Seducing Samantha (24 page)

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Authors: R. E. Butler

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary

BOOK: Seducing Samantha
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“I can walk, Grant,” she said as she snuggled into his arms.

“I know, sweetheart, but I’ll point out that you’re wearing tennis shoes and there’s about two feet of snow drifts around the house, not to mention a layer of ice under all of that.  I can’t take a chance on you slipping and getting hurt.”  He kissed her forehead.  “Humor me.”

“I can do that.”

Aaron opened the door, and Grant carried her inside.  The door shut, and the room was bathed in darkness for only a brief moment until an audible click as an electric lantern cast a beam of blue-tinted light around the room.  Grant kicked off his boots just inside the door while Aaron went back out to the car and brought her suitcase in, setting it on top of a small dresser in the corner.

“Give us a minute to get set up, baby,” Aaron said.

Grant put her down on a full-size bed covered with a dark quilt.  “Don’t move,” Grant admonished, and she watched them move around the cabin quickly.

Grant opened the flue of the large stone fireplace and lit a match.  Kindling blazed to life quickly, spreading to the logs.  Grant closed the screen and then stood, lighting several oil lamps on the mantel as Aaron stood in the middle of the room with a small black remote and clicked it, simultaneously lighting electric candles scattered around the cabin.  When the softer lights of the candles and lamps were lit, Aaron turned off the harsh light of the lantern.

They continued to move around the cabin, unrolling a thick mat in front of the fireplace and covering it with a fluffy rug and unpacking boxes on the table.  Sam took the opportunity to look around the cabin.  In one corner was a kitchenette, with a small refrigerator, table, three chairs, and a counter with a sink and stove.  A tall cabinet in the opposite corner was open and held canned goods and boxes.

A worn couch, plush chair, and two small end tables sat facing the fireplace.  She was relieved to not see a television.  It would be nice to completely unplug from distractions and enjoy their honeymoon.  The bed sat across from the fireplace, a sturdy sleigh bed made of dark wood and polished to a high shine.  One small table sat next to the bed, and the dresser nearby was the last of the furniture.

“I think you guys promised me I wouldn’t have to pee outside,” she said, wondering where the bathroom was.

Both men laughed, and Grant moved from in front of the fireplace and walked to the wall near the bed and slid open a pocket door.  He reached into the room, and she heard a click.  A fat electric candle with three bulbs on top of the toilet illuminated the tiny bathroom.  “We do have electricity; but it’s a generator and it only runs the fridge, stove, and water heater.  There’s a shower, toilet, and sink in the bathroom.  And we looked around for spiders, too, and there aren’t any.”

She grinned.  “You guys take such good care of me.”

“You deserve it,” Aaron said.

Sam kicked off her tennis shoes as they finished whatever they were doing in front of the fireplace.  Aaron came to her, pushing her coat off her shoulders and handing it to Grant, who hung it up on a coat rack near the front door.  She shivered in the cool air of the cabin.

“It’ll warm up once the fire gets going, but in the meantime, we’ll keep you warm,” Aaron promised, picking her up and carrying her over to the rug.  He put her feet down in the center of the rug and she felt the thick cushion underneath it.  Grant joined them, and the two men stripped quickly, tossing their clothes aside.  Aaron stepped close to her as Grant pressed against her back, gathering her hair off her shoulders to bare her neck.  She slid one arm around Aaron’s waist and hooked her other arm around Grant’s neck, pulling them closer.  She loved it when they both had their hands on her, when they trapped her between them with their strength and warmth.

Grant nibbled down her neck, from her ear to her shoulder while Aaron anchored one hand in her hair and lowered his mouth to hers.  His lips brushed across hers, the warmth of his breath cascading across her parted mouth like a caress.  His tongue traced the curve of her upper lip and dipped into her mouth to tease her tongue lightly.  She moaned softly, Grant’s teeth nipping at her neck, Aaron’s tongue dancing against hers, as they held her between them.  Her knees weakened as her clothes came off, slowly, as if they had all the time in the world.  They worked together, never taking their mouths off of her as her shirt was tossed away and then her bra.  Grant kissed down her spine when Aaron undid her pants and the silky fabric fell to the floor with an audible sound.  On his knees behind her, Grant hooked his fingers in either side of her panties and kissed her exposed flesh as he lowered them to the floor and helped her step out of her socks, pants, and panties.

