Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) (20 page)

BOOK: Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)
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“No, he just orchestrated the booking of it,” Ana finally spoke up. “He convinced the guy who had booked this place into another suite, one size down from this one. It so happened to be empty but would have still worked for us to all fit in despite their limit of four adults.”

“Are we going to meet him?”

“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Ana said looking at Evelyn. “Besides, he’s not in town.”

“And he now suspects we know his alleged status,” Kelly added.

Stefano cleared his throat. “Guilty,” he said lifting his hand. “I warned him to stay away and threatened to expose him if I caught him sniffing around. But I did ‘promise’ not to tell Ana what I knew.”

“I’m guessing he didn’t know that Ana already knew?” Evelyn asked.

Kelly shook her head and just grinned wider.

“Poor guy,” Evelyn said. “I think I’d like to meet him.”

“Would be fun to play with him,” Jes agreed. “Why do guys do that? Try and catch girls under false pretenses?”

“It’s the nature of the dating game,” Ana answered. “There’s some kind of false pretense in almost every relationship. Unfortunately some go overboard and lie about important stuff.”

Jes nodded. “Yeah, like how the heck did he think he could continue such a pretense? Or was he planning on applying for the job here?”

Kelly smirked. “The only thing that guy is good at is seducing women.”

“That,” Ana said. “And the fact that he doesn’t have to work for a living.”

“For some men,” Evelyn said. “Seducing women is a full time job.”

Jes snickered and everybody laughed.




“What time is it?” Ana woke up to the ringing of her cell and the knock from the front door. When she heard the knock again, she realized no one else was u
p. But who could be knocking? Tim? And what time was it? Her phone stopped and started ringing again.

“Gabe,” she said as she answered the call. She put a robe on and started making her way to the door.

“Ana? Are you drunk?”

She grimaced. “Just a little.”

Gabe chuckled. “Baby, what kind of a party are you having? Did you not sleep?”

“Just a couple of hours.”


She shook her head and groa
ned. “I’m not sure I’ve passed the drunken stage yet. I think it’s still too early to be a hangover. Maybe in a couple of hours.” She saw Stefano open the door just before she got there and mouthed her thanks when she saw their chef standing outside.

“Come home, baby.”

She sighed. “I’m coming. We’ll be leaving soon after breakfast.”

“Use the time on the plane to sleep, because when you get here…”

Ana whimpered.

“Do I need to finish that statement, baby?”

She shook her head slightly.


“No,” she squeaked.

“Call me when you are in the air,” he said and hung up.

Ana’s body started humming and she groaned as she saw that it was just after eight and her mental calculation told her it was at least six hours before they could be reunited. By the time they bathed, ate breakfast and flew to New York then deposited everyone before she and Kelly were taken home it was closer to eight hours.

With th
ree full bathrooms, they could definitely speed up their morning ablutions. Ana woke her friends who grumbled but woke up at her insistence. Thank God Stefano had asked the chef to hold off their breakfast for another hour and by the time they all made it, their breakfast was barely being laid out on the table by a young waiter who had come to assist the chef.

The kitchen was all just tantalizing aromas. It was a good thing that someone had suggested they make use of their kitchen and eat here than going downstairs. It was quite an experience too.

They ate like they hadn’t had a meal the night before. A good thing because it would help avoid hangovers later or at the least minimize them. They needed the food to soak up the alcohol.

“I think I slept for just an hour,” Kelly said with a sigh. She gratefully drank her ice cold orange juice and poured more into her glass.

“Don’t forget you’re going to work tonight,” Ana reminded her.

“Oh, crap. Back to reality.”

Jes laughed. “This is why I love my job.”

“Ditto,” Evelyn said. “I love being my own boss. And am planning on taking the rest of the week off before I get back to business.”

“I think I’m flying out Tuesday for two days,” Stefano told them. “Florida, I believe it is.”

“Wish I could come with,” Evelyn told him.
“I could be your make up artist,” she suggested. “Your stylist. Or how about your personal shopper?”

Evelyn, you could come with me to see some new venues I’ve heard about. I have a 60
birthday party I’m planning for next month. We could have some fun if you don’t mind tagging along,” Jes suggested.

