Secrets of the Dragon Tomb (30 page)

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Authors: Patrick Samphire

BOOK: Secrets of the Dragon Tomb
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Title Page

Copyright Notice



The Sullivan Family

Part One: Uninvited Guests

Chapter One: A Complete Disaster

Chapter Two: A Wet Landing

Chapter Three: The Perils of Stickleberry Juice

Chapter Four: Caught!

Chapter Five: The Great Sir Titus Dane

Chapter Six: The Worst Party Ever

Chapter Seven: Sneaking About

Chapter Eight: Destroyed

Part Two: Into the Wilds

Chapter Nine: The Chase Begins

Chapter Ten: Secrets and Spies

Chapter Eleven: Interesting Facts About Rocks

Chapter Twelve: A Suspect

Chapter Thirteen: Attack of the Killer Crabs

Chapter Fourteen: Slime

Chapter Fifteen: Lost in the Wilderness

Chapter Sixteen: Hunted

Part Three: The Dragon Tombs of Mars

Chapter Seventeen: Lunae City

Chapter Eighteen: The Museum of Martian Antiquities

Chapter Nineteen: Prisoners

Chapter Twenty: Into the Desert

Chapter Twenty-One: Swords on the Sand

Chapter Twenty-Two: Retreat

Chapter Twenty-Three: The Secret of the Dragon Tomb


About the Author



Copyright © 2016 by Patrick Samphire

Henry Holt and Company, LLC

Publishers since 1866

Henry Holt
is a registered trademark of Henry Holt and Company, LLC.

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All rights reserved.

The Library of Congress has cataloged the print edition as follows:

Samphire, Patrick.

    Secrets of the dragon tomb / Patrick Samphire. — First edition.

        pages; cm

    “Christy Ottaviano Books.”

    Summary: While dreaming of being a spy like those in his favorite magazine, twelve-year-old Edward has been stuck holding his eccentric family together but when his parents are kidnapped, he leads his sisters and cousin in an effort to rescue them across the danger-filled landscape of nineteenth-century Mars.

    ISBN 978-0-8050-9906-5 (hardcover)

    ISBN 978-0-8050-9907-2 (e-book)

  [1.  Eccentrics and eccentricities—Fiction.   2.  Family life—Fiction.   3.  Kidnapping—Fiction.   4.  Mars—Fiction.   5.  Science fiction.]   I.  Title.

    PZ7.1.S255Sec 2016            Fic—dc23          2015004517

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First hardcover edition 2016

eBook edition January 2016

eISBN 9780805099072

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