Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series) (10 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 3 (Strong Young Women Series)
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“Oh, and fifth, we have known Vinny from the first day we landed in New York,” Ana added.

“And how do you know him,” Rafe asked.

Kelly sighed. “If you must know, he saved our lives. Actually we saved each other’s lives.”

“And since that day we have been friends. Not the type that see each other often, but he always keeps in touch with us,” Ana clarified.

“Your association with him is troubling. I think you both need to reconsider,” Gabe said.

“He could drag you both into his crimes and neither of us may be able to get you out of jail.” Rafe looked at them to see if they were even listening and hearing the gravity of the whole issue. It didn’t seem so from the way they were both shaking their heads.

Fuck, he didn’t need this in his life. Why couldn’t he just find a woman who did as she was told? No arguments. He had seen
the tiny and meticulous stitches she had made and had been proud of her work. She was going to be a damn good doctor one day, that is if she didn’t end up in jail. If this association was not broken, it could be even sooner than they expected. He wouldn’t be surprised to have their door broken down by the police coming to drag Vinny off to jail where he belonged. Except that he probably would be out before the black and white reached the precinct.

Gabe took Ana’s hand and pulled her towards the door. “Can we talk in private? I think Rafe also wants to talk to Kelly in private too.”

Ana looked at Kelly and at her nod, she agreed to let Gabe lead her away. She was surprised when he took her into his arms as soon as he shut her bedroom door.

“Ana, don’t ever do that to me again.
I lost a few years of my life when I got the call from Jimmy. After that train incident, which we are still dealing with, I can’t take anymore.” Gabe pulled her tight against his body and wondered what other surprises he was going to have to go through before he lost all his hair.

He knew enough about her now, to know that he didn’t stand a chance of dissuading her from continuing the mad relationship with the mobster. Alleged mobster. He swore softly when he realized how he had corrected himself. If he started thinking that way, he may end up being friends with Vinny. Yeah, not gonna happen. He picked her up and
placed her on the bed, then tucked her into his front as he joined her on the bed. They lay quietly until he heard her breathing change as sleep conquered her.

He needed to move her out of this apartment soon. At least if she were staying at his penthouse, he could be assured that there would be no break ins. He knew Rafe w
ould be thinking the same strategy too. They needed to do this smartly otherwise the women would refuse. He snorted thinking of how this could easily backfire if they went into it pigheadedly. Then there was Stefano to think of too. In about a week, he would be living in the US permanently.

That proposal needed to happen sooner rather than later. But how do you plan a proposal to someone who is so unpredictable. On some days, Gabe knew without a doubt that Ana would say yes. On others, especially when they fought, he was lucky not to be stabbed in his sleep. So how was a man supposed to plan a proposal like no other? The way women blew hot and cold? It was a wonder any sane man wanted to live happily ever after with the species. Only fools like himself accepted that challenge.

Ana woke hours later and found herself alone in bed. She heard the disagreements and sprinted towards the living room, all the time hoping Vinny was still in one piece.




Kelly let go of Ana’s ha
nd as Gabe pulled her towards the door. A few seconds later, she was left alone with Rafe. A still pissed off Rafe. She watched him as he watched her.


“Rafe, be careful of what you say about Vinny. If you are going to say something in the negative, just stop.”

“Fuck, Kelly. You can’t expect me to just understand and let go, after seeing one of New York’s mobster’s in your living room. Do you know how fucked up that is?”

“Rafe, I’ve already explained about Vinny. If you knew him, you would understand and not be so quick as to judge him.”

“He’s a mobster, Kelly.
You know what mobsters do?” he shouted at her.

“Stop shouting,” Kelly hissed at him. She was already having a headache with this back and forth. She wondered if anything would make him change his mind. He seemed to be so set in his beliefs.

He walked over to her and grabbed her shoulders. “I’ll fucking shout until I get it through your thick skull. I love you damn it, and I’m not going to stand aside while that boy brings you down.”

“Well, I’m not going to stand by while you… what? What did you say? You love me?”

“Yes,” he hissed. “Isn’t it obvious?”

Kelly swatted him, trying to remove his hands from her arms. “Not to me, you baboon. Stop man handling me,” she shouted at him.

“You are one infuriating woman,” he said as he lowered his head and swallowed the words about to come out of her mouth. “Ah, Jesus. You are so stubborn.” He swallowed her words again and grabbed the hem of her t-shirt, then pulled it off her body and quickly shut her up before she could speak. He didn’t waste any time in pulling her jeans off as well, then he took care of his clothes.

Rafe nailed her to the closest wall, which was the one separating her bedroom and bathroom. He didn’t break the kiss, but instead deepened the kiss until she was moaning, and rubbing her chest against his. Rafe pulled her hair, effectively pulling her head down and lifting her face further
to his liking. “You’re stubborn, you know that?”

