Seduction (The Journal of the Wolves of Spruce Hollow) (26 page)

BOOK: Seduction (The Journal of the Wolves of Spruce Hollow)
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No, thank you.

We got home and while Aspen was in the bathroom getting acquainted with her maxi pads, I called Valerie and gave her hell for not having “the talk” with Aspen before this whole fiasco took place. She thought the whole thing was hilarious and laughed hysterically into the phone.

“I’m so sorry Roan, but I thought that should be a conversation that you should have with her,” she’d said when she finally stopped snickering.


Now here we were, years into the future and Aspen was still in the dark about her reproductive system. But my wolf wasn’t concerned with such trivial matters. He was preoccupied. The scent of Aspen’s heat in the air was mindlessly driving him towards a state bordering on obsession with mating with her wolf.

His thoughts and grumblings were amusing to me as we chased after her through the woods. He had it pretty bad for Aspen’s wolf and was plenty ticked off that she had helped Aspen run away from us.

“The female is ours. She is not supposed to run from us. We will chase her down, then we will mate with her to mark her,” my wolf said, his voice focused and determined.

“Yes, she’s ours, calm down. Aspen is running from us because I hurt her feelings and made her cry. Her wolf is not rejecting you, don’t worry. We’ll make everything right between the two of you when we catch up to her. Then you can mate with her,” I said, hoping that placated my wolf.

“We will mate with her,
we will set things right between us,” my wolf said, his eyes glazed over with lust.

“Yeah, good luck with that, my friend.”

From the potency of her smell, I knew that we must almost be on top of her. Aspen’s scent was silky and delicious as it caressed my nose and mouth.

Sniffing and surveying the forest ahead, I spotted a flash of silver fur, streaking through the trees to my left.

I felt a jolt of excitement shoot right through to my groin. It was Aspen. I could feel it all the way to the tips of my wolf’s ears.

Aspen’s wolf was silver and the urge to see all of her in her lupine glory and soak in her essence caused my wolf to dig in his claws and push off with his powerful hind legs.

Taking off like a shot, I had her fully within my sights in less than thirty seconds and I drank in her form. Aspen’s wolf was a small, sleek looking wolf with a soft silver coat and delicate white tips at her ears and tail. She was fast for her small size and much more agile than my big, black wolf was.

She might be able to evade me temporarily but it was just a matter of how long she could keep it up for. My wolf wasn’t even tired from chasing her down through the woods, yet Aspen’s wolf was panting heavily, her sides heaving with the effort.

Aspen’s wolf spotted me coming up behind her and veered off sharply to the right in an effort to lose me.

Run, run, little girl.

I skidded to a stop and gave chase. She wanted to run away from me? That was fine, I would run her furry little ass into the ground.

My wolf was much larger and ate up the distance between us quickly. I caught up to her in no time, just as she leapt over a downed tree. Coming up beside her, I tried to herd her but she turned her head and snarled at me, baring all her teeth.

One thing’s for certain, she’s got fire to challenge a larger wolf in such a manner. I rammed her from the side with my head and knocked her over but she stood right back up, stared me down and took off running again.

“Aspen, stop running. I don’t want to hurt you. You can’t get away from me, so be reasonable and stop running before you get hurt,” I said, as I thrust my consciousness into Aspen’s head.

“Leave me the hell alone, Roan! I’m not coming back with you, you bastard! I hate you. You used me and I fell for it. I believed everything that came out of your stupid mouth but it was nothing but a bunch of lies!” she yelled back, her voice grief stricken and tinged with fury.

“Would you stop and listen to me, Aspen! I never used you. I have loved you since I first laid eyes on you. What happened today was all part of the damn Were training to gauge what level of threat you would pose to the pack if you were angered or provoked. I didn’t mean anything I said today. Not one word.”

Aspen was quiet. I wasn’t sure if that was because she was listening and absorbing my words or that she was intent on getting away. I hoped that she was listening, so I continued, “I’m sorry I hurt you. It was a miserable fucking day for me too but if I told you what I was going to do beforehand, it wouldn’t have been a true representation of how you would act if provoked. Now stop fucking running away from me or I will take you down.”

I was trying to remain calm and get her to see that I was being truthful but the intense urge to mate was quickly turning me irritable and sharp. I hoped that she could see through that and allow my words to sink in through the angry haze surrounding her.

“Liar, you’re nothing but a filthy liar, Roan. I trusted you and you betrayed me!” she screamed in furious rage. “Stay away from me, you just stay away. I don’t want to mate with you!”

There obviously wasn’t going to be any reasoning with Aspen. She was too caught up in the hurt of my betrayal, but I could tell from the desperate tone of her voice and the set of her body that she was drowning in the sex hormones that were coursing through her veins.

“Oh, no? Well, you smell like the Were equivalent of “Come here big boy, I’m a cock hungry nympho” and my wolf is horny as fuck from tracking your scent through the woods, so you might want to take up your case with him,” I said, an amused smile on her face. “But as for me, I am ending this foolishness now, Aspen. Right now. And whether you want to or not, the only place you are going is back to the training camp with me. Make no mistake about it, I have no qualms with chaining you to the bed for the next month or two if you give me a hard time,” I said trying to keep my voice level and calm.

Without warning, her wolf rushed past me and took off running again.
Dammit Aspen!
I thought as I gave chase. She obviously didn’t want to do this the easy way.

But that was okay with me.

