Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction (212 page)

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Authors: Leigh Grossman

Tags: #science fiction, #literature, #survey, #short stories, #anthology

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Leigh Brackett was one of the few women writers, at a time when science fiction was seen as something of a boy’s club. (Nowadays, the gender split is gone, even if there are still racial disparities in the field, and most of the editors in the field are women.) At the time Brackett started writing, women in the field tended to write under male pseudonyms or used initials rather than gender-specific first names. For instance, Catherine Moore wrote as C. L. Moore. The same was true of writers whose names placed them out of the ethnic mainstream, such as Abraham Merritt, who wrote as A. Merritt. Those walls broke down gradually over a period of many years, and mostly collapsed during the 1970s.

Today, Leigh Brackett is better remembered for her films than her stories, but she was a key writer in the 1940s and early ’50s whose extraordinary talents eventually took her to much greener pastures. Like many other writers in the pulp magazines of the 1950s, Brackett wrote in many different genres to make ends meet, including westerns. Some of those westerns caught the eye of Howard Hawks, the great movie director, and he insisted on hiring Brackett as a screenwriter—under the assumption that she was male. She went on to a very successful career as a screenwriter (including classics like
The Big Sleep
), and won an Oscar for her last film, The Empire Strikes Back. (Ironically, it was the only SF film she wrote, since science fiction films tended to be low-budget “B” movies, and Bracket was a big-budget “A” film writer.)

A California native, Brackett was raised by her mother and grandparents after her father died in the influenza epidemic of 1918. She made a living as a freelance writer from the time she was in her early twenties; Brackett’s first SF story, “Martian Quest,” was published in
in 1940, when she was twenty-five. Her best-known stories were planetary romances featuring hero Eric John Stark. By the mid-1950s, her screenwriting left her little time to write genre fiction and the kinds of stories she preferred were falling out of favor. She returned to science fiction near the end of her life, at a time when the success of
Star Wars
helped bring planetary romances back into commercial fashion.

Brackett was married for more than forty years to Edmond Hamilton—a well-known science fiction writer of the time who’s mostly forgotten now. He died in 1977, a year before her own death from cancer.

Planet Stories
, which Leigh Brackett and many others wrote for, codified a sort of Romantic view of the Solar System—with a jungle Venus, Martian canals and dead cities, etc.—that many writers used and readers loved until space exploration in the 1970s made it too unbelievable. “The Last Days of Shandakor” is set on that mythical Mars, not intended to be realistic except in a metaphorical sense, much like the myth of the American West. The story is a haunting exploration of lost glory, and of the often painful distinctions between illusion and reality.


First published in
Startling Stories,
April 1952




He came alone into the wineshop, wrapped in a dark red cloak, with the cowl drawn over his head. He stood for a moment by the doorway and one of the slim dark predatory women who live in those places went to him, with a silvery chiming from the little bells that were almost all she wore.

I saw her smile up at him. And then, suddenly, the smile became fixed and something happened to her eyes. She was no longer looking at the cloaked man but through him. In the oddest fashion—it was as though he had become invisible.

She went by him. Whether she passed some word along or not I couldn’t tell but an empty space widened around the stranger. And no one looked at him. They did not avoid looking at him. They simply refused to see him.

He began to walk slowly across the crowded room. He was very tall and he moved with a fluid, powerful grace that was beautiful to watch. People drifted out of his way, not seeming to, but doing it. The air was thick with nameless smells, shrill with the laughter of women.

Two tall barbarians, far gone in wine, were carrying on some intertribal feud and the yelling crowd had made room for them to fight. There was a silver pipe and a drum and a double-banked harp making old wild music. Lithe brown bodies leaped and whirled through the laughter and the shouting and the smoke.

The stranger walked through all this, alone, untouched, unseen. He passed close to where I sat. Perhaps because I, of all the people in that place, not only saw him but stared at him, he gave me a glance of black eyes from under the shadow of his cowl—eyes like blown coals, bright with suffering and rage.

I caught only a glimpse of his muffled face. The merest glimpse—but that was enough.
Why did he have to show his face to me in that wineshop in Barrakesh?

He passed on. There was no space in the shadowy corner where he went but space was made, a circle of it, a moat between the stranger and the crowd. He sat down. I saw him lay a coin on the outer edge of the table. Presently a serving wench came up, picked up the coin and set down a cup of wine. But it was as if she waited on an empty table.

I turned to Kardak, my head drover, a Shunni with massive shoulders and uncut hair braided in an intricate tribal knot. “What’s all that about?” I asked.

Kardak shrugged. “Who knows?” He started to rise. “Come, JonRoss. It is time we got back to the Serai.”

“We’re not leaving for hours yet. And don’t lie to me, I’ve been on Mars a long time. What is that man? Where does he come from?”

