforms, and Velcro shoes.”

“It was even worse than that.” Her fingers played at the ends of his hair. “Someday I’ll show you my class photos. Very geeky.”

“You’ve improved since then?”

She smacked his arm lightly with the back of her hand. “Summers back here in Vegas, my sister taught me how to wear makeup and buy real clothes.”

“Thank Monica for me.” He laced his fingers through her hair. “Did you date during the summer?”

“Monica and Jules set me up with a few boys but nothing serious. I didn’t have many friends other than Bryce…so I spent a lot of time with my parents and siblings.”


“My parents encouraged me to attend a women’s college in the east. The education was phenomenal, but I was so much younger than the other women, I wasn’t included in much of the campus life.”

“It sounds lonely.” He ran his finger over her jaw.

“At first.” She looked into his eyes, and the compassion in them made her weak. “But I joined a sorority and made some lasting friendships, even though we’re spread around the country. I’m going to visit one of them, Sloan, in San Diego in a few weeks.”

“Another psychologist?”

“Yup. Scary, isn’t it?

“It’s different. Dating a psychologist and being in therapy with a psychologist. I find myself second-guessing a lot of my actions. Things I used to do without a thought.”

“Hmmm. Like what?”

He looked at her, and his eyebrow went up. “No, Valerie. You’re not going to do that again. We’re talking about you.”

She smiled guiltily. “Sorry. Just a habit.”

“Tell me about Bryce.”

She hugged a pillow to her stomach. “We’d been friends since we were toddlers. After high school graduation, his girlfriend broke up with him. We just sort of…” She clapped her hands together. “…bumped into each other.”

“Bumping. Sounds like fun.”

She smiled. “He was on the rebound, I was going away to college. We weren’t really serious until I came home for the summer after my junior year.”

“What happened to raise the stakes?”

She pursed her lips. “Our parents found out.”

He laughed. “They didn’t walk in on you, did they?”

“No. Frickin’ Monica did then ran and told everyone.”

“Frickin’ Monica.”

She laughed. “Yeah, she’s been a pain in the ass forever.”

“So, your parents and his parents made plans for you two.”

“Yup. He was in school at UNLV, I was in New England. We’d get together once or twice a year then all summer. It lasted until I graduated with my Doctorate last year, and he admitted he’d found someone else.”


She tipped her head. “Yes, I guess it did, but I knew he wasn’t the right man for me, and I had my practice to set up. We literally shook hands and said goodbye.”

“Huh. I usually get a drink thrown in my face.”

She looked at him. “And I’m sure you’ve deserved it.”

He nodded. “Mostly.”

“See.” She turned her whole body toward him and talked with her hands. “That’s the kind of passion I’m looking for. I broke up with Troy, and it was a relief, but no other emotions were involved.”

His eyes darkened. “You want passion,
, I’ll give you more than you can handle.”

“I’ve been waiting for this. Waiting for the right man to bring something more to my life.” She took a deep breath. “I’ve found him.”

He put his finger under her chin and tipped her head up. “You have no idea how amazing you make me feel. That I’m the right man for a woman as incredible as you.”

Her cheeks warmed, and he kissed her gently, his lips touching hers reverently. She opened for him, and he touched his tongue on her lips. Sighing, she made a sound more like a moan. His tongue ran over her teeth, tickling the inside of her lips. She touched her tongue to his, the contact was electric, and she heard him growl from deep in his chest. With a falling feeling, she opened her eyes to see him moving her onto the soft couch.

His face seemed darker, passion made him more masculine. The firelight reflected in his eyes. He took the pillow she was clutching and tossed it aside then lay next to her, kissed her neck, sending chills through her body. She put her hand in his hair, loving the soft, thick silk.

“Valerie,” he whispered, nibbling her ear, “you are beautiful, kind, and intelligent. And too sexy for your own good.” He moved over her, his arms circling her, his weight pinning her down.


Angelo mio
. I’m going to make love to you,” he said quietly, staring at her. “It will be slow, beautifully slow and tender. We will be making love, Valerie, not having sex. Passionate, amazing, emotional. You will be my woman.”

“Oh God.” She writhed with the pleasure racing through her body.

He lay beside her, reached down, and unzipped her shorts, possessively reached his hand in. He found her soft, warm flesh and gently touched her. Her nipple showed through her bra and shirt, and he bit her tenderly, sending a wave of passion through her. His hand in her underwear touched her tender point then moved away to tease her.