I welcomed it because sometimes the hard way was much more fun. In this particular situation, with Aspen’s hormones saturating the air, my wolf was sexually and mentally stressed and was desperate to chase her down and mate with her.

However, it wasn’t much of a pursuit as Aspen’s wolf was exhausted and had depleted her physical stores. She was running on fear alone and I was on top of her almost immediately.

“Leave me alone Roan!”

“I can’t, Aspen. You’re my mate and you’re in heat. What do you think that does to my wolf? He’s half crazed with lust.”

Aspen’s wolf was running out of steam but she pressed on, tongue hanging out and chest heaving. I knocked her down again and she tried to get back up but I wouldn’t allow her to. Instead, I grabbed a mouthful of loose fur around her neck and held her down against the ground in a show of dominance. She yipped and scrabbled around, her nails scratching at the hard, frozen earth, but there was no way I was letting her get back up.

Although we couldn’t hear or communicate with each other’s wolf, our wolves could communicate with one another. Aspen’s wolf had been in constant contact with my wolf the entire time we’d raced through the woods.

My wolf was fed up with the entire situation and seemed intent on making her submit to him. He growled at her menacingly and yanked the mouthful of fur until she whimpered. Before I could ask him what the hell he was doing, Aspen’s wolf started whining deep in her throat.

Well, that was a good sign and my wolf promptly let her neck go and started licking her muzzle. Laughing, I pushed into Aspen’s thoughts again and said, “Apparently my wolf has convinced your wolf of the error of her ways.”

There was no response but I could feel the anger rolling off of her and rather than needle her to death, I threw myself fully into mating in wolf form.

Aspen’s wolf was still whining and coyly flicking her tail at my wolf in an age old sign of sexual readiness. Growling appreciatively at her sudden change in demeanor, my wolf sniffed her. He apparently he’d liked what he smelled because he allowed her to stand back up and they both started licking each others muzzles lovingly.

Aspen’s wolf flicked her tail over and over again until my wolf stalked over, like the cock of the walk, to smell and lick her vaginal area. She was completely submissive as she raised her tail and allowed him full access to her sensitive genital area.

“The female wants to mate with us,” my wolf growled deep in his chest.

“Yep, she sure does, big boy. Go get her.” I chuckled.


Chapter 32



Aspen’s wolf was physically ready to mate but the courtship had just begun and it was time to bond through playtime. Lowering her front paws and wagging her tail, in a posture that said:
“Chase me”, s
he took off running back in the direction of the camp and my wolf excitedly gave chase. This was not the same chase as before, this chase was exhilarating and fun!

Our wolves ran side by side while occasionally jumping on one another and knocking the other over. Then the muzzle licking would start up again. It was the closest thing to a human kiss that I was likely to get while in wolf form and I found myself wondering how Aspen was feeling about the entire thing. She had been surprisingly quiet ever since her wolf had submitted to mine.

I was lost in that train of thought as Aspen’s wolf took off running again with an excited little yip.

Tiring already of this teasing mating dance, my wolf stalked after her and pushed her down to the ground with his great paws on her back. He nipped Aspen’s wolf playfully on the neck and snout until she started whining and presenting her back end to him again. The message was clear, she was saying, “I want you big boy”.

I’d always wondered what it would be like to mate in wolf form, specifically, what would it feel like? Would it feel the same as mating as a human? The parts that fit together were the kind of the same.

I was about to quickly find out as Aspen’s wolf moved her tail aside and waited for me to make a move. She was more than ready and if the sex pheromones choking the air told me anything at all, it was that she wanted this just as much as my wolf did.

My wolf sniffed her entire body, from her snout back to the end of her tail and he liked what he smelled. He stalked around her in a circle and glared at her with narrowed eyes as he dared her to make eye contact with him. But she was a good submissive mate and wouldn’t meet his gaze. My wolf was pleased with that as he padded along behind her and mounted Aspen’s wolf in one swift motion.

She was completely still while he plunged his stiff cock into her and I grunted as the sensation stole over me and hit me right in the groin. The sensation was very similar to mating as a human and physically, it felt tight and slippery. It seemed that Aspen, whether in her human or wolf form felt good to me. The female wolf was tight and I fit into her snuggly, just like Aspen was in her human form. The mating was fast and frenzied as I dug my claws into her and held her in place while I fucked her.

The lovemaking was short lived, however, and within minutes, it was over, as my wolf suddenly and explosively came inside her.

It was over much quicker than human mating but there was also one big glaring difference; my cock and her labia were so puffy and swollen that I was stuck inside her and couldn’t pull myself out.

“Get the hell off me,” Aspen hissed at me.

“Umm, I would love to …but apparently we’re stuck together until the swelling goes down.”

“What!?! Oh my god, you’ve got to be kidding me!”

“Afraid not, little girl,” I said, as my wolf got down off Aspen’s wolf and turned around with his cock still buried deep inside her. We were sandwiched together, two wolves stuck together ass end to ass end. This was nature’s way of ensuring that my wolf’s ejaculate stayed inside her womb, rather than leaking out as soon as I pulled out of her.

I briefly wondered whether Aspen would get pregnant this time? We had been having sex pretty much nonstop since we’d blood bonded and she hadn’t gotten pregnant yet.

I was decidedly ambivalent about the whole idea of having pups with her. The human side of me selfishly wanted to keep Aspen all to myself for a little while longer but my wolf side, well, the thought of putting pups in her belly made him prance around with pride and excitement.

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