Seer of Sevenwaters

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Authors: Juliet Marillier

BOOK: Seer of Sevenwaters
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Also by Juliet Marillier


Daughter of the Forest
Son of the Shadows
Child of the Prophecy

Heir to Sevenwaters



The Dark Mirror
Blade of Fortriu
The Well of Shades

Heart’s Blood

For young adults
Wildwood Dancing
Cybele’s Secret

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First Roc Printing, December

Copyright © Juliet Marillier, 2010

Sevenwaters Family Tree by Gaye
Godfrey-Nichols of Inklings Calligraphy
Studio (
All rights reserved

Marillier, Juliet.
Seer of Sevenwaters/Juliet Marillier.
p. cm.
“A Roc book.”

eISBN : 978-1-101-47513-3

1. Prophets—Fiction. 2. Mythology, Celtic—Fiction. I. Title.
PR9619.3.M26755S44 2010
823’.92—dc22 2010029391

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To my granddaughter Isobel


My thanks to Gaye Godfrey-Nicholls for lending me her reference books on runes and divination; to Glyn Marillier for answering my sailing queries; and to Elly Marillier for advice on medical matters, including how early medieval healers might have dealt with a serious kidney problem. The members of my writers’ group provided their usual excellent advice and encouragement. My agent, Russ Galen, is a source of ongoing support.

I consulted a number of reference books before writing the runic divination scenes in this novel. Two were especially useful:
The Secret Lore of Runes and Other Ancient Alphabets
by Nigel Pennick (Rider, 1991) and
Rune Magic
by Donald Tyson (Llewellyn, 1992).

I wrote much of
Seer of Sevenwaters
while undergoing cancer treatment in 2009. During that period I received wonderful personal support from my family and friends, and also from my readers all around the world. Readers, your encouragement helped me to meet my own challenge as bravely as my characters do theirs, and I salute you.

Observant readers will notice two characters in the Sevenwaters Family Tree who do not appear in this novel. Conri and Aisha are introduced in my novella ‘
Twixt Firelight and Water
, which appears in
Legends of Australian Fantasy
, a collection of stories by well-known fantasy writers. The anthology was published by Voyager Australia in June 2010. It was edited by Jack Dann and Jonathan Strahan.


the héirs of

seven waters

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