Seven Nights (4 page)

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Authors: Jess Michaels

Tags: #Contemporary

BOOK: Seven Nights
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His muscles had developed, she’d felt that beneath his shirt and in his arms when he’d held her. His skin had darkened beneath the island sun, but it was a healthy glow. And his eyes, the ones that had always been able to pin her, seemed more intense than ever. He was, in a word, magnificent. Better than her daydreams.

And he was laughing.

Sean tilted his head back and let out a long, deep chuckle. “You say you’re dating this man?”

Leah glared at him. What the hell was so funny? “Yes. We’re pretty hot and heavy.”

“How long have you been together?” he asked, his gaze flitting over to her and resting on her face. Blank challenge was in his stare. A challenge she feared she wouldn’t be able to rise to.

“A few months?” she chirped out, cursing herself for forming the sentence as a question.

Sean tilted his head. “Are you sure?”

Her eyes narrowed. Arrogant jerk. “Yes. We’re very happy.”

“Then you’re going to be mad.”

“W-why?” she stammered as she took a few steps toward him. She already knew his answer was going to be bad, but there was no avoiding it.

“Because your ‘boyfriend’ is down there very obviously hitting on one of my pool boys.” He motioned his head toward the telescope.

There was no way she couldn’t follow Sean’s silent order.

“What?” she asked weakly as she put her eye to the telescope.

Yup. Down below Danny stood with a handsome man of about twenty-five. It was clear from their body language that they were flirting.

“Damn it, Danny,” she muttered. “Of all the times…”

Sean’s hearty laugh cut her off and she spun from the telescope to face him. Embarrassment and anger flushed her face. For all he knew, she’d just been thrown over. Dumped for another man of all things. And yet he had the audacity to laugh!

Oh, who was she kidding? Sean wasn’t stupid. He’d seen through her lame little lie.

“Fine,” she admitted through clenched teeth. “Danny and I aren’t dating. He’s a good friend, but obviously he doesn’t find me irresistible.”

“His loss.” Sean’s laughter faded and his eyes locked with hers. “Are you really seeing anyone?”

“No.” She said the word slowly as she struggled unsuccessfully to escape the prison of his stare. “But just because I’m currently single doesn’t mean I want-want… you.”

Liar, liar…

Sean shrugged, though she thought for a moment that a flash of emotion filled his eyes. Then it was gone.

“Well, Leah, you don’t have to have me. At least, not forever. I just want to prove that these resorts have their appeal. And if you’re single and I’m single and we want to revisit the combustible sex we used to share, what’s the harm? Think of it as a vacation.” He sighed. “When you’re on vacation, it doesn’t count.”

Leah’s jaw set as she tried to think of some witty comeback to that, but she came up blank. Jetlag was catching up to her and she was too tired to argue anymore.

“Fine,” she finally said with a heavy sigh. “But don’t think this is going to be easy.”

His smile returned, fast and hot. “I like a challenge.”

“Yeah.” She shook her head as she headed for the door. “I remember.”

Without any further comment, she slipped outside and shut the door behind her. For the first time since Sean had come into the room, she could breathe. Leaning back, she let herself do just that for a few long minutes.

Fighting Sean was going to be damned near impossible. And it was also totally necessary if she didn’t want to end up broken hearted.


Sean sank into his office chair and took a few long breaths. He thought he’d pulled off the cool exterior pretty well, even though his heart had been slamming against his ribs the entire time he’d been talking to Leah. Even now, he was still shaking, still consumed with the scent of her skin, the sound of her voice, the way wild tendrils of her blonde hair wound around her cheeks.

He shook his head and tried to get back some of his detached calm.

“No losing it now, Sean,” he muttered. “Not when you’re so close.”

He reached out and pressed the buzzer on his phone. His secretary’s calm voice crackled over the intercom in a few seconds. “Yes, Mr. Dalton?”

“Margot, Miss Prescott just left. Is everything arranged in her villa?”

“Yes, sir. The staff has done as you asked. But we’ve never done anything like this to…” She paused before she corrected herself. “
a guest before. Are you quite sure you want to follow through? I’m certain we could stall Miss Prescott long enough to-”

“The ethics of my decision are on me, Margot, not the staff. Make sure they all know that. If Leah has a problem, they can refer her to me and I’ll deal with it myself. In fact, I’d prefer that.”

“Yes, sir. Then it’s been done and I’ll make it clear to the staff that all complaints are to be transferred directly to you.”

“Thanks.” He let go of the intercom button and leaned back in his chair.

Trapping Leah wasn’t his first choice. And what he’d done with her villa wasn’t normally his style either. But if dancing around the edge of right and wrong was what it took to get her back into his life, he’d make the sacrifice.

     For now, this was a negotiation. Leah had lied about dating her handsome photographer, a statement that still clenched the muscles in Sean’s stomach even though it wasn’t true. And he had done… well, what he’d done. He might not like it, but he was going to do everything he could to win Leah back.


Leah stared into the steamy bathroom mirror as she ran a comb through her damp, slicked back hair. It didn’t matter if she’d flown an hour or twelve, nothing washed away the jetlag like a nice, hot shower. Now that she’d had one, she was beginning to feel better about this whole crazy situation.

She could resist Sean. Her reaction to him in the office had been out of surprise, nothing more.

With flip of her head, she shook the excess water from her hair and strolled out of the bathroom. Her first order of business was to get out of the resort-provided robe, which was far too big for her. Then she’d unpack. By that time, she’d surely have come up with some plan to put Sean off his seduction.

The bedroom of her private villa was lovely. A big, sliding glass door led to a patio overlooking the ocean. The bed was a king, with a muted bedspread in soft island colors. The white wicker furniture completed the island look and put her in the mood for long walks on the beach and tequila.  

