Seeds of Evidence (9781426770838)

BOOK: Seeds of Evidence (9781426770838)
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“As I read
Seeds of Evidence
, I found myself wanting to jump into the pages and live out the story alongside Kit and David. With a perfect blend of suspense and romance, this is a thrilling and ultimately satisfying read!”

—Ann Tatlock, Christy award-winning author of
Promises to Keep

Seeds of Evidence
is a gripping tale of two searches: FBI Special Agent Kit McGovern's quest to find the killer of a young Hispanic boy and her struggle to regain her faith. This action-packed tale will keep readers turning the pages—with primers on plant DNA and human trafficking thrown in as a bonus. And when a D.C. cop on sabbatical comes into Kit's life, she finds herself being drawn into what could be the antidote to the failed first marriage that still scars her.”

—Howard Owen

“As a frequent visitor to Chincoteague Island, I was excited as I began this book. Following Kit McGovern and David O'Connor as they pursue justice for a young boy, the story and the island come alive. You can almost smell the water, feel its spray on your face, and feel the presence of the locals as Kit and David traverse the island in search of his killer. As Kit is determined to right this wrong, she also discovers some things about herself that will change her future. If you enjoy a good suspense novel you will not be disappointed with
Seeds of Evidence!

—Kathy Cosner


Linda J. White

Seeds of Evidence

Copyright © 2013 by Linda J. White

ISBN-13: 978-1-4267-3542-4

Published by Abingdon Press, P.O. Box 801, Nashville, TN 37202

All rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form, stored in any retrieval system, posted on any website, or transmitted in any form or by any means—digital, electronic, scanning, photocopy, recording, or otherwise—without written permission from the publisher, except for brief quotations in printed reviews and articles.

The persons and events portrayed in this work of fiction are the creations of the author, and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.

Jeremiah 29:11 and Proverbs 3:5 on page 56 are taken from the Common English Bible. Copyright © 2011 by the Common English Bible. All rights reserved. Used by permission.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been requested.

Printed in the United States of America

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For John and Kathy,
who persevere in faith


A novel is always a collaboration, the work of people with “gifts differing,” who unselfishly contribute their talents to the final product.

Over the years, many current and retired FBI agents have graciously shared their expertise with me, teaching me everything from probable cause to pistols and prosecutions. I am so grateful for their generosity and their willingness to answer my many questions. A finer group of people would be hard to find.

Among those from the FBI Academy who contributed invaluably to my knowledge is the late Art Westveer, a former homicide detective who taught death investigations at the Academy. A kind and compassionate man, Art helped me “design” the beach child's body shortly before he himself was tragically killed in a car crash.

I'm grateful for my editor, Ramona Richards, and others at Abingdon Press who have helped make this a better book. And for my literary agent, Janet Grant, whose combination of dynamic creativity and business acumen continues to inspire and guide me.

My focus group, who took the time to read this manuscript in draft and offer feedback, saved me from many an error. My prayer group has undergirded me and joined in petitioning God for spiritual fruit from this work.

My family has been supportive, patient, and forgiving. My children—all grown now—Matt, Becky, and Sarah, tolerated my distractibility when I was working on scenes in my head. Becky's strong editing skills and Sarah's expertise in medicine and Spanish have found their way into my work. Larry, my husband, is at once my best critic and my best encourager. I would never have made that first trip over to the Academy if he hadn't dragged me, believing I had a story to tell.

Finally, I am thankful to my Lord Jesus Christ who pulled me out of a miry pit and set my feet on solid ground. Ultimately, it's all for Him.


. S
, water freed from a pipe, wind unhindered by concrete or glass, Kit without a calendar or timesheet or meetings, her life measured only by the rhythmic pounding of waves and the sun's bold stride across the heavens.

The bright blue, cloudless sky prophesied the day would be hot. The morning sun warmed the side of Kit's face as she jogged. Each receding ocean wave cast a mirrorlike sheen on the wet sand. Ahead, a tiny band of sandpipers skittered, while behind, the waves washed away her tracks, slipping her past into the great, gray ocean.

At first, she thought the object she saw in the distance was driftwood covered by seaweed. Still, something about its shape roused her curiosity. She quickened her pace.

She saw a group of teens, four—no, five—of them, approach the object, then jerk back, shock evident in their action. Kit's heart jumped. She ran faster, her heels flinging up sand, her mind racing. Sweat broke out on the back of her neck. At the small of her back, the nylon fanny pack carrying her gun and FBI credentials—she was on duty 24/7—slapped her, urging her on.

The kids began shouting, jumping up and down, waving at her, and as Kit grew closer, she saw why: at their feet lay the body of a child.

“He's dead! Oh, God! He's dead!” a girl screeched. She huddled with her friends, their shoulders hunched, clutching beach towels like shields. The young men, two of them, stood arched over the body, peering at it like curious colts.

“Don't touch him!” Kit commanded. “Did you call 911?”

“Yes, ma'am.” The boys shifted back.

Kit's eyes fell on the body. The little boy, clad in long, loose pants and a long-sleeved green shirt, was most certainly dead. One big roller of the incoming tide had deposited him up on the smoothly packed sand. Now, lesser waves lapped at him, fluttering his clothes, like fingers trying to grasp him and pull him away. It wouldn't be long before the sea reclaimed him.

