Secrets of My Hollywood Life #5: Broadway Lights (3 page)

BOOK: Secrets of My Hollywood Life #5: Broadway Lights
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"Ladies, you're going to have to leave," one of the guys says in a gruff voice.

"I knew you were weak, Kaitlin, but I had no idea you were this much of a baby," Ava murmurs.

"Bye!" Sky says gleefully. "I'm sure there's some C-list party happening at some totally over 'hot spot' that would be happy to have you guys."

I try not to snort, but it escapes my lips, and Lauren's eyes narrow like slits.

"You're both going to be sorry for this," she snaps.

"I doubt it," I tell her, my confidence coming back. That felt good. What's she going to do to me? I won't even be in town next week.

The security reaches for Lauren's and Ava's elbows, but they snatch their arms away, click-clacking out of the room in their matching five-inch Charles David platforms. I can't help but giggle--they look like gangly, agitated giraffes. DJ Bizzy goes back to spinning, and someone from Wagman's hands Sky and me towels. They even ask if we want someone to get us new dresses, but I decline. Sky looks like she might say yes, but she sees my face and decides against it. "We'll dry. It's hot in here," I tell the poor assistant.

"We'll just smell like the hobos down on Hollywood Boulevard," Sky quips, and then she's gone before I even turn around.

"Are you okay?" Liz rushes over. "What was that about?" Liz's dark curly hair is pulled back for a change, and little curls fall around her caramel-skinned neck, which is adorned with a big turquoise necklace that matches her spaghetti-strap mini dress. Her arms look better than the First Lady's, thanks to daily kickboxing. Despite what's just happened, I smile. One of the best parts about New York is that Liz is coming with me. She's bunking with my family while she does a summer writing and directing workshop for high school students at New York University.

"Who invited them?" Austin asks.

"I don't know," I admit. "I thought we were on okay terms, but after this episode, I guess I was wrong."

Liz sighs. "Guess your truce is over."

"Guess so." I'm crestfallen. "At least I won't be here to deal with it."

Austin looks at Liz. "Speaking of leaving town, Burke, I've figured out where we're going to go before you leave."

"Without me?" I protest.

"You were sort of preoccupied," he teases.

"It's good, Kates," Liz insists. "You're going to love it."

"So now it's a surprise." Austin smiles mischievously. "Don't try to get it out of Nadine or Liz either."

"Fine." I take a mini burger from a waiter and stuff the whole thing in my mouth. Fighting really makes a person hungry. While I chomp, I wring out the front of my dress again. Someone snaps a picture of me. And another. Guess I'll be back in the headlines again this week, after a few months off. It's weird to think I'll have to read about it at a crowded New York City sidewalk newsstand rather than on a beach lounge chair in Malibu.

"I'm going to miss Los Angeles," I say to no one in particular.

"Even all this?" Liz is incredulous as she glares at a cameraman invading her personal space.

I look around and shrug. "Even all this."

Austin puts his arm around me. "I've got to say one thing about you, Burke. You really know how to go out with a bang."

That I do.

Wednesday, May 27th


Interview w/
Fri. @ 1.

Ask Nadine 2 get more boxes 4 move.

UPS Pickup 4 boxes: Mon. @ 4.

Get guidebook 4 NYC.

Date w/ A: Mon. Time: TBA.

Flight 2 NYC: Tues. @ 11:15 AM.

TWO: The Happiest Place on Earth

"Ready to go?" Austin asks when he greets me at my door. It's only nine AM on Monday morning, which is kinda early for a date, but I'm not complaining. I have a little over twenty-four hours before I have to be at LAX to take a plane to New York, and I plan on spending every minute I can with Austin before I go. "You're wearing sneakers, right?"

I look down at my feet. Green Pumas. Check. My KUT from the Kloth boyfriend jeans are rolled at my calf, my caramel hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and I'm wearing a green Juicy tank top to combat the eighty-degree weather. I also have an ivory Diesel sweatshirt with me in case we're in A/C today. Austin's only clue about today's mystery date was to dress comfy and casual. My guess would be the beach, but he didn't ask me to pack a swimsuit so I must be wrong, especially since Austin's not wearing a swimsuit either. He's got on long khaki shorts, a cool blue American Eagle tee, white Converse high-tops, and aviator Ray-Bans on top of his head that are pushing back his bangs.

