Sense of Wonder: A Century of Science Fiction (469 page)

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Authors: Leigh Grossman

Tags: #science fiction, #literature, #survey, #short stories, #anthology

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He strolled over and around the graves until he came to the one he sought, knelt, and set up the brazier and tripod, humming. The stone was simple,
General Count Piotr Pierre Vorkosigan,
and the dates. If they’d tried to list all the accumulated honors and accomplishments, they’d have had to go to microprint.

He piled in the bark, the very expensive papers, the cloth bits, a clipped mat of dark hair from that last cut. He set it alight and rocked back on his heels to watch it burn. He’d played a hundred versions of this moment over in his head, over the years, ranging from solemn public orations with musicians in the background, to dancing naked on the old man’s grave. He’d settled on this private and traditional ceremony, played straight. Just between the two of them.

“So, Grandfather,” he purred at last. “And here we are after all. Satisfied now?”

All the chaos of the graduation ceremonies behind, all the mad efforts of the last three years, all the pain, came to this point; but the grave did not speak, did not say,
Well done; you can stop now.
The ashes spelled out no messages, there were no visions to be had in the rising smoke. The brazier burned down all too quickly. Not enough stuff in it, perhaps.

He stood, and dusted his knees, in the silence and the sunlight. So what had he expected? Applause? Why was he here, in the final analysis? Dancing out a dead man’s dreams—who did his service really serve? Grandfather? Himself? Pale Emperor Gregor? Who cared?

“Well, old man,” he whispered, then shouted: “ARE YOU SATISFIED YET?” The echoes rang from the stones.

A throat cleared behind him, and Miles whirled like a scalded cat, heart pounding.

“Uh…my lord?” said Pym carefully. “Pardon me, I did not mean to interrupt…anything. But the Count your father requires you to attend on him in the upper pavilion.”

Pym’s expression was perfectly bland. Miles swallowed, and waited for the scarlet heat he could feel in his face to recede. “Quite.” He shrugged. “The fire’s almost out. I’ll clean it up later. Don’t…let anybody else touch it.”

He marched past Pym and didn’t look back.

* * * *

he pavilion was a simple structure of weathered silver wood, open on all four sides to catch the breeze, this morning a few faint puffs from the west. Good sailing on the lake this afternoon, maybe. Only ten days of precious home leave left, and much Miles wanted to do, including the trip to Vorbarr Sultana with his cousin Ivan to pick out his new lightflyer. And then his first assignment would be coming through—ship duty, Miles prayed. He’d had to overcome a major temptation, not to ask his father to make sure it was ship duty. He would take whatever assignment fate dealt him, that was the first rule of the game. And win with the hand he was dealt.

The interior of the pavilion was shady and cool after the glare outside. It was furnished with comfortable old chairs and tables, one of which bore the remains of a noble breakfast—Miles mentally marked two lonely-looking oil cakes on a crumb-scattered tray as his own. Miles’s mother, lingering over her cup, smiled across the table at him.

Miles’s father, casually dressed in an open-throated shirt and shorts, sat in a worn armchair. Aral Vorkosigan was a thick-set, gray-haired man, heavy-jawed, heavy-browed, scarred. A face that lent itself to savage caricature—Miles had seen some, in Opposition press, in the histories of Barrayar’s enemies. They had only to draw one lie, to render dull those sharp penetrating eyes, to create everyone’s parody of a military dictator.

