Seven Days Grace (A Grace Rose Novel Book 1) (44 page)

BOOK: Seven Days Grace (A Grace Rose Novel Book 1)
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Thank you
Grace. Now we can all start being a little more responsible with our purchases and hopefully help make these people

s lives easier
Tony said.


s it.

Thank you again to you
and thanks to your friends and colleagues for uncovering a unique story. We wish you all the best
he said. The camera zoomed in for a close up with Tony Moore.


ll be right back after the break with a story on how you can purchase products to help people in developing countries to have better lives.

went to a break.

When the cameras were off for the ads
Tony and Suzy thanked Grace and there was some small talk before she made her way back to the green room.

You were fabulous
Kate said.

Your phone

s been beeping like crazy. Christian sent me a text and said he and Jake watched the whole thing.

Grace gave Kate a look and her friend knew not to mention Jake

s name again. She was reflective as she thought about where she was right now in her life. She

d had a surreal
strange week which is nothing like anything else she

s experienced. She was happy to slip into the background and let others now investigate and expose Alex

s lies. She had received calls from other media asking her to be interviewed for magazines
newspapers and television programs. She could not have imagined the extent of attention such a story would bring her way. She would pick and choose media outlets she believed were reputable and honest. Being a freelancer now
she would need new contacts to publish her future stories.

the buzz she felt came from knowing she had broken an exclusive story no-one else even knew was happening was hard to contain. And the idea that this story could lead to possible lives being changed for the better almost bought her to tears. Despite her break-up with Jake last night
if it could be called that
she felt lighter than she had in a long time. She knew it would all work out.
How many other stories like this are yet to be uncovered?

Grace and Kate made their way two blocks to
The Sydney Star

offices. JJ

s was on the way and he was at work organising his café for the busy week ahead.

gorgeous ladies. Aren

t you the toast of the town?

Grace is
for sure
Kate said.

My ever faithful friend.

I read in the story you saved her life
JJ said.

I helped
I guess
Kate smiled.


m just glad to have my best friend alive and well

s all that matters.


s being humble. She did save my life. I guess I

m her slave for the rest of my days. Is that how it works?

Grace asked with a cheeky grin and tried to cock an eyebrow.

Give it a rest. You either got it or you don

t got it. And you don

t got it.

Kate cocked her eyebrow and held it until the small group burst into laughter.

Oh boy
I can

t remember the last time I had a good ol

belly laugh. Ah
it feels good
Grace said.

How are you really

JJ asked Grace when the laughter slowed.


m happy it

s all over to be honest. A new chapter begins. What are you doing here on a Sunday?

My in-laws are here from England
he acted as if he was pulling out his hair.

I needed to escape. Don

t worry
duty calls later. So
how many more television appearances for you

she gave him a big eye roll for such a ridiculous statement.

Who knows? It

s fifteen minutes of fame that will blow away with the wind like everything else does. As long as justice is served in some small way

m happy. Besides
I did have help. There

s no way I would have made it through the week without Kate and a couple of others
Grace said.

It feels like a lifetime since I

ve seen you. I hear there

s a new man on the scene.

Kate stood behind Grace shaking her head.

It didn

t exactly work out
Grace said.

Oh sweetie
was he a good one?


What happened?

I don

t know and I don

t have the energy to analyse it any more. Besides

s too late now. How are you?


m great
lovely. Even though you

re not at
The Star

ll drop in and see me

t you?

You won

t get rid of me
count on it. This is going to be my new freelance writing place. As long as you

re happy to ply me with coffee

ll be here.

You are welcome any time

The girls said their goodbyes to JJ and ambled around the corner to Grace

s old office to drop in on Nick. She wanted to let him know her plans even though she didn

t work for
The Star
any more. She felt it was a bridge she shouldn

t burn and she needed to sell her stories to someone. As hard as it was to swallow her pride
she could do it.

Character building
her Mum would say.
Miss you

Grace crutched it to the office
wondering how she would tolerate them for the next six weeks. Kate walked alongside as she carried Grace

s handbag for her. Grace was eager to see the look on Nick

s face. She had spoken to him several times since the breaking news at the dam less than twenty-four hours ago
she was yet to see him in person.

They took the lift to the

office. The girls stepped out onto the fifth floor. It was quiet. As Grace pushed open the glass door into the news room
she was startled when the door flew open and saw Nick standing there with a grin on his face.

you scared us
Kate said.


m going to leave you two to it. I

ll be at my desk.

He had a copy of the newspaper under his arm and with one foot held the door open for her. Then he started to applaud. She was overwhelmed.


Thank you

It was sinking in more and more she had made a difference
especially as this was the biggest kudos she had ever received from her ex-boss. Despite their prior strained working relationship
she had often hoped for some form of acknowledgement he was happy with her work. Now she had it
it was strange though it did make her feel good. Perhaps the injuries and the pandemonium of the week had all been worth it as she had said on the TV show.

You pulled one out of a virtual bottomless hole this time
he said.


s put it down to providence. Besides
I don

t work here anymore
why all the fuss?

She suddenly didn

t mind him calling her Gracie.

The Sydney Star

star. You know

ve decided you can have your job back. What do you think?

She gawked at him in an amused way.

Of course you have.

Come into my office.

As she walked into his office she said

I don

t want my job back.


s a big pay rise in it for you. It

ll be an offer not even you could refuse.


m going to be a freelance journo. I want to uncover the big stories and write them. I

m not interested in television. I

m a writer and I

m good at it. Actually

s nothing else I want to do or even know how to do. Now

s my offer
the words spilled out.


m giving
The Sydney Star
the first option of buying all my stories. Like I said the other night
this is business. If you want my stories and you want to sell more papers and make a bigger name for yourself

ll help you do that. I

ll be there at the frontline
sourcing them and uncovering the nasty deeds
the ones no-one else wants to do.

what is it about the muck of life you find so appealing?

Muck is everywhere and most people are too concerned with their own comfort and peace. Someone needs to get off their backside and help these people and I want to be one of them. I

m interested in justice and it

s addictive when you get the rush from those you

ve helped
even in the smallest way. What else matters?

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