Servant of the Dragon (26 page)

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Authors: David Drake

Tags: #Speculative Fiction

BOOK: Servant of the Dragon
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Chalcus, braced against his oarloom, grinned as Ilna and the girl passed him. "May your stay be a fortunate one, mistress," he said, forcing a lilt into his voice despite the obvious strain of fighting gravity to hold the warship steady.

The bosun glared at them both. Mastyn moved with stiff-limbed tension like a cat preparing for a fight. Ilna glanced coldly at him as she followed Merota onto the gangplank. She didn't bother to acknowledge Chalcus in any way.

Merota wore a sensible tunic and cape instead of the ridiculous outfit in which she'd been draped at the start of the voyage. Mistress Kaline was too sick to badger her charge into foolishness, and Tadai had other things on his mind. Ilna wished the child had sturdier footgear than the velvet slippers she was wearing, but there wasn't time to worry about that now.

Merota gasped when she stepped onto the rocky ground. She tried to walk on the balls of her feet, hopping stiff-legged like a stilt-walker. Ilna caught the girl by the shoulders and half-carried her up the beach to where the soil hadn't been washed away by every tide.

Ilna herself was barefoot, but she'd gone barefoot eight months of the year in Barca's Hamlet. Her calluses might have softened some on the soft turf of the palace grounds in Valles, but they were still thick enough to help Merota over the worst of these rocks.

"Be careful or you'll sprain your ankle," Ilna said tartly. "That's
we need."

"Lady Merota!" Mistress Kaline called in peevish anxiety. "Where are you—there you are, my lady! Come here at once."

Sharina had once told Ilna of a monster of legend—'legend' meant it wasn't really true, though Ilna had never understood why folk would tell stories that weren't true and even write them in books—who took his strength from the ground. Mistress Kaline seemed to be of the same race: the tutor had recovered as soon as she stepped onto more-or-less dry land. She was her old unpleasant self again.

Merota looked at Ilna questioningly. "Yes, go on," Ilna said, patting the girl on the shoulder.

Merota trotted off, calling, "Mistress Kaline? Do you have my box? The one with my parents' things?"

Ilna sighed and surveyed the island. Most of the vegetation ws no taller than her shoulder, but the land rose from where she was standing near the shore. She started toward higher ground, not that she expected to find anything of great interest. It seemed a good idea to explore territory that she'd be spending days or possibly longer in.

"Mistress?" called an unfamiliar voice from behind Ilna. She ignored it until it continued at a higher note, "Mistress Ilna os-Kenset?"

Ilna turned. The speaker was some minor functionary of Tadai's suite who travelled on the other vessel. She hadn't bothered to learn his name. "Yes?" she said, with no pretense of wanting to waste time in the fellow's company.

"Mistress," he said, "I'm Under-Steward Mizo or-Doson, in charge of Lord Tadai's commissary for the voyage. You've been issued food and drink as though you were a member of Lord Tadai's suite, but in fact you're a private citizen. You shouldn't—"

His eyes met Ilna's; the flow of self-important nonsense stopped. An additional gurgle or two dribbled from Mizo's throat.

Ilna was of two minds about how to deal with this business. She'd considered three, really, but the third was no proper use for her powers. She reached for a silver piece to fling to the ground, sufficient pay and more for the simple fare she'd taken from the servant's store. She caught herself, though, not because she didn't have the money to spend but because she wasn't going to be imposed on by a worm like Mizo.

"Very well," Ilna said in syllables chipped from a glacier. "You will render me an account for the food and water—not drink, mind you, because I haven't touched your wine and I wouldn't use what passes for ale on this vessel to wash my floor with. I will pay the amount to you in the presence of Lord Tadai. Do you under—"

A trumpet blew harshly from the
. Sailors who'd come ashore stopped whatever they were doing and scrambled back aboard the triremes.

Lord Tadai glanced over his shoulder and returned to a discussion of the night's dinner with his cook, but Lord Neyral shouted angrily at the men who were nominally under his command. He'd been personally directing the party that would clear brush to erect his tent and that of the ambassador.

