Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book 1) (53 page)

BOOK: Seeker (The Source Chronicles Book 1)
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“Very well.  I can’t argue with fate, so I accept,” he stated definitively.  “I will study your libraries to learn what I can, and will also serve you both as a counselor, advisor, and as a friend, until I am called upon to complete my destiny, and become Finder of The Source.”



Historical Note:  According to the modern calendar, established within a few years after the devastation in the wake of the Falling of the Skies, the current year is referred to as 5004 AF (After the Falling)


Celestial Bodies

t’Thera –
The World of The Source (Derived from the language of antiquity, meaning
land of the ancestors


Aelunae (
Mighty Sky Messenger
in language of antiquity), I’lunae
Child of the Sky Messenger
in the language of antiquity).


Periol, Annaxar, Vegras, Tegora, and Amriar

Avarack’s Comet
– a comet that appears every hundred years.


Demarcation of time

Before The Falling, the passage of each year was marked by the annual disappearance of the smaller of the two moons, I’lunae, as it becomes totally eclipsed by the larger, Aelunae, only once per year.  The change in season is marked by a solstice that occurs four times a year, three when both moons are simultaneously full, one when the single moon is eclipsed. 


One of the more positive outcomes of Pallantir’s global domination was a universally applied means of marking the time.  The measurement of seasons, months, and days were unified during Pallantir’s reign, and that remained in place after his passing.  



There are four seasons on t’Thera.  The New Year begins when I’Lunae is completely eclipsed by Aelunae, and marks the beginning of the Season of Planting (Spring).  The second, the Season of Growing (Summer), begins with solstice of both moons full.  The next double full moons marks the third, the Season of Harvest (Fall).  The final pair of full moons of the year marks the start of the fourth, the Season of Stillness (Winter).  A year is three-hundred and sixty days.  Each season is three months long.



There are twelve months in the year.  Each month is marked by the waxing and waning of the two moons, as they pass through one another’s shadow, save the three times a year when the seasonal solstice is marked by the double full moons, and the new year, marked by the complete eclipse of I’luna.    There are exactly thirty days in each month, five weeks of six days each.


Prisatuary, Desatuary, Exsatuary – The first, second, and third months, The Season of Planting.

Prinitidu, Denitidu, Exanitidu – The fourth, fifth and sixth months, the Season of Growing.

Primesoran, Demesoran, Exaran – The seventh, eighth and ninth months, the Season of Harvest.

Prilentis, Delenti, Exalentis – The tenth, eleventh and twelfth months, the Season of Stillness.

is a derivative of the ancient word for first,
comes from the word for next or second or following, and
is a derivative of the ancient word for last, final or concluding.


Days of the Week

There are six days in a week.  Each day consists of twenty-four hours.

Annaduan(Monday)              Vegraduan(Tuesday)              Periduan(Wednesday)
Tegoduan(Thursday)              Amriduan(Friday)              Exaduan(Saturday)

The names of the days derive from the known planets in the solar system, and the antiquated word for day. 



The Continent of Estaria

The Kingdom of Sharron

Capital: Gara Sharron

- Vann Region;  Village of Vantu, Army Outpost at Vanntir

- Anduin Region;  Port City of Anduin

Garwiln Island

Village of Tarmollo (Abandoned)

Town of Brivarn

Town of Natarn

Town of Horvan

Village of Korma

Village of Garthun

Town of Tela-Sharron

Village of Linott

Seaport of Kelfarn (HQ of Sharron Navy)

City of Mintarn (HQ of Sharron Common)

Village of Wolnav

Village of Olitarn (Abandoned)

Town of Folgan

:: The River Medanaria


The Kingdom of Medaelia

Capital: Penkira

Town of Penlorka

- Province of Anar (Former Kingdom of Anaria, annexed by Medaelia)

City of Aldara (former Capital of Anaria)

The Kingdom of Ontseer 

King Delson Foliir – Ruler of Ontseer             

Capital: Valseer

The Kingdom of Cordianlott 

King Pol Juron – Ruler of Cordianlott             

Capital: Cordann

The Kingdom of An-Quarvan
(An-Quarvan means Land of the Sea in the language of antiquity)

