Read Serendipity (Inevitable) Online

Authors: Janet Nissenson

Serendipity (Inevitable) (44 page)

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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“She’s been suspicious for quite awhile, apparently. When I told her it was over between us, she couldn’t let it rest and kept pushing for reasons. Guess I’m a terrible actor because she must have seen the truth in my face.”

Julia caressed his cheek. “Speaking of your face, it looks like she got you pretty good. Let me get some ice for that bruise.”

“It’s okay, baby. It doesn’t hurt, and I’m guessing it’ll fade by morning. Nothing I didn’t deserve.”

She kissed the corner of his mouth gently. “I’m sorry.”

He pulled her head down for a longer, lingering kiss. “It was worth it. And it needed to happen. We had good intentions in not telling her about us, but it’s actually a relief that the truth is out. Now we don’t have to hide.”

Julia pouted and pushed his shoulders to the mattress before straddling him. “Aw, and I was looking forward to having this secret, dirty little fling with you.”

Grinning, he untied the sash of her robe, pushing it from her shoulders. ‘Well, I want this to be much, much more than just a fling. But no reason it can’t be dirty.” He flicked her nipple through the cream lace bodice of her short nightgown.

She groaned as he slipped the thin strap off her shoulder, baring one swollen breast. “Mmm, I was always a nice girl until I met you. Now all I want is to do lots of nasty things with you.”

“You mean like this?” He suckled one erect nipple into his mouth, baring her other breast at the same time.

She clutched his head closer as he feasted on her aching breasts. “God, yes, exactly like that.”

“Hey, you got a few minutes?”

Travis looked up from the designs spread over most of his desk, and rolled his eyes in exasperation at Nathan, who had already strolled inside his office.

“No, not really, but that’s never held you back before. What’s on your mind, Nate?” he asked in resignation.

His business partner was grinning stupidly from ear to ear, and Travis cocked his head with sudden interest. Nathan hadn’t been in a good mood like this one appeared to be in a very long time – weeks, perhaps even months.

“I just have some news to share with you. I thought under the circumstances that you should be one of the first to know.” Nathan took a seat in front of the desk.

Travis leaned back in his chair. “From that dopey grin on your face, I’m guessing its good news. I’m also guessing it’s not necessarily business related.”

“Right on both counts. And I really shouldn’t be grinning about this but Cameron and I are over. I broke things off with her last night.”

Now Travis was the one who was grinning. “Well, halle-fucking-lujah! It’s about time you did something about that. I mean, no offense, but I really did not know what you saw in that woman. How did she take the news?”

Nathan grimaced, rubbing a spot on his cheek that Travis now noticed was slightly reddened and bruised. “Uh, not well. I’m lucky I got off with one good slap. She may be skinny but damn she’s strong. Overall I’d say she’s mighty pissed off and upset, and that I haven’t heard the last of her. Especially given the circumstances behind our breakup.”

Travis rose and opened a cabinet door in his credenza, drawing out two crystal tumblers and a bottle of very expensive single malt Scotch. He poured them both a drink and handed Nathan a glass. They clinked glasses and bolted down the contents.

Travis screwed up his face in distaste. “I still don’t know how you stand that shit. I keep that here mostly for clients, but give me a good martini or expensive Chardonnay any day over that stuff.”

Nathan’s grin returned. “And you’re bolting it down at only nine-thirty in the morning, too. What a badass you are at times, Travis.”

“Hey, getting that bitch out of your life is something worth drinking about. So now, spill. What are these aforementioned circumstances?”

Nathan set his glass down. “Understand that I would have broken things off at some point with Cameron anyway, okay? And I know you won’t call me a bastard for this like a lot of people probably will. But there’s someone else. And I wasn’t going to tell Cam about her initially, but she’s too sharp and guessed the truth. Naturally, her knowing that made things ten times worse.”