Ilna smiled faintly. "As I was saying—" she resumed. Merota screamed.

Ilna turned with a terrible lack of expression. The girl should be perfectly safe with Mistress Kaline, but—

The sailors had thrown down the gangplanks—cast them loose from the railing instead of pulling the stakes up from the rocky shore. Merota, the red silk lining of her cape flaring, struggled in the arms of a man in the
s' bow. She clutched a casket made of blackwood and mother-of-pearl.

The girl had asked about "my parents' things," as she joined her tutor. Ilna suddenly realized that Merota would have very little by which to remember her parents and the childhood which had perished in flame with them. Mistress Kaline had been in no condition to bring the casket of mementos or anything else as she'd staggered from the ship.

So Merota had gone back to get them.

Ilna started toward the vessel. Lieutenant Roubos and the handful of Blood Eagles closest to him rushed into the water, bellowing with their their shields held high. Other soldiers formed a loose knot around Lord Tadai.

Most of the crewmen had moved toward the trireme's stern. Some rowed, while the rest used their weight to lower the stern and lift the bow. A dozen sailors under Mastyn had taken cutlasses and pikes from the arms chest. They waited in the bow to confront the oncoming Blood Eagles.

"Come back here!" Lord Neyral shouted. "What are you doing? Vonculo! What are you doing?"

Exactly what I told you they were going to do, you titled fool,
Ilna thought as she waded into the sea. She snatched up the hem of her tunic and tucked it under the sash so that it wouldn't drag in the salt water. She was already up to her mid-thighs; she couldn't swim, and she didn't know how quickly the beach dropped off.

The trireme backed very slowly, but it had cleared its ram and the rest of the oarsmen were seating themselves at their benches. The Blood Eagles splashed out after the vessel, though Ilna couldn't imagine what they thought they were going to achieve. A sailor thrust with his pike. Roubos blocked the point with his shield. The sailor leaned his weight onto the shaft, pushing Roubos over in the water. Sailors cheered and cat-called at the soldiers floundering below them.

The flautist blew time. Oarblades poised, then threshed forward in unison. Ilna judged the rhythm. She caught the nearest blade with both arms and pulled herself up the shaft.

The oarsman blatted in surprise at the unexpected burden. Ilna squirmed to avoid being scissored as the next oar sternward clacked into the one she was climbing. She clamped her knees on the shaft and twitched her noose free with one hand. The fibers were damp, but they'd run freely nonetheless.

The rower looked over the railing to see what was binding his oar. Ilna tossed the noose over his neck.

The sailor squawked once as the cord pulled tight. Ilna climbed the rest of the way aboard, using her victim's weight to anchor her. His limbs flailed and his tongue protruded stiffly from his lips.

floated freely, sliding seaward in a curve now because Ilna's appearance had disrupted the stroke of the rowers in the starboard bow. They sat too far inboard to see what was happening close by the hull. They shouted when Ilna coming over the side as if she was some monster of myth. She'd approached from the side of the ship unnoticed while Mastyn and his henchmen concentrated on the soldiers rushing straight at the prow.

Ilna's face was a mask of cold anger.
They'll find me worse than any lying myth could be

She dropped the noose. The strangling sailor's fellows pulled him away, loosening the cord that hadn't quite killed him. He lay in his friends' arms, wheezing and gasping obliviously as they stared at the sea-dripping woman who'd throttled him.

Ilna slipped cords out of her sleeve; her fingers knotted several lengths together. The pattern hidden by her palms was as complex as a dragonfly's darting flight above a pond in summer.

Vonculo was in the stern, shouting as he tried to see what was happening farther forward. Some men were still at their oars, but others had risen to their feet and blocked the sailing master's view.

Shouts behind them turned the armed sailors under Mastyn in the bow; they'd been gibing as the Blood Eagles sloshed back to dry ground. Roubos leaned on the arm of a subordinate, coughing and spluttering. His weak leg and the weight of his armor had kept him underwater for a dangerously long time when the pikeman tipped him over.

