Secrets of Yden (14 page)

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Authors: S. G. Rogers

BOOK: Secrets of Yden
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On the way to Pacific High, January repaired her makeup with the help of a lighted compact from her purse.

"Are you and your friends in some kind of club?" she asked.


"Yeah. You, Ronny, and Mo all wear the same style of gothic ring."

Jon was a little surprised January was so observant. "I… I suppose it's a fad."

Yden wasn't the sort of secret he could blurt out, and he had no intention of telling her — ever. If she got hold of the truth, the whole story would probably end up as an article on a celebrity website with the headline reading "January Beck Bewitched by Teen Wizard" or something along those lines.

An atmosphere of excitement greeted them at school. The Wolverines had won Friday night's game, and spirits were high. Girls were running around campus in sarongs and grass skirts. The guys were mostly wearing Hawaiian shirts, but some of them were wearing grass skirts, too.

Students fell into stunned silence at Jon and January's approach. After they passed, an excited commotion followed. It wouldn't be too long before everyone knew January Beck was in their midst — and she was with him. He didn't enjoy the stares, but at least most of the attention was directed at his date, who was radiant.

Jon chuckled. "You really like being the center of attention, don't you?"

"Lynn says I was born to it."

The gym's interior had been transformed into a lush tropical paradise worthy of a movie set. Jon's extensive mural set the mood; groves of artificial palm trees softened every corner, and strings of little white lights overhead simulated starlight. The band was going full throttle. Jon spied Brett and Max on the dance floor. He waved to catch their attention, and they stopped dancing to gape.

Jon took January by the hand and pulled her toward the photographer. "Let's have our picture taken before there's a long wait."

Fred and Ronny were at the back of the photography queue, so Jon and January fell into line behind them. Fred had donned a grass skirt over his khakis and a fake coconut bikini top over his Hawaiian shirt. Jon tapped one of the coconuts.

"Really festive."

"I brought coconuts for you, too, but they're in the car."

"That's okay, I'm good."

Jon was amused when he realized the photographer was Lenny Capps. Fred and Ronny posed on a carved wooden bench as Lenny snapped their photo. Afterward, Lenny beckoned to January and Jon.


"Hi, Lenny, it's Jon Hansen. You took some pictures of me for the Tri-County Museum?"

"Oh, yes, I remember." Lenny's eyes bugged out when he recognized January Beck. "Oh my, who have we here?"

The band went on a break, and a small crowd formed to watch January and Jon having their picture taken. After a few normal poses, Lenny had a bright idea. "Can we have a little smoochie for the camera?"

Before Jon could say anything, January perched on his lap and kissed him full on the lips. Hoots and hollers erupted from the onlookers and by the time January pulled back, Jon was flushed with embarrassment. He leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Do that again and I'll bite you."

Unfazed by his threat, January giggled and wiped lipstick from his mouth with her perfectly manicured fingertips. Jon had a feeling the photo would end up on the Internet soon. He practically pushed her off his lap and nodded at Lenny before steering January toward Brett and Max. Jon made the introductions while trying to ignore Max's knowing smirk.

"I love your perfume, by the way," Brett said to January, with a wink in Jon's direction.

Davy, still in a wheelchair, appeared with Kira by his side. At the sight of the two of them together, an unpleasant surge of jealousy shot through Jon's veins. In response, his arm snaked itself around January's waist.

"Kira and Davy, this is January Beck," he said.

January smiled at Davy, but a flash of recognition crossed her face when she gave Kira an appraising look. "You must be the inspiration for
Warrior Princess

Kira's violet eyes flickered at Jon. "So I've been told."

Davy began to chat with January about
Immortal Soule
. Kira was standing so close to Jon, his skin suddenly seemed bathed in carbonation. Clad in a short, floral sundress, Kira had an exotic red flower tucked behind one ear.
What I wouldn't give for her to be my date.

"Your mural is truly amazing," she said. "When I walk past I can almost hear the sound of the ocean."

"Thanks." The band was assembling on stage, and the bass guitarist played a chord as Jon said, "You look beautiful tonight."

His words were muffled by noise, and she bent closer. "What?"

