Seducing the Chef (At First Sight #1) (8 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Chef (At First Sight #1)
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“Done, over, kaput.”

“I get the idea. Shame. He was a good-looking stud.”

Meg made a face. “He never thought beyond himself. Can I come over? If you have hot underwear I want to see to believe. Don’t want to listen to one of your vague pictures, ‘Meg, it’s red and white. You never describe food that way.”

“Come ahead.” Allie slung her bag over her shoulder. “I’m not booked either. I’ll show you what I bought at Peekaboo Boutique.”

Meg laughed. “Love the name.”

Fifteen minutes later they arrived at Allie’s apartment. Meg tossed her purse on the dark blue plush couch. “Let’s see your treasures.”

“Hold on. I’ll display them.” Allie dashed to the bedroom and quickly made the bed. Meg being the neat one would want to do that before she looked. Allie displayed the underwear on the bed. “You can come in now.”

Meg halted in the doorway. “Oh, wow. Hand printed butterflies. Roses. That body suit and those stockings are fab. Can I borrow them?”

“You’ll have to find your own.”

“So where is this place? I’ll leave now if they’re open.”

Allie grinned. “The store is three blocks from Steve’s apartment. He has a guest room. You could spend the night there.”

Meg stared at her hands. “I doubt he wants me around. Not after he caught me snooping in his affairs.”

“You can promise not to pry.”

Meg sighed. “I have no idea how to reach him and he won’t be back for three or four weeks. What else is there to do in that town?”

“A fabulous bakery with to die for coffee and at least one great bakery. So many shops I didn’t visit.”

“Because of him.” Meg stepped forward. “Tell me.”

“A real hunk. Tall, dark, handsome. Greg Ramsey of the family feuding with the Blakefields.”

“What feud?”

Allie related what she’d learned from their aunt and the things Greg’s mother had said. “He and I argued. He insulted me so I left. What with his mother and Dad opposed to the spread, what else could I do?”

“How Romeo and Juliet.”

Allie sighed. “The moment I saw him I should have run but I couldn’t resist staring at his toned body. Then he turned. I saw his face and was lost.”

“Was he good?”

Allie groaned. “More than good. He was everything I could desire in one fab package. Not only the sex but we fit in other ways.”

“Bummer. Don’t know what I can do to help.” Meg stroked the body suit. “Eat out or in?”

“In. Take out menus are in the kitchen pinned to the bulletin board. Your choice.”

The doorbell rang. Could it be? How would he know where she lived? She peered through the peephole and frowned. Who would be having a package delivered at this hour? She opened the door. Meg stood behind her.

“Special delivery for Allie Blakefield.” The man thrust a clipboard toward her. “Sign here.”

Allie wrote her name. Two Styrofoam containers sat on a dolly. She grabbed one and let her sister carry the other. The one she held had some weight.

“Read the card,” Meg said.

Allie put her container on the cherry coffee table and sank on the couch. She read the card aloud. “I owe you two dinners. The first is here. To collect the second one be on the balcony of Steve’s apartment tomorrow at seven PM.”

Meg snatched the card. “Will you go?”

“I don’t know.”

“I could tag along and scout the boutique. Be there if you need a shoulder.”

Allie shook her head. “If I go I’ll go alone.” She carried her container into the kitchen. “Let’s see what good things we have here. The food at Five Cuisines was wonderful.”

Meg carried hers. “Let’s hope there’s enough for two.”

“There will be. The portions were generous. I learned not to eat lunch before I went there for dinner.” The container she carried held hot food. “Anchovy and garlic dip. I need warmers.” She carried a number from the cupboard and lit the wicks.

Meg opened hers.
Cold food.
“Antipasto with raw veggies, bread sticks and marinated mushrooms.

Allie removed the rest of the hot dishes. “Soup and the entrée.” She ran a carrot stick through the dip. “Try some.”

Meg chose a celery stalk. “Awesome.” She removed a tomato and basil salad and peered at the last items in her container. “Five desserts. I want them all.”

“Let’s eat the rest of the food first.” Allie dipped fresh clam soup into bowls. She carried them to the living room and alternated soup with antipasto and the dip.

Meg joined her. “He’s a fabulous cook.”

When they finished the soup, antipasto and the salad, Meg dished the braised pork chop with a tomato, garlic and basil sauce over angel hair pasta.

“We’re going to sleep happy,” Allie said.

Once they finished the first four courses, Allie divided the desserts. Pears with gorgonzola, peaches stuffed with macaroons, cheese pie, Sicilian cake and a cannoli. “Bring the expresso and we’ll eat and talk.”

Meg sat on one end of the couch. “Looks like he’s trying to seduce you with food. Is it working?”

Allie’s cheeks heated. She curled on the other end of the couch. “Yes, and I don’t know what to do.”

Meg arched a brow. “Can I have him? Never met him but food like this could entice me in thirty seconds.”

Allie speared a piece of peach and savored the subtle flavor. “Don’t think about it. He’s mine.”

“Got you.” Meg finished her piece of cheese pie. "You’d be a fool if you don’t take a chance. Remember what Dad always tells us about the Blakefield Curse. When a Blakefield falls in love it’s forever.”

Allie nodded. “You’re right.” She sipped expresso. Had that happened to their father? “Let’s see what’s on the tube.”


* * *


On Saturday morning Greg reached the restaurant before ten. He prepared the cold soups to be served at lunch and dinner in each of the rooms. The rest of the cook staff arrived. He motioned to Mike, his head chef. “Can you handle dinner without me?”

“Since this is day four there should be no problem. You in some kind of trouble?”

“Just a personal issue. I need the evening to resolve the matter.”

“Got to be a woman.” Mike winked.

“Right on the first try.”

