Seduce Me Tonight (26 page)

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Authors: Kristina Wright

Tags: #Fiction, #Erotica, #General, #Short Stories (Single Author), #Romance, #Contemporary

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I moaned into his mouth, wanting everything he was offering me in that kiss. But my attorney’s mind was thinking of loopholes and contingencies and, before I could fall too far off the cliff, I needed to know what he meant. I pulled back just enough to look into his eyes, the blue of his irises flecked with green, an ocean for me to drown in if only I would let myself.

He shifted his weight over me, the length of his erection finding a home pressed between my thighs. We both moaned then, me bucking my hips up to feel him and him reaching under me to grab my ass and pull me up against him. My skirt slipped up my thighs as I wrapped my legs around his hips. Hardly ladylike, but I wasn’t feeling particularly ladylike at the moment.

‘You’ve got a great ass,’ he murmured.

I laughed, feeling suddenly self-conscious. ‘It’s bigger than it used to be.’

‘I like it just the way it is,’ he growled as he ground against me, letting me know just how much he liked it. ‘I like your curves. You’re sexy as hell.’

I wanted to respond, but he was nibbling his way down my cleavage, popping buttons on my blouse as he went, slipping his tongue under the edge of my bra and soothing the warm flesh he exposed. My nipples were pressing against the silk of my bra, aching for his mouth. I reached between us, finishing the job he’d started on my blouse, struggling out of it even as he slid his hand under me and popped the clasp, releasing my ample cleavage into his warm, firm hands.

I moaned as he pressed my breasts together and licked up between the crease, his thumbs pressing and massaging my nipples into hard, needy points. He sucked each in turn, wetting them with his mouth, making them ache even more in the cool air of the room. I was writhing against him, my skirt a tangle of fabric around my hips, my thong soaked through.

‘You’d better get your pants off,’ I gasped, as he nipped at my nipple. ‘Before I get them wet.’

He chuckled. ‘That wouldn’t be good.’

Standing, he kept his gaze on me as he stripped off his suit and laid it over the chair next to the bed. I stretched, feeling desirable and utterly shameless lying there in nothing but my skirt, thong and heels. I kicked off the shoes, letting them fall beside the bed, and shimmied out of the skirt. I left the thong for him to deal with. Which he did, kneeling between my spread thighs.

‘Nice,’ he breathed, running his finger up the seam, pressing it into
seam. ‘So wet.’

‘Don’t tease me,’ I groaned, bucking up against that determined finger as he stroked me up and down, brushing my clit through the lace. ‘Not now.’

He chuckled. ‘Oh, love, it will only make it that much better.’

Even if he was right, I didn’t care. I wanted him inside me. Now. All thoughts about why I’d wanted to have sex with Joe had flown out the window. Now it was all about feeling him, touching him, fucking him. I hooked my fingers in my thong and dragged it down my hips. If he wouldn’t take it off, I would.

‘Impatient wench,’ he said, smacking my ass as I lifted my legs to free myself from the damp lace. ‘I would’ve done that.’

I flung my underwear across the room and spread my legs. Running my hands up and down the inside of my thighs, I framed my wet pussy with my hands. ‘I have something else you can do.’

‘Soon, sweet girl, very soon.’

He jack-knifed between my thighs and his mouth pressed to the core of me. I cried out, shifting my hands from my thighs to the back of his head, pressing him into me for fear he was only teasing me again. But no, Joe was no tease once he committed himself. He licked me with long, unhurried strokes, circling my clit before slipping down and applying his tongue to my opening. I felt my muscles tighten, searching for something to squeeze down on, and I whimpered. He followed that path again and again, until my clit was throbbing and my entire body was slicked with sweat.

‘Oh, God,’ I moaned, bending my knees and pushing my feet down on the bed so that his tongue could go deeper. ‘Joe!’

He sucked my clit between his lips and that was all it took for my over-sensitised cunt to come. I clamped my thighs around his head, holding him in place as he continued to suck my clit and wring every last sensation from that hard little nub. I was bucking against him so hard I was afraid I was going to knock him unconscious, but I couldn’t stop.

