Seduced by the Celebrity (2 page)

BOOK: Seduced by the Celebrity
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The group exchanged pleasantries and then waited for a few others sitting in to take their seats. Edward then welcomed everyone and launched into a more detailed synopsis of the show. There was one empty chair at the table and Chloe saw everyone else glancing sideways, wondering who was going to fill it, who was going to be the professor.

Finally, Edward broached the topic.

We are still in negotiations with trying to find a big name for our professor. I’m hoping to have one by the time we move to the Booth. I can’t really say who is on our short list, but let’s just say we’ve talked to some big names including Robert Downey Jr and John Stamos.”

Chloe’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Edward was serious! They were going for a big name! Not some second rate TV star that only half the audience would recognize. They were going for A list celebrities!

The reading began the way most new readings do. It was fun and awkward, and filled with those magical moments when each person got to see the nuances of their character. Chloe felt like grinning like an idiot throughout the entire reading. She had one of the best parts in the show. Her character, Maddie, was interesting and dynamic and she had a great storyline. Not only was she the ex-girlfriend of one of the other classmates but she also had an attraction with the professor! The professor! Chloe was going to get the kiss a celebrity!

Her head was swimming!

How had she gone from being a nobody to a person who had a scripted kiss with a celebrity? It was all so surreal.

As the read thru went on, Chloe began to feel less excited. She knew that Ben would not be happy about her part. For as wonderful and amazing as Ben was, he was certainly jealous, and Chloe knew from experience that he hated when she got parts that required any type of romantic scene. He knew it went with her line of work, but he still disliked it nonetheless. Chloe felt sick over telling Ben that she was going to have an intense make out session with whoever played the professor.

After the read thru, there was a break and everyone got up to stretch.

I am so jealous,” Ni said, walking over to Chloe. Ni was Vietnamese with pale creamy skin, dark exotic eyes and long black hair that hung like a shiny sheet down her back. Chloe felt inadequate standing next to someone so petite and beautiful.

Of course, you’re totally the right look,” Ni sighed.

Chloe looked at her with confusion.

Look at you,” Ni said, gesturing to Chloe. “You’re gorgeous! You’ve got never ending legs and you have that whole girl-next-door vibe going on.”

Chloe snorted at Ni’s compliment. She didn’t think that of herself at all, but she appreciated it the compliment. Ni’s character was a bit of a rebel, sniping at everyone, but incredibly brilliant.

Andre came up to the two of them and let out a low whistle. “Guess you like your part,” he smirked.

Chloe blushed.

Luc, Ryan and Jenny came over too. Luc winked at Chloe and she found herself laughing out loud.

She already liked the cast.

Let’s grab some lunch,” Jenny said. “Edward just said we could take an hour break. There’s a good deli around the corner.” She twisted her long blonde hair around her wrist and then rolled it up into a bun on top of her head. She was tall and thin, and Chloe wondered if she was also a dancer.

The group headed out and Jenny directed them to a deli that was hidden inside a dark storefront.

Best salads and sandwiches,” she boasted as she went up to the counter. Ryan, who had dark black hair and dark eyes, was standing next to Chloe in line.

Engaged?” he asked, nodding to her ring.

Yes,” Chloe said shyly.

Me too. My fiancée was pretty psyched I got this gig. She kept saying she hoped that they cast Brad Pitt.”

Chloe laughed out loud. “I said the same thing to my fiancée!”

The lunch passed quickly and by the time the group got back to the studio, Chloe was sure they were going to get along. The rest of the afternoon passed quickly and the group even worked on some character analysis.

As the day came to an end, the group said goodbye and Chloe whipped her phone to call Ben at the office. Just as she was about to find his number, it began buzzing in her hand.

Hey Jae-Jae!” she said happily into the receiver. While she and Annie didn’t talk nearly as much since Annie had moved home a couple of years ago, Chloe and Annie’s cousin, Jae-Jae, had become close.

Hey girl!” Jae-Jae sang into the phone.

