Set in Stone (32 page)

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Authors: Linda Newbery

BOOK: Set in Stone
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‘This is Gideon Waring’s revenge,’ said Samuel.

‘I do not understand,’ I told him, slow-witted with this fresh shock.

‘Waring completed his commission – he is an honest man – he carried out the work he had been paid for,’ Samuel explained. ‘This is the sculpture he delivered to Mr Farrow, in completion of his contract. And this is where Mr Farrow hid it.’

‘You knew?’

He shook his head. ‘Marianne did; I do not know how.’

‘But what is to be done with this – this despicable thing?’ I looked again at the contorted face, shuddered, and looked away. ‘We cannot put this on the west wall!’

‘I shall have it towed back into the lake,’ Samuel replied. ‘And this time it can stay there for ever. Gideon Waring must produce another. He will do it, I know. He will complete the commission according to his original plan.’

‘How can you be so sure of him?’ I asked.

Samuel did not answer, and at first I thought he had not heard me; then he said quietly, ‘I believe I am as sure of Gideon Waring as of anyone in my life.’

Chapter Thirty-Three
Mr Rupert Vernon-Dale to Samuel Godwin


8th July, 1898

S. Godwin, Esq.,
c/o E. Farrow, Esq.,

Dear Mr Godwin

It was a great pleasure to meet you at dinner at Fourwinds last Saturday

As you will by now be aware, I take a great interest in fine art, and pride myself that I have an astute eye for new talent. I have been most impressed by what I have heard of you from your employer, my good friend Mr Farrow, who holds you in the highest regard

First let me assure you that I have discussed this matter with him before venturing to approach you in this way. I fully understand that you have paintings to complete for him before finding yourself free to embark on other commissions. However, I am most eager to secure your services for a similar project I have in mind. You will have heard that I have recently carried out substantial improvements to my house and gardens, and it is my proud hope that Rampions will soon be regarded as one of the foremost country houses in England. In recognition of this, I intend to commission a series of paintings, which will be prominently displayed in my picture gallery and which will reflect the changes as the garden matures

I can assure you, Mr Godwin, that I have connections in the London art world which would be very much to your benefit, and would almost certainly result in further commissions and exhibiting opportunities. If you are interested in taking up my offer, please let me know as soon as possible. We shall then arrange a meeting at which we can discuss terms and remuneration

In anticipation of further conversation, and with my heartiest good wishes

Yours very sincerely

Rupert Vernon-Dale

Chapter Thirty-Four
Ashes, Earth and Dust

I read the letter quickly, then crumpled it up and stuffed it into my pocket, intending to discard it later. Mr Vernon-Dale, of course, had been unaware of Mr Farrow’s death when he sat down to write it.

We seemed to spend the next few days in a strange limbo-like state, awaiting first the inquest and then the funeral. I had much to do, beforehand, to persuade Charlotte that nothing would be gained from her admission that she had repelled Mr Farrow with an oar, nor by my confessing to pushing him away. Unable for Juliana’s sake to reveal our motives, we agreed to say, truthfully, that there had been a skirmish at the lake after Marianne, in search of her sister, had fallen in, and that everyone’s efforts – compounded by panic, confusion and darkness – had been to pull Marianne, Juliana and later Mr Farrow himself from the water. The Coroner confirmed that Mr Farrow had met his death by drowning, with possible heart failure occasioned by the shock of sudden immersion in cold water, and the verdict was of Accidental Death.

The funeral could now proceed, and it was a relief
to busy ourselves with making arrangements for the grim occasion. Juliana and Charlotte spent hours addressing black-edged cards to Mr Farrow’s relatives and acquaintances. At meals, and when we found ourselves at leisure together, we spoke of little but the practicalities we were attending to. It was as if all feeling had withered inside us, and must wait until after the burial to be revivified. Of course, I experienced many a painful reminder of the days following my father’s death; try as I might to suppress them, I found myself heavy and subdued, little befitted to relieve the sufferings of my companions.

