Seduce Me Please (5 page)

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Authors: Nichole Matthews

BOOK: Seduce Me Please
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Piper looked at him sharply, her eyes narrowed. “Oh, for pity’s sake, Chester.” Sometimes life itself proved an immensely tiresome business, she thought. Her irritation surmounting her good nature with each moment that passed.

His face is quite handsome,” Agnes interjected wistfully in an attempt to ease the mounting tension.

And whose face are you speaking of?” Piper giggled and threw Agnes a teasing glance. “Lord Perceval?”

You know perfectly well, Piper, that I am not discussing
Lord Perceval’s
face.” Agnes frowned. “Why he’s fifty, if he’s a day! And I am not so desperate that I must resort to being courted by someone more my father’s age.” Piper watched the visible shudder pass over her friend.

You should be concerned with other attributes when discussing the possibility of a future husband, Agnes. Looks are not the whole lot.” A slight smile flickered across Chester’s mouth; he looked lazily at Agnes, but directed his comment to Piper. “Never fear, my dear cousin. Parker would never allow you to throw yourself away on this—

I should have known you would say something attempting to provoke. It’s not as if I have set my cap at the man,” Piper assured him, unperturbed.

I declare,” Auntie Adele chuckled. “You two argue like a couple of cats and dogs.”

Chester again opened his Mother of Pearl and gilt snuff-box and held a pinch of Havana to one nostril sneezing immediately, almost violently into the paltry scrap of linen and lace he carried; which had most certainly been created more for fashion and less for function if one considered the almost transparent material.

Piper pulled a face, reaching into her pocket to pull out a more substantial square of linen, at the same time hurling a disgusted look towards her cousin. “Please don’t say you have taken up that vile habit.” Her nose wrinkled as she offered him her own handkerchief.

Delicately he swiped at his nose, frowning before waving away her offering. “The prince takes snuff,” he muttered.

And he is the example you are choosing to follow?” Piper asked incredulously. She was finding it difficult to resist the urge to strangle him. Looking at Agnes, Piper stated, “And men believe women to be ignorant. I wager if the prince walked down Piccadilly with a chamber pot perched jauntily atop his head, I believe the entire population of men in London would quite happily begin leaving their homes wearing one as a hat. Unbelievable.”

Piper, do behave.” Agnes smiled sweetly. “You have acquired a handsome snuff-box Chester.”

I agree, Agnes.” Chester sent her a friendly smile, quite pleased to hear her compliment and eager to turn the conversation to something more pleasant. “‘Tis a pretty little thing, ain’t it?” He flicked open his snuff-box once again this time taking a more diminutive pinch.

Finally heavy-booted steps were heard clomping down the hall. Piper straightened, taking a deep, calming breath before she turned her troubled eyes towards her cousin. “Chester?” Her clenched hands pressed firmly in her lap, her nails cutting into her palm. She felt as if she was girding her loins, preparing herself for battle instead of a quarter-hour of polite conversation over tea. Removing her spectacles, she hid them discretely behind the
objet d’art
on the table next to her.

I will make certain Parker is apprised of his suit directly after tea,” Chester murmured as Fulton entered the room. “Not at all the thing. Not at all.” He frowned at Piper, shutting his snuff-box with a well-practiced flick of his finger.

Shhh…Chester,” Piper whispered with humorous inflection in her voice. “I cannot believe you are acting like such a snob.”

You don’t know even half of the rumors bandied about the clubs,” Chester quickly whispered back.

I know nothing of him at all,” she retorted. “Which is exactly how it can remain as far as I’m concerned,” she murmured, smoothing the wrinkles in her skirts. “Lord Perceval, Mr. Fulton.” She forced a smile as both gentlemen stepped into the salon.

Stopping just inside the door, Fulton tensed noticeably before he bowed elegantly to all in the room. “How completely fortunate to arrive at a time when you have a house full of esteemed guests.” His voice was nasal and insinuating. His lids descended low over his beady eyes as he quickly hid any hints of annoyance brimming in their depths.