Aaron held her close with one arm around her back, the fingers of his other hand trailing lightly across her arm and shoulder and down the curve of her breast to the flare of her hip.  Grant bent lower and kissed the sensitive backs of her knees and then up her legs, his fingers moving up the front of her legs as ripples of pleasure wove through her body.

Easing his hold around her, Aaron lowered her into Grant’s arms and knelt before her.  Grant spread his legs and settled her into the vee of his thighs, bending his knees and reclining back on one arm.  She could feel the hot, hard length of his erection pressing against her back.  His hand slipped up the center of her body.  Aaron circled her ankles with his fingers, lifting them over Grant’s legs and spreading her body wide.  Slowly, he moved his fingers up the inside of her legs, as her body heated and her breath quickened.  Aaron stretched out on the floor, lowering down until his mouth was just inches away from the throbbing apex of her thighs.

She gazed into his intense blue eyes until Grant tilted her head and kissed her.  She moaned into his mouth as Aaron spread her pussy lips apart and circled her clit with his tongue.  He lapped at her, teasing her, as her body flooded with desire.  She gripped Grant’s legs with her hands, her fingers digging into the backs of his thighs as pleasure swarmed her.

Aaron pressed two fingers inside her as he sucked her clit into his mouth, his fingers curving and rubbing against the sensitive upper walls of her core.  Her body tightened, her stomach clenching in waves.  She pulled her mouth free of Grant’s so she could suck in a breath.  Grant cupped her breast with one hand, his fingers pinching her nipple and sending pleasurable jolts through her body.  His mouth latched onto her neck and he sucked hard, making her groan while Aaron fingered her faster, raking his teeth across her throbbing clit before sucking it back into his mouth.  Her breath came out in fast pants as her world spun and everything narrowed down to the heat coiling in her body.

Grant released her neck only long enough to purr in her ear, tugging the lobe between his teeth before he nipped kisses down to her shoulder and back again.  When he bit down on her neck with his human teeth, her body exploded, her nails raked at his thighs as she screamed, her toes curling as the orgasm rocketed through her.  Aaron moved up her body, his fingers moving faster and harder inside her, slipping out and thrusting back in with speed and force, driving her forward through the pleasure that heated her blood and into another climax.

They both growled, fitting their mouths on either side of her neck.  The vibrations of their growls shivered down her body.  Grant released her breast and thrummed her clit with his fingers.  She tumbled over the edge into white hot pleasure, dimly aware as their fangs pierced her skin, and they held her tightly between them.  She could feel the sharp points of their fangs digging into her skin, but her body was so locked into pleasure that it only added to the sensations coursing over her.

Aaron pulled his drenched fingers away, and Grant lifted her, impaling her on his cock.  She shrieked as he thrust into her tender flesh and then moaned when they extracted their fangs and licked across the wounds.

Aaron rose to his feet, cupping her face as Grant moved her on his cock, and she opened her mouth to take Aaron inside her.  Her hands gripped Aaron’s legs and he threaded his hands through her hair, holding her steady as he fucked her mouth.  Aaron’s head fell back and he groaned, his muscles flexing.  She slid one hand up to cup his balls, rolling her hips back to counter Grant’s upward thrusts.

With a shout of pleasure, Aaron’s cock jerked in her mouth, and she tasted the first splash of hot, salty come in her mouth, sucking and swallowing as he emptied inside her.  Grant gripped her hips and thrust hard into her as Aaron slipped to his knees and reached for her swollen clit.

“Oh, oh,” she moaned as he licked his finger and began to swirl the wet tip around her clit.

Her pussy clenched Grant’s cock rhythmically as Aaron rubbed her clit until her whole body jerked, and she came hard and fast, her eyes rolling back in her head.  Grant groaned as his cock spasmed inside her.  Aaron lifted her off Grant and settled onto his back, and she splayed over him like a blanket, her arms and legs limp, her body humming with pleasure.

A bead of sweat rolled down her neck, and she hissed when it hit one of the marks, but she was too sated to do anything about it.

Grant moved next to them, slumping to the floor with a gusty groan.  Silence filled the cabin, save for the crackling of the fire, as they lay together.