He raised his voice. "You're

Unfortunately, the band's speakers cut out at that exact moment, and everyone within earshot laughed. Jon felt like a complete idiot, but Kira just smiled. When the band began to play again, a romantic, slow song, Jon reached for January's hand and led her to the far end of the dance floor.

"So that's
," she said.


"That girl… Kira.
Warrior Princess
. She's the one you wanted to make jealous."

Jon didn't respond.

"Aha! I'm right," she exclaimed.

"Let it go, January."

If only I could do the same.

Chapter Thirteen

A Gift for Kira

As the evening wore on, Fred removed the coconuts from his chest and wore them on his head. Max won the limbo contest, although Jon made him work for it. Excitement erupted when Brett was crowned Homecoming Queen. After Davy was announced Homecoming King, he rose from his wheelchair and climbed onstage to join her. Jon was puzzled.
If he can walk and climb stairs, why is he using a wheelchair?

As Jon and January quenched their thirst at the punchbowl, somebody asked her for an autograph. When a line began to form, she gave Jon an apologetic glance. "I'm going to be here awhile. Why don't you go hang out with some of your friends? I'll come find you."

"Okay, but if you need me, just climb on stage and I'll see you."

Jon headed inside the gym to look for Casey and Mo, but they were on the dance floor. Fred's coconuts were now on Casey's head.

Kira appeared at Jon's side. "What is this ritual with the coconuts?"

Jon chuckled. "It's supposed to be funny."

"I'm not sure I see the humor in it."

"I think it comes under the category of teen hijinks." Jon paused. "Where's Davy?"

Kira glanced toward a corner of the auditorium, where Davy was doing wheelies in his wheelchair for the amusement of his football buddies. "He's showing up."

Due to her unfamiliarity with idiomatic English, Kira meant showing off, but Jon wasn't about to correct her. The band was playing a slow song, and he didn't want a good opportunity to go to waste. He reached for her hand. "Dance with me?"

To his relief, Kira gave him a little nod and they joined the couples swaying to the beat. All Jon's worries were muted by the sheer, golden pleasure of having her in his arms. Somehow, she had the radiant effect of making him feel like he actually was the perfect movie-star guy in the museum photograph.

"I should have told you about
Warrior Princess
before now," he said.

"Why didn't you?"

He averted his eyes. "I guess I was a little embarrassed."

They danced for a few moments without speaking, and Jon wished he could think of something witty or clever enough to impress her.

"It's strange to see the girl from
Immortal Soule
in real life," Kira said finally. "January is extraordinarily beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as
Warrior Princess

A soft expression appeared in Kira's eyes, and as she melted into him, a flicker of hope ignited.
Maybe she has feelings for me, after all?
He didn't want to let go of her even after the song ended, but then Davy appeared. He'd left his wheelchair in the corner and looked as fit and energetic as he usually did on the football field.

"Step aside," he said. "Let me show you how it's done."

"No, Davy. This isn't wise," Kira said.

He brushed aside her protests and led her to the dance floor as the band launched into a high-energy number. Jon's inner glow faded, and he glanced around for his date.
I wish Davy had stuck with his wheelies.

When he found January, she was just finishing up with the last few autographs. "So let's dance already," she said.

She pulled him onto the dance floor next to Kira and Davy. January was an outstanding dancer, and her moves demonstrated she'd had a lot of training. Jon knew it was immature, but when the crowd parted to watch the two of them, he was pleased.
Let Davy top this

Apparently determined to try, Davy showed off his athletic prowess — including an impressive set of splits. Suddenly, there was a competition thing happening, and it was obvious to everyone. Davy's dancing became increasingly flamboyant, but for some inexplicable reason, Kira was less than pleased. Finally she stopped dancing altogether, but Davy was undeterred. He slid over to January, took her by the hand, and the two of them began to dance.

At that moment, Jon realized there was something wrong. Davy's eyes had developed a glassy look, almost like he had a fever.

Kira darted over to Jon with a pleading look on her face. "Can you stop him? Davy is ill, and he shouldn't be moving around like this."

"What do you expect me to do?"

"Tell the band to take a break, or—"

But it was already too late. Gasps and screams arose from the dance floor; Davy Thyssen had collapsed.


Jon, January, and his friends looked on helplessly as emergency workers lifted Davy's stretcher into an ambulance.

"He told me he dropped out of football because of grades," Fred said. "Maybe he's dehydrated."

