Sergey: Love Me Harder (4 page)

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Authors: Serena Simpson

BOOK: Sergey: Love Me Harder
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“There are none. I own all of the surrounding land.”

He took her bags and led her into the house. The first floor was spacious with a game room, kitchen, living room, a multi-purpose room, one huge security room and two powder rooms. He motioned to the door that led to the finished basement and told her she could explore it later.

She followed him upstairs. They entered a spacious sitting room which connected to the bedroom. He showed her the ensuite which was bigger than her last apartment.

“Your bedroom is beautiful. Thank you for showing it to me. Where will I be sleeping?”

“There are three other bedrooms on this floor. The further away you are, the harder it will be for you to protect me.”

“You want me to sleep in the sitting room?”

The laugh that came out of him was deep and rumbly. Her body woke up as that sound slivered down it, invading her insides.

“I want you to be at your best. To do that I think you need to be able to feel.”

He was stalking her. She was prey and not liking it. She walked backwards, while he came closer to her.

He had her trapped against the wall. He left her enough room to escape, she knew that, but her body refused to move. Her lips quivered in anticipation of his kiss. Her body wanted to know if she’d imagined the pleasure from their last encounter. Could he make her burn again?

He watched her before lowering his head to take her lips. She felt heat as his lips slanted over hers, causing hers to become sensitive. His tongue licking the seam of her mouth made her want to jump him. She opened her mouth and moaned as his tongue swept overs hers in a passionate duel.

She wrapped her arms around his neck, allowing her body to slide over his. Her nerve endings were tingling to the point of pain. She wanted to feel anyway she could. She took the heat that sizzled in her veins along with the pain that reminded her that what was happening was impossible.

“How?” She gasped as she came up for breath. “How are you making me feel? How is my body responding to you?”

He didn’t answer her. Instead, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. She rubbed over him feeling brazen, but too greedy for the sensation of pleasure to stop.

It was such a school girl trick to rub against him like this, to work at giving herself a taste of pleasure while leaving him behind. She couldn’t stop. It had been so long.

He reached down and cupped her ass, lifting her up, letting her move desperately against him. Her mouth devoured his, savoring the new taste of him. She pulled on his bottom lip and bit him as her body rubbed harder against his.

She worked herself on him and moaned as she felt the first tremor in her body. “Please.” She moaned, asking for release.

He placed her against the wall. Lowering his head, he sucked on her neck while rubbing his bulge against her wet pussy. Changing his movements, he pumped into her like he planned to do soon.

Her eyes bulged right before her body started to shake. She cried out as pleasure took her.

Chapter Six

He held her against the wall, allowing his body to calm down, before gathering her close again and breathing in her scent.

“Sorry.” She mumbled in his ear, not meeting his eyes.

“I’m not.”

Turning, he walked over to the bed still holding her. He dropped her on the mattress and watched as she bounced a little.

“Put your belongings away.”

“Wait.” She called at his retreating back. “This doesn’t change anything.”

She watched as he walked out of the room, leaving her alone. Getting up, she looked around the room. Did she really need a job that much? She’d just traveled all the way from Florida to Pennsylvania. Who was she kidding? A job was the last thing on her mind.

She wanted to see the sexy alien with the eyes that were so brown they both comforted and excited her. She wanted to feel his hands on her waist again. More importantly, she wanted to move her body over his. She’d desperately hoped she would feel again if she touched him and she had.

She’d more than felt.

Her body, the one that had been caught in a testing ground, was supposed to never be able to feel again. It seemed like so long ago.

She’d just come back from a trip home. A trip where she found out that her fiancé was no longer her fiancé. He hadn’t had the guts to write her, so she’d walked in on him, thinking how surprised he would be to see her. He’d definitely been surprised. She’d been so sure he would be as happy to see her as she would be to see him. Instead she found him in their bed balls deep in another woman.

