Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight) (4 page)

BOOK: Seducing the Photographer (At First Sight)
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Score one for sanity. If he’d been in bed she might have tossed rules aside. Did he realize how close he’d come to fulfilling his desire.

“This cream. Does it smell like flowers?”

“No. It’s cocoa butter and Vitamin E.” She opened the jar and took a daub of the cream. As she massaged his shoulders she paid attention to the deep muscles to stimulate circulation the way she’d been taught. He groaned.

“Did I hurt you?”

He growled. “Just a cry of appreciation. I really like the feel of your hands on my body. Where did you learn massage? What you’re doing is more than an ordinary back rub.”

“I learned from a physical therapist. I interviewed him for an article in the mag. He gave me some lessons.”

“Remind me to search the archives for a copy of that issue.”


“So I can return the favor.”

Did that mean he was thinking about months or years rather than days or weeks? “Lean forward.” She rubbed cream over his ribs and to his lower back. She reached the edge of his shorts and nearly slid her hand beneath the waistband.

Rules. New. One. Two.
She had to remember them.

She raised her hands. “You can put on your shirt.”

He turned his head and grinned. “You could remove yours.”

“Against the rules.”

“Not mine.”

“Let me find paper and pen so we can make a shopping list.” She bolted from the room. She needed time and space before she fell victim to the spell he wove.


* * *


Steve worked his battered arm into the sleeve and pulled the shirt over his head. Whatever she’d done with her magic fingers the arm and shoulders hurt less. Another part of him throbbed and ached. He knew her touch could help that pain, too. He feared one more touch of her hands on any part of his body and he would go off like a flashbulb.

Meg arrived with a notebook and pen. “What should I buy?” She kept her gaze on the paper.

He needed to show her his rules of life. “Isn’t it time we stopped playing games?”

“What games?”

“You have your rules and I have mine.” He nodded. “I want you in my bed, naked in my arms. You can’t deny you want me.”

She shrugged. “I might want hot sex with you but not today. You can’t give me what I want.”

“How do you know? Never had any complaints.” He pushed the chair toward her. “We can give it a shot. Who knows what will happen.”

She met his gaze. “I… she dropped the pad and pen on the bed and bolted.

Steve followed her into the hall. Meg had her purse slung over her shoulder. “Don’t go. Give me some time.”

“I’m going to the grocery store. I’m going to think. Maybe you should consider what I want.” She drew a deep breath. “I’m afraid we have different ideas about what’s happening between us.”

“Could be.” More than likely there was a difference in their attitudes about sex. “Before you leave could you bring my laptop and camera case to the bedroom? I want to download the pictures I took. Great scenery and intriguing places. You can help select the ones to send to Mark.”

“I’d enjoy seeing the pictures.” She left and returned with the things he’d requested. “Let’s make the list before you start working.”

He rattled off several items. She added things like vegetables and milk. “I’ll see you in a while.”

Steve closed his eyes. That went well. Groceries and pictures interested her more than sharing body passion. Why had he been so blunt? He couldn’t control his urgent need for her. When she returned he would try for subtle.

The phone rang. He looked at the number and scowled. “What do you want?”

“I heard about your accident and that you were home.”

“Where did you hear that?”

“Your sister. She is my friend. I invited her to brunch tomorrow. She mentioned you’d been hurt. She said she couldn’t take care of you because of her work schedule. She suggested I stop by.”

He clenched his jaw. During the month or so he and Simone had dated they’d had dinner with his sister and her husband. The two women had clicked. When the short affair ended Rachel hadn’t understood. She’d become convinced he and Simone were a perfect match. This had to be another of his sister’s plans to bring Simone and him together.

Not going to happen.
Simone was a control freak and not a woman he wanted in his life.

“Why would I want you here?”

She laughed. “Have you really forgotten our nights together? When Rachel told me you have a broken leg, I did some research on various positions we could use. We’ll have fun.”

Steve gripped his cell almost hard enough to crush the case. “I do not do repeat performances.”

“Rachel and I are meeting tomorrow at Five Cuisines. I’ll drop by before lunch and take care of you. Say ten A. M.”

“Don’t bother I’m busy.”

“There’s another reason for my visit. We can discuss your return to Beauty Spot. I’m sure your accident has shown you the danger of travel photography. Come aboard as art direction. Just think. No more bouncing around the country.”

“Not interested.”

“A hefty raise might sweeten the deal. Ten thou over what you earned here before.”

Steve cleared his throat. “What makes you think that’s a raise? Unlike the rag you work for the Good Group pays well and my expenses are covered. Plus if I want I can snap pics for all four mags.”

“Maybe I can convince the publisher to up the ante.”

“Don’t bother. I don’t want to work with you, date you, screw you or even see you.” He hung up.

Sure they’d been hot and heavy for a month. Then she’d decided they were a couple and she planned their lives. She’d even planned his proposal, engagement party and the wedding.

Not his choice.
He’d walked away. She hadn’t been happy. Wouldn’t surprise him if she’d arranged for the rock of suspicion to drop on his head when Meg’s exclusive interview had been stolen. Simone had no sense of fair play.

He moved from the wheelchair into bed and settled against the pillows. Thinking about Simone and one of the dumbest dating choices wasn’t getting any work done. Good thing the accident had happened on his last day.
Just one more shot and he’d been off down the slope.

He booted the laptop and pulled the disk from his camera bag. One by one he examined the pictures and downloaded the ones he thought were good. The choice of which ones he would send needed further study.

An hour later he decided a change of scenery was due. He transferred to the wheelchair without jarring his leg. Where was Meg? She’d been gone more than an hour. How well did she know the area? He hoped she wasn’t lost.