"I don't think that's it," Casey replied. "Haven't you noticed how much weight he's lost recently?"

"I thought he was on a new kind of diet," Fred said. "I was gonna ask him his meal plan."

As the ambulance drove off, Jon retrieved a jacket he'd left in the Lexus and draped it over Kira's slumping shoulders. "What's really wrong with Davy?" he asked.

"He has been stricken with a disease called leukemia."

Shock sent Jon reeling.

"The doctors told him he could come tonight, but only if he stayed calm. This is my fault." Kira dissolved into tears. "Brett, I want to go home."

Brett put her arm around Kira and led her toward her car. Just before Max followed, he glanced at Jon. "I hate to say it, but I think Kira must really be in love with that guy."


By some unspoken agreement, Jon and January were both quiet on the drive back to Lynn's bungalow. He pulled into the driveway and cut the engine.

"Thank you for going with me tonight. You impressed my friends."

"Look, I heard what Max said about Kira. For what it's worth, I think he's jumping to the wrong conclusion."

Although he nodded in response, Jon took no comfort from her words.

"Are you going to be okay?" She put a comforting hand on his arm, but he shook her off.

"You don't have to do that," he muttered. "Nobody's watching and there's no reason to pretend anymore."

January recoiled. "I wasn't pretending." She got out of the car and slammed the door.


Before she'd gone more than a few steps, Jon caught up with her. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, January. You were trying to be nice and I didn't mean what I said."

She stared down at the pavement and shrugged. "I guess it's been a tough night."

"Yes. Look… I owe you another date. Tonight didn't count. Would you like to come to the opening of my exhibit Thursday night? Chaz is going… and lots of reporters will be there." A weak smile lifted the corners of his lips. "I know how much you love publicity."

"I'll have to call my agent." She giggled at Jon's sidelong glance. "But I'm sure it'll be fine."

They exchanged a quick hug before January went inside. The smile on his face faded as soon as she closed the door. Unwilling to be alone with his thoughts, he drove home with the radio on full blast. Grief and guilt began to squeeze his chest like a deadly python.
Kira's in love with Davy, and I'm an utter slimeball for being jealous of a dying kid.


The house was dark when Jon let himself in, but he didn't want to go to bed. In his current frame of mind he knew nightmares would haunt his dreams, and he couldn't stand feeling any more worthless than he already did. He poured over dark magic scrolls, finishing the last one just before dawn, but he saw nothing helpful regarding the anomaly.
Add failure to my grim list of rapidly accumulating labels.

Exhausted and emotionally spent, Jon gave up — on everything. He slid Ophelia off his finger, put her in his desk drawer, and went downstairs to make tea. Just to add a little irony to the situation, he used a tall mug with a smiley face at the bottom. He'd just about finished the tea when his father entered the kitchen.

"I thought I heard someone down here." He glanced at the clock. "It's still pretty early. Are you getting ready to go to Dragon Isle?"

"N-no. I'm not going." Jon's eyes felt grainy and raw.
I probably look as if I've come off a five-day bender.

"Have you been up all night, son?"

"Davy Thyssen collapsed at the dance last night and they took him to the hospital. Apparently he's been suffering from leukemia."

"He's not my patient, but I heard about his case at the hospital. It's sad his doctors don't have a better prognosis."

Jon's knuckles tightened around the mug as he remembered the mean rush of satisfaction he'd felt when he'd seen Davy in a wheelchair for the first time. Jealous and petty, he'd hoped Davy was hurt.
I got my wish, and now he might be dying.
Moisture collected at the corners of his eyes and nausea threatened to wring the tea from his stomach.

I'm not worthy to be a member of the Dragon Clan.

"Where's Ophelia?" Dr. Hansen asked. "What's going on?"

His throat closed up and Jon shook his head, unable to speak. He wanted to tell his father he'd quit and wasn't returning to Yden, but the words wouldn't come out. As he stared into his mug, the smiley face began to swim and blur. He screwed his eyes shut, but he couldn't stem an overwhelming surge of emotion.

His father put a comforting arm around his shoulders. "I'm sorry. It's always tough to accept when a young person becomes critically ill."

When Jon's tidal wave of grief began to ebb, his father helped him to bed and sat with him until he fell asleep.

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