“Really?” Evelyn asked. “I’d love to.”


Ana dropped off Jes and Kelly. Kelly
barely had two hours before she had to report for work. They hugged each other the same way they had hugged Stefano and Evelyn when they had been dropped off. None of them wanted this to end. They were wishing the weekend had been longer. As Tim gave them each their overnight bags, she thought she spied the Sullivan brothers.

the limo drove to the next building, Ana saw Gabe waiting. He was chatting with the doorman. Tim who had been sitting in the passenger seat opened her door and grabbed her overnight bag from the trunk and handed it to her.

“Thanks Ti
m,” she said to him.

He made a salute sign to which
she laughed at and shook her head as she walked towards the entrance.

Gabe met her and fisted his hands in her hair as he took her lips, kissing her like a man starving. Ana dropped the bag she had been holding and grabbed onto his waistline as she tried to steady herself.

“How was your weekend?” he asked finally coming up for air.

Ana watched him grab her bag from the floor and guide her inside. She smiled. “Great, but I missed you like crazy.”

He walked her into the elevator and punched the close door button. “I’m glad you did. And I hope you took my advice.”

“What advice was that?”

“To sleep on the flight back.” Gabe dropped her bag on the floor as he shut down the front door.

Ana yelped as he picked her up and walked with purpose to their bedroom.
“Slow down,” she breathed out.

Gabe dropped her onto the bed. “Slow down?” he asked. “You’re not the one who was left with a hard on with no relief all weekend long. So don’t tell me to slow down.”

“It’s barely after five.”

Gabe growled at her and whipped her clothes off in no time.
“And your point is?” He pulled her to the edge of the bed and lifted her legs to his shoulders as he knelt on the floor and attacked her pussy with his mouth all in one fell swoop.

Ana’s hips lifted off the bed. She moaned and
tried to speak but all that came out were more moans. And giggles.

Gabe sucked, hard. He thrust his tongue deep into her and flicked it against her vagina
l walls. He opened her legs wider and pressed his face further into her pussy as he lapped up her cream.

She whimpered when he withdrew, but he only switched and grazed her clit with his teeth. He lightly bit her, then soothed and sucked her nub. He increased pressure and kept sucking her as she writhed and begged for leniency.

He growled at her and lifted her butt further up, pressed her into his face and even sucked harder. “Come baby.”

Ana screamed, her orgasm gripping her tight as Gabe pulled her nub between his lips, then scrambled to drink her as she squirted onto his chin. He drank her up then wiped the cum that had coated his chin before he placed his mouth onto her pussy opening

He quickly removed his clothes then pulled her to the center of the bed and grabbed her legs. He placed them over his arms and opened her wide, then slammed into her. “Oh, baby,” he groaned.

He held her hips in a bruising hold and as he slammed hard against her, he pulled her hard against him. “Ana, my God. What you do to me,” he said with a hiss.

Ana moaned and thrashed wildly below him. Her legs were held imprisoned against his arms, stretched wide as he continued driving hard into her. “Gabe…”
Oh Jesus. Did he mean to split her into two or what?

He leaned down and kissed her hard, never breaking his rhythm as he moved in and out of her. She released the grip on the sheets and pulled his head closer to her, returning his hot kiss.

He reared up and pushed deeper into her and Ana whimpered with the mixture of pain and pleasure. “Hold on, baby,” he growled as he twisted, changing the angle and holding her tighter.

“Gabe please!
” she cried out.

“I know baby. Just one moment,” he said. He hissed as he continued to
crash hard against her.

Ana squeezed her walls, milking his cock and tightening her hold on the sheets.

Gabe hissed and trembled against her. “Ana!” he screamed her name. “Now, baby.” He just simply couldn’t go on when she did that.

The orgasm grabbed hold o
f Ana from the chest, traveling down at a super fast speed and reaching her center as Gabe cried our her name several times, slamming harder and faster into her as he groaned his release, their juices mixing and seeping out of her cunt, wetting the sheets.

Their orgasms lasted several minutes, ending as one long joint orgasm as Gabe kissed her.

“Welcome home.”

“That was some welcome alright.” She stretched her legs, bringing them down to lie flat against the bed. “Maybe I should go away more often.”

