Read Seduce Me Please Online

Authors: Nichole Matthews

Seduce Me Please (28 page)

BOOK: Seduce Me Please
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Her legs fell open, spread wide for his touch. He brushed the dark curls glistening with her need, his fingers opening her. She was hot and damp and ready for him, and he slid one long finger inside her slick velvety folds, testing her.

Piper tensed at the invasion, instinctively biting back a cry before she arched against his hand, her entire body responding to the new feelings that were swamping her senses.

He watched as her body grew accustomed to his onslaught, the desire waging war with her timidity. Nudging her thighs farther apart, he settled himself in the cradle between them, his rigid shaft finding the heated entrance to her body.

His breathing labored as slowly, inch by inch, he sank into her softness, steadily merging their bodies until with a last little thrust, he seated himself fully within her using all of his strength to keep himself still. Giving her time to relax and absorb the invasion and for him to gather his sanity. His heart thundered in his chest. His arms trembled as he held himself back, his lungs burning.

Piper cried out at the sudden burning pain, staring into his eyes, fringed by thick dark lashes; their deep golden hue hypnotized her easing her discomfort, drawing her deeper under his spell. She sighed, wriggling under his weight easing the new sensation of his fullness stretching her, waiting for the burning pressure to subside as she accommodated his thick length.

Graydon gave her an odd look groaning deep in his throat, the rough sound echoing through her. “Please hold still.” He barely recognized his own voice. His hands tangled in her hair. “You look more beautiful than there are words to describe.” He brushed a warm, soft kiss over her lips before he gripped the back of her head, tugging her closer to give him deeper access.

She clutched Graydon’s head; his hair was soft and silky beneath her fingers. She held him tightly to prolong the pleasure. She parted her lips, savoring the feel of his tongue stroking the soft insides of her mouth.
She writhed under him, whimpering until suddenly she felt him move deliberately out and in until a rhythm had been established. “
Tu es dans toutes mes pens
es, mon ange
,” he said against her ear. His warm breath tickling her ear.

Moi aussi
,” She breathed against his neck. “Me too.”

He chuckled, his amber eyes warmed with wicked delight. He slid his large hands under her bottom and lifted her.

Why do you speak in French?” she gasped out.

Some things sound better in French.”

Not when you say I am in every thought of yours.” She didn’t know where her courage came from when she reached up, cupping his neck to pull him down to capture his mouth in a searing hungry kiss. She wrapped her arms around Graydon’s neck and opened her mouth for him. Fervently welcoming the thrust of his tongue into her mouth at the same time he flexed his hips and plunged deep into her body.

Dear lord.” She sighed as he did it again and again and again. His frenzied movements faster and faster the friction causing swirling flashes of pleasure low in her belly, arching up she met each thrust as they moved together. She traced her fingertips down his spine, over his taut back to caress his buttocks. She moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist drawing him deeper, clenching her inner muscles against the frantic sensations when he leaned forward, so he could suck one of her puckered nipples into the wet heat of his mouth, pulling and teasing with his tongue until he finally tipped her over the edge.

She tensed, crying out, “Oh!”

No screaming.” His eyes glinted wickedly as he lifted his head and quickly captured her cries with a fiery kiss. Clinging to him as fiery spams exploded behind her closed eyes. She tilted her pelvis and met his thrust with a last one of her own, she felt split in two, boneless, amazed.

Graydon hauled in a deep breath; the moment shivered about them. The realization that she was now his, no questions, invigorated him. He moved more forcefully within her, thrusting more deeply, more powerfully. Again and again he filled her until the tension coiled and swelled. He savored the slick, scalding wetness that covered them both as she welcomed his pounding staff. The moans of pleasure that escaped her parted lips as his climax built quickly. Pumping his body up and into hers, his body going rigid, he threw back his head and roared as quaking spasms finally took hold and tore through him over and over as he emptied himself into her with no thought to the consequences. Falling to his forearms to avoid crushing her under his bulk his gaze drifted possessively over her.

She buried her face against his shoulder taking deep gulping breaths. He quickly rolled onto his side with her wrapped in his arms, barely able to catch his breath. He stroked her head gently, whispering endearments in her ear. He had made love to more women than he could count, and looking back now, almost too embarrassing to recount. Lying wrapped in Piper’s arms was one of the most exquisite feelings he had experienced in his life and one of the most content moments he could remember.
Good God
, he must be mad, placed under some sort of enchantment. One that made him besotted with a pintsized goddess.

This was what ladies whispered about, passion, the heated whispers of their rapturous affairs. But now—oh, now—she understood. Heedless, wonderful passion.

Piper pressed her hand to her mouth when she could no longer control the joyful laughter from bursting forth. “
C’est magnifique
,” she uttered breathlessly.

.” Raising himself to his elbow, he leaned over and kissed her nose. “I have created a monster.”

No.” She smirked. “You have created a wanton.” Stretching luxuriously, she arched her back thrusting her breast in his face. “Now I know what all the married women whisper about behind their fans.”

His eyes glowed with a combination of desire and wonder.

Quand je l’ai tu,
a a
oup de foudre

She pushed up onto her elbows and said with a quizzical brow. “I’m not familiar with that particular phrase.” She watched him, feeling her heart swell.

Perhaps I will tell you the translation one day.” The amber eyes that rose to meet hers had one word displayed in them:

The orrery!” Piper sat up, forgetting the state of her undress. “I knew I was forgetting something!” “Oh!” Realizing her nakedness she crossed her arms over her chest.

Searching the floor he came up with his shirt, tossing it to her. “Surely something so important would not have been forgotten so easily.”