He surged up over me and put his mouth on mine at the same time as he pushed his cock into me. I could taste myself – sweet and salty – and it only served to intensify the sensation of being filled. I wrapped my arms and legs around him, pulling him down and into me, my body tight around him as he eased into me as far as he could go.

Flushed and damp, his body on top of mine made it feel like we were in a furnace. But there was no way in hell I was going to ask him to get off of me. Not yet. Not until I’d enjoyed everything he had to give.

Slowly, so slowly I would have screamed in frustration if I hadn’t just come like fireworks, he moved inside of me. He raised up to look at me, smiling slightly as he pulled out to the thick tip and then slid home again.

‘I’ve heard that a woman’s orgasm can facilitate conception,’ he said.

I giggled. ‘I know it’s crazy, but you have no idea how sexy that sounds.’

‘Yeah, I do,’ he said, and then his eyes fluttered closed.

He was lost in his own sensations, his long, slow strokes for his pleasure, not for mine. For some reason, that only served to arouse me – knowing that he was enjoying my body as much as I had enjoyed his mouth. I rocked my hips, as slow as his strokes, finding a rhythm that was just this side of the Zen music I favoured at bedtime. But it was enough to arouse me all over again, the long strokes touching every inch of my engorged pussy, and I was the one who picked up the pace, swirling my hips so that I could intensify the sensation for both of us.

He moaned in appreciation as I shimmied against him, and dug his fingers into the cheeks of my ass as he pulled me up hard on his cock. I gasped as he moved faster, going into me in hard, shallow strokes. It was almost too much for me to bear, but then it shifted to pure pleasure, my pussy tightening around him on every down stroke as another orgasm tightened my belly.

He was close, I could see it in the way his jaw clenched and his body tightened. I pulled his head down and kissed him, rocking my hips on him, in time with his strokes, my tongue in his mouth as he groaned into me and released his seed. I hooked my legs up high on his back, keeping everything he offered in the well of my pussy, kissing him and stroking him as my own orgasm moved through me, all sensation focused on where our bodies connected.

We gasped and moaned as we kissed, our sounds filling the quiet room over the hum of the air conditioner. I held him to me, as hot and damp as I was now, but I didn’t mind. It felt … right. This was why I had come to see him. But I was taking away so much more, no matter what happened.

He shifted his weight off of me, rising on arms and knees to look into my face. ‘You are so fucking amazing,’ he said. ‘And you’re going to be an amazing mother in nine months.’

‘It doesn’t always happen the first time,’ I said, feeling suddenly shy as he moved to lie beside me, the cool air drying my skin and making me shiver. ‘It can take months sometimes, even if the timing is right.’

‘I can live with that. I’ll be on call until the deed is done.’ He kissed the top of my head. ‘You would have had to tell me what you were planning, you know. Otherwise, I never would have forgone using a condom.’

I hadn’t thought about that. I should have, of course, Even for all his sleeping around – maybe
of all his sleeping around – Joe would be careful.

‘I don’t think I could
have told you, but I hadn’t thought of that.’

He cuddled me close, though I sensed our time was running out. At least for now. Court and clients awaited. I wanted nothing more than to close my eyes and take a nap in his arms. And then wake up and do what we’d just done all over again until we were both exhausted. I laughed at myself.

‘What?’ he asked, sounding just as drowsy as I was.

‘I was just thinking how this wasn’t at all how I expected this to go,’ I said. ‘It’s so much better.’

‘Just wait until the baby comes.’ He sighed, as if it was already a reality. ‘And you really have everything you want.’

I wanted to say that I’d held back – that I wanted the same thing he did, to fall in love. But that was too much to hope for. Hell, this was too much to hope for. Even if I got pregnant the first time out of the gate, Joe hadn’t really had time to process everything. He could still change his mind and I wouldn’t – couldn’t – blame him at all.

‘Are you sure about this, Joe? I mean, really?’ I didn’t want to talk him out of it, but I couldn’t in good conscience let us just do this thing and have him deal with the consequences later. ‘I had fully intended not to involve you, or at least that’s what I told myself, but I think part of the reason I chose you was because I knew you’d be a good father.’

He laughed. ‘Honey, I’m scared to the marrow, but knowing you believe in me is conquering all kinds of fears.’

