Seducing the Playboy (A Hot Nights Series Book) (Entangled Brazen) (11 page)

Read Seducing the Playboy (A Hot Nights Series Book) (Entangled Brazen) Online

Authors: Amanda Usen

Tags: #older brother, #enemies to lovers, #Food, #best friend, #Romance, #chef, #Erotic, #contemporary romance

BOOK: Seducing the Playboy (A Hot Nights Series Book) (Entangled Brazen)
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He closed his eyes, leaning back in the chair. It was never going to be enough. Jenna was right. He could work the rest of his life, and his mother would never quit. He felt an ocean of emptiness open inside him, spanning his entire life.

A soft knock sounded on the door. “Come in.” He didn’t have the energy to raise his voice, but the door opened, and Jenna slipped into the office. She shut the door behind her.

“You okay?” she asked.

His phone began to ring again. He silenced it without checking the display. “I’m fine.”

“You don’t look fine. You look like your dog died.”

“I’ve never had a dog,” he said tiredly. “I move around too much. I work all the time. Always wanted one, though.”

“Can I get you a drink? A sandwich? Some coffee? A shotgun, so we can go after the

A small noise, not quite a sigh or a laugh, escaped his throat. “You saw it?”

She nodded. “You mad?”

He thought about that for a minute. “Not for any reason that makes sense.”

Don’t sleep where you eat.
The rule had become an inviolate credo in every one of their restaurants. There was enough drama in the kitchen without throwing sex into the mix, but he couldn’t help but wonder if he’d missed out. Maybe he wouldn’t feel so alone if he had someone special who shared his interests, instead of a past filled with meaningless celebrity conquests who were good for Gallagher Holdings’ image but did nothing for his heart. He’d never have known the difference if Jenna hadn’t come along.

Jenna wasn’t really an employee, so technically he hadn’t exactly
the rule. She was more of a friend who happened to be working at the Beach House right now. She’d become part of the gang, and her limitless energy inspired him. He couldn’t have pulled the place together so fast without her.

“I think what I need is a hug.” He tugged her into his lap. She settled against him, pressing her lips against his throat. He wrapped his arms around her, gathering her close, instantly comforted. “Your brother is going to kill me if he sees those pictures,” he mused.

She giggled. “He already has.”

It took a second for the meaning to sink in, and then he jerked upright, almost knocking her out of his lap. “What?”

“While you were in the office yelling at your mom, I was on the beach yelling at Cole.”

He grabbed his phone. He’d assumed that last call was his mother, but sure enough, it had been Cole. There was a text, too.
You break her heart, I break your face.

He held up the phone, and she laughed. “Relax. I’m not offering you my heart. You’re safe from big brother, but it’s time to take the gloves off. My parents got an offer for Cooper’s, and I have a week to convince them my plan is a better option.”

He blinked. “Do you have a plan yet?” Lord knew he’d barely thought about Cooper’s with the furor at the Beach House. Now he felt doubly guilty. He was supposed to be helping her.

She shook her head. “Not yet, but I will. First we have to spin the Beach House review into publicity gold and blow everybody’s mind in Vegas.”

“How do you propose we do that?”

“By getting married.”

Shock blasted though his guilt. “Have you lost your mind?”

She shook her head. “If we announce our fake engagement at the beach party tonight, it will create even better buzz. Think about it. It’s a perfect cover. Anyone who is following your…indiscretions will be silenced.”

“You are off your rocker. No one will believe it.”

“Then we’ll make them believe it,” she insisted. “We’re halfway there already, according to the newspaper, holding hands, kissing on the beach. Is it so bizarre to think wild and crazy Roman Gallagher might finally settle down with a nice girl from Lambertville, New Jersey?” She batted her eyes, the picture of innocence. “We’ll get more press, but it will be the good kind, chockfull of family values. I bet it will help your mom seal the deal with the billionaire, too.”

Maybe she already has.
“My mother is on her own.”

Her brow furrowed. “Since when?”

“Since five minutes ago when she declared I need a fucking keeper.”

Her eyes sparkled with mirth. “That brings to mind all sorts of interesting mental pictures involving you and a very short leash. Are you good at taking orders? We could work that into our imaginary prenuptial agreement.”

“I’m a chef. Filling orders is my life.” He sighed. “Is there something you want? Just add it to the list.”