He didn’t wait for a reply before he took her lips again, keeping her hair fisted in his hand. He used his other hand to test her readiness and was gratified to find her
not only ready and wet, but also writhing against him. “I’m going to fuck you so hard that this stubborness of yours is going to disappear tonight, at the latest by tomorrow morning.,” he said as he rammed hard into her. “Fuck, these walls are so thin,” he grumbled. He walked to the bed and threw her down.

Rafe followed her down and latched his mouth to the breast that was right in front of him. “Later,
we’ll talk. Now I need to be inside you,” he growled and rammed into her again, his cock hitting the entrance to her womb. “Ah, God! Kelly. Baby, I love you.” Rafe pulled out and sank back into her tight cunt. Everytime was like the first time. Always tight. Gripping his cock tight.

He hissed and rammed into her again
and again. Her screams of excitement were like music to his ears. He had fucked many women. Women who had told him what a great lover he was. But none that had shown him by their actions such that he never needed to ask, nor hear the actual words. He knew enough about women to know that some faked it.

With Kelly, just her screams each time he rammed into her, w
ere enough to know that he was doing a great job in satisfying his partner. Their coupling was always heated and a little on the rough side. She never complained but instead egged him on. He didn’t know what it was about her, but she touched something deep inside him. Every protective instinct came out and as he thought about Vinny, he growled and rammed faster and faster into her.

Rafe didn’t allow her the pleasure of an orgasm. He pulled out as he felt it about to rumble through her body.

“Rafe, please.” Kelly gripped Rafe’s hair and pulled as she pushed herself up to meet his thrust. It never came and she whimpered, lowering her hands down and seeking her pussy. Her hands were grabbed before they found the target. “Rafe, I need…please…” she begged.

“Never touch yourself again without my permission. If you need relief, I’ll give it to you. The only man who ever will,” he told her and clamped onto her nipple.

“Ah! Rafe, please.”

. We have all night baby.” Rafe took the second nipple and laved it until Kelly whimpered with obvious need. He moved down her body and kissed every part he manged to get to. When he got to her cunt, he lapped up the dripping cum in between her legs. He rolled his tongue around her nub. Rafe had barely brought his mouth in line to her pussy, when an orgasm caught her and she erupted into his face. “Fuck, that was so hot baby.”

Rafe knelt and pulled her legs to his shoulder and ra
mmed in. “Delicious, baby.” He grabbed her shoulders and held on as he moved in and out of her.


“Yes, baby. I’ve got you.” Rafe gripped the bed with his knees and slammed harder into her. “Kelly baby…Ah!” Rafe groaned deep in his throat until the groan lasted too long and he couldn’t contain it in his throat anymore. He grunted as he rammed harder and harder. No way could he last much longer. “Baby, I need you to come now,” he hissed and pulled her nipples in between his thumb and forefinger. He twisted and she writhed, raising her legs as she climaxed. Rafe pushed down and slammed against her as she screamed from another release.

Rafe raised himself up and kneaded her thighs. He moved to her side and continued massaging life back into her thighs and legs. “You okay, Kelly?”


Rafe chuckled and stole a quick kiss.
“Go ahead and sleep. It’s going to be a long night,” he promised her.

Kelly fell asleep thinking of what a night to look forward to, even if she got to experience half of what had just happened. She thought about the thin walls and that the group of bodyguards in the living room had most likely had to use ear plugs.

The noise from the living room woke her up. She turned to Rafe but found his side empty. Kelly shot out of bed when she remembered that Vinny was in the living room. She finished zipping her jeans just a few seconds before she got to her destination.

“Ana, what’s going on?”

“I don’t know, I just heard the noise and came running too,” she said as they both tried to make their way to the center of the shouting.

They stopped when they saw Vinny being held down by Jimmy and another bodyguard. Ana wasn’t sure if that was Rafe, Nate or Manuel’s bodyguard. They were so many, sometimes it was hard to keep track especially when they switched.

“Ana, Kelly, please get the goons off me.”

Kelly marched until she was right in front of him. “Let go,” she told them.

They both looked to Rafe and Gabe, then released Vinny after the nod from Gabe.

Kelly pulled the gauze bandage she had used to cover the stitches. “What the heck, Vinny? I can’t have you messing up my work. And what the heck is going on?” she asked.

“Thanks Kelly, but I need to leave, and these goons are preventing me from leaving.”

“You are still drunk, so you can’t leave just yet.
” Kelly swatted him back down. “Men! And besides I need to redress the wound.”

Vinny groaned. “Listen Kels. I know you mean well, but I should get out of your hair. I’m not really feeling welcome with so many threatening faces looking in my direction.
” He made an obvious show of looking around the room. “And without my piece, I feel naked.”