Delighted to see you again, Lord Perceval, Mr. Fulton.” Piper proceeded to pour tea for both gentlemen. “Milk or sugar, gentlemen?”

No thank you, my lady.” Fulton shifted his hooded gaze around the room, holding out a bouquet of fragrant lavender. “For you.” He bowed low over Piper’s hand. Turning to Agnes, “Had I realized you would be here, Lady Agnes, I would have procured a second bouquet for you as well.”

Agnes smiled prettily from her seat.

How kind,” Piper replied in a pleasant tone, attempting to thrust away the quakes of disquiet that threatened when she looked into the dark empty pools of his eyes.

Actually,” Fulton drawled in an expectant voice, pulling a chair forward he sat down beside Piper, taking possession of her hand. “How lovely you are looking today, Lady Piper. I was hoping we could fill in the afternoon with a drive around the park. Please say you will join me?”

Piper gingerly pulled her hand out of Mr. Fulton’s moist grasp, darting a look about the salon to verify that his overzealous groping was not seen by the rest of the room. He looked so incredibly eager and sincere that she hated to hurt his feelings, but she shook her head regretfully. “What a pleasant diversion you have offered, Mr. Fulton, but I fear that Agnes and I have a previous appointment.” She replied in her customarily gracious manner.

Yes, Mr. Fulton,” Agnes concurred. “What unfortunate timing.”

Indeed, terribly disappointing,” Fulton replied stiffly, a muscle pulsing in his cheek. “Perhaps another time?” He knew bloody well that the ladies previous appointment was nothing more than a frivolous jaunt to the haberdashery. His self-control was being severely tested waiting for a private meeting with Lady Piper. He must use more restraint if he expected to fulfill his actual purpose for being in London. And there was no question that he could not fail. He gritted his teeth to stifle any untoward outbursts. He would have to wait for a more opportune time. He was given no choice and he would not fail. Sipping his tea, he gazed about the room with world-weary eyes. When this was over, he vowed, he would never set foot in London again.

Perhaps.” Piper granted a small, prim smile upon her suitor, and then glanced towards Chester seeking his support.

Your immense popularity has not escaped my notice while I’ve been in London, and I was advised that you were the perfect guide to oversee my sightseeing endeavors while I was in Town,” Fulton eagerly explained.

Piper’s teeth ground together uncomfortably. “Of course.” She smiled thinly. “I would be happy to give my opinion.”

Are you in Town for the full season, Fulton?” Chester cut in. He could practically hear Piper’s teeth grinding together.

A few weeks at least,” Fulton said dulcetly. “Until I’ve concluded my business.”

Business?” Lord Perceval said the word with noticeable disdain; his lips pursed revealing his palpable disapproval to be consorting with someone so obviously beneath him. He was a heavy-set man with a round baby-face, double-chin, and a corpulent frame. Not the fine form that most young ladies hoped for. He had only one thing going for him as far as the marriage mart was concerned; the ladies desire to be a marchioness obviously must outweigh her need of an attractive spouse.

What sort of business?” Agnes chimed in, her curiosity superseding her manners.

Fulton shot Agnes a curious look, before responding to Lord Perceval’s clear attempt to insult. “Nothing so vulgar as trade, Lord Perceval.” He grinned but his eyes remained empty slits. “I’m only in London to meet with my father’s solicitor.”

Oh,” Agnes cried. “Has your father passed away?”

Agnes!” Piper chided, hastily shaking her head.

A sad tale indeed, my lady,” He shook his head forlornly, his eyes lowered. “But nothing for you to worry yourself over, my dear.” Fulton smiled. “It has been some years since my father’s passing. Merely some dull family business that I cannot put off any longer.”

My condolences,” Piper said her voice warmly sympathetic. Her own loss still so fresh in her mind, she understood how devastating it could be to lose ones father.

Thank you, my lady,” Fulton responded. “You are too kind to even deign to speak of it.”