Barrakesh is the gateway between north and south. Long ago, when there were oceans in equatorial and southern Mars, when Valkis and Jekkara were proud seats of empire and not thieves’ dens, here on the edge of the northern Drylands the great caravans had come and gone to Barrakesh for a thousand thousand years. It is a place of strangers.

In the time-eaten streets of rock you see tall Keshi hillmen, nomads from the high plains of Upper Shun, lean dark men from the south who barter away the loot of forgotten tombs and temples, cosmopolitan sophisticates up from Kahora and the trade cities, where there are spaceports and all the appurtenances of modern civilization.

The red-cloaked stranger was none of these.

A glimpse of a face—I am a planetary anthropologist. I was supposed to be charting Martian etomology and I was doing it on a fellowship grant I had wangled from a Terran university too ignorant to know that the vastness of Martian history makes such a project hopeless.

I was in Barrakesh, gathering an outfit preparatory to a year’s study of the tribes of Upper Shun. And suddenly there had passed close by me a man with golden skin and un-Martian black eyes and a facial structure that belonged to no race I knew. I have seen the carven faces of fauns that were a little like it.

Kardak said again, “It is time to go, JonRoss!”

I looked at the stranger, drinking his wine in silence and alone. “Very well,

Kardak sighed. “Earthmen,” he said, “are not given much to wisdom.” He turned and left me.

I crossed the room and stood beside the stranger. In the old courteous High Martian they speak in all the Low-Canal towns. I asked permission to sit.

Those raging, suffering eyes met mine. There was hatred in them, and scorn, and shame. “What breed of human are you?”

“I am an Earthman.”

He said the name over as though he had heard it before and was trying to remember. “Earthman. Then it is as the winds have said, blowing across the desert—that Mars is dead and men from other worlds defile her dust.” He looked out over the wineshop and all the people who would not admit his presence. “Change,” he whispered. “Death and change and the passing away of things.”

The muscles of his face drew tight. He drank and I could see now that he had been drinking for a long time, for days, perhaps for weeks. There was a quiet madness on him.

“Why do the people shun you?”

“Only a man of Earth would need to ask,” he said and made a sound of laughter, very dry and bitter.

I was thinking, A new race, an unknown race! I was thinking of the fame that sometimes comes to men who discover a new thing, and of a Chair I might sit in at the University if I added one bright unheard-of piece of the shadowy mosaic of Martian history. I had had my share of wine and a bit more. That Chair looked a mile high and made of gold.

The stranger said softly, “I go from place to place in this wallow of Barrakesh and everywhere it is the same. I have ceased to be.” His white teeth glittered for an instant in the shadow of the cowl. “They were wiser than I, my people. When Shandakor is dead, we are dead also, whether our bodies live or not.”

“Shandakor?” I said. It had a sound of distant bells.

“How should an Earthman know? Yes, Shandakor! Ask of the men of Kesh and the men of Shun! Ask the kings of Mekh, who are half around the world! Ask of all the men of Mars—they have not forgotten Shandakor! But they will not tell you. It is a bitter shame to them, the memory and the name.”

He stared out across the turbulent throng that filled the room and flowed over to the noisy street outside. “And I am here among them—lost.”

“Shandakor is dead?”

“Dying. There were three of us who did not want to die. We came south across the desert—one turned back, one perished in the sand, I am here in Barrakesh.” The metal of the wine-cup bent between his hands.

I said, “And you regret your coming.”

“I should have stayed and died with Shandakor. I know that now. But I cannot go back.”

“Why not?” I was thinking how the name John Ross would look, inscribed in golden letters on the scroll of the discoverers.

“The desert is wide, Earthman. Too wide for one alone.”

And I said, “I have a caravan. I am going north tonight.”

A light came into his eyes, so strange and deadly that I was afraid. “No,” he whispered. “No!”

I sat in silence, looking out across the crowd that had forgotten me as well, because I sat with the stranger. A new race, an unknown city. And I was drunk.

After a long while the stranger asked me, “What does an Earthman want in Shandakor?”

I told him. He laughed. “You study men,” he said and laughed again, so that the red cloak rippled.

“If you want to go back I’ll take you. If you don’t, tell me where the city lies and I’ll find it. Your race, your city, should have their place in history.”

He said nothing but the wine had made me very shrewd and I could guess at what was going on in the stranger’s mind. I got up.

“Consider it,” I told him. “You can find me at the serai by the northern gate until the lesser moon is up. Then I’ll be gone.”

“Wait.” His fingers fastened on my wrist. They hurt. I looked into his face and I did not like what I saw there. But, as Kardak had mentioned, I was not given much to wisdom.

The stranger said, “Your men will not go beyond the Wells of Karthedon.”

“Then we’ll go without them.”

