Seductive Company (15 page)

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Authors: Sexy India,Red Snapper

BOOK: Seductive Company
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he sky was clear and blue when Ursula went to work, but when she left the office at five o'clock, the sky was slate-colored and rain drummed on the streets. She had a grueling week at the office and just looked forward to relaxing for the weekend. She thought about going out and kickin’ it at the club, but she just was not feeling the club scene. As she opened the door to her breezy empty residence, she thought about how much she would miss the companionship of her girl, India, wishing she were back in town so she could hear her laughter. She thought as she strolled into her bathroom starting her bath, “I hope she’s not working too hard down there in paradise.” “She really needs to find someone…come to think of it…I need to be finding someone for myself while I’m trying to find someone for her.”
As she detached her high-priced business garb from her now weary body, she was now standing in her full-length mirror observing her aging physique, she could see that time was rapidly catching up with her. Although her body was still in terrific shape for her age, she noticed that her breasts were hanging slightly, not in their usual perky state, erect and firm. Her stomach was however flat and that was only because she had never had any children to take it out of its using position. She turned slightly observing her firm bootylicious ass, which was something that most white women just didn’t have as she thought, “Well at least my ass ain’t got those annoying cellulite dents in it!”
Her legs were still as firm and as shapely as young lass in dance class were as she watched them, flecking her calf muscles. Finally she sighed as she strolled out the bathroom to the bar area and pour herself a glass of wine. She quickly strolled back into the bathroom, turned off the water, lighting several candles; turning on music by Mint Condition and then emerged slowly into the extremely warm bath. She cooed as she closed her eyes and just allowed the moment to soak in.
After she laid there for several minutes, she finally began to sip her wine, enjoying the moment when suddenly her cell phone began to ring. She immediately opened her eyes as she thought whether she wanted to answer the call or play it off. She immediate reached for the phone, as she thought that the call could be from India so she answered.
“Hello…is India there?”
Ursula sat up slightly as she heard the deep and sensuous intonation on the other end.
“I’m sorry but this isn’t her number…May I ask who calling?”
“Oh…I’m sorry…I thought this was her number…wait is this her girl…uhh Ursula?”
She smiled as she replied, “Maybe…depending on who’s calling…who is this…how did you get this number?”
He quickly replied, “Hold up…this is the number that India gave me…This is Myles…Myles Clyburn…do you remember me?”
“We met at the club two months ago?”
She felt her pussy tinkle as she reminisced about this strong sexy brother, remembering his will chiseled physique. She smiled as she began to convince herself, “He’s calling for India…wait…I’ll just find out what he wants and pass it on to her.”
She took a deep breath as she replied, “She’s out of the country on business…I can tell her that you called for her if you like?”
He laughed as he responded, “She told me that this was the house number.” “She said that she lived with you and if I needed to get in touch with her, to call this number, but…I must say that I haven’t been completely honest with you.” “I really wasn’t calling to speak with her…I was hoping that I could speak with you.”
She sighed as she heard this ancient pickup line coming out of his mouth, replying, “So you think that I’m some unproblematic ass white girl that you can get in the sack really quickly, huh?”
He immediately answered, “Naw…naw…take it easy…its nothing like that!” “I just wanted to see if you were interested in going to see a movie or sumthin.”
She sighed as she replied, “What about India…I thought you were interested in gettin’ with my girlfriend…just think how that would make me seem?”
He sighed and then answered, “Look…I just wanted to see if you wanted to just have a cup of coffee or a nice quiet meal…what types of food do you like?”
She smiled as she thought, “This guy is persistent isn’t he?” “I do like him and besides India did act like she wasn’t interested in him so...”
“Are you talking about going out tonight?”
“If you like…it’s totally up to you.”
She thought for a minute about whether it was unethical to take him up on his offer. After all, he was interested in her best friend; at least she thought he was.
“So now you’re interested in me?”
“Ursula…I was always interested in you.” “I’ve been interested in you since we met two months ago…It just took me a minute to get my wits up to call.”
She giggled as she replied, “Well…I don’t know what to say…!”
He immediately interrupted her, “Just go out with me…I promise I’ll be a good boy!”
She laughed as she replied, “Hey…I was just gonna make dinner here at my place.” “If you like, you could maybe come over and join me…or maybe that is not such a good idea!”
He quickly responded, “I’d love to come by and dine with you…please…it would be fun.”
She felt guilt-ridden as she allowed her answer to glide out of her mouth, “Sure…I’ll text you my address and I’ll see you around 8:00 PM, okay?”
“Okay…I’ll see you then.”
As she hung up the phone she thought, “What am I doing…this is the number one sin between friends.” “Even if she doesn’t have any interest in him…I should have told him no!”
She put the phone down as she continued to soak in her bath. As she laid there thinking about what was going to take place. She said, “It gonna be extremely hard not to give him some of this pussy.” “I’m really horny too, but I know he being a Black man, he’s probably not interested in going down on me.” “I’ve always heard that this was taboo with African-American men.” “That’s too bad…because I know he gonna want me to suck his cock, which I have no problem with.” “Well…I’ll just wait and see.” “Maybe he’ll just want to have dinner and go.” “If I believe that then I’m the biggest fool there is!” “He’s gonna want some and I’ll just have to take what I can get, because I’m tired of being alone and I wanna get broke off.” “Besides, this’ll be my first African-American cock!” “I wanna see if what they say is true or if it’s a myth!”
She finished her drink, got out the bath and toweled herself dry.