King Vior-annra Miln – Ruler of An-Quarvan             

Capital: Anzarna

The Kingdom of An-Duarvan
(An-Duarvan means Land of the North Sea in the language of antiquity)

King Ulram Trent – Ruler of An-Duarvan             

Capital:  Oceana

The Kingdom of Nevarna

King P’lott of Neverna – Ruler of Nevarna             

Capital:  Parfolla

The Kingdom of Enkira

Queen-Regent Briara En-Torkuff – Ruler of Enkira                           

Capital:  En-Cilrin

The Empire of Rannora
(only remains of the Empire of Pallantir)

Empress Caia N’Dorra Pall’antira  – Ruler of Rannora                           

Capital:  Aminsott

The Commonwealth of Garrock

Prime Minister Puck Normakk – Ruler of Garrock                                  

Capital:  East Senrick

Allied Dominion of Lirdarra

President Von – Ruler of Lirdarra             

Capital:  Lirdarra City

Principality of the Isle of Torvik

Prince Tor Velnay – Ruler of Torvik             

Capital:  New Kilnay

The Kingdom of Elnarr

King Ev Juron – Ruler of Elnarr                           

Capital:  Loradd

Sea of Pallantir

Cilrin Sea

The Continent of Nortamia

The Gendarme of Winsott

Monarch-General Nathaniel Arr Endoppa – Ruler of Winsott             

Capital:  Fortress City

The Kingdom of Vilcarr

King Arion Xanvull                                         

Capital:  Trildora

The Empire of Afpar

Emperor Sol Zek-Tir – Ruler of Afpar             

Capital:  Bar-Sol

The Kingdom of Ticarr

Queen Xiva Zek-Tira – Ruler of Ticarr             

Capital:  Bar-Aiyla

The Kingdom of Panvirr

King Fandumon Norris – Ruler of Panvirr

Capital:  Sanctuary

The Kingdom of Dulvaln                                         

King Orrdoff Zek-Tir                                         

Capital:  Bar-Olvig

The Continent of Soutaria

The Kingdom of Jennorrit

King Mattru Jenn – Ruler of Jennorrit             

Capital:  Garrisott

The Iradda Protectorate
(Protected by the Kingdom of Jennorrit)

Administrator Dett Gann – Provisional Government Leader               

Capital:  Freetown

The Kingdom of Uftorra

King Ardo Kay-Uftorra – Ruler of Uftorra             

Capital:  Kay-Panroo

The Theocracy of Yadim

Archtheopomp Varnutt Amsiglia III – Ruler of Yadim             

Capital:  Veritaz

The Commonwealth of B’ornadd

Lord Minister Valey Par-Nyaav – Ruler of B’ornadd             

Capital:  B’rigel

The Ontouran Territory
(Territory of B’ornadd)

Governor Amlina Pat-Valey – Provisional Government Leader             

Capital:  Rillas



Lyrra-Sharron Anduin
- The Princess of Sharron, leader of the Falcon Raiders

Varlock-Sharron Anduin
- The King of Sharron

Cam Murtallan
- The Sorcerer, from Anaria

Falcon Raiders

Dak Amviir
- 2nd in command of the Falcon Raiders

Nadav Rivarr
- 3rd in command of the Falcon Raiders

Torman ApCrill
- 4th in Command of the Falcon Raiders

Andim Noros
- Falcon Raider, guard of Lyrra-Sharron

Kallan Val-Sharron
- Falcon Raider, guard of Lyrra-Sharron

- Falcon Raider

- Falcon Raider

- Falcon Raider

- Falcon Raider

- Falcon Raider

Kurr Vangam
- Gara-Sharron merchant, Falcon Raider Supporter

Max Parcall
- Gara-Sharron merchant, Falcon Raider supporter

Morick Delmorr
- Falcon Raider officer

- Falcon Raider officer

- Falcon Raider officer

- Falcon Raider officer

Dufon -
Falcon Raider

Lingon -
Falcon Raider

– Falcon Raider

– Falcon Raider


Radoln -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Bormann -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Gravin -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Julonn -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Salman -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Voriff -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Eldan -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr

