Seg the Bowman

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Authors: Alan Burt Akers

Tags: #Imaginary places, #General, #Science Fiction, #Fantasy, #Imaginary wars and battles, #Adventure, #Fiction

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Seg the Bowman

Alan Burt Akers

Mushroom eBooks

A Note on Seg the Bowman

Seg the Bowman is the story, complete in itself, of the finest archer of two worlds, a man courageous and resolute in the face of adversity, a wild, fey, reckless fellow, blade comrade to Dray Prescot, a man of parts. Of Seg Segutorio it has been said that perhaps he is too kind-hearted for the harsher aspects of the world of Kregen.

Kregen, a planet orbiting Antares four hundred light years from Earth, is indeed a harsh world; but it is also beautiful and mysterious, exotic and immensely rewarding, where many a dream may be realized, many a nightmare become reality.

The story begins where Seg and Dray Prescot and a party of adventurers have successfully quitted a maze of monsters and sorcery. Prescot is called away by the Star Lords, as related in
Fires of Scorpio

Now Seg steps forward into fresh adventures wherein he discovers the passionate problems of agreeing to act as the lady Milsi’s knightly protector.

The warmth and pride suffusing Dray Prescot’s words as he tells the story of Seg Segutorio confirm the powerful friendship between the two and illuminates their mutual loyalty. For they are blade comrades upon the haunting world of Kregen beneath the streaming mingled radiance of the Suns of Scorpio.

Alan Bun Akers

Chapter one
Phantom of the Jungle

The woman in the blue tunic halted just inside the edge of the jungle and, shading her eyes against the twin suns, stared out toward the lake. The two men walking toward her might be deep in conversation; she knew well enough even in the short time she had made their acquaintance that if she moved another step they would see her at once.

A vague blue haze pulsed unexpectedly about the men, making her blink her eyes. She did not move. The twin suns threw down their mingled streaming lights and in the early morning radiance shadows still stretched short into emerald and ruby blobs. The strange blueness appeared to swish into her eyes like the bewildering swirl of a dancer’s cape.

When she looked out again there was only one man on the little path by the lake.

Alarmed, she called out.

“Seg the Horkandur!”

At the sound of his name the man looked up instantly. He was in the act of picking up from the path a length of scarlet cloth and a longsword. From these two items he drew his attention not so much reluctantly as regretfully. He faced the woman.

“Yes, my lady?”

“Is all — is all well? Where is the Bogandur?”


“He has been — called away.”

She laughed uncertainly. “Called away? Here in the midst of this terrible jungle?”

“Do not fret over him, my lady. He will turn up in his own good time.”

“Yes, I believe that. For I thought him dead back there in that horrendous mountain.”

“As did I. He was not an apparition, I assure you. Stand very still, my lady. When I shout run, run!”

The scarlet breechclout and the longsword went thump onto the path. The longbow snapped into Seg’s left hand, the shaft was nocked and the string drawn in a blur of speed. The first arrow sped.

That shaft passed a scant hand’s breadth past the woman’s ear. Seg bellowed as he loosed.

“Run, my Lady Milsi, run!”

Milsi ran.

A gargantuan screech burst out from the jungle just to her rear. A bellow and a thrashing of densely packed foliage drove her on, panting with effort. A second arrow flew, and a third followed on while the second was still in the air.

Milsi panted down out of the jungle edge, pursued by what horrors she did not know. But she had complete confidence in Seg the Horkandur. She had known him for so short a time, yet he had proved to be the perfect jikai, the honorable warrior, devoted to her person.

With the same blurring speed Seg thrust the bow stave up over his left shoulder and whipped out his sword.

Yelling in a deliberate attempt to engage the monster’s attention, he drove forward venomously.

The sword flamed in his fist.

He roared past Milsi without a glance, a word. Every instinct of his body concentrated on the slavering thing lashing about by the jungle edge. The three shafts had done their work. For Seg, a Bowman of Loh, anything else would have smacked of the impossible in any world, ordered or not. He brought the sword down and around and hacked a gouting chunk from the beast’s neck. One eye remained, a glaring orb of hatred. That eye blacked into a gush of ichor as the sword punched in.