“Forget about them. You’re safe here,” she told him. “Ana, please get my supplies so I can dress the bleeding wound,
” she asked Ana and then finished her sentence looking at Vinny, “again. And this time you better take better care of it because I will stab you myself if you dare open it up,” she warned him.

“Look Kels…”

“No, you look, Vinny. You will stick your butt in that chair, so help me God, I will have them restrain you to it.”

Ana came back and grinned at Vinny. “She’s passionate about her work,” she whispered loudly.

Vinny laughed and groaned in pain. “Ana,” he labored. “Can you help me?”

“I’m just the nurse, Vinny. We both have to follow Doctor’s orders.”

Vinny growled his frustration when he heard the snickers from the group of men who were standing close by. “Care to give introductions? I seem to be the only one who doesn’t know who everyone is in the room.

Ana quickly pointed each brother out to Vinny and told him their names. She pointed out the bodyguards as she watched Kelly replacing the

“Why the bodyguards? Them I can understand, but why you two?” he asked in a whisper.


“Ana was attacked a few weeks ago on the subway. Some kids from one of the city private schools. Three of them surrendered, but the fourth one is still at large.”

“What?” Vinny asked and tried to get up.

“Settle down,” Kelly hissed at him.

“Why am I hearing this only now? Why didn’t you tell me?” he asked. “Are you okay Ana?” he tried to look her over, but his vision was blocked by Kelly.

“Gabe tried to keep her name out of the papers, but it was news for weeks afterwards. Now there is not much the police can do unless he gives up or the other boys all testify he was there on the day of the attack,” Kelly
said answering his question.

“If all four friends were riding togther, it must be an open and shut case,” he whispered back.

Ana laughed. “Cousin Vinny, you of all people should know how things operate. The family is high profile and now it’s all about politics.”

“Cousin Ana, what’s the name of this family?”


“Would the son be that good for nothing boy still attending high school? Shouldn’t he be attending college by now?”

“There, that does it,” Kelly said as she finished with the dressing. “Keep it clean. And you can leave after a few hours. For now, we’ll see about dinner and then you can sleep. After that, you have my blessing to leave.”

“And next time call before you show up,” Ana told him. “And no breaking and entering.”

“Wait Ana. I had almost forgotten. What happened Vinny?”

“It’s probably best you don’t know,” he told them. “Nothing illegal,” he assured them.

“And what about the B&E?” Kelly asked.

He smiled sheepishly. “Now for that, I’m sorry. I just thought it was easier to wait for you here.”

“You’re lucky we even came by. We haven’t been sleeping in here for weeks now. Not since after Ana’s attack.”

Kelly glanced to the men and saw them whispering among themselves. They were not happy with this tete-a-tete they were having with Vinny, so she thought it was time to cut it short. “Ana, let’s make dinner arrangements.”

Ana and Kelly walked over to where Gabe, Rafe, Nate and Manuel were standing. Their whispering stopped as soon as they were within hearing distance. They both exchanged greeting with Nate and Manuel.

“You two like to live dangerously, don’t you.”

For his humour, Manuel got swatted on the back of his head. Twice, by both Gabe and Rafe.

“Ouch! What did I say?”

Ana grinned at him.

“Thanks Manuel,” Kelly told him.

Rafe pulled Kelly to his side. “Thanks? Kelly, this isn’t something to be proud of.”


He kissed her. “Let’s not argue. Hungry?”

Ana and Kelly made sure they included an order for Vinny. They ate dinner sitting next to Vinny and made sure he ate his food.
In the end Kelly agreed to let Vinny leave after dinner. As soon as his ride arrived, he was escorted outside by one of the bodyguards. They had changed shifts and now there were new faces all around.

“I need to sharpen my poker skills,” Ana said to the group. “So how about a game of poker?” she asked.

“I’m in,” Manuel agreed.

“That’s not happening,” Gabe refused.

“Why not?” Kelly asked. “Afraid of losing?”

“To girls?” Ana asked.

“Hell Ana. You don’t have a poker face. Playing with you, either of you would be like stealing candy from a baby.”

Nate roared with laughter. “I don’t mind stealing candy from a baby.”

“Clearly you haven’t been that close to a baby before.” Kelly looked at the band of brothers and wondered if any of them had ever held a baby.

“Why’s that?” Rafe asked.

“Yeah, why’s that?” Manuel echoed.

“Because babies don’t give up their candy that easily.”

“And neither will I,” Ana added. “Kelly, do you want to play or deal?”

“I’ll deal,” she replied as she walked over to the shelf and picked up the
two packs of cards they kept there. She took the box of chips and handed it to Ana. As Ana passed around the chips to everyone, Kelly shuffled the two packs together.

Ana rubbed her hands with glee. “Boys, think of this as real money, and I expect my winnings within twenty four hours of my win.”

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