Seti's Heart (16 page)

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Authors: Kiernan Kelly

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

BOOK: Seti's Heart
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Seti’s dark eyes sparked as he fought against his nature, struggling to keep still as Logan rose up over his body, straddling Seti’s thighs. Looking up at a man was a new perspective for Seti, one that he’d experienced only when in his youth, on the very rare occasions that an opponent had gotten the best of him during battle training.

He fully expected Logan to seize the unprecedented opportunity Seti had presented him with, lift Seti’s knees high and take him hard and fast before Seti could change his mind.

Instead, Logan leaned down and kissed him, a soft, sweet kiss.

“This is hard for you, isn’t it?” Logan whispered, looking Seti in the eye.

“You are hard for me,” Seti answered through gritted teeth. He couldn’t decide if he had meant Logan’s body, or his company. Or both. Submission, compounded by talking, was nearly too much for him to bear. All he knew was that his mind was screaming at him to take back control, while his body was begging for Logan to do more than talk.

“Tell me the truth, Seti. Before, in your old life, you didn’t bottom, did you? I can tell. It’s as if you’re waiting for me to attack you, rather than make love to you. You’re lying there as stiff as a board.”

“This is stiff,” Seti growled, thrusting his cock upwards into Logan’s belly. “Attack me or please me, the choice is yours, but do not make me wait any longer.”

Logan gasped, swearing softly under his breath. With his next breath he claimed Seti’s mouth in a brutal kiss that tasted of claiming, of ownership. The ferociousness that had blazed in Logan’s eyes a few moments ago returned, burning brightly and matching the growl that rumbled in his chest.

Seti imagined that he could feel Logan’s kiss all the way down to the soles of his feet. It heated his belly and hardened his cock painfully, a groan escaping his lips. Everything faded away, even the memories of five thousand years captive in his tomb with nothing but the faintest lingering scent of sandalwood to keep him company. All that existed in that moment was the tongue that mercilessly swept his mouth, and the hard, lean body that teased his flesh with its closeness.

His fingers strained, digging into the mattress. Every muscle tensed, every nerve in his body electrified as Logan’s lips finally left his, freeing him to breathe.

Except that suddenly Seti found himself unable to do so. How could he possibly perform so mundane a task as breathe while Logan’s fiery lips were blazing a trail across his chest? Suckling at his breast, delving into his navel? How could he force his lungs to function while Logan’s soft, wet tongue painted random patterns across his stomach, or those teeth nipped at the delicate flesh of Seti’s inner thighs? When his warm breath ghosted over Seti’s cock?

The edges of Seti’s vision grew dark, shadows creeping in. Luckily, Logan saved Seti the embarrassment of a faint when he chose that moment to close his sweet lips over the head of Seti’s engorged arousal. Seti’s involuntary gasp drew a deep, ragged breath into his lungs.

Oral sex was nothing new to Seti. He had always enjoyed it, but this…this was something else entirely. Logan was not merely pleasuring Seti with his mouth – he was worshiping him with it. Enthusiastically. Masterfully.

Logan’s hand pulled back Seti’s foreskin as his tongue swirled around the organ’s head, dipping and teasing at the tiny slit at its center. It flicked under the ridge, traced the thick vein that ran its length. Teeth nipped at the delicate skin, not enough to hurt, but enough to pull a groan full of ache and need from Seti’s throat.

His mouth slipped lower, sucking Seti’s furred sac between his lips, rolling the stones over his tongue as his hand stroked Seti’s rigid shaft from root to tip.

By the time Logan returned his attention to Seti’s cock, Seti had forgotten his pledge to keep his hands at his sides. They threaded into Logan’s soft hair, holding Logan’s head immobile as Seti’s hips thrust his cock upward into the warm, wet mouth. Logan took him in eagerly, easily, hungrily. Wet noises added to Seti’s pleasure, the music of lovemaking adding fuel to the fire that burned in his groin.

Logan’s fingers massaged Seti’s inner thighs, kneading at the knotted muscles until they relaxed. Seti spread his legs a little wider, wanting more contact, needing more. Logan rewarded him by slipping a finger down, tracing the root of his cock backward to the tiny opening that lay between Seti’s cheeks.

No one had ever touched Seti there before, not even Ashai. Seti would never allow it. He’d protected his entrance fiercely, refusing to allow anyone to breach his body.

But for Logan, he spread his legs even wider, bending them at the knee. His body tensed when the tip of Logan’s finger pressed against his hole, rebelling at the thought of being taken. His cheeks squeezed together, trying to guard it, to keep out any intruders. Logan did not miss the reluctance, and raised his head, looking at Seti questioningly.

“Seti, if you don’t want this, we don’t have to…”

“I want. I need,” Seti growled, more at himself than at Logan. “Touch me,” he ordered. With a jerk, he spread his legs even wider, staring up at the ceiling, his brow knit, muscles tense.

Logan’s soft chuckle brought a flush of indignation to Seti’s cheeks. But before Seti could chastise him for laughing at what Seti considered a supreme sacrifice, a single finger slid deeply into his body. It crooked within him, hitting a part of him Seti hadn’t known existed.

A wave of unexpected pleasure rippled up Seti’s spine, making his belly clench and his balls swell even more. Fire erupted in his groin, a delicious inferno that burned and sizzled, raising the hair on Seti’s arms and legs. A moan reached his ears, low and needy. He barely recognized his own voice and was shocked in the pleading that escaped his lips.

“More, Logan. Please,” Seti groaned, writhing and trying to push himself further down onto Logan’s finger, even as his hips tried to push his cock upward into Logan’s sweet, hot mouth.

He felt his body stretched as another finger joined the first, both curling within him. Great Ptah! He’d never known, had never dreamed being taken could feel like this. The pleasure was nearly more than he could bear.