And how much is he haunted by Grandfather?
Miles wondered.
He doesn’t show it much. But then, he doesn’t have to.
Admiral Aral Vorkosigan, space master strategist, conqueror of Komarr, hero of Escobar, for sixteen years Imperial Regent and supreme power on Barrayar in all but name. And then he’d capped it, confounded history and all self-sure witnesses and heaped up honor and glory beyond all that had gone before by voluntarily stepping
and transferring command smoothly to Emperor Gregor upon his majority. Not that the prime ministership hadn’t made a dandy retirement from the regency, and he was showing no signs yet of stepping down from

And so Admiral Aral’s life took General Piotr’s like an overpowering hand of cards, and where did that leave Ensign Miles? Holding two deuces and the joker. He must surely either concede or start bluffing like crazy.…

The hill woman sat on a hassock, a half-eaten oil cake clutched in her hands, staring openmouthed at Miles in all his power and polish. As he caught and returned her gaze, her lips pressed closed and her eyes lit. Her expression was strange—anger? Exhilaration? Embarrassment? Glee? Some bizarre mixture of all?
And what did you think I was, woman?

Being in uniform (showing off his uniform?), Miles came to attention before his father. “Sir?”

Count Vorkosigan spoke to the woman. “That is my son. If I send him as my Voice, would that satisfy you?”

“Oh,” she breathed, her wide mouth drawing back in a weird, fierce grin, the most expression Miles had yet seen on her face, “
my lord.”

“Very well. It will be done.”

What will be done?
Miles wondered warily. The Count was leaning back in his chair, looking satisfied himself, but with a dangerous tension around his eyes hinting that something had aroused his true anger. Not anger at the woman, clearly they were in some sort of agreement, and—Miles searched his conscience quickly—not at Miles himself. He cleared his throat gently, cocking his head and baring his teeth in an inquiring smile.

The Count steepled his hands and spoke to Miles at last. “A most interesting case. I can see why you sent her up.”

“Ah…” said Miles. What had he got hold of? He’d only greased the woman’s way through security on a quixotic impulse, for God’s sake, and to tweak his father at breakfast. “…ah?” he continued noncommittally.

Count Vorkosigan’s brows rose. “Did you not know?”

“She spoke of a murder, and a marked lack of cooperation from her local authorities about it. Figured you’d give her a lift on to the district magistrate.”

The Count settled back still further, rubbing his hand thoughtfully across his scarred chin. “It’s an infanticide case.”

Miles’s belly went cold. I don’t want anything to do with this. Well, that explained why there was no baby to go with the breasts. “Unusual…for it to be reported.”

“We’ve fought the old customs for twenty years and more,” said the Count. “Promulgated, propagandized…In the cities, we’ve made good progress.”

“In the cities,” murmured the Countess, “people have access to alternatives.”

“But in the backcountry—well—little has changed. We all know what’s going on, but without a report, a complaint—and with the family invariably drawing together to protect its own—it’s hard to get leverage.”

“What”—Miles cleared his throat, nodded at the woman—“what was your baby’s mutation?”

“The cat’s mouth.” The woman dabbed at her upper lip to demonstrate. “She had the hole inside her mouth, too, and was a weak sucker, she choked and cried, but she was getting enough, she was.…”

“Harelip,” the Count’s off-worlder wife murmured half to herself, translating the Barrayaran term to the galactic standard, “and a cleft palate, sounds like. Harra, that’s not even a mutation. They had that back on Old Earth. A…a normal birth defect, if that’s not a contradiction in terms. Not a punishment for your Barrayaran ancestors’ pilgrimage through the Fire. A simple operation could have corrected—” Countess Vorkosigan cut herself off. The hill woman was looking anguished.

“I’d heard,” the woman said. “My lord had made a hospital to be built at Hassadar. I meant to take her there, when I was a little stronger, though I had no money. Her arms and legs were sound, her head was well shaped, anybody could see—surely they would have”—her hands clenched and twisted, her voice went ragged—“but Lem killed her first.”

A seven-day walk, Miles calculated, from the deep Dendarii Mountains to the lowland town of Hassadar. Reasonable, that a woman newly risen from childbed might delay that hike a few days. An hour’s ride in an aircar…

“So one is reported as a murder at last,” said Count Vorkosigan, “and we will treat it as exactly that. This is a chance to send a message to the farthest corners of my own district. You, Miles, will be my Voice, to reach where it has not reached before. You will dispense count’s justice upon this man—and not quietly, either. It’s time for the practices that brand us as barbarians in galactic eyes to end.”

