Secrets of the Last Nazi (33 page)

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Stolz’s Papers

he papers
which follow were made public on the internet, on the instructions of Ludochovic.

andwritten annotations are
from Zenyalena Androvsky, and initialled ‘ZA’.


Mechanism for Predicting the Future – History

5 July 1940

he methods
we have found most effective came from ancient Babylon and Egypt, where they were pioneered along with other branches of science still in use today. They were developed by the ancient Greek philosophers, who suspected the universe was more connected than people realised. Aristotle made assumptions then tested them, keeping those which held true and discarding the rest. It took many hundreds of years for the true connections to be distilled in this way.

The Christian Church tried to co-opt this growing body of belief – the three wise men who followed a star were accepted into the Gospels, and festivals like Christmas and Easter were set according to the sun and moon. But by medieval times, as this science became more accurate, it threatened the official Church, and so was outlawed. In England, the 1542 Witchcraft Act banned all studies which linked human affairs with the position of the planets. This legislation was updated several times, and spread throughout Europe and to the USA. The ban forced the knowledge underground for more than three centuries, preventing pioneers - including Sir Isaac Newton - from publishing their discoveries. However, the legislation became difficult to enforce when, in 1903 and again in 1914, two different courts in New York State upheld predictions based on the planets as both scientific and very accurate, and a new strategy was needed to hide the link between the planets and human affairs.

It was done through a special sort of ‘bad’ prediction, first published in a US newspaper. When the publishers were tried under the Witchcraft Act (in the 1936 Barbanell v Naylor case), the court ruled newspapers could make public predictions as long as they were written as public entertainment, and people were divided into just twelve groups. It meant horoscopes fell outside the Witchcraft Acts because they were too vague to tell the fortune of any individual. That is how the USA and other western countries came to adopt the least accurate form of astrology, and scientific astrology was hidden.

However, it created an opportunity for the Third Reich. On orders from SS Reichsführer
Heinrich Himmler, we followed the method of the ancient Greeks: we looked for a link between the planets and human affairs. When we found one, we tested it. Links which were reliable and repeatable we kept, others we cast aside, until we had refined a large body of knowledge.

One of the first patterns we found concerned Pluto. This planet was named after the God of the Underworld and was discovered in 1930 – a time of power politics and economic turmoil. We soon found patterns about wealth, power and national borders: whenever Pluto moved into a new sign of the zodiac, it brought a new system for administering sovereign states and their money. Each time, the new system was linked to the symbolism of Pluto’s new zodiac. By knowing what had happened for the times Pluto changed zodiac sign up until 1939, we have predicted what will happen in the future:

Date Pluto changed signs

Zodiac sign

Pluto moves into


October 1823 and

February 1824

Aries (traditionally associated with military threats and war)

Monroe Doctrine: US President threatens war with any power which intervenes in the Americas.

December 1852

Taurus (associated with farming)

Napoleon III becomes French Emperor and promotes free trade in agricultural goods.

April 1884

Gemini (associated with communications and measurement of time)

Berlin Conference sets borders in Africa and international conference agrees on time zones.

December 1913

Cancer (associated with homeland, protection and family values)

Federal Reserve established in USA – local banks are protected at a national level.

May-June 1939

Leo (associated with leadership)

Pact of Steel unites economies of Germany and Italy.

January 1957 – April 1958

Virgo (associated with bureaucracy and efficiency)

Bureaucracy and organisation to determine cross-border economy.

ZA: European Union set up.

October 1971

Libra (associated with diplomacy and negotiation)

International economic organisation will be replaced by negotiation.

ZA: Nixon abandons gold standard

August 1984

Scorpio (associated with evolution and renewal)

Economic protection will be abandoned.

ZA: Widespread deregulation

January 1995

Sagittarius (associated with travel, trade and exploration)

The way of trade across the world will be transformed.

ZA: World trade Organisation set up.

November 2008

Capricorn (associated with banking, conservatism and austerity)

Lending will become strict and banking will change.