“You know what I want.” Her smile challenged him.

He shook his head. “You don’t have to pretend to marry me to get that. Why do you want to do this?”

“Because what you want is important to me, too, and you want your mother to bag the billionaire. If this doesn’t help clean up your image, nothing will.” She pulled him down for a long kiss. Her lips were sweet, soothing the rough edges of bitter disappointment inside him. There was no way to avoid speculation about his relationship with Jenna now, and it would be worse in Vegas since they were traveling together. Her idea was nutty, but it just might do the trick.

“What the hell,” he said, breaking their kiss. “Jenna Cooper, will you marry me?” As the words left his mouth, his heart skipped a beat.

She blinked, looking surprised, and then she chuckled. “That was easy. Why yes, I will. Nothing would make me happier than being your
fiancée.” She didn’t have to stress the word for him to know she didn’t consider him true marriage material. She’d made that abundantly clear, and now Roman knew why it hurt. Max was barking up the wrong tree if he thought Jenna was the one who was going to get her heart broken. So was Roman. Jenna’s words came back to him.
Is it so bizarre to think wild and crazy Roman Gallagher might finally settle down with a nice girl from Lambertville, New Jersey?

I should be so lucky.

The thought came out of nowhere and made him frown. They were having fun, pure and simple. Anything more was impossible. So why did the idea make him feel so damn good?

He cleared his throat. “What should we tell your family? I don’t want Cole coming out here to break my face.”

“The truth, of course—I’m pretending to be your fiancée to help you clean up your image. What are you going to tell your mother?”

“Not a goddamn thing.” It was always work first with her, and it was time to stop expecting anything else.

Jenna squeezed his hand. “Let’s spin the hell out of this crazy story. We’ll strike while the iron is hot. When I go back home, you can return to your philandering ways, claiming a broken heart. I bet you’ll get awesome sympathy press.”

He covered his wince with a smile, but it must not have been very convincing because she patted his cheek. “Poor, poor, Roman. Is it that hard to give up your bachelorhood, even fictitiously?”

He shook his head. Not even close, but he’d be damned if he’d tell her what was really going through his mind. She didn’t want forever with him, and that was a good thing. He wasn’t the right guy for her. She deserved her happy little househusband.

“Excellent.” She stood and pulled him to his feet. “How’s your credit limit?”

“No money problems. Why?”

Her smile was filled with glee as she held up her left hand. “Because you’re going to have to put a ring on it before the party tonight. You are now my adoring fiancé, and I expect to see some doting, starting now. The jewelry store staff won’t be fooled by anything less than twenty-four carat true love and devotion. Show me your puppy dog eyes.”

That wasn’t going to be a problem. He gazed into her warm brown eyes and smiled grimly. She frowned. “You’re going to have to do better than that. Think wedding, not funeral.”

“I can do that.” But could she? Would she be willing to consider having more than a fake relationship with him?

How could he convince her to give them a chance?

Wait. Why was he contemplating it? She’d never give up her dream of revitalizing Cooper’s, and he was tied to Gallagher Holdings. He worked all the time which is why long relationships weren’t his thing. Never had been. Couldn’t be.

But Jenna…was different. He reached out to smooth the tiny lines from between her eyes. He traced his index finger down the tip of her nose then brushed the back of his hand against her cheek. She drifted closer to him, settling her arms around his waist, and lifting her mouth for a kiss. His lips moved over hers, perfecting their connection as he pondered how to proceed. According to Max, he’d accidentally gotten off to a great start by pretending to be a gentleman. Hope stirred inside him. What should come next? Flowers? Chocolate?

He lifted his head. “Maybe we should continue this at the jewelry store.”

A gold gleam flashed in her eyes. “We’d get arrested.”

He laughed and opened the door. Despite what he’d said on the phone, there was nothing left to do for the party tonight, and Max had the line under control.

Jenna followed him out of the office. “It’s better if we go together, right? That way no one will think you’re cheap when we pick out something economical.”

He glanced back at her, but she didn’t seem aware of the humor. He was going to buy her a diamond ring. Economical didn’t figure into the picture. Luckily, he could afford it, and he was going to play his role to the hilt.

“Jesus Christ.” She couldn’t stop staring at it.

