Seduced by Darkness (16 page)

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Authors: Alex Lux

Tags: #Romance, #New Adult & College, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Fantasy, #Paranormal & Urban, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Psychics, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Seduced by Darkness
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Her Own Goodness






So will I turn her virtue into pitch,

And out of her own goodness make the net

That shall enmesh them all.

— William Shakespeare, Othello



honored guest. We traded the hard stone prison for silk sheets and a luxurious suite overlooking a view of the mountains. The Twilight Palace was designed for Nephilim, with large spacious rooms boasting high ceilings and palatial views.

We were treated to the best as we waited for Father Patrick to bring Ana to us for her birthright ritual.

Sam and I discussed it all night after the Queen's offer, and in the end, with guidance from Beleth, decided that Ana deserved to grow up with all her powers, whatever they may be. Especially now that Sam and I could fly. Now, Ana would get her wings too.

Sam paced our room in impatience. It had only been a few days, but she could only handle so many hours of eating, flying and idling before she needed to hold her daughter. I felt the same way. Instead, I pulled her into my arms. "She'll be here soon."

Sam snuggled into me and I inhaled the scent of her raspberry shampoo. My love for this woman overwhelmed me at times. We'd been through so much. Survived so much. I couldn't imagine my life without her. I kissed the top of her head, then tilted her face up to reach her lips with mine. "I love you," I told her.

"I love you too," she said, smiling.

I looked over at the King bed, but Sam pulled me toward the large fireplace with furs layered in front of it. "We don't need a bed," she said.

I kissed her again and slipped the silk nightgown she wore off her shoulders. Her pale skin glowed with the dance of flames. I kissed the freckle on her left shoulder and worked my way down to her breasts, sucking in one nipple as my hand fell between her legs.

Her response was immediate. Her body curved into mine, her thighs squeezing my hand as I teased her center.

She pulled down my cotton pants and then spread herself on the furs, pulling me down on top of her.

We didn't need a bed.

She was right.

We just needed each other.

Everything righted itself as I thrust inside her. Our bodies shifted in rhythm as we held on to each other.

Our breath mingled.

Bodies joined.

We came in unison and held each other in satisfied silence in front of the dying embers.

The next morning, we woke to a cold room and a knock on the door. We quickly dressed and when we opened it, Ana ran in on stubby legs with Father Patrick behind her, grinning.

"Mommy! Daddy! Missed you!"

Sam swept her up in her arms, kissing her head while I wrapped my arms around them both.

I glanced back at Father Patrick. "Thank you. How was she?"

"She had her moments. She was connected to much of what happened here, which was confusing for one so young. But she knew you were okay."

I kissed her head, taking in her baby smell. What would become of a child gifted with so much at such a young age?

We dressed formally in clothes sent to us by the Queen. Sam was resplendent in a deep blue floor length gown beaded with sapphires and diamonds. The colors of Nightfall. I wore robes of gold and white, and Ana wore her own gown of gold.

We stood before the Queen, with Beleth at our side, as she said the ancient words to induct us into the Court and bring Ana into her powers.

The Queen flew down from her throne after the words were spoken and used a ceremonial knife to cut her wrist. She took a dab of the blood and dotted Ana's forehead with it, then held the knife to Ana. "You must taste of it, child."

Without hesitation, Ana flicked her little tongue over the knife.

She began to glow a golden hue and she squealed as small light-filled wings of gold sprouted from her back.

With a flick of her wings, she hovered in the air above Sam's hands. "I can fly, Daddy!"

We all looked on in awe.

"You sure can, honey."

We stepped to the side, watching Ana practice with her new wings, as Ryder stepped forward. He was chained. Today would determine his fate.

"Ryder, you broke your oath as Emzara. How do you plead?" the Queen asked.

Derek stepped forward. "Your Majesty, before you sentence Ryder, I'd like to plead for mercy on his behalf."

She turned her head to Derek. "I must admit, I was not expecting this. Did you not once not so long ago try to destroy this man for nearly killing your friend?"

Derek nodded curtly. "That's true. But people change. He's changed. And so have I. He's no threat to Nephilim. He was tortured, betrayed, used by the church and by you. He deserves to find his own path in life now."

I hated Ryder for attacking me, for nearly killing me. But because of him I was able to reunite with my father and claim my true powers. And he did help save me from the Stone Prison and he helped to defeat Talon. All of this ran through my mind, but I knew what I had to do. I stepped forward to stand next to Derek, with Sam at my side. "I support this petition," I said. After all, everyone deserved a second chance. I'd made my share of shitty decisions once upon a time.

Sam nodded. "As do I."

The Queen studied the faces around her. "Does The Gray Watcher have a thought on this matter before I decide?"

Rose stepped forward and waved a hand, releasing a golden light around Ryder. "His heart is pure. He is not the man he was. I vote to release him and allow him to repair the damage he's caused to others."