Gabe growled at her. “Don’t even think about it.” He kissed her again. “I’m going to take you again, then make you dinner, then yep, again, all night long,” he said.

His cock was already hardening as he pulled out of her and rolled her out to lie
to the side of the wet spot, face down. He lifted her butt up into the air and grabbed her breasts in both hands.

She moaned and managed to grab a pillow to hold onto.

Gabe kneaded them and as he applied more and more pressure, Ana’s moans grew louder and she squirmed against his front, pushing her butt into him. Gabe tweaked her nipples and was rewarded by whimpers quickly followed by louder moans.

He released them and took hold of her butt globes. He pulled them apart and up, exposing her glistening pussy. He grew harder just looking at her. He guided his cock to her entrance and watched his head enter and get swallowed by her cunt.

“Care to tell me about the boys you met?”

“What? No boys,” she said with a swallow. “Oh….” She moaned as he slipped a little further inside.

“Ana,” he said and pushed all the way in, then pulled back to the tip.

She whimpered and pushed back against him.

Gabe held her immobile and she whimpered her frustration at him. “Tell me.”

“Nothing happened. Please Gabe,” she pleaded.
Why where they even discussing this? Especially now?

He pushed in an inch and held stil

hey just greeted us, and then Tim came and that was it. Please.”

“Did you play with yourself while you were gone?” he asked.

Ana shook her head. “No. I couldn’t. Not without you.”

“Good answer,” he told her and slowly sank in, groaning as he did so.

And so did Ana until he hit bottom. “Please move,” she pleaded.

Gabe chuckled. “Oh, baby
. Those are such sweet words.” He pushed her legs further apart with his knees and grabbed her breasts again. “Don’t move. We’re going to take it nice and slow for now. Then I’m going to fuck you real hard.”

Ana whimpered and placed the pillow against her mouth as Gabe moved in and out slowly, rubbing against her walls with each in and out movement. She yelped as he slapped her butt when she wiggled her but.

“I said, don’t move,” he growled.

She nodded into the pillow and tried to hold still. It was hard. It was divine. It was tortur
e. It was heaven. It was unbearable. Oh my God, the pleasure. Torture. Torture. Torture.

Finally when she thought she might have to take matters into her own hands, he speeded up his pace, kneading her breasts harder and pinching her nipples. The pain went straight to her pussy, heightening her pleasure.

Their mutual groan of pleasure rumbled through the room.

Ana sighed in happiness when Gabe palmed her breasts then switched his hands to grab her hips instead and started pumping faster into her.
At her words of ‘I love you’, Gabe went wild. He lengthened and thickened inside her and she groaned despite the fear that she might just split in two.

Gabe took her hard. He lost all sense of the surrounding and only focused on her tight cunt, gripping and threatening to squeeze him dry. Her happy, happy moans only fueled him and sharpened his focus on the woman he loved. The woman who made his heart
beat faster every time he saw her, or even thought about her.

He knew she wouldn’t ever cheat on him, but he had this possessiveness towards her that he had stopped trying to decipher. He had al
most made his way to her when Tim had reported back to him. Only his promise to her made him stop.

Now he had her in his hands and he intended on making good his promise for the night. If neither of them made it to work, that was all good with him. He wasn’t stopping until he had his fill of her. The weekend had been long. His bed had been empty.

He snorted. And to think he had liked his life of being a bachelor. He might have to give his mother those grandchildren after all. “Fuck,” he said as she squeezed her walls. “Ana.” He lifted her butt and her knees dangled off the bed as he groaned and hit her harder and harder against him, hitting his balls against her with each thrust.

Gabe struggled to hold her as she thrashed about, her orgasm taking her along for the ride.
He released her hips and grabbed her thighs instead, lifted her up and rode her harder than before. Her screams filled the room and probably carried out the open bedroom door, filling the rest of the house, but he was at the point of no return.

Nothing penetrated
except her screams and moans of ecstacy. How did he get so lucky?


He heard the scream and it catapulted him. He joined her as he exploded inside her sweet tight cunt. He thrust once, twice, thrice then hissed harshly as he aligned his body to hers and followed her down to lie flat against the bed.

BOOK: Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)
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