"Let go of the child!" Ilna said to the man holding Merota.

"Easy, mistress," the fellow said. It was Chalcus! He took his left arm from about Merota's waist and sent the girl down the deck toward Ilna with a pat. "I was only keeping her safe till you arrived."

Chalcus was grinning. His right hand held a single-edged sword whose tip bent downward in an inward curve that would put more weight behind a stroke. It wasn't one of the cheap weapons from the ship's store: the blade had gold chasing near the hilt and was as sharp as vain regret.

"I'm safe now!" Merota said, burying her face against Ilna's side. "They won't hurt me!"

"Throw them in the sea!" Mastyn said. "Prick the bitch with your pikes if you don't want to touch her!"

In the confusion the oarsmen had stopped rowing, but the trireme continued to wallow outward on a combination of momentum and the mild current. The bow was a hundred feet from the shore, and the water under the keel was too deep for Ilna to see the bottom when she glanced down.

had backed off the island at the same time and was under proper control. Its helmsman—the sailing master was on shore with the abandoned passengers—shouted, "What's going on there?" across the water to Vonculo.

None of the armed sailors moved toward Ilna. Mastyn tried to push one forward; the fellow shrugged away from the pressure.

"May sea demons drown every one of you pack of cowards!" Mastyn cried. He strode toward Ilna with his cutlass raised. Chalcus cocked an eyebrow in query to Ilna, then stepped out of the bosun's way.

Ilna spun her pattern of cords toward Mastyn. He screamed and slashed wildly at something no one else could see. Chalcus dropped flat on the deck; the cutlass smacked wetly into the shoulder of pikeman beside him.

Mastyn snatched his cutlass free among screams and a welter of blood, then chopped downward. Chips of pine decking and three of the bosun's own toes flew up at the
! of the blade.

A sailor grabbed Mastyn from behind. The madman twisted free and cut downward again, lopping off his left foot above the ankle.

The man who'd tried to help ducked out of the way. Mastyn toppled forward and went over the side. He was still screaming at an invisible horror when the sea covered his face.

"Now the rest of you...," Chalcus said, stepping between Ilna and the remainder of his armed fellows. "Step back and give our guest some room. Mastyn like to have topped me when he nutted, and I don't need one of you lot finishing the job."

The sailor Mastyn had wounded when he went berserk lay on the deck with two of his fellows trying to staunch the blood. Ilna doubted they could do much for the victim. The cutlass had cut to the bone, a remarkable blow with a blade that was none too sharp. The bosun had used a madman's strength in his last moments, of that there was no doubt.

A sailor near the jib pole bitts raised his pike tentatively. Chalcus pointed his own weapon at the fellow's face and said, "Did you hear me, Andro?"

The pikeman lowered his point. Disease had left deep pits on his face above the line of his beard and moustache. "Getting soft, Chalcus?" he snarled.

"Maybe, Andro," Chalcus said in a tone that lilted as pleasantly as it did in his chanteys. Despite the kink in the blade's tip, a thrust with Chalcus' shoulders behind it would carry the sharp point through the front and back both of Andro's chest. "But not so soft that I won't feed you bits of your own liver if you cross me on this."

Ilna smiled despite herself. Now
was a promise she'd be willing to wager her small hope of redemption on.

Vonculo and two sailors with capstan bars struggled through the press amidships to halt a dozen feet from Ilna. The sailing master held a bow with an arrow nocked. "What's going on here?" he said. His voice shimmered with rage and fear. "What's happened to Mastyn?"

"He started swinging his cutlass at whoever was close," Chalcus said mildly, turning to face the sailing master. He lowered his sword so that the point was near the deck. "He went over the side, but he's killed Ipis or I'm a nun."

Chalcus' sword flicked in the direction of the victim. His fellows seemed to have staunched the blood, but the wounded man's face was sallow and his whole body was beginning to shiver despite the hot sun.

Ilna grimaced. She broke the knots into which she'd fixed another set of cords and retied them in a wholly different pattern.

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