ZA: Credit crunch.

January 2024 and

November 2024

Aquarius (associated with new technology, and world organisations)

Technology will replace tradition as the basis for trade; crisis for international organisations. ZA: ???

March 2043 and

January 2044

Pisces (associated with religion and confusion)

Technology of world trade will be abandoned in confusion (efforts to save it in Sept 2043) ZA: ???

May 2066 to January 2068:

Aries (associated with military threats and war)

War and power will settle cross-border economy (as with the Monroe doctrine) ZA: ???

ZA: I checked these dates on the NASA ‘Horizons’ website -
- it’s all true.

We then looked for patterns between the planets. The ancient Greeks associated Saturn with structures and natural limits. Neptune, discovered in 1846, is about ideals and the aspirations of the masses, but also the sea into which those ideals dissolve. The orbits of Saturn and Neptune mean they come together every thirty-six years, and these times mark major events in how the romantic ideals of Neptune are made real by Saturn. In 1773, they sparked the Boston Tea Party. In 1809 they triggered revolutions throughout South America. April 1846, and Karl Marx set up his first Communist Committee in Brussels. May 1882 was when the Communist Manifesto was translated into Russian, and Marxist political parties appeared in Europe. In 1917, Saturn and Neptune coincided with the communist revolution in Russia.

They will come together again in 1953 when we expect major ‘rebalancing’ in the Soviet world, and three times in 1989 (March, June and November) – the last of these dates, in the second week of November 1989, coincides with other planetary events, making it particularly notable.

ZA: Stalin dies in March 1953 causing big change throughout communist world.

1989 - March: first free elections in Russia.

1989 – June: Tiananmen Square massacre, China.

1989 – November: Berlin wall down.

We soon found all the planetary cycles were linked to different human affairs. The forty-two year cycle between Uranus and Saturn correlated with scientific discoveries and inventions. The longer cycle between Uranus and Neptune was linked to mass communication – and we expect humans to exchange information differently after these two planets come together in the early 1990s. ZA: internet.

Since all these cycles seemed to affect people, we found that, when they were added together, we had a measure for stability in human affairs. Instability led to war and death. We checked three centuries of warfare, and found there were many more wars deaths when outer planets were coming together in the sky rather than separating. We developed an index which predicted war deaths far more accurately than conventional means based on morale, weaponry, and battlefield terrain etc. The correlation we found was a one-in-a-million-trillion possibility (1 in 1,000,000,000,000,000). Even sceptics accepted we had a link. Then we charted the planets to forecast how many people would die in the world’s future conflicts.

SS Capt. Werner Stolz, 5 July 1940


War Eclipses

October 20
, 1985

The Office of the President of the United States (POTUS) has asked for advice regarding the Soviet Union. This note suggests where and when POTUS should meet Premier Gorbachev for a deal most likely to end the Cold War on favourable terms.

e examined eclipses
, which have long been associated with wars. Our research also confirmed the truth in astrology beyond reasonable doubt:
the possibility of these events happening by chance is less than a one-in-two-trillion
(one in two million million).

ZA: I checked this, and it’s true.

lexander the Great

Alexander the Great’s victories were famously attributed to eclipses. The solar eclipse of 4
July 335BC, just before Alexander invaded Persia, occurred only 223 miles from Tyre – a city he captured in a defining moment of his campaign. The solar eclipse was centred closer to Tyre than 99.92 % of the places that it could have been.

he Crusades

In September 1093, Byzantine Emperor Alexios asked for help fighting the Muslims. Pope Urban II, in turn, urged all Christians to capture Jerusalem – sparking the Crusades, which lasted two centuries. The solar eclipse of 23
September 1093 was centred just 164 miles from Jerusalem, closer than 99.96% of places on the earth’s surface that it could have fallen - a one-in-2,300 chance.