Seg leaped back.

The thing, scaled and vicious, lashed about in its death throes. As long as a man, it reared up on six legs to waist height. Its head, sharp with jaws and teeth, twisted from side to side. Twice it reached up on its four hind legs, the front claws slicing at empty air.

A voice bellowed from farther into the forest.


The scaled beast attempted to turn itself around, and weakened by loss of blood, fell. It toppled into the scrubby undergrowth by the side of the trail. It thrashed about. And then it died.

Seg gave it a last calculating look, and turned and ran back to Milsi.


“You are unharmed, Seg?”

“Aye. By the Veiled Froyvil! I am glad you came to no harm.”

“Thanks only to you. I give you the jikai.”

“Aye,” bellowed the voice as its owner pounded out into the clearing. “Hai, Jikai!”

Seg ignored all that. It was not a jikai in his estimation. He’d shafted the poor thing thrice, and then chopped it a trifle. A mere nothing before breakfast for a warrior upon the world of Kregen.

“What is it, anyway?”

“That is a toilca—”

“Well, Hop, it is dead now.”

“Maybe.” Hop the Intemperate spoke through the mass of hair about his mouth, his gross body as hairy through his harness as a quoffa. “But they do not hunt singly. They wander in packs.”

Seg looked at the toilca, seeing the way the scales were patterned in brown and green to give superb camouflage. The shape was adapted to slinking through the jungle, and when the toilcas surrounded their victim, they would rear up on their hind legs and tear the poor devil to pieces with their front claws.

“In that case, friend Hop, we had best get back to the others sharpish.”

“I’m with you, Horkandur. Master Exandu sent me to follow the Lady Milsi. He complained that she wandered off into the jungle like a—” Here Hop the Intemperate belied his name, for he stopped talking at that point.

Quite clearly Exandu had passed uncomplimentary comments about a woman wandering off into the jungle like a loon.

The Lady Milsi fired up.

“I could not sleep. I was worried about where Seg the Horkandur had gone, so I followed—”

“Let us go back to the others,” interrupted Seg. “But, first...”

He ran back down the path and snatched up the scarlet breechclout and the longsword. When he got back to Milsi and Hop, the latter said: “They belong to the Bogandur! I thought the demon ate him.”

“So did I. But he has had to go off—”

“A mighty strange fellow, that. More strange even than you, Horkandur!”

Seg made no reply to this, for he agreed. Maintaining a close watch upon the forest, they walked back along the rudimentary trail to the clearing where the party were rousing out after the night’s uneasy sleep.

The smell of the first breakfast filled the air with mouth-watering aromas.

Looking at the Lady Milsi as she swung along, Seg reflected that she was, in Erthyr’s very truth, a wonderful person. Her body, firm and voluptuous, filled the blue tunic. Her face glowed with the remembered horrors through which they had passed to arrive here, and of which that poor toilca had been but merely the latest. She had managed to wash her hair in the last of the chambers in the mountain where the party had rested and eaten before at last quitting the abode of horrors. Her hair was of a bright and sheening brown, and the dinginess and stringiness were gone. She held herself proudly. Well, and so she should, seeing that she was a lady in waiting to a queen — well, poor Queen Mab was dead now.

He and his comrade had taken the Lady Milsi from the next cell.

And that made Seg wonder where the devil his old dom might be now. Anywhere on Kregen, perhaps been spirited back to that funny little world he’d spoken of, called Earth, a long long way away, where they only had one little yellow sun and one little silver moon, and only had apims like him, instead of the multifarious and wonderful assemblage of diffs inhabiting Kregen.

“You look — severe, Seg.”

“It is nothing, my lady. I but thought of the Bogandur. I wish him well. But now we must look to ourselves and get out of this pestiferous jungle.”

“Yes. But where to?”

He looked surprised.