Just as he reached the living room the door opened. Meg lugged two bags of groceries inside. The doorman followed with two more.

“George, thanks. You’re a dear.” She carried the bags to the kitchen and returned for the ones beside the door.

Steve followed and watched as she stored the things she’d purchased in the refrigerator, freezer or pantry shelves. “Now you won’t starve. Most of the things I bought are easy to prepare.”

He laughed. “I’m a take out and deliver guy. There are dozens of restaurants who deliver.”

“It’s your money but junk food isn’t good.”

“Let me order in tonight. You might be surprised. Ready to help me select pictures?”


“Follow me.” In the bedroom he transferred smoothly. Meg sat in the wheelchair. Steve patted the bed beside him. “You’ll see better if you’re closer to me.”

“What does where I sit have to do with my eyesight?”

He chuckled. “You got me. I want you close so I can tell you where the pictures were taken.”

She walked around the bed and sat against the headboard. Steve inhaled her scent. She smelled like flowers but he had no idea what kind.

Meg studied the pictures and enlarged each for a better view. She pointed to the ones she liked. “Actually they’re all terrific. Are these all you took?”

He laughed. I rejected a hundred or so.”

“What theme is Mark focusing on?”

“An Alaskan Adventure.”

She began viewing again. He edged closer and rested his fingers on her calf. Light strokes followed. With a sigh she inched away. “What other states has Mark chosen?”

Was she ignoring the reaction he’d felt. Her breathing had quickened. Her cheeks reddened. He wasn’t about to give up. “So far Florida. Those pictures are done. He hasn’t given me a new assignment. I know he plans to do every state. Sure hope I haven’t messed his schedule.”

Steve turned on his side and cursed the cast when his left leg hit against the hard surface. He inched his fingers higher. Meg turned her head. His lips brushed her cheek. “Close the laptop,” he growled.


He slid his arm around her shoulders. “Because I want to do this.” He kissed the corner of her mouth. “Let’s fool around.”


He drew her hand to the bulge beneath his shorts. “Lord, that feels great. I’ve wanted you since the first time I saw you blush.”

She drew a deep breath. “I’ll admit you bother me in the same way.”

“So why fight the attraction. Take a chance and learn how good life can be.”

“I have rules.”

He smiled. He brought her hands to his lips. His tongue brushed her palm. “Don’t you think it’s time we learned where this can lead?” He took the laptop and put the machine on the bedside table. He rolled to his back pulling her with him. His mouth covered hers. He teased her lips open and eased his tongue inside. A he explored her mouth he felt her resistance melt. Then like a flashbulb exploding in a flare of light she kissed him back.


* * *


Meg twined her tongue around Steve’s. She opened her mouth to cover his. The slide of his hand over her neck produced a deep yearning. The thrust of his tongue stirred an answering throb in her belly. She pressed against him. Any urge to fight the heat of the kiss vanished. One by one her rules shattered. For a year she’d had fantasies about this man. The reality was more heady than the dream.

His hands moved beneath her shirt. She tensed. Where were the warning voices? What about her rules? She’d crafted them to meet this kind of temptation. His perfect touched charred the rules. As her silk shirt slid over her shin the heat from his fingers became a stream of lava.

He groaned and released her mouth. “Take off your shirt. I want to see you.”

She pulled the tee over her head. Steve ran a finger around the edges of her blue lace bra. His thumbs circled the nipples. A burst of fire followed. She leaned toward him. He drew a nipple into his mouth, and then blew on the damp cloth. The sensations storming her body raised her need for what Steve offered. Slowly he inched the straps down trapping her arms against her side. Her breasts popped from the cups. He flicked his tongue over one and then the other.

“Perfect. You’re perfect.” His voice deepened. His eyes glowed with desire.

Meg moaned. Surely what she felt was more than sex.

With one hand Steve released the clasp of her bra. She removed the garment and tossed the bra on the floor. She tugged the hem of his tee shirt and pulled it over his head. His groan made her bend to kiss his injured arm. As she stroked his chest the hair brushed her palms and added another layer to the fire he’d kindled. She teased his nipples into peaks. The growling sounds he made enhanced her pleasure. She wanted to tell him she loved him but this wasn’t the time. She needed to explore his body before he heard the words she feared would send him away.

She rose and stood beside the bed. With a little wiggle she removed her shorts and bikini. “Let me undress you.”

“Not yet. Come here.” He pulled her against his chest and covered her mouth with his. “I want to taste you, to hear you, to smell you while I watch my touches drive you wild.”

“In time.” She raised her body and opened the snap and zipper of his shorts. Slowly she eased them over his hips. She stroked his belly and watched the muscles tighten. With a firm grip she held his erection and began a gentle assault.

“Meg.” His low gruff voice made her smile.

“Patience.” She moved to straddle his thighs. The cast scratched her calves. This wasn’t going to work.

“Since I can’t come to you, you must come here,” Steve said.

As she moved over his thighs she brushed his shaft. She paused and considered lowering herself until he filled her completely.

“Not yet,” he said.

She stretched forward and kissed him. She tasted a hint of coffee and cinnamon roll. She inhaled the scent of soap and an aroma definitely his. Her fingers moved across his chest.

Steve moaned. “I think of all the things I want to do with you and curse my battered body.”

She winked. “Guess I’ll have to do you.”

“I have a mouth and hands.” He grasped her hips and urged her forward. She rose to her knees and he pulled her toward his head. “Stay there. I’m going to drive you crazy.” He caressed her breasts and rolled her nipples.

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