Miles gulped. “Wouldn’t the district magistrate be better qualified…?”

The Count smiled slightly. “For this case, I can think of no one better qualified than yourself.”

The messenger and the message all in one:
Times have changed.
Indeed. Miles wished himself elsewhere, anywhere—back sweating blood over his final examinations, for instance. He stifled an unworthy wail,
My home leave…!

Miles rubbed the back of his neck. “Who, ah…who is it killed your little girl?”
Meaning, who is it I’m expected to drag out, put up against a wall, and shoot?

“My husband,” she said tonelessly, looking at—through—the polished silvery floorboards.

I knew this was going to be messy.…

“She cried and cried,” the woman went on, “and wouldn’t go to sleep, not nursing well—he shouted at me to shut her up—”

“Then?” Miles prompted, sick to his stomach.

“He swore at me, and went to go sleep at his mother’s. He said at least a working man could sleep there. I hadn’t slept either.…”

This guy sounds like a real winner.
Miles had an instant picture of him, a bull of a man with a bullying manner—nevertheless, there was something missing in the climax of the woman’s story.

The Count had picked up on it too. He was listening with total attention, his strategy-session look, a slit-eyed intensity of thought you could mistake for sleepiness. That would be a grave mistake. “Were you an eyewitness?” he asked in a deceptively mild tone that put Miles on full alert. “Did you actually see him kill her?”

“I found her dead in the midmorning, lord.”

“You went into the bedroom—” Count Vorkosigan led her on.

“We’ve only got one room.” She shot him a look as if doubtful for the first time of his total omniscience. “She had slept, slept at last. I went out to get some brillberries, up the ravine a way. And when I came back…I should have taken her with me, but I was so glad she slept at last, didn’t want to risk waking her—” Tears leaked from the woman’s tightly closed eyes. “I let her sleep when I came back, I was glad to eat and rest, but I began to get full”—her hand touched a breast—“and I went to wake her…”

“What, were there no marks on her? Not a cut throat?” asked the Count. That was the usual method for these backcountry infanticides, quick and clean compared to, say, exposure.

The woman shook her head. “Smothered, I think, lord. It was cruel, something cruel. The village Speaker said I must have overlain her, and wouldn’t take my plea against Lem. I did not, I did not! She had her own cradle, Lem made it with his own hands when she was still in my belly.…” She was close to breaking down.

The Count exchanged a glance with his wife, and a small tilt of his head. Countess Vorkosigan rose smoothly.

“Come, Harra, down to the house. You must wash and rest before Miles takes you home.”

The hill woman looked taken aback. “Oh, not in your house, lady!”

“Sorry, it’s the only one I’ve got handy. Besides the guard barracks. The guards are good boys, but you’d make ’em uncomfortable…” The Countess eased her out.

“It is clear,” said Count Vorkosigan as soon as the women were out of earshot, “that you will have to check out the medical facts before, er, popping off. And I trust you will also have noticed the little problem with a positive identification of the accused. This could be the ideal public-demonstration case we want, but not if there’s any ambiguity about it. No bloody mysteries.”

“I’m not a coroner,” Miles pointed out immediately. If he could wriggle off this hook.…

“Quite. You will take Dr. Dea with you.”

Lieutenant Dea was the Prime Minister’s physician’s assistant. Miles had seen him around—an ambitious young military doctor, in a constant state of frustration because his superior would never let him touch his most important patient—oh, he was going to be thrilled with this assignment, Miles predicted morosely.

“He can take his osteo kit with him, too,” the Count went on, brightening slightly, “in case of accidents.”

“How economical,” said Miles, rolling his eyes. “Look, uh—suppose her story checks out and we nail this guy. Do I have to, personally…?”

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