The ring was beyond beautiful, a three-carat, emerald-cut, blue diamond solitaire that reminded her of the ocean and Roman’s eyes. She had expected to hit one of the jewelry stores at the mall, but he’d taken her to a small boutique on Abbot Kinney Boulevard. There hadn’t been any price tags in the store, and she hadn’t asked. Did it matter? He’d be returning it in a few weeks, and he’d smiled when he signed the credit card slip, joking about adding baguettes to the setting when they had children. She’d played along, but the idea had taken root somewhere deep and now she was hiding in the office, sweating and swearing because she couldn’t get the idea of a future with Roman out of her head.

She snatched her phone out of her pocket and texted Betsy.
OMG. I think I’m in love with Roman.
She didn’t text Lila. Last night, Chef Jackson Calabrese shattered Lila’s heart right after their joint restaurant project had opened to rave reviews. As much as Jenna needed another reality check about the pitfalls of falling in love with a playboy chef, she didn’t want to be cruel.

She sat, staring at her phone, hoping Betsy would reply fast. Her wish was answered.
Of course you are. Until you go home next week. Relax and enjoy it.

Betsy also included links to several recent images of Roman getting cozy with gorgeous celebrities. Thank God for Betsy and her cool head. Jenna’s heart settled into a more reasonable rhythm.

Roman was never going to give her the life she desired. She wanted what her parents had created with Cooper’s, a restaurant life with family at heart. The fact that Roman had worked every holiday since the last one he’d spent with her family spoke volumes. He loved transforming restaurants and he was good at it. He specialized in short-term relationships, and she had firsthand experience that he was good at that, too. Roman worked hard, partied harder, and had no intention of doing anything else. He was the epitome of a successful working chef with the glamour of a celebrity. For God’s sake, he didn’t have enough time to form a long-term relationship with a dog. She would enjoy the next few days and then she would go back to Lambertville with great memories and a solid plan for her future—a future that did
include him.

She made it as far as the door before she caught sight of the sparkling ring on her finger, and her insides turned to Jell-O again. When her phone buzzed in her pocket, she snatched it, hoping for more much-needed detachment from Betsy. Instead, it was Lila.
You guys! Jackson proposed! I didn’t run away this time and you were right. Thank you! XOXOXO!

Jenna leaned her head against the door and closed her eyes, happy for her friend yet needing a moment to frame her reply. Finally, she straightened up and went with
Congratulations, sweetie!

“Oh shit,” she whispered, sagging against the door again.

She gazed at the diamond on her finger, feeling her throat close up. Was a happy ending for her and Roman possible, too? She tapped out a message to Betsy, wondering if she could change a simple personality characteristic and find instant, lifelong happiness.

Just out of curiosity…if Lila’s a bolter, what am I?

She waited, fearing she already knew the answer.

Someone who doesn’t know when to quit…but in the best way possible. A maker of beautiful disasters. A visionary. You can do this. Just stick to the plan.

But the plan had snowballed since she arrived in California. In a little over a week she had created a new dessert menu for the Beach House, a fancy dessert for Las Vegas, and gotten herself engaged…at least in the eyes of the world. If she didn’t slow down, she was going to roll right over her damn plan. She needed to remember her priority—Cooper’s.

She called up the photos Betsy had sent her and paged through them again. He had a different woman on his arm in every one of them. She was just this week’s woman.

Damn right I am.
Her nerves buzzed with anticipation and her body heated. She would stick to the plan, all right, especially everything they planned to do in Las Vegas.

Roman took Jenna’s hand and led her across the deck. The place was so packed they had to wind their way through the bodies, dodging elbows and drinks. The kitchen was slammed with orders. Every seat was taken, and people spilled out onto the beach.

He nodded to the deejay and stepped up to the microphone, tapping it to make sure it was on. “I want to thank all of you for coming and making our first beach party a roaring success. The new spirit of the Beach House was a joint effort, and I’m honored to announce that I’ve not only found an amazing partner in the kitchen, but also in my life.” A bright light at the back of the crowd caught his eye, and he realized a camera crew had arrived. He pulled Jenna in front of him and wrapped his arms around her. “This is Jenna Cooper, pastry chef extraordinaire and the woman responsible for inspiring the new menu and stealing my heart. Thank God she agreed to marry me because I’d be lost without her.” Jenna turned to look up at him, eyes shining with happiness. His breath caught, and the crowd cheered when he kissed her.

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