Hmm... Maybe we're paragliding? Nah. Mom would kill him, especially after how she wigged when I tried it in Turks and Caicos. Ooh! Maybe we're going on a hot-air balloon ride! I always thought it would be fun to go on one of those. But come to think of it, I've never actually seen a balloon floating over Los Angeles.

"You're all set, Austin." Nadine appears in the hallway, her thin arms loaded with boxes. "Rodney is going to meet you guys there." Nadine shipped all of our nonessential stuff last week, but Mom keeps finding more things I might need (Books that might be worth optioning for a movie! White ChloƩ sundress for the Hamptons! I tried reminding her that I probably won't be able to get out there that much, but she ignored me). Nadine has to head back to UPS today to ship the rest. Thankfully my suitcases are packed, so I don't have anything else to do. I purposefully planned it that way so Austin and I could have the whole day together. Plus, anything I've forgotten I can text Nadine about on my iPhone. Nadine is the most amazing personal assistant ever.

I'm so glad she is growing her hair out. Nadine's strawberry red locks are finally shoulder length, and now she can pin them back any way she likes. Today she's got her hair half-back in a clip. She never could have pulled that off last year with her pixie cut. Matty and I keep telling Nadine if she ever finds time for a boyfriend, this Ken Paves cut I treated her to will go a long way in winning him over. And why shouldn't it? The rest of Nadine is adorable too. She's tall and thin, and her look is very laid back. Nadine prefers Onitsuka Tiger sneakers over Yves Saint Laurent heels any day.

"I really owe you for this one," Austin tells Nadine.

"Nah." Nadine shrugs. "Just promise you won't miss Kaitlin's opening night performance. I don't think I could handle the drama if you didn't." Nadine winks at me.

I feel my face redden. "We should be going." I grab the front door with one hand and gently shove Austin backward with the other. "Tell Mom I'll touch base later."

After Austin powwows with Rodney to go over directions, and he and I finally get in his mom's car and hit the road, I can't take the suspense anymore. "Are you going to tell me where we're going or what?" I say, a tad impatiently.

Austin smirks. "Be patient, Burke. You're going to love this."

I eye him skeptically. Of course. I'm going to love it. I love doing anything with Austin. Which is why I'm mopey about not getting to do everyday things with him for the next few months. No dates, no drives to the farmer's market on a quiet Sunday morning, no runs to Pinkberry for much-needed frozen yogurt. No lacrosse matches to watch. My good friend Gina, who is on a CW show and is wise beyond her years, says that if I were older, the distance wouldn't be a big deal. I'd fly back and forth on my days off or meet up with him in Miami for a weekend.

But I'm not older. I'm only seventeen. And even though some actresses I know have pads in nearby Toluca Lake (which I love and so wish we would move to), my mom would
if I even suggested jetting off to see Austin. The term
PR nightmare
flashes in my head. I'll leave those to Lindsay Lohan. Instead, I'm trying to be mature about the situation and remind myself that location changes are part of my life. I go on location all the time for work. Except... I haven't gone away for this long a stretch since we started dating.

"You're going to be back in three weeks, you know." Austin reads my thoughts as he leans forward to look into the lane of the interstate we're merging onto. I still haven't gotten my license so I love to watch him drive. He looks so responsible. Plus, the wind looks good in his blond locks (not that we have the windows rolled down on the interstate, but when we're just driving to The Grove we do) and I can stare at him all I want while his eyes are on the road. I glance at the interstate sign for clues. We're heading south, but we've already passed the city limits so I can rule out a picnic at Venice Beach. We're not heading toward the water so Malibu is out too. "We'll have all weekend together and you get to wear Diane von Furner," Austin adds.

"Furstenberg," I correct. I'm amazed he got it even half right.

"Exactly." He stares at the road while I ogle his arms. "The point is, a weekend doesn't get much better than that, Burke."

"You're right," I agree. Since I'll still be in rehearsals for
Meeting of the Minds
, I'll be off the Friday night that Austin and Liz have the junior prom, so I am flying back out for it. That's another great thing about being in New York. With the time difference, I can fly back to Los Angeles and
time with Austin. Going back to New York is when I'll hit major jet lag. Liz will be with me at least. She's flying back to New York with me that Sunday to start her summer program at NYU. "And then you come to New York two weeks later for my opening night."