After some time had passed, Grant got up and went into the kitchen.  He returned a few moments later with a damp cloth.  Lifting her hair off her neck, he gently cleansed both marks.

“How do you feel, sweetheart?” Grant asked, setting the cloth aside.

“Boneless,” she answered.

They both laughed.  Aaron said, “Did the marks hurt?  Do they hurt now?”

She tilted her head up and looked them, recognizing that they were worried.  “I was aware of it, but it didn’t really hurt, I was too caught up in pleasure to notice it.  They ache a bit, but it’s worth it to belong to you forever.”

Aaron smiled softly.  “You already did.”

Her eyes drooped closed, and she dozed off.  When she woke in the morning, she was tucked between them on the bed.  “Morning, wife,” Aaron whispered in her ear.  She shivered and smiled, opening her eyes slowly and blinking away the sleep.

,” she said softly, running her fingers across his lightly stubbled jaw.  Grant rolled over with a grunt and hugged her, snuggling his face into the crux of her neck.  With a laugh, she said good morning to her other husband, too.

Aaron slipped out of bed to get the fire going again, and then returned to bed where they snuggled until stomach rumblings forced them into action.  Grant made breakfast for them and brought it to the bed on a wooden tray.  They shared a big plate of eggs and toast.  After they were done eating, they urged her to use the shower first so she would have the hot water, because the tank was apparently small, and they wanted to make sure she didn’t get stuck with the cold water.

She was touched by their sweetness and grateful not to have to take a cold shower.  Inside the tiny bathroom, she used the facilities and turned on the shower.  The water heated up fast, and she stepped in, washing up as quickly as possible so she didn’t use up all the hot water.  The shower stall was so small that she kept bumping her elbows against the tile.

She dried off quickly as the heat in the room dissipated through the window that was not sealed well and let in a cold draft, wrapping her hair in the towel as she slipped her robe on and opened the door.  The cabin was warm thanks to the fire, and she gathered her makeup bag under her arm and went to sit in front of the fire to dry her hair and warm up.

As she sat on the rug in front of the fire, she watched Aaron and Grant as they stared at each other.  She was going to ask them what was wrong when Grant leapt at the bathroom door suddenly, charging past Aaron.  Aaron swung his leg out, tripping Grant, who stumbled as Aaron dodged past him for the open bathroom door.  Grant popped to his feet and raced forward, and the two were laughing as they collided in the doorway of the bathroom, both of them jockeying to get through the door first.

Aaron started to move past Grant, but then Grant raised his hand and squeezed Aaron just under his ribs, making him burst out in laughter and step away.

Grant slid into the bathroom with a triumphant grin.  “Still the winner.”

“You cheated,” Aaron laughed.  “Tickling should be illegal.  We’re in our thirties.”

“All’s fair in love and showering with hot water,” Grant said and winked at Sam as he slid the door shut.

Aaron looked over his shoulder at her.  She grinned.  “I didn’t know you were ticklish.”

He opened his mouth, looking like he was going to protest, and then closed it with a shrug and a smile.  He joined her on the rug, wearing only jeans, unfurling the towel from her hair and scooting behind her as he picked up the hair brush.  “I can’t deny it.  Grant is, too, but not like me.  Our dad used to tickle us when we were sad.  He said there wasn’t much that a good laugh couldn’t fix, and if it didn’t fix it, it would at least give you a break from the problem.”

“That’s really sweet.”

Aaron brushed her hair slowly, rubbing at the ends with the towel to help it dry faster.

“Did you always want to be a teacher?” he asked.

“No.  When I was little, I wanted to be a veterinarian.”

“What made you change your mind?”

She glanced over her shoulder at him.  “When I was eight, we had a cat named Tom.  He got really sick with a kidney infection.  I was with my mom when we took him to the vet, and I got to say goodbye to him before they took him away to put him down.  When I was sitting out in the waiting room crying, one of the vet techs came over to me and put a little orange kitten in my lap.  She told me that someone had brought in the pregnant mommy cat and wanted her put down because she had fleas, and he was tired of her having kittens.  The vet asked to give the cat a home instead, and they took care of her and delivered her kittens and were trying to find homes for them.”

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