Perhaps she was being too hoity-toity, just as she accused Chester? Perhaps she should just pick one of her many suitors and be done with it. A love match was a rare commodity in the
and she wasn’t getting any younger. There was not a thing wrong with Lord Perceval. He came from a good family of long-standing and he only wanted the same from a marriage contract as every other gentlemen of her acquaintance. On the other hand, Mr. Fulton rubbed her entirely the wrong way. He made her uncomfortable and she had no desire to be caught alone with him under any circumstance. Besides, there was something about his beady little eyes that seemed to turn cold in a flash, causing her to shudder. They appeared as empty black pools in his face, and whenever he smiled there was none reflected in their depths.

And just where would your home be, Fulton?” Lord Perceval inquired disparagingly, flicking a non-existent speck of dirt from his coat sleeve.


Is this just a short stay in London?” Chester inquired. “Or are you here for the entirety of the season?”

Yes, it is but a short visit. A few weeks perhaps.” Fulton shrugged. “Once I have concluded my business, I fear I must return home.”

Chester gave a nod and redirected the conversation. “Have you had a chance to attend Vauxhall?”

No, I have not had the pleasure; I have seen little of London.”

I adore Vauxhall!” Agnes gushed. “Dancing under the stars.” She pressed her hands to her heart. “So romantic!”

It would be a shame if you returned home without a single account of seeing the magnificent sights London has to offer.” Piper began ticking off a list on her fingers. “The Tower, Vauxhall, Gunter’s, Tattersall’s...” Piper grinned at Chester. “Just ask Lord Portland. As a gentleman you cannot visit London without touring Tattersall’s.”

Lord Perceval gave her a quick glance, a glimmer of something akin to excitement in his eyes. “Perhaps we can make up a party for Vauxhall? I have a box.”

Marvelous!” Agnes clapped her hands looking at Piper with a delighted twinkle in her eyes. “I do so love to watch the fireworks.”

Drat! Piper was torn. She truly enjoyed Vauxhall Gardens, but she positively did not want to spend any more time with Mr. Fulton or Lord Perceval than was necessary. Slumping on the settee, Piper tried desperately to mask the long sigh that escaped.

What a delightful notion, Lord Perceval.” Piper’s smile false, her lips stretched tightly in what she could only pray was not a hideous grimace. “I cannot conceive of anything more charming than a party to Vauxhall.”

Miss Harris chimed in, “Wouldn’t it be delightful if we could arrive by boat?”







I miss Poppy desperately.


Piper’s journal

7 June



THE TWO YOUNG LADIES stood on either side of Miss Harris, linking their arms before they strolled gaily down Piccadilly.

How was I supposed to know his father was dead?” Agnes frowned, peering around Miss Harris to direct her comment to Piper. “We know nothing of the man.”

Vauxhall?” Piper groaned. “What a party we will make you, me, Chester, Mr. Fulton, and Lord Perceval?” She swept her arm wide in agitation. “My heart fairly leaps in anticipation.”

Perhaps we can add a few more to the party to make it more exciting?”

I certainly hope so.” Her lack-luster reply wasn’t lost on Agnes.

Don’t distress yourself, my dear.” Agnes smiled. “Between the two of us we will surely be able to think up something entertaining.”

Peyton has returned to Town, perhaps he would be game to join our party.”

Where has Peyton been keeping himself?” Agnes queried innocuously. “I haven’t seen him in ages.”

I believe he has been rusticating in Kent for the majority of the season.” Piper rolled her eyes. “Hosting lively house parties with a few of his so-called
.” Peyton was trying to make his name known throughout England as a profligate rake using the estate he had inherited from their grandfather as his den of iniquity. “Grandfather would have an apoplexy if he knew what Peyton was about.” Piper snickered.

Agnes glanced around surreptitiously, before questioning, “One of
types of house parties?” Her eyes round as saucers, her bottom lip caught excitedly between her teeth.

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