“Why — surely you will wish to return home? Of course, I shall escort you. That is, if you wish it.”

“You know I wish it...”

“So that is settled.”

“I hope so. It may not be so — so easy as all that.”

Seg sniffed and put on an air of long-suffering. He was not the kind of fellow to allow himself to be down in the dumps for too long.

For her part, Milsi looked at Seg and saw a man endowed with superlative attributes. He possessed the archer’s build, broad of shoulder, trim of waist, with the muscles like live snakes upon his bronzed body.

He wore a scarlet breechclout, cinctured by a broad lesten hide belt. He carried his Lohvian longbow, and the quiver of arrows, each fletched with rose-red feathers. His sword was of a pattern with which she was not familiar. His moccasins, like hers, were supple of uppers and stout of sole. The party had worn through a good many pairs of those arriving here, and were like to wear through a lot more before they escaped this place.

These surface attributes were apparent to other people as well as to Seg and Milsi when they looked one upon the other. But each saw more than the surface. Each saw in the other a spark of life, a steady sureness of purpose, loyalty, cheerfulness, a sense that each yearned for targets that more mundane folk might consider eternally out of reach.

Seg had sworn to be Milsi’s jikai, and to care for her and escort her. For her part, she had promised him nothing. They had met in the maze of the mountain when the party sought bandit treasure, and Milsi had been rescued. Her party, led by the queen in search of the king, were all dead. Now, Seg realized, she would have to return and report that fact.

For some people the fact would not be sad. For some of the schemers the news would brighten up their day...

Although Milsi had said nothing to make him think he stood more highly in her affections than anyone else, he felt confident she regarded him with approval as her escort.

That was a start.


He sniffed the breakfast scents approvingly.

Milsi glanced up at him as Hop hurried forward toward the bulky and complaining figure of Master Exandu.

“It is odd, Seg. You say you are from Loh. Of course, I know nothing of that continent; but I have heard that all Lohvians have red hair—”

He laughed, his fey blue eyes very merry.

“Come and have something to eat! No, no. I come from Erthyrdrin, which is in the very north of Loh. Up there we mostly have black hair and blue eyes. There are red-headed folk among us — and I can tell you, we make jokes about that!”

“I’m sure.”

“What!” yelped Exandu. He spluttered, tottering. “This is terrible! We must move on at once, get away from this fearful place — oh, my insides. Shanli! Shanli! My insides burn — it is that infernal vosk rasher I have just eaten... Shanli, for the sweet sake of Beng Sbodine, the Mender of Men!”

Clearly, Hop the Intemperate had just told Exandu that a crazed pack of toilcas was on the loose and threatening to rush headlong upon the camp and devour everyone about the fires.

Shanli hurried up in her graceful fashion of not seeming to fuss or hurry at all but of always being on hand to fetch Exandu a sip of wine, a potion, liniment, and most importantly of all soothing words.

“A potion of Mother Babli’s Stomach Balm, master. And I have mixed it with just a sip of Honeyed Jholaix.”

“Oh, Shanli, my treasure... Honeyed Jholaix!”

Seg noticed the way Milsi reacted to this pathetic tomfoolery. Her eyebrows rose. Yet, she was well aware of the parlous state of Exandu’s insides, and of his interminable lamentations about his liver, and bones, and aching head.

She saw Seg looking at her.

“Honeyed Jholaix, indeed! That is pure decadence.”

Jholaix, being the name of the country and of its wines, the finest, so folk swore, in this part of Kregen, was well known as a wine and not often sampled. A poor man could not afford to buy a prime bottle of Jholaix with a year’s wages.

“Yes, but, lady Milsi,” said Shanli with her deep and resigned manner giving her a transcendental appearance of purity. “Master Exandu deserves all and more anyone can offer—”

“I’m sure.”

“Toilcas!” burst out Exandu, taking a heartbeat to chatter around the cup Shanli held to his shaking lips.

“They shall not harm you, master, not with Hop the Intemperate and Seg the Horkandur and all the other fine guards with us.”

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