Meanwhile across the municipality, Marc was just making his way home from the office to his miniature residence on the west side of the city. He leisurely walked into the apartment, placing his keys on the rack on the wall next to the entrance as he shut the door. He noticed that the light on his phone was blinking so he immediately ran over to check his messages. He listens to the first message, which was informing him that he was a finalist in some sweepstakes. He quickly pushed the erase button to list to the second message, which was from his mother who was nagging him about him living alone and why he is not married. He quickly pushed the erase button to hear the third message with was another promotional contest. He erased that implication and slowly walked away from the phone disappointed. It was his hope that he would have received a message from India by now as he walked into his bedroom and sat on the bed. He looked into the tiny mirror on the dresser as he removed his shirt thinking, “Why doesn’t she understand that I want her?” “I have tried every way that I know to convey to her how I feel but she just doesn’t grasp it.” “I’ve got to make her understand how I feel…that I’m in love with her and that I want her to be with me.”
He continued to gaze at the mirror for a few minutes, than he stood up and removed the rest of his garments. He strolled into the bathroom, turned on the shower and began to wash his chiseled physique. As the sound of the shower muffled his hearing, his phone began to ring. He continued with his shower, not realizing that his phone was ringing. It rang and rang for several minutes as the caller on the other end waited for him to answer. After about have an hour past, he finally finished his shower, grabbed his towel and began to dry off. He glanced over toward his phone a noticed it was blinking. He sighed as he immediately ran over to retrieve it. He looked at the missed call and noticed it was an international call. He knew that he had missed his chance to talk to India and he looked up at the ceiling, “Damn…I missed her call!” “I’d better try to call her back!”
He immediately dialed the number on the caller id. The number rang and rang then suddenly a voice came on which said, “All circuits are busy right now…please try your call again, later.”
He immediately tried to call again and he received the same message. He tried repeatedly but he could not get through. He threw the phone on the bed as he sighed, putting his hand on his head. He sat on the edge of the bed as he thought, “Maybe she called Ursula…I’ll call her!”
He quickly dialed Ursula’s number and it began to ring. It rang and rang then suddenly her answering service came on, “I’m sorry but I can’t come to the phone right now…but if you would leave your name and number, I’ll be sure to get back with you…thanks and have a blessed day.”
Marc said a few choice words as he lay back on the bed with the phone still in hand. “SHIT…why didn’t I hear the fuckin’ phone ringing?”
Meanwhile back in the Bahamas, India gazed at her phone and then placed it back on her ear with the hopes that Marc would answer. She sighed as she pushed the button ending the call. She thought, “I know he’s probably left the office by now…I just needed him to send me some documents via carrier.” “I’ll just call Ursula later...maybe she can get him to do it for me”
She slowly strolled back toward the main section of the bungalow as she observed Lady Davenport lying on her side with Cameron feeding her all types of different exotic fruits. She immediately recognized India, stretching her arm toward her as she said, “Cheers…to you, Darling!” “I think that your decision to become a part of this extravagant corporation will be one that you will never regret.” “Besides…you must know the truth about your superior.” You know he was planning to sale your pretty ass out?”
India paused in place, gazing at her as she said, “What do you mean…sale me out?”
Lady Davenport smiled as she stood up and began to saunter over toward her. She stepped up to her, glaring straight in her pretty brown eyes as she replied, “I heard from a reliable source that your Mr. St. Croix is in the process of concluding a major marketing deal with Chase, Rollins, and Martin, a major competitor of my corporation.” “He’s planning to inform your Chief Executive Officer that you and your colleague, Ms. Winfield traveled here to Nassau on your own accord with the hopes of sabotaging the original strategy of getting Bahamas corporations to collaborate with yours.” “He’s also planning to entrap you by exposing you and your friend as the major conspirators that deliberately orchestrated this deceitful plan, which was not authorized by your corporation.”
The statement that Lady Davenport made as she tried to decipher why Travis was not only setting her up for failure, but setting up Danika as well staggered India. She slowly strolled toward the love seat just next to the bar as she thought, “So this whole project was a plot to bring me down…well…let’s just see about that.”
She sipped her beverage as she crossed her legs while gazing toward Lady Davenport. She watched Lady Davenport as she smiled back at her with a mischievous grin. India was in no position to challenge her, even if she felt she was pulling her leg. She had to go with the flow and she knew she had to do it shrewdly.
She smiled back at her as she asked, “Well then…I guess I need to stop him in his tracks, huh?”
Lady Davenport strolled to the bar, pouring herself another drink, gazing at India with a mischievous grin on her face. She waited for India to look up and then asked, “Do you want another drink?”
India shook her head in the affirmative as she continued to try to decipher why Travis wanted to not only set her up for failure, but why did he want to bring down, Danika? India knew that Travis was in love with her and because she refused to acknowledge that she had anything to do with him he was furious but why Danika? Why was he lashing out at her? Lady Davenport looked at her as she asked, “So my question to you Ms. India…what are you going to do about this St. Croix?” “Are you going to let this self-righteous bastard take you out of the game or will you impede his sinister plot to destroy you?”