She’d had one more year to go in the army. Then they were going to get married. She’d been faithful and committed. Obviously he hadn’t! There was a fight filled with angry words. In the end there was nothing left, but her tears. So she’d returned to the military early. What else was there for her?

She’d walked off that plane to be greeted by nothing, but sun and sand. How she hated the desert.

“You’re back early.” Her sergeant had greeted her bringing a smile to her face. Maybe someone appreciated her.

She shrugged. “Things don’t always work out the way you want them to.”

“The military isn’t an easy life.”

She nodded and followed him to his vehicle.

“Thanks for meeting me. Did you miss me or is there a job?” She gave him a teasing smile. There was no reason for the both of them to be miserable.

“There’s a job.” She threw him a stunned look. She hadn’t meant that. She wasn’t even supposed to be back yet.

“Did I just forfeit a week’s worth of time by coming back early?”

He nodded and cast her a quick look, before turning his attention back to the road.

“We need the best. Now the best is back.”

“Some old General that needs protecting? He doesn’t want his wife to know what he’s up to out here.”

“It’s more than that this time.”

She looked over, intrigued in spite of herself. “Ok I’ll bite. Tell me what the higher ups need.”

“They’re going deeper into the desert.” She groaned, but listened. “From what I was cleared to know, they’re conducting tests. The tests are hush-hush. No one has been told what they’re for. The General is here to oversee them. All of the brass back in the states are interested in them. That’s all I know.”

“Why me? I wasn’t even supposed to be back for a week.”

His hands tightened on the wheel. A sense of doom walked down her spine, but she ignored it. That was something she promised herself she would never do again.

“They were specific in wanting a female protector. They wanted one that would be able to go further into the desert without fear of leaving someone behind in the states. They wanted someone with nothing to lose.”

“I’m engaged to be married.”

His eyes looked at her hand the same time as her eyes dropped down. Right, she was single with no family. What did she have to lose?

“I was engaged to be married when I left. How could they know otherwise?”

Her sarge shrugged. “Lorali, I think they wanted you from the beginning. How did you manage to get back here so quickly?”

She’d been so mad that the decision to come back had been an easy one, but not a logical one. No way was she going to be able to get her ticket changed on such short notice.

She’d been amazed when everything fell into place within days. She may have even questioned it, if her heart wasn’t breaking. Forget her heart, it was her trigger finger that was itching and longing for her rifle. All she needed to do was sight her ex and his new love. It would all be over quickly.

She’d run like the devil himself was on her heels to keep her from succumbing to her baser desires. She ran to keep from becoming the animal that she’d learned lived in her at times.

“At the time, I thought things were falling into place. It never dawned on me to question why.” She gave a laugh that was filled with everything except joy.

“Lorali, your reflexes are off the chart. Is it any wonder they want you?”

He’d come to a stop before their makeshift camp. She jumped out and grabbed her bag. “When do I need to report?”

“Fifteen hundred hours.” She nodded looking at her watch. That gave her twenty minutes.

She walked into the headquarters and saw several high ranking officials standing and looking towards the door. It was obvious they were waiting for her. She met each eye squarely. She was on time.

She saluted and stood at attention. The General looked her over before saying at ease. Her stance relaxed even while she kept herself on alert.

“Have a seat.” The General pointed to a table that all of the others in the room were sitting at.

She swept the room discretely, looking for her Sarge. He was absent. Moving, she took a seat at one of the two empty chairs.

“Your briefing will be quick. We’ll be doing a test run of a new weapon today. There has been chatter that the militants of this area have caught wind of it. We want to make sure we have someone with your skills, in case they get close to us. We have protected the site. You’ll be my bodyguard.”

“Yes, Sir.” What else could she say?

The General stood and everyone else followed suit. She walked out to find all of her equipment by the door. Her Sarge was the best.