Dread washed over her. She needed to secure the body. She didn't want to touch it with her bare hands; neither did she want it sucked back out to sea. She looked at the teens. They seemed frozen, unable to move. “Give me your towel,” she said to a young woman, but the girl just hugged it closer to her chest. Nearby, a laughing gull planted his three-toed feet on a dune and chortled.

Another big wave hit, knocking Kit off balance and floating the boy's body. “No!” she breathed, watching the body drift. Germs or no germs, she had to do it. She grabbed the boy's shirt.

“Hold on! Let me help!”

Kit looked up. A thirty-something man with brown hair threw his surfboard down on the sand, put his iPod on top of it, and rushed to her side. “I got it.”The man grabbed one side of the boy. Kit took the other, and together they gently moved the body to dry sand, beyond the reach of the waves. The teens shied away.

“Scrub off your hands,” the man said as he rubbed wet sand on his hands and arms and dunked them in the surf. “Did you call it in?”

“He did,” Kit nodded toward one of the teens. “Where'd you come from?”

“Up north.”

“Did you see anybody up there?”


“Any boats?”


Kit squinted and shaded her eyes as she studied him. Mid-to late-thirties, she figured, about 5'10”, short brown hair, brown eyes, tanned, and fit. Very fit.

“Here comes your help.” He nodded toward two four-wheel-drive pickups approaching from the south. “You OK now?”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Kit looked down at the boy. His skin was pale, a sort of dusky gray. His large eyes stared into nothingness and his mouth hung open. Sand filled his nostrils and spilled out of the one ear she could see, and there were bruises on his neck. Ligature marks? Had he been murdered? Kit's breath caught. How long had he been dead? Already the flies were gathering. She wanted to shoo them away, to protect him from the ravages of natural decomposition. The body looked fresh. Would the water have preserved it?

By the time she looked up, the man had picked up his surfboard, and was walking on down the beach. “Hey! What's your name?” Kit called, but the man didn't respond, and the white wires running down from his ears told her his iPod had claimed his attention again. “That was a mistake,” she muttered.

“Ew, gross!” A girl pointed. A seagull had landed on the boy's chest.

Kit reacted quickly. “Shoo!”

Behind the teens, the pickups jerked to a stop, and a man and two women in U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service uniforms climbed out. Kit's mind raced: her vacation. Two weeks of no responsibility. She could simply identify herself as an FBI agent, tell them what she knew, and walk away.

But before her lay a little boy . . . possibly murdered!

But Fish & Wildlife could investigate it. And why would the FBI get into a simple murder case?

Kit shifted on her feet. The sun blazed on her shoulders. An unidentified body, a child, no less. A child. A little Latino boy . . .

She didn't miss the half-smile on the man's face as the officers approached. She had on a bright blue two-piece swimsuit and athletic shorts. No T-shirt. Sweat beaded on her skin.

“Where'd that come from?” A stocky, plain-looking woman with close-cropped brown hair stopped in her tracks, about eight feet away from the body.

“Kit McGovern, FBI.” She flashed her creds at the woman. “Are you the officer in charge?”

“Yeah. Brenda Ramsfeld, Fish & Wildlife.”

“Kid fall off a boat?” The leering man strode up to the body and nudged it with the toe of his boot.

“Don't touch him!” Kit's anger surged. She turned to Ramsfeld. “Do you see the marks on his neck?”

“Like somebody killed him? Cool!” the man responded.

“We've never had a murder here,” Ms. Ramsfeld said, glancing at her coworker, a woman with blonde hair.

The man laughed. “You've seen CSI, Brenda. You know what to do.”

“You think he died here, on the beach? What about those kids?” Ramsfeld gestured toward the teens.

“They found the body washing up in the surf. I saw them.”

“So maybe he was murdered at sea and dumped overboard,” the blonde suggested.

“Quite possibly,” Kit said, her heart jumping. If the murder didn't happen on land, the FBI could rightfully claim the case. Thoughts of vacation slipped away like sand. “The lifeguards didn't report anything?” she asked Ramsfeld.

“They're just now coming on duty. Besides, look at the way those waves are coming in.”

Kit turned. The Atlantic was in fine form today, the three-foot gray-green waves coming in at a slant, breaking about five yards out, sending sea foam sliding up over the hard-packed sand in a gentle caress, then sliding back. She squinted into the sun, scanning the horizon, but saw nothing—no boats, no surfers, no dolphins. She turned back to Ramsfeld. “From the northeast?”

“Right. The littoral current would be from the same direction. So why would you think lifeguards to the south would have seen anything?” Ramsfeld's voice dripped disgust.

She still kept her distance, Kit noted, standing nowhere near the body. “So he probably did die at sea. The Bureau would have jurisdiction.”

Ramsfeld threw up her hands. “All right, look. You want it, you got it.” She shook her head. “Just my luck,” she said, shooting a look toward the others, “something major happens and the Bureau gets here first.” She put her hands on her hips. “I'm guessing you'll need the medical examiner.”

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