He touched her inner thighs, her stomach. His teeth teased her nipples, sending shock waves to every nerve.

“Please!” She begged him for more.

He moved his finger to her tiny pearl of pleasure and rubbed, circled, swirled expertly. She climaxed, her body bowed up off the couch, began to shake, her thoughts flew as fireworks exploded, her cries echoing in her ears. She floated slowly back to earth, found herself lying next to him, his smile arrogantly seductive.

Molto bella
. Your face when you come is amazing. Your eyes. I can see into your soul.” He moved his hand from her shorts and put his fingertip in his mouth. “You taste so good. I can’t wait until I kiss you there, use my mouth to bring you pleasure.”

“Stop.” He stoked her fire, and she felt like she could climax again.

“My tongue.” He kissed her, used his tongue on hers to show her how he would please her down there. “I am hungry for you.”

“Antonio, I feel…”

“Again, sweet?”

“Yes. Please.”

“I need more from you, cara. Let me touch your breasts.”

Without thinking, she grabbed the hem of her shirt and lifted it up over her bra.

He laughed softly. “The bra, too.”

She reached around back and unhooked it. He pulled it up to release her breasts. He stared at them for a long, breathless moment. “Perfection. Absolute perfection.” He took her nipple in his mouth, did something with his tongue and teeth that made her quiver with delight.

He touched her stomach, ran his hand down to her belly then lower. He barely touched her, and she couldn’t help but come again. She spiraled upward, cried out his name; he kissed her neck, increasing the intensity. Shaking, her whole body chilled then heated. She ended up in his arms, opened her eyes to see him watching her.

“Antonio, I’ve never felt this out of control. I love it.”

“Would you like to try for three?”

His question sent a jolt of pleasure, and her skin quivered into goose bumps. “How can it be so intense?”

“It’s our fortune to have found each other. We’re perfectly matched.”

She touched his face with her fingers. “We are fortunate.” She ran her fingers down his chin, down his chest, on his stomach. “May I please you?”

In the other room, her phone rang in her purse.

He shook his head. “Uh uh. You’re not answering the phone this time.”

“I’m not going anywhere.” She moved her hand lower to touch him. She whispered, “My turn.” Her eyes seduced him as she wet her lips with her tongue and ran her hand along the hard bulge in his jeans.

Her phone rang again, this time a different tone. She froze.

He put his hand over hers. “Don’t even think about it.”

Chapter Fifteen

“I’m sorry. That’s my emergency service.” Valerie jumped up and ran. Behind her on the couch, he groaned.

Reaching her purse, she caught the call. “Dr. Kane.”

Antonio walked up next to her.

“Oh, no.” She looked at him. His jaw was clenched and his eyes held a warning. “Okay. Where is he? In his dressing room? Call them back, please, and tell them I’m on my way.” She clicked off. “I’m sorry, Antonio. It’s a patient having a major meltdown.”

She slung her purse over her shoulder and zipped her shorts. “Would you please call me a taxi?”


She looked at him. Was he going to insist she stay?

“I’ll drive you.” He pulled his boots on and palmed his car keys.

“Thank you. It’s just down at Paris. The back entrance.” She slid into her sandals.

They got into the elevator. She was uncomfortable with his silence. Brooding or pouting?

She reached for him, but he stepped back. “Work always comes first for you, doesn’t it?”

“No. People come first. This man is opening his tour tonight, and he won’t come out of his dressing room. If he doesn’t rehearse, he may not perform tonight, either. And his career could be damaged.”

He held up a hand. “Sorry, you’re right—”

“It’s not work to me, Antonio. It’s who I am. I help people. And right now in my career, I happen to be treating celebrities. If in five years I’m treating…” She gestured. “Murderers at the prison, I will still respond with the same concern.”

He shook his head and pulled her into his arms. “I’m sorry, Valerie. Again, too little blood in my head, and I was thinking with my dick.”

She smiled and kissed his chin. “You’re forgiven. And I apologize for the lecture on my personal mission.”

“I loved it,
. You’ve got a purpose for your life. That’s admirable.”

The elevator door opened into the parking garage. Why did he sound depressed? Did he feel his life had no meaning?

The drive to Paris took only five minutes.

BOOK: Secrets and Seduction Las Vegas (Sexy Italian Imports Book 1)
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