A long long silence. Then he said, “So be it.”

I knew what he was thinking as plainly as though he had spoken the words. He was thinking that I was only an Earthman and that he would kill me when we came in sight of Shandakor.



The caravan tracks branch off at the Wells of Karthedon. One goes westward into Shun and one goes north through the passes of Outer Kesh. But there is a third one, more ancient than the others. It goes toward the east and it is never used. The deep rock wells are dry and the stone-built shelters have vanished under the rolling dunes. It is not until the track begins to climb the mountains that there are even memories.

Kardak refused politely to go beyond the Wells. He would wait for me, he said, a certain length of time, and if I came back we would go on into Shun. If I didn’t—well, his full pay was left in charge of the local headman. He would collect it and go home. He had not liked having the stranger with us. He had doubled his price.

In all that long march up from Barrakesh I had not been able to get a word out of Kardak or the men concerning Shandakor. The stranger had not spoken either. He had told me his name—Corin—and nothing more. Cloaked and cowled he rode alone and brooded. His private devils were still with him and he had a new one now—impatience. He would have ridden us all to death if I had let him.

So Corin and I went east alone from Karthedon, with two led animals and all the water we could carry. And now I could not hold him back.

“There is no time to stop,” he said. “The days are running out. There is no time!”

When we reached the mountains we had only three animals left and when we crossed the first ridge we were afoot and leading the one remaining beast which carried the dwindling water skins.

We were following a road now. Partly hewn and partly worn it led up and over the mountains, those naked leaning mountains that were full of silence and peopled only with the shapes of red rock that the wind had carved.

“Armies used to come this way,” said Corin. “Kings and caravans and beggars and human slaves, singers and dancing girls and the embassies of princes. This was the road to Shandakor.”

And we went along it at a madman’s pace.

The beast fell in a slide of rock and broke its neck and we carried the last water skin between us. It was not a heavy burden. It grew lighter and then was almost gone.

One afternoon, long before sunset, Corin said abruptly, “We will stop here.”

The road went steeply up before us. There was nothing to be seen or heard. Corin sat down in the drifted dust. I crouched down too, a little distance from him. I watched him. His face was hidden and he did not speak.

The shadows thickened in that deep and narrow way. Overhead the strip of sky flared saffron and then red—and then the bright cruel stars came out. The wind worked at its cutting and polishing of stone, muttering to itself, an old and senile wind full of dissatisfaction and complaint. There was the dry faint click of falling pebbles.

The gun felt cold in my hand, covered with my cloak. I did not want to use it. But I did not want to die here on this silent pathway of vanished armies and caravans and kings.

A shaft of greenish moonlight crept down between the walls. Corin stood up.

“Twice now I have followed lies. Here I am met at last by truth.”

I said, “I don’t understand you.”

“I thought I could escape the destruction. That was a lie. Then I thought I could return to share it. That too was a lie. Now I see the truth. Shandakor is dying. I fled from that dying, which is the end of the city and the end of my race. The shame of flight is on me and I can never go back.”

“What will you do?”

“I will die here.”

“And I?”

“Did you think,” asked Corin softly, “that I would bring an alien creature in to watch the end of Shandakor?”

I moved first. I didn’t know what weapons he might have, hidden under that dark red cloak. I threw myself over on the dusty rock. Something went past my head with a hiss and a rattle and a flame of light and then I cut the legs from under him and he fell down forward and I got on top of him, very fast.

He had vitality. I had to hit his head twice against the rock before I could take out of his hands the vicious little instrument of metal rods. I threw it far away. I could not feel any other weapons on him except a knife and I took that, too. Then I got up.

I said, “I will carry you to Shandakor.”

He lay still, draped in the tumbled folds of his cloak. His breath made a harsh sighing in his throat. “So be it.” And then he asked for water.

I went to where the skin lay and picked it up, thinking that there was perhaps a cupful left. I didn’t hear him move. What he did was done very silently with a sharp-edged ornament. I brought him the water and it was already over. I tried to lift him up. His eyes looked at me with a curiously brilliant look. Then he whispered three words, in a language I didn’t know, and died. I let him down again.

His blood had poured out across the dust. And even in the moonlight I could see that it was not the color of human blood.

I crouched there for a long while, overcome with a strange sickness. Then I reached out and pushed that red cowl back to bare his head. It was a beautiful head. I had never seen it. If I had, I would not have gone alone with Corin into the mountains. I would have understood many things if I had seen it and not for fame nor money would I have gone to Shandakor.

His skull was narrow and arched and the shaping of the bones was very fine. On that skull was a covering of short curling fibers that had an almost metallic luster in the moonlight, silvery and bright. They stirred under my hand, soft silken wires responding of themselves to an alien touch. And even as I took my hand away the luster faded from them and the texture changed.

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