“Easy to guess. The woman you sent the care package to?”

Greg nodded. “Last week she and I hit a snag. She should be in town this evening.” He counted on her curiosity to bring her to Steve’s apartment.

“She that hot blonde?”


“Good luck.” Mike Grinned. “Now you owe me two.”

“Fear not. I will pay up.”

By the time the lunch rush ended Greg was on edge. He held a salt scoop in his hand. Mike grabbed it. “You’ve added salt once.”

Greg slumped against the counter. When had he ever acted like this? “Thanks. I’m taking ten.”

“Good idea.”

Outside he stared at the river. What if she didn’t come or what if she did and he blew matters again. He returned inside and collected the things he needed for an Austrian dinner for two. He took one of the small wind cakes from the walk-in freezer. He carried the provisions to his car and drove to the florist’s for the deep red roses he’d ordered. A second stop had him opening the door into Peekaboo.

Peggy Lou turned from a customer. “My second favorite chef. What can I do for you?”

“One of your body oils.”

She grinned. “Your purpose?”

“What do you think?”

“Do I know this woman?”

Greg leaned on the counter. “Maybe a little. She bought a black teddy and thigh highs plus a ton of other stuff.”

“Aha.” She turned to the shelf behind her and selected one of the bottles. “This should suit you both.”

Greg sniffed. “Sage with a hint of lemon. Smells good.” He paid and left. Peggy Lou didn’t give her usual call since the customer had snagged her.

At the apartment he unloaded the car and spent time prepping the food designed as a savory seductive meal. A cold cherry soup rich with creamy tartness. A salad topped with sour cream and lemon dressing. The veal cutlet he adorned with mushrooms and green beans paprika, delicate and savory.

Once he had dinner in hand he checked the clock. He had time for the second part of his plan. He met the super outside the door of Steve’s apartment and placed the vase of roses along with a note on the coffee table. The sweet fragrance filled the room.

Back in his apartment he set the table in the alcove for two. Just before they sat down to eat he would light the candle and open the wine.

The phone rang. He answered. “Hi, Mom.”

“Mike said you wouldn’t be here this evening. Are you ill?” Stella Ramsey asked.

“Just following your advice.”

“Oh. Good luck.” She hung up.

Greg paced the room. Would Allie come? He had to know. He dialed the number he’d found using the address on the package she’d sent. After five rings he heard a message asking him to leave his name and number. He complied. If she didn’t arrive maybe she would call back.

He showered, shaved and pulled on a pair of black silk lounge pants. He stepped outside. Had he heard noises from upstairs? He sucked in a deep breath and walked to the edge of the terrace.




Chapter 6


Allie sat in the visitor’s spot in the condo parking lot and stared at the Tappan Zee Bridge. She fingered the key to Steve’s apartment. Should she go inside? Did she really want to accept the invitation accompanying the superb Italian dinner? The food had brought memories both good and bad. Her feelings for Greg hovered on the brink of a commitment. Was that love? She didn’t know. She knew she wanted more than what she’d seen between her parents. Though supportive and courteous she’d seen few signs of passion.

Her desire for Greg had been instant but had there been more than lust? Could she handle yearning to be in his arms and walk away unscathed when the affair ended? All her other relationships with men had been short. She had left them heart free. She feared this time she wouldn’t.

Nothing ventured and you end up wondering. That’s what her dad said each time she’d faced a challenging situation. She didn’t think he would approve of this action especially when he’d forbidden a spread on Five Cuisines. How would he approve of her seducing the chef?

She grabbed her overnight bag and left the car. No acting the coward and returning to the city without facing her fear. Everything ventured could mean everything gained.

The doorman smiled. “Good to see you again. Will you be staying long?”

“Just tonight and maybe tomorrow.” She carried her bag to the stairs and paused to glance at Greg’s door. She wanted to ring his bell. Would that ruin his plans?
Be on the balcony at seven.
Why? He should be at the restaurant preparing for the second seating. Since the hour had nearly arrived she would soon learn.

She opened the door to Steve’s apartment. The scent of roses reached her. Had Steve arrived days earlier than expected and bought the flowers for someone? Had her sister sent them? Meg seemed to have an interest in the magazine’s top photographer.

Allie admired the vase of deep red roses. She saw her name on an envelope and opened the card to read the message.

When you step on the balcony wear what you wore the first time we saw each other and shared a kiss. Plan to spend the night.

She laughed. For some reason she’d chosen the navy shorts and blue shirt. Thoughts of the kiss brought her body to attention. Her breasts tightened and moisture dampened her panties. She glanced at her watch.
Three minutes to seven.
She hurried to the sliding doors and unlocked them. She stepped onto the balcony. Would he be wearing those black silk pants he’d worn the first time she’d seen him. She walked to the railing. He wore shorts and a tee shirt rather like the ones he’d worn for their first kiss.

He looked up. “Will you join me?”

“Yes.” Their gazes meshed. Her body pulsed with desire.

“Then come on down.”

She blew a kiss. “On my way.”

After locking the balcony door she slipped the key in her case. Though she didn’t think she would need it, having an option was good. With the overnight case in one hand and the vase of roses in the other she left Steve’s apartment and walked downstairs. Her heart raced. Her body tingled. She paused outside the door of Greg’s apartment and pressed the buzzer with her elbow.

Greg opened the door. “I’m glad you’re here.”

She placed the vase on a small table just inside the door and set her case on the floor. She stepped into his arms. When his mouth met hers she slid her arms around his neck. Her mouth opened. Their tongues dueled. He ran his hands over her back. As the kiss deepened he pressed her against his groin.’

“I want you,” she said.

He thrust his leg between hers. He groaned. “Didn’t mean to go so fast.”

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