The only thing missing was her suitcase.

Leah frowned. She hadn’t even thought to look for her things when she got to her room, not when she’d still been shaking from her encounter with Sean. Hot water had been the only thing on her mind.

With a grimace, she made her way into her villa’s kitchenette and dining area, but her bags weren’t there, either. It seemed like her little makeup case was the only bag that
gotten to her room.

“Okay,” she said slowly as she picked up the phone and pressed zero for the hotel lobby.

She was greeted by a calm, pleasant clerk who told her to look in her closet. Thanking the young man, Leah did just that, wondering what kind of resort unpacked their guests’ things? What if she’d packed her vibrator or something?

The closet contained clothes all right. But not hers. Instead, there was a collection of skimpy bikinis, short-shorts, tank tops and a few gorgeous, but revealing dresses ranging from sundresses to cocktail dresses.

Had she been let into the wrong room? Maybe these things were some other guest’s and in no time the woman would burst inside to make a scene. It certainly didn’t bode well for Sean’s security system or his sense of guest privacy. Like it or not, those facts would have to go into her article.

The one she hadn’t even thought about for well over an hour.

With a sigh, she yanked up the phone, but this time she dialed Danny’s villa number. “Hey, come over here, will you?” She hung up before he could ask questions and went back to the closet to wait.

Whoever the woman was, she had great, if sexy, taste. And she was exactly Leah’s size. Every outfit in the closet and dresser would fit Leah. Right down to the strappy shoes and sandals.

She fingered the hem of one satin gown. It felt like lingerie.


With a groan, she opened the top dresser drawer and saw that it too, was brimming with sexy panties, nightgowns and a couple negligees.

Before she could curse, there was a knock on the door. Slamming the drawer shut, Leah raced across the room and yanked it open. Danny stood on the other side, but before he could say a word, she pulled him inside. In a few moments, she’d explained her situation and had the closet and drawers open for his wide-eyed inspection.

“Well,” Danny said slowly, sinking down on the edge of Leah’s bed. “Whoever these clothes belong to, she has impeccable taste. Have you called the front desk?”

Leah nodded miserably. “They sent me to the closet. You got your clothes okay, didn’t you?”

“Yes, but they were still in their respectable suitcase. No fun discoveries for me.” Danny stared at the open closet for a moment, then his blue eyes lit with humor. “Hey, maybe you have a secret admirer. Or that wicked ex of yours includes this little trick as part of his plans.”

“Sean. He wouldn’t.” She thought of their brief encounter in his office. Yes, he would.

Crawling up the bed to the phone at her bedside table, Leah dialed zero with shaking hands, then hit the speakerphone button so Danny could hear, too.

“Front desk, how may I help you, Miss Prescott?”

“Yes, I did as you asked and there are clothes here, but they aren’t mine,” Leah said, trying to remain calm. Perhaps there was another explanation for all this.

“Yes, they are ma’am,” the voice reassured her pleasantly. Leah had the strongest urge to race over to the lobby and wipe the serene smile off the desk clerk’s face.

“No. I think I’d know that these outfits weren’t the ones I packed,” she snapped back. “Where are my suitcases? The things I brought with me from Philadelphia?”

“Miss Prescott, the clothing in your closet is a gift from Mr. Dalton. You’ll get your own things back when you depart the island in a week. Can I do anything else for you?”

“Son of a bitch.” Leah locked eyes with Danny. He’d slapped a hand over his mouth in surprise, but his blue eyes were dancing with humor. “Traitor,” she mouthed silently.


She narrowed her eyes. “Tell your boss to get his ass down to my villa. Now.”

“Of course, ma’am, I’ll do so right away.”

Leah slammed the receiver down and spun to face her friend. “I cannot believe this!”

Danny shrugged one shoulder, but he looked less than shocked and horrified. “Sounds like a determined man.”

Leah frowned. Sean was that. He always had been. To him this was just another chess move in whatever game he was playing.

“Is he cute, too?” Danny asked.

“That has nothing to do with anything.” Leah let out an exasperated sigh. “But yes, he is. Very. Anyway, by the time I’m done with him, he’ll be more than ready to call that chartered plane back here to take me home. I can’t believe he’d do this.”

Still, even as she fumed, she was drawn back to the closet and the beautiful things Sean had picked out for her. The sexy things. It was hard not to imagine wearing them for him. Hard not to give into the fantasy they presented. A week where she could forget the past and just enjoy Sean’s company.

Danny rose to his feet and headed for the door. “Well, give me a ring after you have your showdown with your ex. I want to hear every detail.”

“You’re leaving?”

“Oh, definitely.” Danny winked, but then his face grew serious. “From the sounds of it, this is between you and Sean. Just don’t forget what your father said. Try not to make a scene.”

“A scene?” Leah folded her arms. “My father has never even imagined a scene like the one I’m about to make. And neither has the arrogant Mr. Sean Dalton.”









Chapter Three


Sean clenched and unclenched his fists as he stared at Leah’s villa door. The anticipation was absolutely fabulous, quickening his heart rate and stiffening his cock.

He knocked. The door flew open like she’d been standing directly on the other side, waiting for him. He drew in a harsh breath at the sight of her. Unlike in his office when she’d played the pulled-together reporter in her tight French twist, now her blonde hair was undone and slightly damp. It curled wildly around her shoulders. Shoulders clad only in a resort-provided bathrobe.

One-size-fits-all was a lie and Sean had never been happier. The robe arms were too long, so only the tips of her pink nails were visible. And the robe gaped open a fraction at the top, allowing him just the tiniest glimpse of the curves of Leah’s breasts. 

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