India eyes lit up as she asked this question, “So, Marjorie…how is he planning on sending this information to the company?”
Lady Davenport smiled as she replied, “My guess would be by carrier…any other method is too dangerous and detectable…if you have any chance at beating this St. Croix, then you must find out when he is planning to send the documents.” “Also there is the matter of the $300,000,000 million dollars.”
India looked at her puzzled, “$300,000,000 dollars?”
“Yes…in order for him to make this work, he has to set up an off shore account in your names so that he can show the CEO that you are stealing and then the money suddenly disappears…he gets rich…you both go to jail!”
India’s mind is now going in circles as she tries to take in all of this incriminating information. She gulps her drink down as she asks herself, “How does she know all this…does she play a part in this somehow?”
She stands up and laments, “How do I know you’re telling me the truth about all this?” “How do I know you’re not in cahoots with this bastard?”
Lady Davenport quickly strolled over toward her, reaching for her hand, but before she could reach it, India moved back away from her. Lady Davenport sighed as she replied, “Look India…I know we just met, but I really like you!” “If I was as you say in cahoots with this St. Croix, then I would not have invited you into my bed…besides this St. Croix is not my type and I do not believe he has the common sense that you carry.” “I want to see you move ahead and I will help you.” “There is a carrier plane the leaves here daily at 3:00 PM, carrying documents and packages to the United States.” “My source tells me that he is scheduled to send his weekly assessment report on tomorrow on the carrier.” “If you should somehow get the documents before they get to that plane…you may be able to stop him!”

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