She walked to the vehicles indicated, she’d expected to be led to a modified jeep, much like the one she’d been brought back in. This was more. The jeep was heavy duty. It would be able to sustain a lot of damage and keep moving. It was sealed up tight, which would keep the occupants from succumbing to gas of any kind. The army was evolving, even as her life was de-evolving. She climbed in and pulled a gun.

“Put that away. You won’t need it yet.”

She complied with her orders, but something didn’t make sense. It wasn’t her job to think, just to act, but the hair on the back of her neck was standing up. It reminded her of the time when her squad had been out on patrol. They had almost walked into a trap.

She had the same feeling. She looked around. No one else seemed to have feelings of caution. She tried to relax. They rode for roughly two hours before coming to a clearing with a small village in it.

The village was deserted. They left the vehicles behind. She watched as several of the military’s scientists began to set up for a demonstration of what could be done.

She’d stayed close to the General, taking a position that would allow her to see from as many angles as possible. There was no sound, other than what the officers around her were making. Didn’t they know to be quiet? They were making targets of themselves out in the desert.

She looked around. Something had moved. She looked closer, sure she’d seen a slight movement.

A curtain? The wind blowing a piece of left behind paper? It moved again. This wasn’t random movement.

“General.” She dropped her voice, not wanting to draw attention to them. “There is movement in the village.”

Her eyes must have been playing tricks on her. She thought she’d caught the edge of a smile on the General’s face. She shook her head to clear it and waited for orders.

“Go check it out soldier.” She nodded, more for her benefit than the General’s, before taking off.

She’d chosen to go the long way. No matter how she went, she would be seen, but she wanted the element of surprise to be on her side for as long as possible. She kept her eyes peeled, looking for movement. Seeing it again, she angled back to the spot where she could see it clearly.

Having no choice, she left the sparse cover she’d found. She felt exposed with every step she took.

No one called at her to stop or took a shot at her. She kept advancing, reminding herself that if she made it out of this alive, she would never reenlist.

She let her breath out when she made it behind the first building. Taking her time, she crept to where she saw the movement. Maybe she’d been mistaken. There was no movement now.

She kicked the door in to the small house. It was already half off of its hinges. When no one cried out, she stuck her gun in, before chancing to look inside. Sitting in the center of the room were three huge males.

She stopped to stare. Her mouth dropped open.

“They sent this one to her death.” The man with long brown hair spoke.

“Excuse me?” She choked on her reply, the confusion evident in her eyes as she looked around the room.

“Why are you here?” The next male spoke, he had blonde hair and looked at her with light brown eyes.

None of the men seemed to be concerned that they were in the middle of the desert chained to a heavy metal post in the middle of a small house.

“Why are you here?” She replied with a false bravado she no longer felt. Her inner voice was screaming at her to run. Where would she go if her Sarge and the General had sold her out? She was as good as dead.

“Your government looks for a way to eradicate its dirty secret.” She looked at him, not comprehending what he meant. “They’re looking for a way to destroy us and the ones that have followed us here.”

“They’re going to test a new weapon on this site. We need to leave. I’ll get those chains off of you.” She spoke quickly trying to convey a sense of urgency.

“That isn’t necessary.” They broke the chains holding them and stood. “What did you do to the government for them to send you out here?” The first male with the blonde hair asked her.

“Nothing. I’m protecting the General. We need to leave now.” Lorali answered.

“It is much too late. You’ll be safer here. Hold her.” A male came up behind her and grabbed her so she couldn’t move. She screamed. They ignored her. “He said you would need this.” The blonde said.

A syringe was taken out and plunged into her arm. “Close in and protect the human.” The third male said.

She was surrounded by tall male bodies when she heard the first blast go off. It was followed by a second, third and finally a fourth. Why hadn’t they waited until she was free? She wanted to cry out that she was here. She was still alive. The thick fog-like-smoke that crept through the open doors and broken windows was enough to keep her mouth closed tightly.

“You’ll live.” That was the last sound she heard before she passed out from the deadly chemical that had been released.

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