‘There’s no obligation on your part,’ I hurried on, before I lost my nerve. ‘You can be as involved – or not – as you choose to be.’

He put his fingers over my lips. ‘These are the weirdest vows I’ve ever heard. Just stop. I know what I’m getting into. I want to do this.’ He paused and kissed me hard. ‘I want to give you the child you want – on one condition.’

My heart sank. Of course there would be strings. Of course he would want something out of the deal. Visitation, maybe? Or a contractual agreement that I wouldn’t sue him for child support? That didn’t seem like Joe, but then I hadn’t really expected he would agree to father my child, either.


‘Date me,’ he said, stroking my bare thigh in a distracting way. ‘Date me, Danica. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t thought about what it would be like to have a little one running around. I just didn’t think I’d find a woman who wanted to have a kid with me. The fact that you do – well, I want to date you. I want to see what’s possible.’

I shook my head, trying to clear both my analytical thoughts and the haze of lust that was growing increasingly impatient and wasn’t helped by Joe pressing his damp cock against my hip. He was hardening again and my body was already responding.

‘What does that even mean?’

‘Just that. I know we live in different cities, but date me. Date me while you’re here trying to make a baby, date me long distance when you go back to Miami. I have some vacation time coming up, I’ll come down and hang out with you. Just … date me. More than sex, more than baby-making. Date me. Exclusive, at least on my part.’

I stared at him. It was incongruous. Ridiculous. And ridiculously sweet.

‘Joe, you’re not in love with me.’

‘No,’ he agreed, guiding me on top of him and settling me over his fully renewed erection. ‘I’m not. And you’re not in love with me.’

I gasped, losing all hope of being able to speak coherently. And maybe that was his plan.

‘But we once had a connection that went beyond sex and I was too absorbed in my own life to pursue it,’ he said, rubbing his cock back and forth against my already sensitive pussy. ‘I’ve had ten years to do my running around and I got tired of it at least three years ago. And here you are now, asking me to get you pregnant, so obviously there’s something about me that you think is special. So, let’s date and see what it is. Worst case scenario, we’re incompatible and go back to being friends raising a child together.’

That didn’t sound like such a horrible thing, markedly better than raising a child on my own. Plus, it came with the added perk of what he was doing to me right now. I tilted my hips and he slid home.

‘And best case scenario?’ I gasped.

‘We fall in love and raise a child together.’

It sounded like a good plan to me.

Word Games

My phone beeped, letting me know my opponent had made a move. I studiously ignored it and finished marking the sixth-grade history report in front of me. Just as I scrawled a B+ on the paper, my phone beeped again. The five-minute reminder warning. I squirmed in my seat, the anticipation almost more than I could handle.

I got through two more history reports before I couldn’t take it any more. Like an addict in need of a hit, I thumbed the slider bar on my phone and the Word Games screen popped up. Like Scrabble for a smartphone, it displayed a board with letters laid out like tiles. The board was nearly filled with words. Beautiful, glorious words.

I’m a word slut. I love words. I love language. I love dictionaries – and thesauri. I love the way certain words roll off the tongue.
. There’s a word for you. It sounds like what it is. Ripples of energy flowing off the curves of my tongue to fill the air with that beautiful sound, the mouth forming a perfect ‘oh’ in the middle.
. Ohhh.

I’d played
in this game already, using all seven of my tiles and the
that he had played earlier. I didn’t know who my opponent was. I use the random player selector and the game assigns me a partner. I assumed it was a man, though his screen name – InkSlinger – could’ve been a woman, too. But for some reason, I just knew it was a man. My screen name was less ambiguous – Lexigirl, a play on my name, Alexandra, and ‘lexicon’. We’d been assigned as random opponents twice and that seemed enough of a coincidence that I now sought him out every time we finished a game.

Do you want to challenge InkSlinger to a new game?

The answer was yes. Always yes. Because the only thing better than words is someone who knows how to use them. I love a man with a clever mind, who knows how to engage in wordplay as well as foreplay. Sometimes wordplay
foreplay for me. And InkSlinger was stroking my mind the way I liked my body stroked. Slowly, confidently and with the occasional surprise just to keep me on my toes. It felt like foreplay, except the pay-off was not nearly as satisfying as real foreplay.

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