"Wouldn't miss it," Austin says. "My mom and Hayley are really excited. Hayley's got a list of shops she wants to hit when she's in town that weekend. Mom wants to drag her sightseeing."

Austin's mom hasn't been to New York in years and his younger sister Hayley's never been so they jumped at the chance to see me on stage. "I told her she'll be doing a lot of the touristy stuff on her own," Austin adds. "I want to see you perform both nights."

I smile to myself. Austin is so supportive, just like Tom Cruise (I mean that in the most non-creepy, non-controlling way, of course). Supposedly Tom saw Katie Holmes's run on Broadway tons of times. I'm sure Austin would be the same way if he were in town.

I glance out the window again. The exit we've just passed was for Long Beach. We live in southern California near a gazillion gorgeous beaches. How could we not be going to one of them for a romantic last date before I go? I don't get it. If sand in my toes isn't in my future, where could we be going?

don't know?" Austin chuckles. "I thought for sure you'd figure it out when we got on the I-5 south. I'll give you a hint: It's someplace you've always wanted us to go to together."

Think, Kaitlin.
. Where are we going? Someplace fun, someplace casual, someplace we need Rodney to meet us, someplace this far south... There's only one place I can think of that--

"IT'S DISNEYLAND!" I shriek, causing Austin to hit the brakes for a second. "Sorry," I say in a much calmer tone. "Am I right? Am I? Is that where we're going?"

"Promise not to scream again?" he asks. "Yes."

I can feel my heart beat rev up, but I keep my lips clamped shut. Disneyland! Mickey! Minnie! The Pirates of the Caribbean ride! The Star Tours ride! Sleeping Beauty Castle!


Disneyland is one of my favorite places. Whenever Disney has some sort of event or movie premiere at the park, I'm the first to RSVP yes. And I've never been as jealous as I was of Miley Cyrus when she had her sweet sixteen there (if I could sing, and had a Disney-brand TM after my name, maybe the Mouse would throw a party in my honor too).

"Nadine set us up with a Disney cast member," Austin says, referring to what all the Disney employees are called. "We're meeting at the Californian Hotel and Spa, and they're going to take us over to the park for a personal VIP tour. They made a reservation for us at one of the character meals for breakfast, and dinner at Blue Bayou, which I know is your favorite, and we have prime viewing of the fireworks on Main Street. I think Nadine promised you'd do a quick photo op with Mickey by the castle, but they said it won't take more than twenty minutes."

"Not a problem." This is Disneyland! Anything for a ride on Splash Mountain!

HOLLYWOOD SECRET NUMBER TWO: Ever wonder why there are so many pictures in the tabloids of celebrities on roller coasters or posing with Mickey? As if celebrities don't get enough perks, going to amusement parks and places like Disney means more of them. We can usually get free park passes--especially if we stop for a photo op--but some stars can get more than just tickets. A VIP personal tour guide (think $125 an hour and up) plays host, concierge, and guide for your day in the park. The guides can't put you at the front of the line, but they can make sure you get good seating at restaurants, and tell you where the best place to view the parade is and what attractions you should hit when. Now, if your name is Brad, Angie, or even my friend Miley, then visiting the parks is probably a totally different experience. It's not like they can actually wait in line with the rest of the public and not be mauled. For stars of this magnitude, line jumping has to be a must, don't you think? Not that anyone from the Mouse House has ever confirmed that to me.

"I figured you wouldn't want the guide all day, though," Austin says, "so I told Nadine just to hook us up for a few hours and then you, me, and Rod-o are on our own. Sound good?"

"Sounds perfect," I say, and I find myself bouncing up and down in my seat as I see a sign for Anaheim. Disneyland is the next exit. This is going to be the most perfect date ever. My right butt cheek starts to vibrate and I jump. It's my iPhone. I pull it out and stare at the text message in horror.

SKY'S CELL: 911!!!! 911!!! K!!!!! WHERE R U???

"What's the matter?" Austin replies, frowning thoughtfully. He's turned off the highway and I see the sign for Disneyland parking. "You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I sort of have." Sky's never texted me before, let alone called me unless there was a major problem. We're not working together anymore, so I can't have more lines than her. I've been avoiding the red carpet, so I don't have more coverage in
Hollywood Nation
than she does. What could she possibly be peeved about?

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