Talad -
Falcon Raider, Under the command of Nadav Rivarr


- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan

- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan

- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan

- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan

- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan

- Falcon Raider, Quarterstaff Student of Cam Murtallan


Kingdom of Sharron

Lord Tulock Oran
- Seneschal of Sharron

Captain-General Ov Callan
- Captain of the Royal Guardsmen of Sharron

Constable Val drey-Sharron
- Constable of Gara-Sharron

General Sir Malov Eisnarn Bodrir
- Commanding officer of the Sharron Army

Sir Garvol Dorran
- Chief of Sharron Intelligence

Lady Ara Wiram
- Chancellor of the Exchequer of Sharron

Lord Mika Forkuln
- Foreign Minister, chief diplomat of Sharron

Lady Marna Forkuln
- Foreign Minister after Lord Mika Forkuln

Admiral Kol Trem-Sharron
- Commanding officer of the Sharron Navy

General Sir Portav Sopirr
- Deputy Commanding Officer of the Sharron Army

Colonel Von Pirvarn -
Sharron Army Officer

Major Dorjin Jun-Shilla -
Sharron Army Officer

Major Yuvan Tindurna -
Sharron Army Officer

Captain Signor Hir-Sharron -
Sharron Army Officer

Lord Halron Gam-Sharron
- Deputy Exchequer of Sharron

Captain Torin Elkir
- CO of Vanntir Outpost

Sergeant Rivv Alseer
- Sharron Army Soldier

Tru Griturn
- Lord Mayor of Brivarn

Erlonn Broyva
- Speaker of the Common of Sharron

Baroness Beviara Kurmann
- Chronicler of the Common of Sharron

Lord Umar Norick
- Underchronicler of the Common of Sharron

Garen Val-Sharron
- Herald of the Common of Sharron

Lord Tamon Vertrun
- Underspeaker of the Common of Sharron

Sir Brodan Cirgan
- Archivist of the Common of Sharron

Baron Riforr
- Lawspeaker of the Common of Sharron

Graff Vir-Sharron
- Sharron Foreign Ministry, Special Ambassador to Medaelia

Dariana Balgrun
- Sharron Intelligence, Operative in Medaelia

Lord Norvil Rivarr
- Deputy to the Seneschal of Sharron

Colonel Cortun Oran
- Sharron Army officer, Father of Tulock Oran (Deceased)

General Sir Delban Grandol
- Deputy Commanding Officer of the Sharron Army (Deceased)

Captain Zid Grovarn
- Sharron Naval Officer

Kyrra-Sharron Oroyaq Anduin
- Queen of Sharron (Deceased)

Karlock-Sharron Anduin
- Prince of Sharron, son of Varlock-Sharron (Deceased)

Miara-Sharron Anduin
- Princess of Sharron, twin of Lyrra-Sharron (Deceased)

Baron Hallin Mirval
- Baron of House Mirval

Baron Kall
- Baron of House Kall

Baron Kurmann
- Baron of House Kurmann

Baron Fornon Val-Cara Tilroan
- Baron of House Tilroan

Baroness Aeria Val-Cara Tilroan
- Wife of Baron Tilroan

Baron Yarman Foltupp
- Baron of House Foltupp

Baron Ren Tir-Laras Dovan
- Baron of House Dovan

Lieutenant Varg
– Guardsmen officer

Gramm Dornam
– Royal Guardsman Sergeant

Captain Quinn Milvora
– Royal Guardsman Captain, Deputy of Ov Callan


Kingdom of Medaelia


King Aldo Wilnar-Medira
- King of Medaelia

King Wilnar Vorn-Medira
- King of Medaelia, father of Wilnar-Medira (Deceased)

Lord Gelva Dova-Kumirr
- Prime Minister of Medaelia

Lord Crommitt Triv-Anlinn
- Aide to Lord Gelva of Medaelia

General Kiran Grom-Valock
- Medaelian Army commander-in-chief

General Nor Criv-Kurlirra
– Commander of the Medaelian elite guard

Count Tamno Vular-Murtona
- Chief of Medaelian Intelligence


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