Travis smiled knowingly. “Yes, I would imagine that Cameron was seriously pissed off to learn you were breaking off your engagement so that you could be with Julia.” He chuckled at the look of astonishment on his partner’s face. “You honestly think I didn’t know how you felt about her? Christ, you can be awfully dense at times, Nate. I think I knew before you did.”

Nathan shook his head. “Not possible. Because what you don’t know is that I met Julia months before she started working here, when she was still living in New York. It was when I attended the convention last September.”

Travis stared for a moment, and then grinned. “I knew it. I knew when the two of you met here in my office that there was something going on. I assume when you say you quote unquote ‘met’ her in New York, that -“

“We hooked up. Oh, yeah, big time. Mind-blowing, incredible sex, nothing else can even begin to compare.”

Travis held up a hand. “Okay, no details. I have to work with both of you, remember? So let me get this straight. You met her in September. Weren’t you already engaged to Cameron by then?”

Nathan had the good grace to look guilty. “That’s the really bad part of this. I was a shit to Cameron for cheating, and an even bigger one to Julia for not being honest with her.”

Travis frowned. “So what a hell of a coincidence – you being my business partner. I’m kind of amazed that she would have even applied for this job knowing she’d have to see you every day.”

“Uh.” Nathan looked chagrined. “She actually had no idea I worked here. We, um, didn’t get around to exchanging last names at the time. Or cities of residence. Or professions. The fact that Julia already knew you and wound up in San Francisco was way more than a coincidence.”

“Serendipity.” The word popped into Travis’ head automatically.

Nathan gazed at him curiously. “Weird. Jared said exactly the same thing. How come I never heard that word before – or knew what it meant – and now two people have both used it to describe this situation with me and Julia.”

“Because you’re a moron. But I’m glad to see that your taste in women has improved by leaps and bounds.” Travis’ tone grew serious. “I trust you’re going to treat my girl like an absolute queen from here on end.”

Nathan’s grin stretched from ear to ear. “Like a fairytale princess. When I first met her I told her she was as beautiful as a princess in a storybook.”

“Oh, brother. And she actually fell for a dorky line like that?”

“Hook, line and sinker.” A smile played about Nathan’s lips. “And I fell for her like a ton of bricks. Now, I’m fresh out of clichés and I have a client coming in soon, but I wanted you to know in case any office gossip starts floating your way. But Julia and I plan on being discreet about this, especially for the next few weeks.”

“Ah, so I won’t see the two of you locked in a passionate embrace in the lunchroom?”

“Hmm, don’t tempt me. It’s been hell these past few months having to keep my hands off of her. But I’ll try to be professional about it here at the office.”

“Well, where the hell’s the fun in that?” said Travis indignantly. “Office sex is supposed to be naughty. So I wouldn’t hold it against you if you wanted to do the horizontal tango with Julia in your office.”

“Yeah, well, she might have something to say about that. But I’ll tell her we have your blessing.”

“In more ways than one, Nate. She’s the right girl for you, perfect in fact. Can I tell Anton? He’s such a romantic, he once told me he thought you and Julia would have made beautiful babies together.”

Nathan had a horrified look on his face. “God, it’s way too soon to think about babies. Tell Anton to keep those sorts of happy thoughts to himself for awhile. Julia and I are technically still getting to know each other at this point.”

“Oh, sounds like you’re very well acquainted in certain ways. And if the sex is hot, then everything else just falls into place. I’ve seen the way you two look at each other when you think no one notices. I’m guessing your bed sheets are burning up.”

Nathan winked. “That’s a pretty safe bet. Thanks for the drink. And the support.”

“Don’t forget to treat my girl like a queen. And let’s all get together for dinner soon.”

“It’s a date.”

Travis chuckled to himself as Nathan left. ‘I knew it. I just knew there was something between those two,’ he thought merrily. ‘Maybe I am psychic after all.’