"Very well," the Queen said. "Ryder, if you vow to cause no harm to Nephilim, you are free to go and find your own path in this life."

Ryder bowed. "Thank you, Your Majesty."

We were all ready to leave Italy and return home. War, starvation, torture… it can take it out of you.

We arrived home to Elysium decked out in Christmas decorations. Ana's new wings were a hit amongst the students, and that helped pull focus off of what had happened with the rest of us.

Professor Shaw and Brad came out to greet us and I hugged them both. "I haven't seen you two in ages," I said.

I missed my best friend.

"World travel, man. We're getting so many amazing stories," Brad said. "But it sounds like you've had quite the journey yourself."

I let my wings unfurl and they both sucked in their breath. "You could say that."

Sam came up beside me, holding Ana. "Hi, guys! It's so good to see you!"

Professor Shaw hugged Sam and held Ana while she tugged at his glasses. Brad just stared at the three of us. "So all three of you are, like, angels?"

"Nephilim," I said, "but, basically, yeah."

"Your life is intense," he said laughing.

We walked into the mansion and made tea while we talked around the old wooden table in the kitchen. "What are your plans?" I asked. "You’ll be sticking around awhile, I hope?"

Brad shook his head. "We're starting a new show. Taking Brad's Blog live. Professor Shaw is one of the producers."

"That's great!" Sam said. "I'm so happy for both of you."

"When are you leaving?" I asked.

"In a few days," Professor Shaw said. "We figured we'd stay for the big Christmas party the kids have been planning and then leave right after."

"You know this is always your home whenever you need a break," I reminded them.

Toby and Serena came skidding into the kitchen, Serena's large white cat, Angel, at their heels.

"Drake! Yo! You're back." Toby hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Hey, buddy, how's it going? You staying out of trouble?" I asked.

"You know it, dude. Serena's been teaching me to do more with my powers. It's wicked."

We all laughed. "Great. I'm not sure we can handle you doing more with your powers, but I'm glad you're making friends."

Serena smiled shyly. "He's helped me with some of my fighting too. I think it's helping. Derek would be happy."

"I'm sure he'll be really proud of you," Sam said.

"I think these two are falling for each other,"
Sam said to my mind.

"Young love. Serena's good for him. Let's hope he's good for her too."

"She's been lonely for a long time, since her parents died. So had he. I think they are good for each other."

I smiled as I looked around at my closest friends. My family. We'd made a beautiful life here for ourselves and our child. I put an arm around Sam and pulled Ana onto my lap as she munched on a cookie Professor Shaw snuck her.




Your Voices






Let her have your voices.

— William Shakespeare, Othello



had been converted into a Christmas wonderland. A huge Christmas tree decked in silver, red and gold with twinkling white lights filled one corner and candles gleamed in the night, casting shadows over holly and mistletoe. Christmas music played in the background, and kids from Elysium were dancing, talking, laughing and drinking eggnog and spiced cider and eating every variation of Christmas cookie the kitchen helpers could imagine.

"Do you think she'll come?" I asked Derek for the hundredth time.

"I hope so," he said, squeezing my hand.

I needed to see Jasmine, to know my little sister was okay. And I wanted us all to be together when I announced my news.

I sipped at my cider and watched the door. Derek's parents were there, talking with Father Patrick.

Sam and Drake were laughing as Ana used her wings to dance.

Even Beleth had shown up, and you could tell just by looking at him that he was smitten with his grandchild. She had him wrapped around her little finger.

I had just about given up when Jasmine walked in, her hair a short blue bob. When she saw me, she smiled and walked over, tears burning my eyes.

I held my arms open and she walked into them. "I've missed you," I told her.

She squeezed me tighter then let go. "I've missed you, too. I'm sorry."

"You don't have to apologize," I said. "I'm just so glad you're here."

"I do have to apologize," she insisted. She looked so much older already. I couldn't believe it. "After everything that happened with Mother, I just couldn't face you. I wasn't mad at you, I was mad at me. I trusted her. I trusted her over you and I almost ruined everything. It's my fault you almost died. It's my fault… Blake."

She swallowed and a tear ran down her cheek.

"None of it is your fault. It's hers. I love you. We're family. We'll always be family."

She sniffed and smiled. "I want to come home," she said, looking around. "Can I come live here? I'm tired of being alone."

"Yes! Of course you can. I'll let Father Patrick know. It would be so wonderful to have you home, Jasmine. There's always a place for you here."

"Where's Ocean?" Jasmine asked.

"She's been traveling. She might be here tonight. I don't know."

As if on cue, Ocean blew in, her long red hair wild around her face. "Rose! Jasmine!"

The three of us hugged and laughed and cried all at once. "We thought you weren't coming!" I said.

"How could I miss this? Besides, you said it was important."

I nodded. "It is. And now it's perfect."

I rang my glass to get everyone's attention. "I was going to do this privately, but you all are our family. I have an announcement to make."

I turned to Derek and smiled.

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