Growing up, Chloe had never thought much of the fact that Jae-Jae only wanted to play with the girls. She distinctly remembered Annie’s ninth birthday party because all the girls were getting their nails painted. When Jae-Jae’s mom had dropped off his sister, he had cried and cried saying he wanted a manicure too.

Cut to ten years later when Jae-Jae finally admitted during his sophomore year of college that he was gay. Chloe had only seen him a few times a year at Annie’s parties and get-togethers but she was happy to learn that he wanted to move with Annie and Chloe to New York after college. It turned out that Jae-Jae was amazing with fashion. He had gone to design school and by his senior year of college, he was already flooded with custom orders from his classmates.

While Chloe and Jae-Jae had flourished in New York, Annie had wilted. Annie felt like a fish out of water and Jae-Jae and Chloe bonded over New York life. At first Jae-Jae went through boyfriends the way a person with a cold goes through tissues. But Jae-Jae had settled down and had been with the same boyfriend since their trio had gone separate ways. Jae-Jae lovingly referred to his boyfriend, Alec, as his sugar daddy. Alec was twenty years older than Jae-Jae and rich as hell. He owned three exclusive art galleries in Soho, as well as a few other ones in New York.

What are you doing? Laying around your lovely penthouse eating bon-bons?” Chloe teased.

Jae-Jae laughed. “I’m actually knee-deep in fabric. I miss you! I need your advice for my new blouses!”

Chloe pouted. “I wish I could come help you! But today was my first day on the new play and I promised Ben we would have dinner tonight.”

I’m such a bad friend! How was your first day? If I wasn’t so busy with my head up my ass, I would have remembered!”

It was great, really. Actually, I have an awesome part. I haven’t told Ben yet, but I’m going to get to kiss whatever famous person they get to sign on!”

Jealous!” Jae-Jae cried out. “You better text me the minute you know, so I can come stalk you at the theatre. I
hope its Matthew McConaughey!”

Mmm, me too!” Chloe paused, “But I heard he doesn’t wear deodorant!”

Who cares? If you look like that, you can get away without wearing deodorant! I’m sure he smells delish!”

Chloe shook her head. “Heading down to the subway now so I’m going to lose you.”

Ugg! That place is dreadful! You should take cabs,” Jae-Jae said disdainfully.

Well we can’t all have our own successful clothing line and live with wealthy millionaires,” Chloe chided. “And you were perfectly content riding the subway with me back in our early days.”

Yes, but that was before I knew how to truly live,” Jae-Jae explained patiently.

You’re ridiculous,” Chloe laughed, “Bye!” she said happily before she jumped on a train that was just ready to leave.


A few hours later, Chloe had whipped up some chicken, broccoli and pasta and she was waiting for Ben to come home. She decided to dress up a bit, and she put on Ben’s favorite dress; a skimpy black one that showed a lot of her back. Chloe thought she was subconsciously trying to butter him up for when she told him she would be making out with whoever was cast in the show.

Damn, baby!” Ben exclaimed, as he walked in the door. His eyes roved appreciatively up and down her body and he dropped his satchel, moving towards her.

Why are you wearing this?” he murmured, pushing her up against the stove and nuzzling against her neck.

Just knew it was something you liked,” she said airily, hoping that Ben wouldn’t see through her.

It is definitely something I like,” he said, his voice low and gruff. “Are you dessert?” he growled seductively.

Chloe wriggled out from under him. “I can be,” she said just as seductively, sauntering across the tiny kitchen as she laid out their napkins.

Ben sat across from her at the table, barely paying attention to his food as he ate. “Why do you look so damn hot tonight?” he asked.

Chloe just shrugged.

As they neared the end of their dinner, and Chloe had chatted about her cast mates, she tried to be as nonchalant as possible.

So, my part is pretty interesting,” she said vaguely.

How so?”

Well, I have history with another character in the show. We’re ex-lovers.”

I hope you don’t rekindle that love,” Ben said darkly.

Chloe laughed nervously. “Not exactly.”

Ben placed his fork down and gave her a pointed look.