The burial service, at Staverton church, was attended by a great many people. Apart from the Vernon-Dales, the Greenlaws, Annette Duchêne, and various other acquaintances of Mr Farrow’s, there were a number of relatives, none of whom, of course, I recognized. The family, naturally, took precedence, and Marianne and Juliana were escorted by their Uncle Robert – who brought with him his wife, his son of some ten years and a younger daughter – to the front pew, alongside various great-aunts, great-uncles and the like. Charlotte, who could have given the girls more comfort than anyone else present, found herself separated from them, and took a seat next to me in a pew several rows back. We could only gaze at them in sympathy – so young and frail Marianne looked, so unfamiliar, dressed all in black; Juliana so grave and dignified – and offer them our silent sympathy.

My own father’s funeral was so recent that it
seemed no time at all had elapsed since I sat between my mother and sister in the Sydenham church. On that occasion, while Mama and Isobel sobbed, I found it a torment to sit in silence and to contemplate the coffin which held my father’s worldly remains, while my mind replayed every impatient remark I had ever made to him, every piece of his advice I had discarded, every unkind thought I had harboured. Too late, too late, for one more word, one touch of his hand; he had slipped out of my reach.

Even now, as I gazed at the coffin, loaded with white lilies which filled the air with their scent, I found my eyes welling with unmanly tears. I felt that time had played a peculiar trick, that my father had died for a second time, and that if I gazed around the church I should find the pews occupied by my own family, and my father’s friends and business partners. As I pronounced the
, I was bidding farewell to my own father; yet in a way I was mourning the loss of Mr Farrow too. I was mourning the man I had thought him to be; the man who had shown me more esteem and respect than my own father had ever done. I had convinced myself that Mr Farrow was the father I might have chosen for myself. Now, my disillusionment was bitter.

Kneeling for the prayers, I reflected that I might have listened more carefully to my father, to his insistence that my painting was a waste of time. He had been both right and wrong. Right: because although I should never have acknowledged it to him, nor, till now, to myself, I had not the talent to be more than
mediocre; I was more enamoured of the idea of being an artist, than of art itself. Wrong: because the world does not know the difference. If first Mr Farrow, then Mr Vernon-Dale, chose to pluck an unexceptional painter from obscurity, and to broadcast the opinion that his work was of value, then it was generally believed to be so. Why should I not, like the Emperor in his new clothes, take advantage of such gullibility?

Mr Vernon-Dale’s letter was in the pocket of the old jacket I had been wearing when the post was delivered. I had not thrown it away, thinking I might show it to Charlotte later. Now, I found myself reconsidering my hasty dismissal of the offer it contained. Circumstances had deprived me of job and home; why should I not seize this new chance? I should need money; I should need a home; I did not want to return lamely to my mother, admitting failure in my first attempt at independence; above all, I did not want to leave the three young women who had become, each in her own way, so dear to me. Yet, if I accepted Mr Vernon-Dale’s offer, I should know myself to be an opportunist.

We stood for the hymn; my hand brushed against Charlotte’s, and – tentatively – she clasped my fingers, giving me a sidelong glance. She, who missed nothing, had observed my tears, and must have thought they were for Mr Farrow; maybe they were. I returned the smallest of smiles, and for a moment we stood hand in hand. Of course, I must discuss my predicament with Charlotte. She would understand and advise; she would know what was best. As for her own situation –
she had not yet made her revelation to Marianne and Juliana, who already had enough to assimilate.

We filed out of the church and gathered around the newly dug grave. Jackdaws cawed from the tower while the coffin was lowered in, earth scattered over it, and heads bowed for the final prayers; Marianne sobbed, Juliana stood pale and resolute. The new grave would soon be given its covering of turf, and its headstone put into position, where it would endure for measureless centuries into the future, crusted over, like the others beneath the ancient yew, with moss and lichen. Mr Farrow’s final resting place would draw no attention to the manner of man he had been: passers-by, troubling to stop and decipher the mossy letters, would conclude that here was a loving family man, felled in his prime. To this we must all come, no matter how feverishly our hearts beat out the rhythm of our lives. Who could know what other stories, what lusts and desires, loves and aspirations and disappointments, crumbled with the bones beneath the grave-mounds?