Chapter Eighteen

Nathan couldn’t remember the last time he’d been in such a fantastic mood. Of course, the day had gotten off to an amazing start by waking up in Julia’s bed with him spooned up against her warm, curvy little body. Since she had really wanted to go to her yoga class at six a.m., he’d restrained himself from sliding inside of her and waking her with a slow, sleepy fuck. He had dropped her off at her class, and then gone for a brisk run, returning in time to drive her back to her flat. This time he hadn’t been able to resist her, and they’d taken a hot, steamy shower together. He’d been hard as a pistol within seconds of soaping up her wet, naked flesh, and had taken her right there in the shower, her breasts pressed up against the tiled wall while he fucked her from behind. He could easily see himself starting his day off in a similarly pleasant manner from here on end.

She’d fed him coffee, juice and granola parfaits, and then he’d thoroughly enjoyed watching her get dressed. Nathan had been instantly hard again as she’d shimmied into a bra and panty set of nude lace and silk, then rolled on sheer, thigh-high stockings.

Sweat had broken out on his brow. “Jesus, baby, do you have any idea of how fucking hot you look right now? You’re like every centerfold and lingerie model rolled into one irresistible package. You’d better put that dress on quickly or you’re going to get fucked again.”

Julia had winked at him. “Promises, promises. Hmm, not sure this is the right dress, though. I think I should try on five or six others to be sure.”

He’d growled. “Put the fucking dress on now or I’m going to drill you into that wall.”

She had laughed and obediently put her dress on, though that had given him scant relief. Her dress was also nude colored, with fitted panels in front, and a low, square neckline. The fabric clung lovingly to her hips and ass, and offered a tantalizing glimpse of cleavage. He had groaned when she bent down to fasten the ankle straps of her gold metallic platform sandals, for the action had given him a tempting view of her lush breasts.

“Christ, I don’t know how I’m going to get any work done today,” he’d complained. “All I’m going to be able to think about is what’s underneath that sexy dress. And fair warning, baby – don’t you dare bend over like that in front of anyone but me. No one else gets to see those tits, understand?”

Julia had smiled at him teasingly. “My, someone has become very possessive as of late, hasn’t he?”

He’d pulled her into a tight embrace, nuzzling the side of her neck and smelling her intoxicating perfume. “I told you Friday night, baby. I’m claiming you.”

On the drive to work they had agreed to tell only a few people that they were now together – Travis, Robyn, Lauren, Angela, and Nathan’s parents. Everyone else – including Julia’s parents who didn’t even know about her past with Nathan – would find out as time went by. It was a relief to Nathan that Cameron knew the truth, but he still didn’t want to flaunt his relationship with Julia in her face. He and Cameron had quite a few mutual friends, and word of their broken engagement would certainly spread quickly. He was more than content to let her break the news first, though he suspected she was in no hurry to tell people. And he wasn’t in any hurry to deal with the fallout that was sure to occur. But if a few friends got pissed off at him and gave him the cold shoulder for breaking up with Cameron, it would still be worth it in order to have Julia in his life.

Travis’s reaction had been expected, and Nathan was grateful for his unequivocal support. Robyn, too, had beamed at the news, and he sensed his PA had never been much of a Cameron fan.

“Julia’s the loveliest, sweetest girl,” gushed Robyn. “Always so kind to me, and such a lady. Your mother absolutely adores her, you know.”

Nathan had nodded wryly. “Yes, I’m well aware. She was asking me about her just last week.”

“I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but what the hell – seems like a good time to tell a few secrets, “snickered Robyn. “Your mother told me she wished Julia was the one you were engaged to instead of Cameron. Looks like she’s going to get her wish.”

Nathan had held up a hand. “Whoa. First, Travis mentions babies and now you’re talking engagement. Give us some time to just kind of hang out, get to know each other, enjoy things, hmm?”

“Fine. But if you let this one get away, you’re an idiot. And I might quit,” she threatened mockingly.

He shook his head. “Not a chance in hell of either of those things happening. But all in good time with Julia, okay?”

BOOK: Serendipity (Inevitable)
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