Chloe gulped. “So, my character has a bit of an affair with the professor.”

Ben stared at her blankly. “The professor? As in the celebrity? The famous, older celebrity?”

Wordlessly, Chloe nodded.

Well, that’s just great,” Ben said sarcastically. “Haven’t you lucked out? Not only were you cast in your first show, but now you get to make out with some celebrity in front of loads of people every night.”


He pushed back his chair and jumped up, pacing the small kitchen.

You know how I hate that, Chlo! Why can’t you be a teacher or something?”

What?” She felt angry tears well up in her eyes. “A teacher?” she spluttered. “You knew exactly who I was the day you met me! Now, you suddenly decide you want me to have some stuffy career?”

Ben looked embarrassed. “That’s not what I meant.”

That’s exactly what you meant! A nice, safe career where I don’t get to kiss other people!”

Well, yes! When you put it that way!”

You’re being ridiculous! It’s acting! It’s
! I’m getting paid to do it!”

Ben stormed into the living room. “So who is this mystery professor?”

I don’t know,” she said honestly.

You must have some idea,” he said snidely. Chloe knew he was going to be upset, but she hadn’t expected this much anger.

Well, they mentioned John Stamos and Robert Downey, Jr.”

John Fucking Stamos? Are you kidding me?”

Chloe nodded. Ben knew she had a huge crush on Uncle Jesse from Full House.


I can’t believe you!” Chloe yelled, feeling her anger get the better of her. “This is my first real job! I’ve made it on Broadway and you’re ruining this for me! I can’t control what parts I get! It’s not like I’m doing nudity! It’s just some kissing.”

She ran from the room before Ben could see her cry. She flung herself on the bed, crying quietly, trying to understand why Ben was ruining this happy moment for her.


Chloe hadn’t heard Ben enter the room.

Chlo?” he repeated, “I’m really sorry. You’re right. I’m being a complete dick. I’m sorry. I just get so nuts when I think of other guys getting to kiss you.”

Chloe sniffed but didn’t say anything.

I just love you so much. I don’t want to share you.”

Chloe sat up. “You’re not sharing me. I’m your fiancée.”

Ben nodded. “I can’t stand the thought of someone else touching you. Whether or not the feelings are real or pretend.”

Chloe rolled her eyes and turned away.

Ben sat on the bed and moved towards her.

Chloe,” he pleaded, his voice husky. “Let’s makeup.”

Chloe felt a small smile; she and Ben always had great makeup sex.

I don’t know,” she said sullenly, wanting to make him work for it.

Chloe,” he pleaded desperately, “I need to have you. Especially after being a douche. Not to mention seeing you in this dress.”

Fine,” she assented, giving him a coy glance as she slid up the bed away from him.

You’re making me work for it,” he realized, clearly aroused. He crawled across the bed, climbing on top of Chloe and pinning her down.

Oh!” Chloe gasped, as Ben held her in place, his tongue tracing the delicate curve of her neck.

Chloe writhed beneath him, feeling her heart quicken as the blood pumped in her veins. Hungrily, Ben shoved her dress up her thighs and he moaned softly when he saw her mesh thong. He reached down with one of his hands and tugged the material down her thighs.

Since the moment I’ve set eyes on you tonight, I can’t stop thinking about tasting you.”

Chloe groaned as she felt Ben’s hot mouth on her delicate skin. Ben’s hands grabbed at her ass, squeezing her flesh and making her feel his need for her. With each stroke of his tongue, Chloe felt herself climb higher and just as she was about to lose control, Ben pulled back.

Baby, I need you to suck me,” he groaned, fumbling with his pants. Chloe tried not to show her disappointment, she had been so close. Regardless, she loved pleasing Ben, and she crawled up to her knees, feeling the plentiful moisture between her thighs.

Of course,” she crooned, as Ben lay down on his back and sighed. Chloe crawled on top of him, and took his ready cock into her mouth. Ben groaned loudly as she encased him, and Chloe slid up and down his length, just as he liked.

BOOK: Seduced by the Celebrity
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