At last this part of the ordeal was over; but there was more to come. The family party was driven, in several carriages, to Fourwinds; sherry and sandwiches, cakes and tea were served; more condolences offered. Throughout all this, Juliana performed the duties of hostess, conducting herself with quiet restraint. She had, however, another trial to endure – the reading of the Will. Now, I had the chance to observe the girls’ Uncle Robert (Charlotte’s half-uncle too, though he was not aware of it), at closer quarters. Five years or so younger than Ernest, he was very similar to him in
feature, although with none of his brother’s physical impressiveness. The likeness, however, was strong enough to disturb me; it was as if a less substantial Ernest Farrow, a shadow of himself, had returned to mingle with his funeral guests. The arrival of these strangers – to me – was newly unsettling, for what changes might they wish to impose?

Charlotte and I, while the family assembled with Mr Jessop in the dining room for the formal reading of the Will, walked together down to the stable yard, where the carriages stood ready to convey our guests back to the railway station. The horses had not been unharnessed, but had been given nosebags to sustain them for their return journeys, while the grooms and drivers took refreshment in the servants’ quarters. The homely sounds of snortings, the occasional pawing of a hoof, the creak of harness and the jingle of bits, were soothing in their way. Charlotte and I wandered between the horses, admiring them – they were all black, of course, groomed to perfection, their summer coats so fine and glossy that the sunlight struck blues and purples from the sheen. I thought of the colours I should need on my palette, and how difficult it would be to reproduce what nature supplied so bountifully.

Mr Farrow’s hunter, Guardsman, was upset by the intrusion into his domain. Turned out in his paddock, he paced this way and that along the fence, stamping up a cloud of dust from the bare ground; he pushed his chest into the rails as he turned, and shook his mane with annoyance, glaring defiance at the newcomers. Such vibrant energy, so pointlessly
expended! – for by evening the yard would be empty again, and everything as accustomed.

‘What will happen to him, poor fellow?’ I asked. ‘There will be no use for him here.’

‘He will have to be sold, I suppose,’ said Charlotte. ‘It is generous of you, Samuel, to give your sympathy to a horse. This handsome animal is well trained and well bred; expert care has been lavished on him all his life. He will find a suitable new owner, I am sure. It is tempting,’ she added, ‘to think that more care goes into the breeding of valuable horses than of human beings. What of you and I?’

I had no reply to this. ‘Poor Juliana!’ I said instead. ‘What torment she must be facing now, while Mr Jessop reveals the irregularities of her father’s life. Thank God the family will never know – I assume they will not – the whole truth.’

‘No. It will be Mrs Dearly whose reputation suffers – a risk she must have been prepared to take. As for Mr Farrow – many a man in his position has a mistress, an illegitimate son. Few can behave as barbarously as he has done – but that secret must stay for ever hidden, for Juliana’s sake. Oh, it is so unfair! He has died, and died horribly, but he has ruined

We paused by the paddock fence; Guardsman stopped for long enough to push his nose into my chest and let me stroke his cheek before resuming his restless patrol. Much as I wanted to refute what Charlotte had said, I could think of no answer.

‘Do you know anything of the girls’ Uncle Robert, who is to be their guardian?’ I asked her.

‘From what Juliana tells me, he is busy with his own affairs in London, and his young children. He has never taken much interest in the girls, and is unlikely to do so now, as long as they are provided for.’

‘So, you will stay here, with Marianne and Juliana?’

‘Stay at Fourwinds?’ she replied. ‘No, that is quite impossible! Do you not see?’

‘But, then . . .’ I faltered. ‘You cannot leave, surely – leave your sisters? When do you plan to tell them? You cannot intend to leave them in ignorance of what you have told me? Surely, Charlotte, you will not!’

She threw me an anguished glance. ‘I am unable to decide what is best, though I go over and over it in my mind. Is it fair, to give the poor girls another shock, and such a startling one?’

‘But you must! It would be the one thing to give them stability, security – to know that you will be with them – I am surprised you can think of leaving!’

‘I have built my life here on a misconception,’ she said flatly. ‘I have deceived them, I have deceived you, and worse still I have deceived myself.’

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