Her response muffled as she pulled his shirt over her head. “If that were so, I would not have been so easily distracted.”

He pressed a kiss to her temple. “I wouldn’t say you were easy, in point of fact, it did take some rather compelling persuading on my part.”

Her gaze locked on his, never breaking eye contact, she grasped his hands pulling him quickly from the chaise to stand with her.

She stood transfixed, biting back a groan as she watched Graydon grab his trousers stepping into them. Thankful his shirt wasn’t available to cover his superb chest.

Clasping her hands tightly in front of her to keep from touching him, she asked, “So are you going to show me or not?” Her eyes kept straying to the light dusting of golden hair on his muscled chest, her mouthwatering.

His gaze shifted appreciatively from her eyes down to where her knees were exposed from beneath the shirt. He reached for her hand, his smile feral. “I thought I already had?”

She caught her breath, felt her lips curve as she fought the urge to step closer, to move back into his arms, to press her face against his warm body. “You’re innuendo will not distract me, Gray.”

He froze, her use of his nickname refreshing. He was tired of hearing
my lord
spring from her lips. His hand tightened about hers, pulling her to a door hidden behind a tall potted plant.

Where are you taking me?” She glanced around nervously.

After our time together tonight you are now going to drag your feet?”

She searched his eyes, trying to read his mind.

He gestured towards the opening, “My orrery.”

Glancing around, she shrugged, taking a deep breath before stepping into the dark tunnel.

Smugly triumphant, he smiled at her placing a hard hand at her waist, pushing her forward. Reaching for a candle stick he followed closely behind her.

Where are we?” She asked glancing over her shoulder at him. His gaze glittered from the glow of the candlelight. The tunnel was spotless. Not a cobweb in sight. He must escape his library through this tunnel on a regular basis.

My lair.” Graydon met her gaze—and smiled, wolfishly.

She laughed. “Is this how you’ve escaped the matchmaking mama’s of the
for so long?” She began tiptoeing on her bare feet as if she were sneaking off somewhere.

Watch your footing; we are coming to some steps.” His hand tightened at her waist before sliding down to gently caress her bottom through his fine linen shirt causing her to miss the first step despite his warning.

She glanced back with a huff. “Gray! You’re going to make me stub my toe.”

His hand slid around to press against her belly urging her hips against him. “Be careful, love.” He nipped at her earlobe, rocking against her, the rigid length of his erection straining against the front of his trousers surged into her softness. If anything was more accurate, it was that she had created a monster. An insatiable one.

Piper gasped at the hot and heavy fullness of his manhood prodding her from behind. She arched against him, a mewling sob of pleasure escaping her.

Careful or you will set us both on fire,” he growled in her ear, moving the candlestick away.

Hurry, Gray!” She grabbed the hand pressed to her belly, “I’m burning up!”

Practically running up the stairs, she paused to call behind her. “Where is your door?”

Here.” He reached around her, opened a door on the right, pushing her unceremoniously through.

She stopped in wonder. “Oh—my—goodness!” She rushed forward with her hands pressed to her mouth in awe. “It’s absolutely gorgeous.” She walked around the orrery examining it from every angle. Her mouth formed the shape of an O.

He stepped just inside the door and froze. His limbs paralyzed by the vision of her inside his bedroom. He ran his gaze down her nearly naked form.
His room
. She was in his room. That she was even here was a bit disconcerting. The room where he had pictured her naked countless times. The room which housed the bed where he had envisioned her spread atop its silk covering. He had been thinking of her so much it was embarrassing. His breathing was audible to his own ears and he could feel heat creeping up his throat, beads of sweat popping out on his brow. He was silent for quite a long moment wrapping his mind around the reality of his vision. He folded his arms across his chest and rested his weight on one foot. He watched as she pushed one side of her short wavy brown hair behind her ear.

I had no idea. I truly never imagined anything so beautiful.” She stared at the mechanisms, reaching out to run her finger over the sapphire encrusted miniature of the earth sparkling in the low firelight. “This must be worth a fortune.” She stared in awe, her lips slightly parted. She leaned in for a closer look, gingerly reaching out to touch the citrine covered sun in the center. Piper took a step back, dropped her hand and looked over at him.

A king’s ransom.” Every move she made stirred arousal in his body. He struggled to tear his gaze from her animated features before he said, “My grandfather commissioned this piece.” He moved into the room, shutting the door with a quiet click. “To him it was an outward symbol of his immense wealth. He flaunted it before all of his acquaintances thinking they would be extremely envious of his treasure.” He chuckled, running his finger over the ring. “Most were.”

It’s stunning, Gray.” Piper sighed, turning her head to watch him. “Your grandfather had every right to be proud of this treasure.” She shivered, watching him run his finger over his treasure remembering the feel of that same hand against her skin.

Pure love reflected in his eyes when he looked up at her.

Is that why you keep it in your private chambers, because it is worth so much?”

Graydon flashed her that quick, enchanting smile. “I keep it in my room because I loved my grandfather. It reminds me that not all men are bastards like my father.”

I think it has worked.” Summoning her courage, she took a deep breath before attempting what she hoped was a sultry smile. “You are a very kind man.”

Instinctively Graydon’s lips curved at her unpracticed seduction, but he repressed his amusement. “Is that so?” Casually he leaned against his thick, intricately carved bedpost and crossed his bare feet. A wicked smile lit his eyes. “And what would you know of bastards. As far as I’ve heard there has not been a single bastard in the Peregrine family. All fine upstanding gentlemen.”

BOOK: Seduce Me Please
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