Then Logan’s fingers and mouth were gone. Seti felt their absence sharply as a sudden aching emptiness in the core of his being. Before he could protest, something much larger, much hotter than Logan’s fingers pressed against his hole, seeking entrance into his body.

Seti looked down between their bellies, watching Logan’s cock begin to sink into his body. He felt the burning pain of it, the stretch that made Seti fear being torn asunder.

But his body gave way, opening to allow Logan’s length entrance. It slid within Seti to the root. Seti’s eyes rolled back into his head as he was doubly assaulted – by Logan’s flesh and by the uncanny feeling of connection that he’d felt the first time they’d made love.

“Logan,” he moaned, sliding his palms over Logan’s chest, toying with the nipples.

Logan began to move within him in long, leisurely strokes, brushing that spot deep inside his body each time, pushing Seti closer and closer to the edge. Logan’s fingers wrapped around Seti’s cock, stroking it in time to his thrusts until Seti pounded his fists against the mattress, his back arching from the bed. Tendons bulged in his neck as he twisted from side to side, losing himself in a superheated orgasmic explosion unlike any he could recall experiencing before.

No one had ever drawn such a sharp climax from him, so powerful that it bordered on pain. So overwhelming that Seti had no awareness of Logan achieving his own; Seti wasn’t conscious of Logan adding his own heated puddle of seed to Seti’s, streaking his abdomen and pooling in his navel. He didn’t hear Logan’s cries of joy, indeed, barely heard his own. All Seti heard was the rush of blood thundering in his ears; all he felt was the cataclysmic shattering of his core as he was flung toward the stars.

It was Logan’s warm, soft lips kissing him tenderly that he first became aware of as he floated back into himself. Seti wrapped his arms around Logan’s back, pulling the man flush with his body, their quickly softening cocks nestled together between them. “I will never let you go, Logan,” he breathed. “You are my life. You are my heart.”

Logan didn’t reply, instead kissing him again and rolling to the side, snuggling close. Within minutes, he was asleep, Seti following shortly after.

Chapter Fourteen

“I am hungry.”

“You? I’m the one who should be starving,” Logan said, the corners of his mouth lifting in a cheeky smile as he laid his head on Seti’s shoulder. “I must have burned more calories than a marathon runner.”

Seti’s dark eyes, still sleepy and sated, turned toward him. “You did well,” he said. “For a stripling,” he added after a short pause, smirking.

“Stripling? Are you saying that I’m too young for you?” Logan asked, cocking an eyebrow. “Well, you can’t blame me for that. You’re the one robbing the cradle, mister.”

Seti laughed, a deep, contagious rumble. “I fear that there is no one on this earth who would not be an infant compared to me.”

“You’ve got a point, I guess,” Logan grinned. “Come on. We napped, and now I feel like pizza.”

“Who is this Pizza, and why should you feel like him?”

“Not who…what. Pizza is a what. It’s food - delicious, crusty, gooey, cheesy, mouthwatering deliciousness. The food of the gods of the twenty-first century, delivered right to your door. It doesn’t get better than pizza, my friend.”

“Ah. Then I feel like pizza also.”

Logan laughed again, leaning in for a quick kiss. “Get dressed. I can’t wait to see your face when you take your first bite.” He slipped out from under Seti’s arm and scouted the floor for his clothes. He darted around the room, pulling each article on as he happened across it. Logan finished dressing before Seti had even rolled out of bed. “Come on! I’m famished!”

Seti grumbled, but obeyed. Logan stood stock still as Seti swung his long legs over the side of the bed and stood up to his full six-foot-four. Even though Logan had twice tasted every inch of the yards of delectable flesh that covered Seti’s long bones, he was still overwhelmed by the sight of Seti naked.

His shoulders were nearly twice again as broad as Logan’s own, his arms bulging with unconscious strength. If tested, Logan thought that Seti could probably tear him in two without breaking a sweat. His chest was deep, his stomach ridged with ropy muscle. Lean hips and long, powerful legs tapered to elegantly arched feet.

Although Seti’s cock was softened from their recent play, Logan’s inner eye flashed with the memory of it as it had been fully engorged. It was a cock worthy of a king, he thought, biting his lower lip.

The only flaws on Seti’s body that Logan could see were a few thin, white scars marring the expanse of his sleek, toffee-colored skin. One high on his left shoulder curved, following the contours of the muscle. Another slashed along the left side of his ribcage, and yet another sliced diagonally across his left thigh. Smaller scars, some so faded that they could barely be discerned, were scattered here and there. Small imperfections, they did little but serve to heighten one’s awareness of Seti’s beauty.

Each scar, Logan was sure, had a story to tell. Someday, Logan thought, when he could finally look at Seti without instantly achieving a hard-on that left him consumed by lust and panting with desire, his brain reduced to its most primal state, he might actually retain enough presence of mind to ask Seti about them.

Even now, so soon after an orgasm that had drained him and left him teetering on the point of idiocy, Logan’s cock twitched as his eyes feasted themselves.

“Food,” Seti reminded him. There was a small, conceited smile playing at those lips that made Logan realize he’d been staring. Again. He wrenched his gaze away with an effort, feeling his cheeks heat. Damn Seti for his arrogance! And damn me for getting suckered in every time I look at him, Logan thought.

Still, Logan couldn’t help himself. Seti was far and away the most physically beautiful man Logan had ever seen in the flesh, even if his mannerisms were sometimes like fingernails on a chalkboard to Logan’s nerves. Seti did things to Logan that before had only existed to him in the category of “physical impossibilities,” like multiple orgasms and a cock that refused to lie down and behave itself, even after just having had sex.

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