orld War One

British and German troops first clashed about two days before the crucial Battle of Mons, which was on 23
August. Meanwhile, the war’s most significant battle on the Eastern Front was at Tannenberg, which began on 26
August. The solar eclipse at 12.34pm on 21
August 1914 was centred just 281 miles from Tannenberg, closer than 99.87% of the earth’s surface.

orean War

Voting monitored by the United Nations took place on 10
May 1948 - but only in South Korea, leading to the Korean War two years later. The solar eclipse the day before the elections was centred only 277 miles from Seoul, closer than 99.88% of the earth’s surface.

ecommendation to End
the Cold War: a Reykjavik Summit in October 1986

There is an eclipse in the evening of 3
October 1986 centred just 569 miles from the capital of Iceland. Therefore, we recommend a summit in Reykjavik in October 1986, during which President Reagan can press Premier Gorbachev to eradicate nuclear weapons and end the Cold War.

Stolz, October 20
, 1985

ZA: NASA has maps of all these eclipses online – follow these links:

Alexander the Great’s battle:

The Crusade eclipse near Jerusalem:

The Great War eclipse:

The Korean War eclipse:

Reykyavik summit was held 11
October 1986 – the key superpower summit leading to end of the Cold War.

The eclipse is here:

he chance
of this happening being random
really is less than one in two thousand billion.

S – President Putin
was selected as Premier of Russia one day after the intense August 1999 eclipse. The eclipse explains how the Kosovo crisis almost became World War Three, and anticipates war in Ukraine:



19 March 1943

American Nazis have informed us of the secret US nuclear programme. We have learned the date of the first nuclear reaction in December 1942, and saw the date was marked by planets opposing each other in the sky – from nine degrees of Gemini to ten degrees of Sagittarius. A little research proved that this position in the sky was linked to nuclear events in the past, such as the discovery of uranium in 1789, of radioactivity in 1896, and the cluster of nuclear advances made in 1932, when the nucleus was first disintegrated. Then we calculated when outer planets would strike this axis again, and found these dates. Adding the meaning of the planet allowed us to make these predictions:


Event and Prediction

5-10 August 1945

Pluto at trine (120 degrees), Mars crosses axis: nuclear used for show of power.

ZA: Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima (6
) and Nagasaki (9
) force Japanese surrender.


Pluto at right angles - Nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

ZA: Height of the Cold War – when Khruschev and Kennedy squared off in the Cuban missile crisis.

January 1961:

Pluto at right angles and lunar eclipse cycle - nuclear event causes death.

ZA: World’s first nuclear accident at Idaho Falls in the USA. Three workers at the power station were killed.


Neptune crosses axis - nuclear tension eased with ideals.

ZA: When the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (‘SALT’) led to a deal between the USA and USSR.

March 1979:

Saturn at right angles to axis - major nuclear event.

ZA: Three Mile Island accident in Pennsylvania.

April 1986:

Saturn crosses axis with Jupiter at right angles - major fatal nuclear event.

ZA: Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union leads to many deaths.


Pluto crosses axis - nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

ZA: India and Pakistan become nuclear rivals for the first time.

March 2011:

Mars at right angles but Jupiter at third-of-a-circle (120 degrees) - fatal nuclear event with worst effects prevented.

ZA: The Fukushima nuclear accident in Japan, triggered by a tsunami.


Neptune at right angles to axis – hidden threat of nuclear loss; discoveries from disintegration or fusing of nuclei, similar to 1932; faith in old nuclear myths changes profoundly. ZA: ???

December 2015 or July – Sept 2016:

Saturn crosses axis – major nuclear event (as in September-October 1957 and April 1986).

ZA: ???

August 2016:

Mars, Neptune and lunar eclipse cycle at right angles to axis and Saturn - danger of military nuclear loss.

ZA: ???

September-October 2027:

Uranus crosses axis with Jupiter and Mars at right angles but Neptune and Pluto at third-of-a-circle (120 degrees) - shocking nuclear news, then great powers seek to contain significant and fatal nuclear event.

ZA: ???


Pluto at right angles to axis - nuclear power threatens war: time of increased threat/tension.

ZA: ???

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